Casey Anthony Deposition FILED 2.25.2014

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What I find completely unbelievable is the fact that she is trying to explain why she didn’t exonerate the “ZG from Kissimmee" (because she didn’t know which one that was). It is like she does not even realize that ZG’s lawyers are getting it on record that in fact NO ZG kidnapped Caylee. The fact that she did not say “no mom”, that was not THE ZG that kidnapped Caylee is going to win ZG's lawsuit (I hope).

I wish that when FCA says the words, "My Child", someone would say, YOU DON"T HAVE A CHILD ANYMORE BECAUSE YOU KILLED HER. I absolutely HATE this woman.


Me too coco puff!!! All her self-righteousness is completely insane. Not criminally insane, but just crazy insane... And she's insulted? What about the wake of destruction she's left in her path? What about Caylee? Do you think she found it a little insulting that her mother suffocated and murdered her, drove her decomposing body around with her in the trunk, then threw her in the swamp when the smell finally got too bad? Then mommy went out and partied really hard! All this makes sense fca? That she could ever have the audacity to be insulted by a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g ever!

Did fca forget that she's been busted on the whole fool-proof suffocation thingy since the last time we all heard from her? Or did she forget that she's supposed to be really mad at her murdering, molesting daddy and now is her big chance to speak up for her baby and get some justice, like any innocent mother would do??? This girl has to stop. This is maddening and she doesn't know when enough is enough!!! I really hope this judge can be a hero for Caylee! Good god she deserves one right now!
I suppose that's an improvement on what she called her when she was alive though - the "little snothead" and "that child".

True enough. IMO the depo puts on record what many of us concluded was a huge part of the reason FCA murdered Caylee. In answering why she was so angry with CA on July 25th, FCA says...because CA had " interjected" herself into the situation, because she was "parading " herself in front of TV cameras, because CA was " interrogating" her, because CA had "no place" to be asking her any questions.

Translation. FCA was furious because she murdered Caylee in large part to deprive her mother of the granddaughter FCA viewed as competition, who CA focused on more than she did FCA.

Here she was, according to what she chose to say in the depo, in jail, in isolation 23/24, not in control of anyone or anything, confused, and not up to being interrogated by anyone, much less family.

And yet...all her mother wants to talk about is Caylee! Not her, Caylee!! Its as if CA just doesn't get the message she was trying to deliver and nothing is different. And on top of that, CA is getting all the media's attention, acting like a victim! And talking about nothing except Caylee Caylee Caylee. Instead of admitting that this is all her fault. Instead of understanding how much her own daughter is suffering.

One of the things that hit me reading the depo.... She never says Caylee's name. Not once. All the attys do, including CM. Not her...its always "my daughter." As I recall she did the same thing when interviewed at Universal. She can't be bothered to even pretend she ever loved Caylee.

Psychologically, I believe this is because she objectified Caylee as a "thing", a possession of hers, but did not and does not see her as a little human being with feelings and emotions.

I have read about this also in cases of other murderers who refuse to call their victims by name because it humanizes them too much.

Also, in my opinion, saying "my daughter" is still keeping it about Casey, HER daughter, saying Caylee's name is like taking the focus away from Casey, she has never wanted it to be about Caylee, which is why we're all here in the first place isn't it?
This is one case that will always bother me,I am glad that even though Casey was aquitted,she is still tied up in the courts,and is still hated,and is not really "free".

I hope that she is always detested,ala OJ Simpson.

I think she will be despised even worse than OJ Simpson- she murdered a child... her own baby. It wasn't some love triangle or jealousy issue that many people relate to.

She murdered a BABY... HER OWN FLESH AND BLOOD AND TOSSED HER IN A GARBAGE DUMPING SPOT LIKE TRASH. People will never forget what she is- pure evil!
I think she will be despised even worse than OJ Simpson- she murdered a child... her own baby. It wasn't some love triangle or jealousy issue that many people relate to.

She murdered a BABY... HER OWN FLESH AND BLOOD AND TOSSED HER IN A GARBAGE DUMPING SPOT LIKE TRASH. People will never forget what she is- pure evil!

and hopefully she won't make money on it.
Also, in my opinion, saying "my daughter" is still keeping it about Casey, HER daughter, saying Caylee's name is like taking the focus away from Casey, she has never wanted it to be about Caylee, which is why we're all here in the first place isn't it?

Wow. Hadn't thought it all the way thru. Bet you are 100% right on the money.
Can someone explain to me why Cheney kept saying that Casey would not answer some of the questions because of the 5th amendment? It isn't as if there can be another trial for Caylee's murder, so why in the heck did they feel the need to say that?
Can someone explain to me why Cheney kept saying that Casey would not answer some of the questions because of the 5th amendment? It isn't as if there can be another trial for Caylee's murder, so why in the heck did they feel the need to say that?

Because, just like his client, CM believes he's above any law or rule he doesn't think will benefit him.
I think she will be despised even worse than OJ Simpson- she murdered a child... her own baby. It wasn't some love triangle or jealousy issue that many people relate to.

She murdered a BABY... HER OWN FLESH AND BLOOD AND TOSSED HER IN A GARBAGE DUMPING SPOT LIKE TRASH. People will never forget what she is- pure evil!

I so agree! I couldn't care less what happens to OJ- his karma has already started creeping up on him. But I hope for the day when I read that someone has locked her in the trunk of their car, and when she has rotted enough to stink, dumped her in a swamp...

In this video and in the July 30th video Casey explicitly gives permission to her parents and Lee to speak to the media on her anyone to spread the information.

Also, "I want you to look into things..." Permission to Lee and you to give "statement to the media..."

And, as previously stated, she says "Jesse doesn't know Zany TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE." Guess he doesn't know the pretend Zany...only the real zany???

Casey's supercilious, snarky tone in the deposition almost sent be through the roof. I think Cheney is afraid of her, just as her parents are.
Because, just like his client, CM believes he's above any law or rule he doesn't think will benefit him.
And he does it all while flipping the bird and hiding behind the pages of the "Constitution." He and fca are such cowards, always hiding behind something or someone, screaming their self-righteous bullhas, then lashing out like cornered wild animals when it comes time to actually do something or be accountable... They've all but wiped themselves with that constitution of theirs, right smack in the nose of those courtrooms that they continually abuse!!! The same exact rooms that have, ironically, almost given fca every single thing she wants most in life. Almost. Let's just hope to God this last checkmark goes in the Caylee column... Or zfg column... Anything but the fca column, and that's a win for Caylee, imo...
I gotta post this while swigging down my after-work glass of wine. Oy job, new state of residence, now this....LOL

Here's my deal - if, it were as Jose put forth in the trial, a drowning....WHAT KIND OF PSYCHO DOESN'T JUST SAY IT WAS A DROWNING? For me the mere fact that she will not say that, and would not say that all those years ago, is because she killed that baby. Drownings - sadly - happen all the time. All she would have had to do was say "Caylee accidentally drowned" and the world would have had sympathy for her. LEO would have had sympathy for her. THERE IS A REASON SHE NEVER HAS SAID FROM HER OWN TWO LIPS THAT IT WAS A DROWNING. It wasn't. It was a murder. She knows it. I believe it in my heart of hearts. There is simply no reasonable explanation to cover a drowning with a kidnapping. And Jose knew at trial he could not just say "Caylee drowned" because the evidence did not support that. Hence, he had to muddy the waters with a nefarious plot by GA to hide the drowning because of....well, you know. She could have even said AFTER BEING ARRESTED - hey, she drowned, I freaked....and it would have all gone away. But the tricky question then was...where is her body? "Oh well, I dumped her behind the housse in the swamp." Yeah....evidence doesn't support the accidental drowning theory.

If you read this deposition you can see that she lies so easily. She is quick to keep up with her lies. But she does get backed into a corner, and that is when her lies come apart. I.E., when she was in that room at Universal - she owned up to her lies. Her lies about covering up. Mitnik kept up with her and backed her into a corner a few times and she didn't like it. She didn't like it one bit. She threatened to walk out.

George backed her into a corner a time or two, and she hated him for it. I think Cindy backed her into a corner when she confronted her the day she left with Caylee. She hated Cindy for that. And she got back at Cindy, yeah boy.

As for Jose, at least he had the sense to get out while the getting was good. Cheney - not so smart. I believe that man will regret the day he became BFFs with this gal.

It just boggles the mind that after ALL that has happened, she can't just sit up in that deposition and say "my daughter drowned accidentally". One reason in my book. And only one reason.

:goodpost: TotallyObessed Excellent post! :tyou:
GRACE: In a bizarre twist, grandmother Cindy Anthony swears under oath she has numbers and addresses for Caylee`s so-called baby-sitter. But grandmother Cindy confirms she never once made a single try at locating the alleged nanny, Zenaida Gonzalez.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Have you ever seen a picture of Zanny?

CINDY ANTHONY: No, I haven`t.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK. Now, I just want to clarify a couple…

CINDY ANTHONY: But I have a picture in my head…

Oh doesn't it just make you NUTS!!

The whole family is bonkers .. the lying is beyond the point of ridiculous, but they just can't stop .. and just when you think one of them is edging close to waking up to reality (yes, I'm looking at you GEORGE) they somehow get pulled back into the vortex of stupidity! Can't we just ship them all off to an island somewhere and be done with them?
In this video and in the July 30th video Casey explicitly gives permission to her parents and Lee to speak to the media on her anyone to spread the information.

Also, "I want you to look into things..." Permission to Lee and you to give "statement to the media..."

And, as previously stated, she says "Jesse doesn't know Zany TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE." Guess he doesn't know the pretend Zany...only the real zany???

Casey's supercilious, snarky tone in the deposition almost sent be through the roof. I think Cheney is afraid of her, just as her parents are.

I'm having a hard time hearing this video. Could you tell me exactly at what time she says that ? I will send it to Mr Mitnik if they don't already have it.
I can't gag rereading it to find page numbers .. but Mesnick asked Casey if she always referred to Zenaida the babysitter as "Zany" when talking to Cindy. Casey corrected him and said no, she called her both names, Zany and Zenaida. Then Mason, in his leading questions, asked Casey if she ever used the name Zenaida before and she said "no". (Inferring she only used the full Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez). Which is it, Casey?
GRACE: In a bizarre twist, grandmother Cindy Anthony swears under oath she has numbers and addresses for Caylee`s so-called baby-sitter. But grandmother Cindy confirms she never once made a single try at locating the alleged nanny, Zenaida Gonzalez.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Have you ever seen a picture of Zanny?

CINDY ANTHONY: No, I haven`t.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK. Now, I just want to clarify a couple…

CINDY ANTHONY: But I have a picture in my head…


Your honor, I object. It is obvious Mrs. Anthony has nothing in her head.

Can someone explain to me why Cheney kept saying that Casey would not answer some of the questions because of the 5th amendment? It isn't as if there can be another trial for Caylee's murder, so why in the heck did they feel the need to say that?

My opinion is that JB and CM pulled some dirty tricks that, it were uncovered, could lead to stiff sanctions by the bar. Also, it could just be that if she admits the kid drowned, then all of the stuff she said from the end of the 31 days to police were known lies. That would make it obvious that she intended to blame someone else.
From what I could remember, and it's been awhile, KC had been in touch with a friend who was a real estate agent or apartment manager???? This was the week Tony was looking for an apartment. It was also reported that she knew someone who worked in the Sawgrass rental office but that person refused to give a statement to LE. That is what I remember. I believe I do remember the agent giving a statement but it was reported that the employee from Sawgrass failed to show up for an interview. He was in school, too, at the time I'm wondering if she went out looking on her own. She did have a lot of free time when people thought she was working. jmo

Matthew Crisp is the person she knew who was a Leasing Manager at Crane's Landing..
I did hear, as rumour/theory, the connection to a Sawgrass Leasing agent but I don't rememberr any proof to back up this rumour/theory.

Matthew Crisp:
07/17/08 Interview Text
Matthew Crisp, leasing agent for Cranes Landing Apts said Casey contacted him earlier this day looking for an apartment for Tony Lazarro. Matthew said both Lazarro and Casey came to see the apartment but Casey didn't have her ID so he could only show it to Tony but not Case
I'm having a hard time hearing this video. Could you tell me exactly at what time she says that ? I will send it to Mr Mitnik if they don't already have it.

Here's the link to the video I watched from July 25th...
[ame=""]Casey Anthony - George and Cindy Jail Visit - YouTube[/ame]
8:47 Casey states that Lee is going to make a statement to the media
9:59 Cindy says that she is, " front of the cameras all the time what message shall I give the media...."
15:19 Casey says, "...keep talking to the media..."

I didn't re-listen to the July 30th video, but from my notes Casey says that you guys and Lee may speak for me....

In the 30th video she also gushes about what wonderful parents Cindy and George are and they should, "keep doing what they are doing," and "You're doing such a great job."

Sure seems to me that she gave her parents to speak to the media...

I can't believe that she continues with the charade 3 weeks later....and to this day...:twocents::banghead:
Oh doesn't it just make you NUTS!!

The whole family is bonkers .. the lying is beyond the point of ridiculous, but they just can't stop .. and just when you think one of them is edging close to waking up to reality (yes, I'm looking at you GEORGE) they somehow get pulled back into the vortex of stupidity! Can't we just ship them all off to an island somewhere and be done with them?

BBM I think Dr Phil should have to live with them.
Can someone explain to me why Cheney kept saying that Casey would not answer some of the questions because of the 5th amendment? It isn't as if there can be another trial for Caylee's murder, so why in the heck did they feel the need to say that?

KC is claiming the fifth for this coming civil trial. She does not want to answer certain questions regarding her pointing the finger at ZG. jmo

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