Casey Anthony General Discussion Thread #156

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ROTFLMAO. I don't think they have any kind of case. They are just blowing steam.

I just caught a clip of wesh news online - searches being conducted on horseback, atv's, air boats. The Anthony's are cosidering filing a civil suit against OCSD over the rearrest last night.
So now that Casey is back in jail, is she in with general population this time? The reason I ask is this, it says Casey is in Cell: F-DORML-14. Well it just so happens that the Cynthia Anthony that we thought was OUR Cynthia is in jail and booked last night as well. And she is in Cell: F-DORMH. Weird coincident huh?

That is way too weird...IMOO I wonder if it's an alias for someone to do with this case? I just think the coincidence is too weird.
IDK, i always thought the way that played out was that Cindy and Casey had a big fight and Cindy kicked Casey out or gave her some ultimatum. Casey frantically kept calling to try and talk her out of it but Cindy's fed up and wouldn't answer the calls. Casey doesn't get her way, gets mad and punishes Cindy by taking Caylee.

who knows.. but that's just what I thought of when I heard about the multiple calls so quickly together.

I had always thought the calls were from a panic due to an accident involving Caylee--but now that I've read the documents and observed how unfeeling and unemotional Casey is, I think you are probably right--the calls were probably dealing with CASEY--the only person important in her life.
Maybe Cindy was going to turn Casey into LE for the thefts, but when Casey disappeared with Caylee, that was put on hold.
I just caught a clip of wesh news online - searches being conducted on horseback, atv's, air boats. The Anthony's are cosidering filing a civil suit against OCSD over the rearrest last night.


That attorney KNOWS there can't be a lawsuit filed...........What is he trying to do set up a case for Casey that she had incompetent counsel?

Casey was still in "jail" for all practical purposes.........just on bond and could be re-arrested at any time without a warrant.......(although I am sure there were arrest warrants filed, they don't have to show them when someone is out on bond)
I just caught a clip of wesh news online - searches being conducted on horseback, atv's, air boats. The Anthony's are cosidering filing a civil suit against OCSD over the rearrest last night.

Oh, please.

Hope SS, doesn't get mad at me, but I'll pitch in for Yuri & Team's defense fund.
You know... even IF George was confused over who 'owned' that small piece of property, it's STILL incredibly stupid to take a stand over a few feet. Agree.. but I think he ready to burst over ANYTHING at this point.

IF people were blatantly on their front lawn... creeping closer to their front door, the LOGICAL course of action is to call police & ask THEM to come ask the people to back off. They did.. 911 remember.. however that is when Casey was arrested.

If this family is incapable of dealing with STRESS, they should stop giving people REASONS to provoke them. I am one of the few who believe people are handling the GP's poorly. I can disagree with EVERYTHING they have been doing in relation to this case. However, it does not justify what I think is horrible harrassment on them. People are disregarding RIGHTS I believe they have. Whether I like a person or not, there are still LIMITS to what I should be able to do to them. (Harrassment )

Does ANYONE in this family think of consequences BEFORE they spring into action? (Besides Lee, I mean)

( my responses are above in the red )

I guess my defense of them is because I don't believe THEY did anything to that poor little girl. It appears to me that they get slammed and name called almost MORE than Casey. Which is where I think it belongs. They frustrate me, but the focus shouldn't be them, IMO
Hmmmm...interesting theory. Left Caylee in the car sleeping....hmmmmm. You know, that could very well be it!!
I just caught a clip of wesh news online - searches being conducted on horseback, atv's, air boats. The Anthony's are cosidering filing a civil suit against OCSD over the rearrest last night.
Bring it on. They haven't a leg to stand on - particularly when THEY are the ones who called the police over the protestors. Like it or not, Cindy, Casey is still a prisoner and the police have every right to knock on the door (kick it in, if you do not answer it) to recover a prisoner. The prisoner has NO MORE RIGHTS OUT OF JAIL THEN SHE DOES IN JAIL.

Cindy wants to rewrite laws just for her perfect little mommy?
The day she tried to call home over and over and couldn't get mom/dad...if it fits.....I think she had lost it, then after not reaching them thought it through and thought the less that know the better, how can I face them. JMO. When exactly were those calls again? My theory didn't have to do with her sleeping so late....that was a copy from another person....but, that too made sense. I wonder how the timeline of the phone calls would fit into the this theory?

I also believe something happened that day. I'm leaning toward Caylee being left in the hot car or drowning in the pool. I still have no opinion about whether it was accidental or not, though.
It struck me that if LE has been leaking details of the case to make CMA look bad, couldn't JB have "leaked" details to exonerate Casey to return Caylee and help his client out?

If there were any details that helped his client, I'm sure he would leak them....we'd love him to, so would LE, why does he think we don't want him to leak where Caylee is? The man is a fool ... IMOO
Honestly where George has the car parked is illegal, it is blocking the public sidewalk.

That attorney KNOWS there can't be a lawsuit filed...........What is he trying to do set up a case for Casey that she had incompetent counsel?

Casey was still in "jail" for all practical purposes.........just on bond and could be re-arrested at any time without a warrant.......(although I am sure there were arrest warrants filed, they don't have to show them when someone is out on bond)

Wow! I was thinking about that earlier today.... go to trial with the Brownie Eater & then when she's convicted file an appeal for incompetent counsel & this time you KNOW the prosecution's case in advance. It just might be the brat's ONLY chance.... winning on appeal.
Is there a link to that clip?

I giggle when I read this! I thought "go Patty, go Patty" security!

You have been rocking with keeping all video/media organized for everyone.

Thank you for all your efforts, it really helps! :blowkiss:

Sorry, I don't have a link. I was watching it online. If I find a link I will post it.
Residential lots generally include the land out to the middle of the street. However, there are easements or required property owner dedications for the public for the street, the curb and gutter and the sidewalk. The landscape row between curb and gutter and the sidewalk are still owned in fee by the homeowner, but the easement covers that area. Local ordinance setback laws prohibit any construction or fencing in the landscape row between the curb and the sidewalk. Some earlier property conveyances were not done this way. There might be local variances either by practice of the time or by local ordinances. However, I did look up some relatively current planning documents out of Orange County Florida and the setbacks and easements were consistent with the above. Bottom line, George was right that it was his property. However, the easement to the County is for the County's right of way and for the use of the public on the street and sidewalk. Utility companies generally bury cables and pipelines beneath the landscape strip, sidewalk or strip area. Therefore, there may be multiple easements. The homeowner does not have a legal right to block a sidewalk. However, the OCSO is probably exercising some discretion in not doing anything about it right now. Let the situation calm down a bit.
You know, I thin people might have bought the story a little more if she just said, " I left caylee in the care asleep while I was inside partying, and when I came out, she was gone!"

I do believe Caylees death was Caseys stupidity...not intentional...but idiotic just teh same
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