Casey and Family Psych Profile #11

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Thank you everyone for your wonderful warm welcomes. I have been reading several of the post on this case, and I have to say I am so impressed with everyone's analogies. I find truth in a lot of the post and they give me a lot to think about. I have came to the right website that has very intelligent insightful post.

As far as GA and CA I believe personally there was some very extreme dynamics going on under their roof. GA and CA have a lot to do with creating a monster. They never held KC responsible for her actions, in fact just the opposite. Time and time again over the years the lies, the cover ups, everything pointing to a very dysfunctional household to the extreme. I believe GA being in the household for all these years, just sits back and lets it happen, all the while CA is molding a little "mini me" in KC (someone who believes their own lies) if you keep saying it long enough, it will be true in their world. GA eventually also wants to believe all the lies and bull$#%^ floating around that household, even though he knows what the truth is. GA has been in the household long enough to know how to play along with everything (it's so much easier to go along with the lies) then to call CA or KC out on the carpet. There is a peace you have when you deny and choose not to confront, it is so much easier, GA is taking the easy way out. Now CA really believes her own lies, she will never admit responsibility for how KC turned out or that her daughter KC actually murdered her granddaughter, she is so deep in her denial and lies, it now becomes her true reality and she will never face the truth ....ever, its the only way her mental state will survive and right now it's survival of the fittest in that household. As far as GA, he knows what the true reality is (that KC killed Caylee) but chooses to believe otherwise. You have to understand him, he MUST believe the lies and what his wife say's and what KC say's or else.........he will crack.... and one day I think he will. I don't know when it will be, but he's going to crack, he's not going to be able to hack it. He does not have the mental stamina that CA has.

Welcome aboard and ITA. There are some awesome posters on here. Not a day goes by that I don't learn something new....

Here are my thoughts about this family's psychological functioning. What you described is considered enabling. This form of behavior is commonly seen in individuals from alcoholic homes, broken homes, overbearing authority. All of these examples causes a person to believe he/she is inferior, unworthy. All this person has ever known is conflict and the best survival is to hide...

IMO no one is this family exhibits any of these traits.

George has strong narcisstic traits. Read some of his interviews with LE. George's time in LE up in Ohio, his description of family members especially those with money. His description of his father's car business. Read about his explaination for recently starting a new job during the time period ICA was originally arrested. His resume's are full of "me, me, me". George also has no problem with being deceitful. Remember the financial trouble George got into with the internet? This particular trait is a classic symptom of an anti-social personality. As for environmental factors I suspect George grew up with parents who were goal oriented, success driven and perhaps one or both parents were domineering but that's just my opinion only.

Cindy also exhibits narcisstic traits but also rigidity, and self-rightous. She also seems to be extremly selfish and superficial. For example, when you or I do something to help another person whether it be money, groceries, clothes or whatever we don't hold it against that person, we don't go around flaunting it saying "see what I did for him/her? aint I just wonderful". And we don't use our generosity as a weapon to control or dictate the lives of someone else. Appearance is everything to Cindy which is often seen when she attempts to defend ICA's actions. The need to be in control or manipulate is as important as oxygen to her which is often used as a shield for some deep fear. Of what I can't say. Her mother appears to be the complete opposite of Cindy. However, just from reading some of the email exchanges between Cindy and a brother there may be some hints of familiar traits but Cindy's anger and denial about ICA was so strong that my brain couldn't handle anything else. Remember this is just my opinion except for the part about my brain.

So, now look at the behaviors we've seen ICA exhibit. Does any of them look familiar?


Novice Seeker

PS: My apologies for the long delay with this response. Why the family just can't be happy with a peanut butter sandwich is beyond me. :maddening:
This new motion is very interesting. Assist in Exploring Mitigating Factors.pdf

I have a couple of questions.

In the motion, a "confidential mental health expert" has already done some testing to the tune of $2,000.00 worth.

What happened to the mitgation psychologist that has been on the case from the beginning...the one that they absolutely needed to keep because KC had established an important relationship with her?

Also, I thought that the defense mitigating witness list was not supposed to be confidential. I understood this request had been denied.

I recall back when she was out on bond she made the comment she took the MMPI and passed. The MMPI is not a test you can "pass." And that test alone administered, scored, interpreted, written would cost $500.00. But, to be a diligent psychologist they would also have to administer an achievement test to determine she is above the 6th grade reading level, which the MMPI is written. That test would also cost $250.00.

But, you can't diagnose with just one personality test, she would be administered at least two more....and an IQ test.

And....the bulk of psych testing is the Clinical Interview which can take hours with a rate of $250 an hour.

These tests and a full psych profile add up because we charge per hour plus our time scoring and report writing.
In the interview the Dickens were repeating neighborhood gossip. Most of what the Dickens said has a basis in truth. While Casey wasn't bringing a slew of boyfriends to the house, she DID in fact go through a slew of boyfriends. With the exception of JG, Casey went through a lot of boyfriends during the 2007-2008 period.

The Dickens reported that Cindy was the neighborhood "witch" from heck" and said that she was very controlling. Knowing what we know about Cindy and her control of the Anthony household, I have no trouble accepting that as the truth.

The Dickens said that right after Caylee was born, Cindy threw George out of the house. They said the Anthonys were going to get a divorce, but then seven or eight months later, Cindy allowed George to come home. We know that's pretty much what happened. It's been stated by Cindy's brother, Rick Plesea, that there was a time when George and Cindy were separated and that George filed for divorce, but later they reconciled.

The Dickens said Cindy had a boyfriend during George's absence. That's something I don't think we knew I don't know if that's true or not, although we have seen how Cindy seems to be hands-on with men.

The Dickens described Casey as a "party girl" going out to clubs. We know that's true.

The Dickens said that Kio told them that if Caylee was buried, the most likely spot was in the woods on Suburban across from Hidden Oaks School. Although Caylee wasn't buried, her remains were found in the woods off Suburban Drive.

I think we need to look at the Dickens interview as mostly truthful. They were just repeating neighborhood gossip, but most of what they said was true. That interview was early in the case, but later interviews and news reports confirm most of what they said.

My gosh.....why in the world has no one ever brought this up!!!????!!!


Is there any chance he is on the state's witness list??

Wow....I haven't had a bomb go off in some time but you just posted one!!

Great job!


Really? Are you being sarcastic? I'm sure someone on WS knows who he is. At least I'm hoping.

And I wonder if ICA stole from him or if he babysat Caylee

You mean this guy?
See post #85.

Some say this is him...

He had a lucky escape if so....

Respectfully Quoted Websleuthers :cool2:

RE: the Baileys. I don't mind posting what they have to say regarding "Cindy kicking George out of the house" because it is backed up by her family members(RP/SP). Same goes with saying Casey liked to "party" imo there is plenty of evidence to go along with that: photographs, AH stating that Cindy was upset at Casey for always going out. Text messages, phone records, friends statements, myspace entries, ICA letters to Cookie in jail, etc.

The Bailey information that Cindy would be voted in as the neighborhood unusual person, I feel is backed up by Richard Grund's statements to LE where he says that Cindy wears the pants in the family and that what Cindy wanted for Caylee, happened and when RG confronts Cindy about Casey stealing from Jesse and trying to say Jesse was Caylee's father when they (George and Cindy)knew he was not. Richard Grund comes to the conclusion that Cindy is trying to frame his son for the murder of Caylee and says of the Anthonys: (for them)the ends justify the means. Cindy's call to TM, where she tells him not to fight with her because he will lose, imo also backs up the opinion of Joyce and Bailey Dickens. I feel all of this justifies the Bailey's statement they make twice, of Cindy, using the word "evil" to describe her.

Both, the Baileys and Rick Plesea state that George left the house for a time, after being made to leave by Cindy(both confirm because George has messed with the finances and does not work)-and both confirm that George and Cindy reconciled and George moved back into the house. It is the part about Cindy having a "boyfriend" during the time she and George were separated, that George was not living at the house-where there is only the words of the Bailey's. To my knowledge, which is limited on this subject and why I wrote this post. :tsktsk:

I personally have never seen any other documentation that states Cindy was seeing another man, other than speculation of a relationship with DC(JH states he saw the two acting intimate while George looked on during the "Ritz dinner" days).

It (t)'was me/I(?) that brought up the statement the Baileys made regarding Cindy having a man at the house- recently on this thread- and so I am calling this on myself and asking what other information is available showing Cindy had a boyfriend? Other than the Baileys.

WS has integrity because of fact checking. :tyou:

I have a vague memory when this was being discussed, I guess I got the feeling we didn't have anything else to back that up and Websleuthers didn't want to give it too much energy? Obviously the subject went over my head. I wait happily to be corrected.

:twocents: This is a psyche thread, if I understand correctly we are given a bit more leeway in the discussion department on certain subjects because of the nature of the material. Nez'pa(N'est-ce pas)? I think it is interesting the Baileys say Cindy moved someone in- and in my opinion only, I do not see them making something like that up. They live in the same neighborhood, I personally would need to see a person coming and going from that house before I would repeat that tidbit to an officer of the law. I believe the Bailey's understood what was first hand information and what had been given to them, they made that distinction several times during their interview, especially in who's idea it was that Caylee would be buried on Suburban, (Keo's). They also corrected that Keo had stated she received a call from Casey(with Caylee in the background)-Keo had said she was mistaken as relayed by the Baileys.

Did Cindy have a boyfriend? TIA. Sorry to bring up a messy subject. If this is not true I will no longer include this information in any posts I write(on any thread).

Thanks Novice Seeker for your post, it is very interesting. The question you posed, asking if Casey's behaviors look familiar, is what makes (parts of) this case such a gray area for me.

Casey's behaviors, such as the lies, the manipulation, the selfishness, ALL connect back to behaviors exhibited by her parents. This is no coincidence, IMO. Every time I think of Casey's behavior, I think of her parents and wonder how she could have turned out any different.

Cindy might have influenced Casey to tell the truth and take a plea, if she was at all interested in Casey's welfare, redemption and justice for Caylee. Instead she has reminded her, at every turn, to not give in to the state..."you have nothing to confess to". Is this the act of a loving mother ? Not in my opinion.

Cindy really cares about Cindy and Casey really cares about Casey..oh yeah, there's George, who cares about George. It's unbelievable that these people could live in the same house for a day, let alone for years.
It's funny how the Judge in the latest hearing on February 25 about the funds for the "confidential expert" said that it sounded like JB was trying to get funding for a second mitigating specialist, which was not allowed.

HHBPJ also mentioned that he had approved this "confidential expert" understanding the this person would be required only for KC, not the rest of her family. As was being presented at the hearing.

It is all very interesting that the testing is going on this late in the game. Would these tests even be admissible to reflect the state of mind at the time of the crime? Or would they all be skewed by of all of the events and passage of time (2+ years of drama)?
This is one of those things that has been running around in my mind about this case for a while, and to get it out of my mind I will share. Lucky you.

Twilight Zone: The Movie, has a story where a little boy(ten or so)has the power to read everyone's mind and can make what he thinks, happen. The family is very frightened of the boy, because if they do not do what he likes when he likes: he will lash out. When his sister says something he did not like, he makes her mouth disappear. (a la Keanu in The Matrix)

After seeing the latest hearings, I am struck by how ICA seems to 'run the show', even now. I think of George telling her she is the CEO. Saying she has "issues" and at times wanting to confront Casey. I do think George, of all people, may have seen into what Casey "is."

I reserve the right to wait and see more of Cindy. I agree with the general consensus circulating that George's time on the stand made Cindy seem sane. But, we have not gotten into the trial yet and when the questioning starts in on Cindy-I see her reactions as being worse than George's. They always have been before. :crazy:

Casey sits there deciding whether or not her family has "pleased her." And reacts as such. IMO, it is contempt she has for her family. When I see ICA at the hearings, I think of that boy in the movie.

:twocents: (there should be a 'one cent' icon...'cause that's all this ones worth) ;)
I know we have heard Kio say that KC wanted to get an abortion but CA wouldn't let her, and that she wanted to put the baby up for adoption, but CA wouldn't let. I have to consider the source, (KC), and say I'm not buying any of it. This is a girl, KC, who managed to steal large sums of money from family and friends, fool everyone into believing she had a job and a nanny for two years, stand at the counter as bold as brass at BoA and cash a stolen check, and march two seasoned police officers into Universal Studios under the guise of going to her office. I think if she had wanted an abortion, she would have found a way to get one. Just saying.

I couldn't hit the Thanks button enough regarding your post. Casey is a liar like nothing I've ever seen before. Even some media outlets reported she didn't want the child. It just goes to show you how distorted the media is, they say it as fact but don't say Casey (who lies as much as she breaths said it) is the source of that information.

I believe she said it to Kio but I think it was a lie.

I couldn't hit the Thanks button enough regarding your post. Casey is a liar like nothing I've ever seen before. Even some media outlets reported she didn't want the child. It just goes to show you how distorted the media is, they say it as fact but don't say Casey (who lies as much as she breaths said it) is the source of that information.

I believe she said it to Kio but I think it was a lie.


Just when you think you know all the lies, more come out; e.g. KC telling Sft. Hosey that Caylee was fine and her mother was just starting trouble - this after identifying the apartment KC said Caylee was left at, which was empty for six months.

at 8:00 minute mark and beyond...not a diminished capacity defense...toward 14 minutes you can see ICA shake her head no...
I'm not sure if it was our Amil here at WS or the person at The Hinky Meter that also reports on attending the hearing, but someone said that Cindy was crying after this "diminished capacity" discussion was had.

at 8:00 minute mark and beyond...not a diminished capacity defense...toward 14 minutes you can see ICA shake her head no...

as I re-watched that clip I was struck by AF saying something to the effect that it may involve some litigation...huh? Who would be the subject of that litigation? What possible scenario would result in some "state of mind" issue that would result in litigation (which I would assume to be civil as opposed to criminal prosecution)?

Also, here is Dr. Weiss' webpage
I just have to wonder if GA and LA have agreed to sell their souls to the devil and go along with the molestation claims (which I do not believe are true) to free ICA? Hard to fathom, but I think they would. I would imagine that if they take that route we will see lots of money making media deals for them so they can execute their "escape plan" from Orlando afterwards. I would think that they would have to go deep into hiding permanently if they both admit to being incestuous molesters.
Desperate times call for desperate measures, but this one would take the cake.
I just have to wonder if GA and LA have agreed to sell their souls to the devil and go along with the molestation claims (which I do not believe are true) to free ICA? Hard to fathom, but I think they would. I would imagine that if they take that route we will see lots of money making media deals for them so they can execute their "escape plan" from Orlando afterwards. I would think that they would have to go deep into hiding permanently if they both admit to being incestuous molesters.
Desperate times call for desperate measures, but this one would take the cake.

When GA was leaving court at the Agents of the state,etc. hearing, he stated to his lawyer that he would fill out an affidavit immediately. I wonder if it is related to what you are saying.
I just have to wonder if GA and LA have agreed to sell their souls to the devil and go along with the molestation claims (which I do not believe are true) to free ICA? Hard to fathom, but I think they would. I would imagine that if they take that route we will see lots of money making media deals for them so they can execute their "escape plan" from Orlando afterwards. I would think that they would have to go deep into hiding permanently if they both admit to being incestuous molesters.
Desperate times call for desperate measures, but this one would take the cake.

I can possibly see George going this route, but not Lee, not after this last time he testified. He did not give me the impression that he was going to let anyone call him a molester of any sort. He's about to get married and will eventually start a family. No way is he going to let that be overshadowed by being known as one of his sister's molestors. She has destroyed his life enough already. Now I might be able to see him going along with Casey having mental problems, but not molesting her. Never that.

GA, I don't think he has anything left to fight for but himself. I really think he sees helping Casey as getting revenge against the state and LE. It's not about helping her as much as it is helping his bruised ego and getting back at the evil state and LE that tricked him so much. He literally has nothing left to lose and did admit he would do anything for Casey - I really wonder if he meant that or if he's now using Casey to get whatever petty revenge he wants at the State and LE. I see him possibly going down this path, and even more, letting his side of the family be opened up for mental problems being passed down to Casey. I think in a warped way he loves Casey, but it seems like the game has changed for him. It's beyond helping Casey now - it's personal to George. Plus, he sold his soul to the devil a long time ago when he chose Casey over Caylee for good.

Lee, it seems, is redeeming himself. He doesn't seem to be part of the Casey camp so much anymore. I think he loves his sister, but he's not going to enable her anymore or go down in flames because of her. George hasn't changed for the better; in fact, he's only gotten worse and made this whole case way too personal. And with him being burned as not one of LE like he wanted to be, filled with so much anger in the last hearing, I really wonder what he's going to do next. I am very much wondering just what that affadavit was about.
I'm not sure if it was our Amil here at WS or the person at The Hinky Meter that also reports on attending the hearing, but someone said that Cindy was crying after this "diminished capacity" discussion was had.

That does not surprise me because Cindy is at her "by the dashboard light" moment - what's it gonna be Cindy? Tick Tock!

You've refused to believe ICA did this thing and have covered up, obstructed, and supported ICA to the best of your ability. Here you sit in court, visibly objecting to sworn testimony.

Now you hear that ICA will probably admit to at least accidently killing Caylee and disposing of her body. This is the number one thing you did not want to happen.

And you, Cindy, are about to be blamed for it. ICA's fear of you and your wrath is going to be the reason she gives for her post death behavior. This is appropriately called number two.

Seriously - did you not see this coming? It's truth time Cindy. No not "your truth" - the real truth. Are you really willing to go down to save ICA? Tick tock Cindy.
Oh you can bet she is willing, Logicalgirl, cuz in actuality she isn't going down for ICA, she is going down for Cindy- that is what Cindy cares about- herself... her image!
Oh you can bet she is willing, Logicalgirl, cuz in actuality she isn't going down for ICA, she is going down for Cindy- that is what Cindy cares about- herself... her image!

Yes, but it's her perfect family image she cares about the most. She will not like her family, especially herself, being torn apart in court even if it helps Casey. She is not going to like being blamed for what Casey did. Not at all.
Oh you can bet she is willing, Logicalgirl, cuz in actuality she isn't going down for ICA, she is going down for Cindy- that is what Cindy cares about- herself... her image!

No argument there - but she has been covering for ICA pretending ICA didn't do this - and is she finally going to admit she did - that was my point.
Is an affidavit a statement?

I have been thinking over the last wee while that george with the (suicide attempt) is gonna take the fall for kc.

I cant get over jb questioning him about not turning up at court if he thought it would save her.

What would happen if George says I did it thats why kc lied even though i believe (know ) that kc is responsable. He goes to jail (cos his life is over anyway) gets away from all the drama and KC WALKS FREE eeek

What could the state do about this if he suddenly confessed.

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