Casey Anthony and Katherine Rutan

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Mar 31, 2008
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I was just reading about Katherine Rutan who was convicted of killing her son, Logan, several years ago. Could not help but notice some similarities between her and Casey Anthony. The lying is the big thing...Katherine told different stories also in regards to where her son was and what happened to him...she also never reported him missing..her mother did....another similarity. This case happened in Oklahoma, I believe. Very sad and to his day Logan's body has not been found.
Wow I just googled her. There are some distinct similarities between the 2.
Didnt they give her life in prison even though the body was never found?
Ues, They did. I just hope one day the little boy will be found and give a proper burial. Really sad story all the ay around and i made me think of Case and the story about Caylee.
Wow I just googled her. There are some distinct similarities between the 2.
no concrete prrof yet but if in the end it comes down to Casey's boyfriend..there will be a huge similarity i these cases...all for the love of a man...
i shake my head when I read these types of stories as I'm sure you do just is evil..pain evil.
Several things strike me after reading this synopsis of the case:

There are a lot of things in common, but some differences that made it easier to convict KR than it will be for CA.

First, Katherine Rutan clearly did not want Logan. She was going to give him away and was mad that DHS was not taking him fast enough. Contrast this with Casey, Cindy and George who appear to have taken excellent care of Caylee and love her.

Second, there is a witness to the exact time Logan disappeared. The roommate heard Logan crying in the night and the next morning he was gone. Mom lied and said DHS took him. Absolute BS. Then she lied a whole bunch of other times. Contrast with a month's time span when Caylee disappeared. We still have the BS story, but at least there is the tiny shred of doubt about exactly what happened an when.

Third, there was forensic evidence in the house. Masking tape with Logan's blood and hair on it. Unless LE is keeping a tight lid on things and just waiting, they don't have enough forensics to keep Casey in jail.

Fourth, the witness who saw KR carry Logan's body and the shovel into the woods and return without him. :furious: We may have a witness like this with Casey, but they have not come forward yet or I do believe she'd be in jail.

After all of this, it still took them 5 YEARS to convict KR of murder, and Logan has still not been found. It makes me despair. What if Casey gets away with this???

And, the fact that he's never been found and she hasn't confessed really makes you think long and hard about some other parents whose children have never been found. People who think that not finding a body lends to reasonable doubt need to read this case. It is enough to give you nightmares.
Several things strike me after reading this synopsis of the case:

There are a lot of things in common, but some differences that made it easier to convict KR than it will be for CA.

First, Katherine Rutan clearly did not want Logan. She was going to give him away and was mad that DHS was not taking him fast enough. Contrast this with Casey, Cindy and George who appear to have taken excellent care of Caylee and love her.

Second, there is a witness to the exact time Logan disappeared. The roommate heard Logan crying in the night and the next morning he was gone. Mom lied and said DHS took him. Absolute BS. Then she lied a whole bunch of other times. Contrast with a month's time span when Caylee disappeared. We still have the BS story, but at least there is the tiny shred of doubt about exactly what happened an when.

Third, there was forensic evidence in the house. Masking tape with Logan's blood and hair on it. Unless LE is keeping a tight lid on things and just waiting, they don't have enough forensics to keep Casey in jail.

Fourth, the witness who saw KR carry Logan's body and the shovel into the woods and return without him. :furious: We may have a witness like this with Casey, but they have not come forward yet or I do believe she'd be in jail.

After all of this, it still took them 5 YEARS to convict KR of murder, and Logan has still not been found. It makes me despair. What if Casey gets away with this???

And, the fact that he's never been found and she hasn't confessed really makes you think long and hard about some other parents whose children have never been found. People who think that not finding a body lends to reasonable doubt need to read this case. It is enough to give you nightmares.
Her Mom said she(Katherine) would only tell where Logan nwas if it would help her.
I understand your nightmare that Casey may stand trial if i ndeed she dd kill little Caylee. As of right now it seems like LE doesn't have a whole lot of evidence against her for a case of murder.
What is screaming out at me is how much men played a part in both these women's lives.
I wonder if Casey followed this story & that's what gave her the idea to 'lose' Caylee & just not say a word?

Either she didn't know the outcome of Katherine's trial OR she arrogantly thought she's smarter than Katherine & figured she'd get away with it easy.

It would be interesting for LE to question Casey's friends & ask if they ever heard Casey talk about the Rutan case & if so... what she said.
Bumping this up. It is worth the read into Logan Tucker's case and the similarities. It does have some definite parallels.
On this note I found an interesting article on women who kill their children.


The mothers were often poor, socially isolated, full-time caregivers, who were victims of domestic violence or had other relationship problems.

Casey on June 15th:
Poor - Check. Just called out on her attempt to steal from her grandparents. This compounded by her parent's alleged new stance on Casey's financial dependence on them. PLUS no job in sight.

Socially Isolated - Check and Check. Fight with not only parents but Tony L.

Full-Time Caregivers - Check. As of that evening we can most definitely assume.

Have Relationship Problems - See all the above.
Even though GA and CA wanted Caylee, that made KC angry, she was not the number one focus of attention and that is what is important to her IMHO
Several things strike me after reading this synopsis of the case:

There are a lot of things in common, but some differences that made it easier to convict KR than it will be for CA.

First, Katherine Rutan clearly did not want Logan. She was going to give him away and was mad that DHS was not taking him fast enough. Contrast this with Casey, Cindy and George who appear to have taken excellent care of Caylee and love her.

Second, there is a witness to the exact time Logan disappeared. The roommate heard Logan crying in the night and the next morning he was gone. Mom lied and said DHS took him. Absolute BS. Then she lied a whole bunch of other times. Contrast with a month's time span when Caylee disappeared. We still have the BS story, but at least there is the tiny shred of doubt about exactly what happened an when.

Third, there was forensic evidence in the house. Masking tape with Logan's blood and hair on it. Unless LE is keeping a tight lid on things and just waiting, they don't have enough forensics to keep Casey in jail.

Fourth, the witness who saw KR carry Logan's body and the shovel into the woods and return without him. :furious: We may have a witness like this with Casey, but they have not come forward yet or I do believe she'd be in jail.

After all of this, it still took them 5 YEARS to convict KR of murder, and Logan has still not been found. It makes me despair. What if Casey gets away with this???

And, the fact that he's never been found and she hasn't confessed really makes you think long and hard about some other parents whose children have never been found. People who think that not finding a body lends to reasonable doubt need to read this case. It is enough to give you nightmares.

A few things according to KTC Casey didn't want Caylee either and talked about adoption. I also wouldn't say that LE doesn't have enough evidence to keep KC in's a few different things..the whole speedy trial law and I honestly think LE wants a body..and wants it badly. LE has way more then we know at this point...they are holding the cards and aren't letting us peak. JMO.
I wonder if Casey followed this story & that's what gave her the idea to 'lose' Caylee & just not say a word?

Either she didn't know the outcome of Katherine's trial OR she arrogantly thought she's smarter than Katherine & figured she'd get away with it easy.

It would be interesting for LE to question Casey's friends & ask if they ever heard Casey talk about the Rutan case & if so... what she said.
I'lm sure if she did LE has evidence on her computer of her interest in this and other cases like it - the girl is an idiot!
Yes the similarities is that both girls are a waste of a human body…

This Katherine lady wanted social services to take her son… yet she was so impatient she took care of it that she spent the next 5 years lying about the disappearance of Logan and now is spending the rest of her life in jail… I guess she finally got free from him

Pretty sad

and I see the same of Casey… there was an opportunity to let Caylee live good or heck maybe she could of just proved to their social workers that neither her nor CA or GA would BE good enough for Caylee…

but yet now KC will never live life again the same… no man will want to come near her and not even with a 10 foot pole

no one will hire her she will never be trusted and trust me I know that KC will go to jail for the disappearance of Beautiful Caylee!

Regardless she is flat out guilty for not knowing the whereabouts of HER DAUGHTER!


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