CA's "shaking" in court....real or what?

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couldn't afford it? Did you see every toy under the sun that Caylee Marie had? The cars? The house?

IMHO if Cindy really wanted to do something - she'd do it.


That's my point Mel, and one of the reasons I say CA HAS to shoulder some of the blame for Caylee's death. I have said that from the get go & I still stand by that statement...
If she fakes a nervous breakdown would it stop the trial???
My first thought on seeing Cindy shaking was that she needs to up her dose of Xanax. Having been addicted to the stuff about 15 years ago, you get used to a dose and have to up it to get the same effect. It's very hard getting off and I still crave it.

I wonder if they will have an EMT close by.
Yes, he is and so is Amy and the others who have been implicated by Cindy. She has done some awful things in this case e.g. the lying.

Desperation makes people act and do things they would not normally do. This is not excusing her.

But my point is that when the hatred comes out as it has for Cindy Anthony it takes away from the validity of the argument because all one sees is hate. Baez has done some good arguing in this case and has seasoned somewhat since the beginning. His persona is a lot better than it was. But I never hear anyone say Baez is doing better simply because he is defending KC. He is so disliked.

He is not my favorite person but I know when someone is doing better and I am giving him that.

Absent tar and feathering, I think it has been said about Cindy.

BBM. Couldn't agree with you more, Solace! Hatred muddies the waters and severely lessens objectivity, IMO.
BBM. Couldn't agree with you more, Solace! Hatred muddies the waters and severely lessens objectivity, IMO.

I agree and I don't hate them. Hell, I don't even hate my brother's murderer. He will get his. But I think Caylee would still be with us, *IF*.
do you think the shaking was "for real"...or do you think it was for the cameras?

I think in the same manner His Honor rocks his chair and shakes in his seat, Cindy shakes her leg or her foot, down below the level of the camera. I think the shaking is nothing more than a tension release and the results show as a trembling that is merely the body keeping time with the foot jiggling.

I think everyone is reading way too much into Cindy's "shaking".

If you sit in a chair and corss your legs, and jiggle one foot, your bodywill appear to be afflicted wth trembling.

In the video, once she shifts in her seat, the shaking stops, and I think it's just a result of a change of position and she had to stop shaking her foot to do that. Just my opinion.
I will never understand why she did not do it - the stealing was outrageous in the beginning of 2008, I counted close to 3,000 in January 2008. I do not understand any of this. Why she didn't go for custody when she stole from her grandfather is beyond me. She had her on a felony right there. She had her on a felony when she was stealing from her. I guess she did not want to put her in jail. Incredible.

It's really not that much of a mystery.. it's called codependency. The woman is clearly an enabler!
I think Cindy's shaking was for real because she is Finally beginning to realize what a mess her daughter is actually in.

I hope that it becomes VERY clear to G & C during this trial that Casey is the one who killed Caylee.

I don't know how she is going to react to the autopsy photos. I would not want to be in her shoes.
My first thought on seeing Cindy shaking was that she needs to up her dose of Xanax. Having been addicted to the stuff about 15 years ago, you get used to a dose and have to up it to get the same effect. It's very hard getting off and I still crave it.

I wonder if they will have an EMT close by.

ITA! I'm recovering benzo addict too - I saw the same thing you did. My post about it was deleted though.
I think Cindy's shaking was for real because she is Finally beginning to realize what a mess her daughter is actually in.

I hope that it becomes VERY clear to G & C during this trial that Casey is the one who killed Caylee.

I don't know how she is going to react to the autopsy photos. I would not want to be in her shoes.

I'd really like to think she's waking up but I just don't see it happening until she gets help. I wish someone in her life loved her enough to encourage her to do so.

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