Casey Anthony bankruptcy hearing audio

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Sep 21, 2008
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I hope this is okay to start this thread as I listen to the audio of this hearing I can point out several descrepancies and/or untruths as I remember many offers for interviews one of the 1st was Al Taylor of Private Elevator productions, copies of the letter are all over the internet.

her 1st video blog she says she paid for the computer with her own money and the list goes on...

I hope this is okay to start this thread as I listen to the audio of this hearing I can point out several descrepancies and/or untruths as I remember many offers for interviews one of the 1st was Al Taylor of Private Elevator productions, copies of the letter are all over the internet.

her 1st video blog she says she paid for the computer with her own money and the list goes on...

Thanks dizzychick for starting this thread. It was interesting and difficult to listen to. Hal's blog said she sounded strong and confident in her answers - and I wondered if he was listening to the same audio that I was.

To me she sounded hestitant and unsure - some of her "yes sir" answers cme so quickly they showed her nervousness and with others she needed lengthy breaks to consult with Mr Greene.

Why she consulted with him I don't know because apparently he wasn't even listed as an attorney on record for the hearing. I guess the BK meeting has different rules.

Also she was doing her "trying to sound like a lawyer" by using legal terms that on her and the way she uses them just ends up sounding silly.

I hope there is a more indepth questioning or examination of the facts down the road before she is granted a discharge, because that was a very simplistic reading of questions that to mee sounded totally ineffective to sort out real need from a freeloading cop-out.

All IMO of course.
Thanks dizzychick for starting this thread. It was interesting and difficult to listen to. Hal's blog said she sounded strong and confident in her answers - and I wondered if he was listening to the same audio that I was.

To me she sounded hestitant and unsure - some of her "yes sir" answers cme so quickly they showed her nervousness and with others she needed lengthy breaks to consult with Mr Greene.

Why she consulted with him I don't know because apparently he wasn't even listed as an attorney on record for the hearing. I guess the BK meeting has different rules.

Also she was doing her "trying to sound like a lawyer" by using legal terms that on her and the way she uses them just ends up sounding silly.

I hope there is a more indepth questioning or examination of the facts down the road before she is granted a discharge, because that was a very simplistic reading of questions that to mee sounded totally ineffective to sort out real need from a freeloading cop-out.
All IMO of course.
ooh rah regarding the bold. she definitely savors using certain words, like counsel and leeeegal. I think she gets a shiver along her spine when she says "counsel", like she's the head of some earth-shaking, precedent-setting team of movers and shakers in the leeeegal world

there's a big-time scam going on with the money. obviously CA is sending cash and gift cards in envelopes addressed with her dominant hand, her other hand, and both feet. (and driving to all different post offices to mail the "anonymous, unsolicited" bounty)

wouldn't it be delicious if their grifting is what finally brings them down?

_ _ _ _ _

what have been your sources of money for you to live on, and where has this money come from in the last, um, couple, the last two years?

some of the money has come from unsolicited donations, from various individuals, and some of the other money also came from Jose Baez.


the bulk of the money, I'm sorry, came from Jose Baez

OK, and how do you receive the money? is ...

sorry ... (confers w/ atty) ... um, I received about 3400 dollars from Mr Baez, that I received from him directly. everything else is sent to, and I get through, my attorneys

through your attorneys, OK


[Green] she'd like to clarify that, please


these items, again, they're unsolicited things that come from people that I don't personally know, that my leeegal team doesn't personally know

OK, they come, they don't come directly to you?


OK. if I may have them?

mmm, hmm

[lots of whispering]

Mr Green? if, if the debtor has a question that she needs some sort of clarification, she can, you know, ask you, but I would prefer that, you know, we get, you know, an answer, you know, an answer on the question. if she has a question she can pause and consult with you, that's, you know, perfectly fine. but when I, if I ask a question and she can answer, we need to have her answer it, OK?

[Green] I'll play my role of counsel and you play your role of trustee ...


... and we'll do the best we can

OK, so your attorneys have the control, are the ones who kind of control the money for you, is what you said

[Green] I need to consult with my client about that one

no problem

[whispering/conferring, can hear "_ _ _ _ excluded", then Green says] you can go ahead and answer

OK. my attorneys don't control the money but they do distribute (emphasis on "control" is hers)

they distribute the money, OK. and who has been arranging where you live?

(obvious pause) friends and counsel

friends and counsel. do you, or someone on your behalf, pay for you staying there, staying wherever you are living. or do you live for free, or ? when you're living at, where you live?

I guess if I can clarify that. um, I don't pay rentttt, I don't pay utilities, so I'm, I guess you could say that I'm living for free, or off the kindness of the people that I'm staying with

OK. and who is handling your finances today? who's handling your finances, you know, as of now, as of this moment?


friends. and do you buy your own food, or who's been buying food for you?

I try to contribute when I can but usually it's, it's also friends buying food
Whenever I hear her using big words she reminds me of that In Living Color character Oswald Bates. Damon Wayons created him. I won't post a link to a youtube video here because there is serious discussion here and I don't want to look like I'm derailing that coversation.

Just google it. You'll see why she reminds me of him.
She lied about the puter, she said in her video blog that she paid for it with her own money yet she told the judge that it belonged to her " counsel ".

She lied about offers for interviews, Al Taylor of Private Elevator offered her 1 million bucks right out of the gate after her aquittal.

There were some other lies and please dont tell me she is will walk on those lies too I already figured that LOL
ooh rah regarding the bold. she definitely savors using certain words, like counsel and leeeegal. I think she gets a shiver along her spine when she says "counsel", like she's the head of some earth-shaking, precedent-setting team of movers and shakers in the leeeegal world

there's a big-time scam going on with the money. obviously CA is sending cash and gift cards in envelopes addressed with her dominant hand, her other hand, and both feet. (and driving to all different post offices to mail the "anonymous, unsolicited" bounty)

wouldn't it be delicious if their grifting is what finally brings them down?

_ _ _ _ _

what have been your sources of money for you to live on, and where has this money come from in the last, um, couple, the last two years?

some of the money has come from unsolicited donations, from various individuals, and some of the other money also came from Jose Baez.


the bulk of the money, I'm sorry, came from Jose Baez

OK, and how do you receive the money? is ...

sorry ... (confers w/ atty) ... um, I received about 3400 dollars from Mr Baez, that I received from him directly. everything else is sent to, and I get through, my attorneys

through your attorneys, OK


[Green] she'd like to clarify that, please


these items, again, they're unsolicited things that come from people that I don't personally know, that my leeegal team doesn't personally know

OK, they come, they don't come directly to you?


OK. if I may have them?

mmm, hmm

[lots of whispering]

Mr Green? if, if the debtor has a question that she needs some sort of clarification, she can, you know, ask you, but I would prefer that, you know, we get, you know, an answer, you know, an answer on the question. if she has a question she can pause and consult with you, that's, you know, perfectly fine. but when I, if I ask a question and she can answer, we need to have her answer it, OK?

[Green] I'll play my role of counsel and you play your role of trustee ...


... and we'll do the best we can

OK, so your attorneys have the control, are the ones who kind of control the money for you, is what you said

[Green] I need to consult with my client about that one

no problem

[whispering/conferring, can hear "_ _ _ _ excluded", then Green says] you can go ahead and answer

OK. my attorneys don't control the money but they do distribute (emphasis on "control" is hers)

they distribute the money, OK. and who has been arranging where you live?

(obvious pause) friends and counsel

friends and counsel. do you, or someone on your behalf, pay for you staying there, staying wherever you are living. or do you live for free, or ? when you're living at, where you live?

I guess if I can clarify that. um, I don't pay rentttt, I don't pay utilities, so I'm, I guess you could say that I'm living for free, or off the kindness of the people that I'm staying with

OK. and who is handling your finances today? who's handling your finances, you know, as of now, as of this moment?


friends. and do you buy your own food, or who's been buying food for you?

I try to contribute when I can but usually it's, it's also friends buying food

Friends are handling Finances? Isn't that the same as "friends" are in control of her finances?
She lied about the puter, she said in her video blog that she paid for it with her own money yet she told the judge that it belonged to her " counsel ".

She lied about offers for interviews, Al Taylor of Private Elevator offered her 1 million bucks right out of the gate after her aquittal.

There were some other lies and please dont tell me she is will walk on those lies too I already figured that LOL

I so agree w/you that casey has had offers that she lied about in court. She and her defense counsel may think that they didn't need to include them because they didn't consider them *serious* offers. But then why did they include all ridiculous (imo) claims against her safety? Those weren't any more *serious* then some of the offers she has gotten. casey and her defense team want to have it both ways when it is beneficial to them, but they can't have it both ways. Sadly, I am resigned to the fact that casey will probably get her bankruptcy and then get her million dollar interview. Someday down the road, however, she will pay just like OJ was forced to pay when his luck ran out. I just need to be patient. Surely she can't continue to live off the kindness of her lawyers and strangers forever?
I so agree w/you that casey has had offers that she lied about in court. She and her defense counsel may think that they didn't need to include them because they didn't consider them *serious* offers. But then why did they include all ridiculous (imo) claims against her safety? Those weren't any more *serious* then some of the offers she has gotten. casey and her defense team want to have it both ways when it is beneficial to them, but they can't have it both ways. Sadly, I am resigned to the fact that casey will probably get her bankruptcy and then get her million dollar interview. Someday down the road, however, she will pay just like OJ was forced to pay when his luck ran out. I just need to be patient. Surely she can't continue to live off the kindness of her lawyers and strangers forever?

The lawyers and the strangers will cut her off at some point. With her lawyers, I think their spouses will eventually demand that they stop supporting Casey financially.
The lawyers and the strangers will cut her off at some point. With her lawyers, I think their spouses will eventually demand that they stop supporting Casey financially.

I still think Baez and FCA have some kind of under the table deal connected to his book. It may be that his end of the "payback" comes out looking like it is a gift of financial support.

What I don't understand what the Bankruptcy Court isn't understanding is that she hasn't changed her life style at all. She was a freeloader before she killed Caylee, and she still is.

No lessons will be learned here unless they insist she pay back even a small percentage of her debts by getting some kind of employment. Even without looking at the court case and the jail time, it is easy to see this kind of freeloading is an established life pattern and she has learned nothing from it except how to really do freeloading big time!
I am sorry...tried listening to this and just can't tolerate the continued lies , posturing and arrogance from the not mom and her entire money hungry team. Who and when will someone finally stand up to this utter nonsense and say enough is enough? She is not bankrupt. She is living in a Florida condo. She was dressed to the nines. She had 5 or 6 lawyers. She has bodyguards.

She is a celebrity. A reality star. We have no idea what she has endured. What suffering that made her not grieve her drowned child. We must,simply must hear her story. We must pay for this story. it must be worth millions in our bustling economy. At least.

Just let everybody have what they want...Allow them their lies and perjury...give them their damn money...if that is what is so all important....and let this person go she can re-offend and finally get back to prison where she belongs.
^^^ no, it's an ongoing process, there's a May (?) deadline for filing objections (?), etc, and a depo of FCA by ZG's atty is in the works

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