Casey Anthony Answers Questions In Civil Suit Or Did JB? Legal Implications

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Sounds pretty standard to me. When I've had to fill out interrogatories, my attorneys gave similar canned responses to a couple of the questions. (NOT that the cases were anything like this!) I'm sure Casey's attorney (whichever one is handling the civil matter) provided Zenaida Gonzalez with interrogatories, as well; I would not be surprised if her attorney didn't have similar semi-boilerplate objections to some of the questions.

I'm not sure one "pleads the fifth" in written interrogatories; the objections serve the same purpose.
Well, one way to know FOR SURE that JB is responsible is that the document is in PDF format, not handwritten. No computer in the pokey for the perp...:boohoo:

That is correct. I was wondering if perhaps Casey suggested it and whomever her lawyer is ran with it. She does seem to have an uncanny ability to influence people.:rolleyes:

Then again, maybe I am giving her too much credit, lol.
Below is a snippet of the Orlando Sentinel report on the written deposition.I wonder if the Judge will make Casey answer these questions ? Any legal eagles out there willing to give their opinion's on what the Judge is likely to do ?

"Now, the lawyers for Zenaida Gonzalez, 38-year-old mother of six, are going to ask a judge to force Anthony to answer the questions.",0,7376494.story

No legal eagle here but that sure would be something!
Seems strange she remembered her name!!! :eek:

If KC has to take the stand in that case she'll plead the 5th on every question.
Sounds pretty standard to me. When I've had to fill out interrogatories, my attorneys gave similar canned responses to a couple of the questions. (NOT that the cases were anything like this!) I'm sure Casey's attorney (whichever one is handling the civil matter) provided Zenaida Gonzalez with interrogatories, as well; I would not be surprised if her attorney didn't have similar semi-boilerplate objections to some of the questions.

I'm not sure one "pleads the fifth" in written interrogatories; the objections serve the same purpose.

I wasn't sure if pleading the fifth was equal in every way to actually giving an answer, or if this particular response was "boiler plate" as you say.
That is correct. I was wondering if perhaps Casey suggested it and whomever her lawyer is ran with it. She does seem to have an uncanny ability to influence people.:rolleyes:

Then again, maybe I am giving her too much credit, lol.

Funny you should say that...
I have said, since her FIRST arrest, that WHEN she makes it to the BIG house, I'm going to send her a copy of "How to Make Friends and Influence People". :)
Funny you should say that...
I have said, since her FIRST arrest, that WHEN she makes it to the BIG house, I'm going to send her a copy of "How to Make Friends and Influence People". :)

She could write it herself! Just look at how she's influenced JB and all the others.
I think they need to learn to keep the word "embarrass" out of any documents concerning Casey..
That one word just makes the hair on my arm stand up..
UUUkkkk..she has embarrassed herself..I don't think there is nothing any of us, or any lawyer can do to outdo what she has done to herself..
She could write it herself! Just look at how she's influenced JB and all the others.

Just when I think she's got the world by a string...I look at the big picture.
There are allllll of us (including YM, JA, KB, the FDLE, and the FBI...) vs the A team. :crazy:
(and, of course, the guy with the white sunglasses and teenage boys that think she's "hot", despite the fact that she's a monster :bang:)
I think they need to learn to keep the word "embarrass" out of any documents concerning Casey..
That one word just makes the hair on my arm stand up..
UUUkkkk..she has embarrassed herself..I don't think there is nothing any of us, or any lawyer can do to outdo what she has done to herself..

Excellent post.
It's not JB, it's Jonathen Kasen and as long as Casey signed it, it is acceptable. IIRC, JM's team argued that how do they know if they answers are from Casey or Kasen? If she signs the papers it's accepted as being from her. However, what's cool is JM is gonna ask a judge to compel her to answer and the only way to assure that she is, is if she's in person. Oh yeah......
I think they need to learn to keep the word "embarrass" out of any documents concerning Casey..
That one word just makes the hair on my arm stand up..
UUUkkkk..she has embarrassed herself..I don't think there is nothing any of us, or any lawyer can do to outdo what she has done to herself..

Reminds me of B Conway's reason for keeping George's 'suicide note' private - so as not to embarrass him (but that's another thread.) Who cares about embarrassment when there is a dead 2 year old and too many unanswered questions?
It's not JB, it's Jonathen Kasen and as long as Casey signed it, it is acceptable. IIRC, JM's team argued that how do they know if they answers are from Casey or Kasen? If she signs the papers it's accepted as being from her. However, what's cool is JM is gonna ask a judge to compel her to answer and the only way to assure that she is, is if she's in person. Oh yeah......

Ah, yes. JK. Thanks for jogging my memory, SQ. :)

In person? In PERSON? Surely they can't expect her to might cause her embarassment. :bang:
Reminds me of B Conway's reason for keeping George's 'suicide note' private - so as not to embarrass him (but that's another thread.) Who cares about embarrassment when there is a dead 2 year old?

Ita!!! Remember John Allen asking DC what is more important? Investigating Caylee's death or them being inconvenienced? Paraphraising off the top of my head.

What these people are going through is nothing compared to what Caylee did. Sheesh.
Ah, yes. JK. Thanks for jogging my memory, SQ. :)

In person? In PERSON? Surely they can't expect her to might cause her embarassment. :bang:

Heh...heh....GA and CA are next. They can only put if off for so long.

ETA: I think it would have worked better for Casey if she did give them answers. even rediculous ones.
Sounds pretty standard to me. When I've had to fill out interrogatories, my attorneys gave similar canned responses to a couple of the questions. (NOT that the cases were anything like this!) I'm sure Casey's attorney (whichever one is handling the civil matter) provided Zenaida Gonzalez with interrogatories, as well; I would not be surprised if her attorney didn't have similar semi-boilerplate objections to some of the questions.

I'm not sure one "pleads the fifth" in written interrogatories; the objections serve the same purpose.

You'd just object on the ground of privilege, that to answer the question would interfere with your right not incriminate yourself under the 5th amendment. You have to either answer, or object on some recognized ground that defers your having to answer, until the court ultimately rules on the objections. Right back into the court's lap.
Below is a snippet of the Orlando Sentinel report on the written deposition.I wonder if the Judge will make Casey answer these questions ? Any legal eagles out there willing to give their opinion's on what the Judge is likely to do ?

"Now, the lawyers for Zenaida Gonzalez, 38-year-old mother of six, are going to ask a judge to force Anthony to answer the questions.",0,7376494.story

The Rules of Procedure allow the Judge to order her to answer and provide sanctions against her if she still refuses.

She could be ordered to pay the attorney's fees for an amount reasonably charged for doing that motion to compel to begin with.

But really, how worried would Casey be?

If they impose the harshest penalty relative to refusal to obey an order to answer, she will be deemed in contempt of court. Oh, she could be jailed.
How worried is she about being sent to jail right now?

Of course, refusal to answer could affect her own rights to introduce evidence in her counter suit but that's basically Bull to begin with so again, not a huge loss.

Frustrating at best...

But her attorneys do need to be cautious, as they do have ethical obligations to comply and play fair to a certain degree.

:smiliescale: :wolf:
my opinion...
Heh...heh....GA and CA are next. They can only put if off for so long.

Oh, I'm waiting...with baited breath.

(OT: I just got a new job, start on the 16th...for selfish reasons I was hoping they'd get on with it already. *sigh* I am, however, investing in a phone with internet capabilities so I can carry WS in my pocket. Terrible, I know. :crazy:)
Miracles, you just burst my bubble. You are right, there is really nothing the court can do that would benefit Casey by answering the questions. Dang.
It's possible that in Florida, like some other places, there could EVENTUALLY be a sanction beyond just dismissing her counterclaim against ZG. That would be dismissing her answer to the complaint, which could end up in ZG "winning" her suit. I guess you could also say that's no big deal to Casey, either, unless and until she comes into some money to go after. But this harsh a sanction isn't likely to come right away. A court would try lesser things first, usually. JMO, of course.

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