Case Closed

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Feb 22, 2013
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I'm sure some of you have seen my posts in a couple of the Elisa threads.....

Anyway, I got a response from the LA Coroner's office a few hours ago saying that Elisa's case is closed and her death was determined an accidental drowning.

We need someone to call and obtain the public record of the autopsy and tox results to find out more. I'm not sure if I can post such information online.

Wow......I still don't understand....... How she wound up in that tank she got inside somehow of her own volition or by accident and just drowned in there. Ugh :((((

Another thing...if determined an accident then she wasn't trying to commit least not by drowning, correct?

Well there it is...we know and yet there are so many questions still.

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I figured it would be something like that. To me the video showed a sad picture of a woman having some type of mental break. I wish her and her family ~~PEACE & COMFORT~~
RIP Elisa.

That's what I have anticipated before.

No surprises at all.

There is nothing we could do for now or in the future;
No justice has been found or seen in this case.

I am sure the murder(s) will finally get their comeuppance, just a matter of time.
Is the case perhaps not closed? I am never sure how reliable the sites are but a translated article taken from Tsing Tao says EL's family not satisfied with coroner's ruling:

-article sources her father as saying she was not bipolar

-he wants to know his daughter accessed the roof and tank.

This would be in really bad taste if someone made this up, but you never know...
Hm. If they are unhappy with the conclusion, why are they not truly speaking up about it?

And then there's the speculation that nothing is being released to maintain Elisa's family's privacy.....yet wouldn't they want this information out there to possibly help find out what happened instead of worrying about the conspiracy theories or speculation?

I don't believe that site. Clearly she was bipolar, she was on medication for it and states it on her blog and/or Tumblr doesn't she?

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Yeah, unless she completely lied in her Tumblr or it is not her Tumblr at all (neither of which are things I believe), she definitely suffered with bipolar and/or some serious mental health issues.

And if her father is upset and he wants more information to come out, which may be true, he certainly would do better to talk to an actual American media outlet.

Something just seems off about that article, but who knows.
Yeah, unless she completely lied in her Tumblr or it is not her Tumblr at all (neither of which are things I believe), she definitely suffered with bipolar and/or some serious mental disorder.

It could be a denial thing, but he is a much more credible witness to her overall mental health than a two minute video without sound. He lived with her; we never met the girl. Her Tumblr never explicitly stated that she was bipolar or received such a diagnosis. Rather she stated her doc gave her a drug used to treat bipolar disorder, but it is also used for depression. EL made a sarcastic aside about being bipolar and that is the only reference to bipolar I have ever found.

Could she have some sort of reaction to suddenly stopping meds?

Anyway, I question it too. However, it has been picked up by another Chinese news source, so we shall see...
I would hazard to guess....that L.E. and the M.E. offices were very particular in investigating( i. e. circumstances of death, autopsy results) in this case, because Elisa was from another country. I'm thinking they were very careful to come to the correct conclusion.....because they knew another country(Canada) was involved and could also investigate and challenge the results if need be. I don't think they just threw something together...and closed the case without sufficient proof of their findings.....why would they?MOO Quite a few people are ashamed if someone in their families suffer from some type of mental illness and sometimes try to minimize the condition. I'm sure that Elisa's father knew more about Elisa then I did....however he can only operate with the information he has also. The family thought Elisa was going to Santa Monica instead she ended up in L.A. in some creepy hotel. So-like in any family there were some things that Elisa was keeping from her family. Elisa mentioned she was bi-polar(a lot of the symptoms and behaviors she described fell in line with that) she was prescribed medication to deal with her mental why would I doubt that? Reminds me of the old saying....if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck....sometimes its just a duck. R.I.P.
If her dad doesn't believe the findings, then neither do I. To convince me, I would need more information. I can imagine a psychotic episode and all, but I lack imagination to re-create the entire scenario. It's possible, but too strange for acceptance. That's my gut-level opinion.
In some cultures, mental illness is even more of a stigma than it still is in the US. If she was bi-polar, maybe she did not admit it to her parents, or her parents do not want that to be her legacy.
She clearly had mental problems... or her psychiatrist thought so enough to prescribe her 4 - 5 different medications, which she even photographs and posts on her Tumblr account, going through each one to describe what it is and what it's for.

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