Casey Anthony General Discussion Thread #154

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I'm a firefighter, too. I called once because I had a cow on my porch. It was a big cow, and it was angry.

I once called 911 because I had 3 cows and a calf hanging out in my yard. But I did state it wasn't an emergency. 911 sent the right people for me - noone was mad - they were all laughing at the scene.
I find it a little odd that the protestors happened to start showing up around 7:30 pm and then the "cavalry" showed up within the hour for the round up. Leak perhaps? The timing seems strange to me.
IMO the cavalry was there to protect Casey and only that.
They also do not need a warrant if the person is out on bond. Seems to me, LE is treating this family with kid gloves. No, they don't need a warrant or a search warrant if someone is out on bond as they are technically still under arrest. They are NOT free people like most. They are prisoners who have been give a small amount of freedom, that's all. They have no civil rights as most people know them.

No, they do need an arrest warrant to arrest someone, always, regardless of other charges, and if they are seeking evidence in this new charge, they do need a new S&S warrant as well. Remember that Baez was in contact with LE earlier in the day, we dont know what went down except that according to Baez he was sucker punched and imo couldnt happen to a nicer guy.
I take 911 very seriously but I don't think "life threatening" is the only criteria for calling 911.
My police have a general number and an emergency number. I would have called the general number if I didn't like people across the street yelling at me. Maybe they only have one number in Orlando.
I'm a firefighter, too. I called once because I had a cow on my porch. It was a big cow, and it was angry.

OK, that's hilarious! I should not laugh, but the thought of putting that one down in the "yes this stuff really happens in real life" log book cracks me up. I can totally see calling 911 for that - angry cows could be life threatening! I can't wait to tell Mr. Litig8r about that one.
I thought the deletions were made on the online page, not her actual computer.

Someone asked if they could be retrieved if she deleted them from her computer and another said yes. This was in response to whether a hard drive could ever be completely wiped so LE couldn't recover. I've been told how by a forensic computer person but the average computer person has no way to do it. They could give it a good try and make it really really hard but some stuff might still be recoverable. I don't want to say too much because I don't want some freak to be able to do it from what I say but it can be done.
Not directing this at anyone in particular, but in case anyone has knowledge about the TES search. DO NOT POST SEARCH LOCATIONS, they keep it discreet to avoid perpetrators moving the body where they have already searched. Since we don't know for sure there is no accomplice lets not discuss locations.
Yeah, we don't know who LE may have under surveillance!
There was a post yesterday that struck me as sounding like it could have been written by Cindy. So much so that I almost asked! Then the same poster last night was saying how the arrest was nothing more than a "crowd pleaser" to please protesters. I think I remember who it was, but I am not sure, so I don't want to say the posters name in case I am wrong. I could go back and look, but I admit, I'm lazy.
I remember...
Gosh...I've noticed the same thing from the beginning.

No close friends to be with them during this horrible time.

The closest I've seen a neighbor come is keeping George from smacking Little Dude yesterday.

Where are family members? My god, if my family member or close friend had a missing grandchild, I'd be there daily to bring food, give hugs, help take calls and such.

No one's stepped up. Cindy says it's because she's told them not to get involved. Well, that wouldn't keep me away, if my niece, cousin, etc were missing.

Just the 4 of them. GA, CA, KC & LA and Caylee. The GGP's in th RH. It seems they have alienated friends and family. No churches have brought in meals, I mean there is no circle, the neighbors have done nothing for them. It is weird and sad at the same time. My girlfriends would be over takin care of me, I wouldn't have to say anything to reporters, my loud mouthed friends would do it for me. "Redneck Mayhem News at 10" It's not funny but where are the friends, co-workers.
I read somewhere that the bonding company would decide next week wiether to reinstate the bond ?????????? this is strange. Do you all think this might happen???
I bet Yuri and Allen got a big kick out of that. LOL Yes...Cindy...An Arrest Warrant entitles them to enter without your invitation. LMAO Someone needs to send her the book, Law Enforcement 101 For Dummies. Or how about, Everything You needed To Know About Your Child's Arrest Warrants But Are Too Stupid To Ask Her Attorney?

God, you make me laugh! :blowkiss:
Please can anyone tell me about the deleted photos? Did Casey delete those on July 16? Could they contain info as to where her daughter is? Can LE know what photos were deleted first?

In the early part of doc1 of the released stuff Jesse says that Casey deleted hundreds of photos of Caylee from her Myspace acct. and Photobucket acct. He does give a timeframe for the deletions - can't recall for sure right now when it was - sometime around the 22nd I think - will edit if I find dates. Edited to add Jesse does not give specific date - just that he looked at the sights after initially speaking to det. and noticed they were gone.

Maybe Jesse can identify many of the deleted pics - I bet he can.
I take 911 very seriously but I don't think "life threatening" is the only criteria for calling 911.

Perhaps I should have used better wording - how about something more along the lines of "needing immediate assistance - without it life could be in danger"? Heck, all the people that call it frivilously help to keep Mr. Litig8r employed - so who am I to complain? :blowkiss:
I once called 911 because I had 3 cows and a calf hanging out in my yard. But I did state it wasn't an emergency. 911 sent the right people for me - noone was mad - they were all laughing at the scene.

LOL...the dispatcher knows me...when I called and told her what was going on, she said, "SAY WHAT? You have a cow on your PORCH?" And then she laughed out loud, and I could hear her dispatching on the was funny.

Fortunately, the cow left before the deputy showed up...So I called her back and said, "The cow has left the building." She then got back on the radio and told the deputy, "You can cancel the cow call, Elsie has left the building."

It was a big joke around here for awhile...I still get ribbed about it.

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