Casey Anthony General Discussion Thread #156

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I just watched the video of the today's show this morning and that family spokes man is full of it I can produce email Tim sent me and he said " he hoped the family called soon so he could find her body and have a funeral , that no she is not alive.....
Congrats, Not_my_kids! I'm preggo with #3. I think that's why this case is such an emotional one for me.
the spokes man says tim is looking for her alive and he knows this because he is on the inside, I have email that say on Monday tim thought she was dead
Notmykids~~~~Congratulations on your little biscuit cooking!

I wish you many blessings on your new coming additon. I know we haven't always seen eye to eye but I have a great respect for you from reading your posts and wish you and yours much joy and happiness. I also think it's truly beautiful that you want to carry on Caylee's name.
Can I ask if anything else of 'importance' happened today besides Casey's hearing? Any news on the search?
Why would Casey have taken the cans out of Daddy's shed if she just needed gas in her car? Wouldn't she have just gassed up and left the cans there? Instead ~ she put the gas cans in the car to take them to where she intended to torch something . . . or someone.
wonder where LP and the rv is I hope he did not leave with out talking to us about the recent events, but the way the nancy grace show treated him I could say I blame him
Does anyone know if the Anthony's have any extended family that is helping support them emotionally right now? It seems strange to me that they seem isolated and boarded up in their house with just immediate family.
Notmykids~~~~Congratulations on your little biscuit cooking!

I wish you many blessings on your new coming additon. I know we haven't always seen eye to eye but I have a great respect for you from reading your posts and wish you and yours much joy and happiness. I also think it's truly beautiful that you want to carry on Caylee's name.

Thank you. Even though we don't always agree, I try not to take it personally. This place would be awfully boring if we all thought the same thing.
poor LP the media wanted her out he got her out then they wanted her back in so he was going to put her back in they still wasn't happy, sounds like it was a catch 22 for him
Sadly enough I don't think the Anthony's will ever face the truth on this. Even if Caylee's body is found, they will convince themselves the kidnappers or the Nanny killed her. They will dispute every piece of evidence they are shown and they will try and convince the media and the public that Law Enforcement was out to get Casey from the beginning and never looked for the real killer. IMO
if there is going to be anything today it should be release around now, for the 6:00 news, if not we will have to wait untill 8-10 tonight...
Why does her inmate information say differently than it did earlier today? The charges she was arrested for last night are not on there any longer and it says bond pending? Did I miss something??????????
Why would Casey have taken the cans out of Daddy's shed if she just needed gas in her car? Wouldn't she have just gassed up and left the cans there? Instead ~ she put the gas cans in the car to take them to where she intended to torch something . . . or someone.

Yep--she transported a body in the car and disposed of it somehow. The gas cans are very telling--a good way to get incriminating evidence out of the way.
What is the deal with the spokesman? Doesn't it seem like Cindy is making almost as many public appearancs as it was before he stepped in?
Anyone...are Orlando's "city trucks" white?

thas what I was wondering..theres a white truck parked outside the Anthony house right now. just left...was there for a few minutes...
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