Casey Anthony: Where The Truth Lies (Peacock Documentary) Discussion

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It was even worse than I imagined. I knew she would lie, that much is obvious, but I thought the documentary would try to be unbiased since Peacock was affiliated with NBC. I was 100% wrong. The interviewer is clearly a Casey supporter. The doc clearly spins everything as George did it. It's completely one sided in favor of the defense with a couple of detectives to set up the story and to grill them about why they didn't investigate George. It is an absolute travesty and it may influence younger generations who aren't as familiar with the case.
That murdering wench can lie all day long and there will be people that will believe her but that does not change what she KNOWS SHE DID- Though she has no conscience and could care less what she did to her daughter, and ruining her parents lives, She does care what people think or she would not have done this streaming event. I have a hatred for her that I wish I didn't have- I want her to pay for her crime and it looks like that will never happen. Nevertheless she has to live with her evil monstrous self----Maybe some day karma will finally show up.
Nah. It was her car that smelled of death all those days later.
She was the one who came up with the elaborate story about the nanny.
She is the one who came up with the elaborate story about working at Universal and actually led officers down a hall to a non-existent office in order to stall them. She is the one who led them to the nonexistent nanny’s home.
She is the one who kept putting off her mom’s repeated questions about Caylee.
She is the one who abandoned the death car.
She is the one who initially lied to her brother before finally coming up with a story after he told her the cops weren’t going to believe her.
She is the one who got angry with her family when she was in jail because they were having a chili lunch without her.
She responded positively to her supposed rapist father when he told her loved her in a jail call and tried to get her to say where Caylee was.
She is the one who failed to ever say any of this new story to investigators after being arrested and being on trial. She failed to testify to any of this.
She is the one who partied for a month, taking gleeful photos, having a blast, while she drove around with a car that smelled like death.

It’s nonsense.

It’s also scary how easily people can fall for the lies of a personality disordered monster.
Nah. It was her car that smelled of death all those days later.
She was the one who came up with the elaborate story about the nanny.
She is the one who came up with the elaborate story about working at Universal and actually led officers down a hall to a non-existent office in order to stall them. She is the one who led them to the nonexistent nanny’s home.
She is the one who kept putting off her mom’s repeated questions about Caylee.
She is the one who abandoned the death car.
She is the one who initially lied to her brother before finally coming up with a story after he told her the cops weren’t going to believe her.
She is the one who got angry with her family when she was in jail because they were having a chili lunch without her.
She responded positively to her supposed rapist father when he told her loved her in a jail call and tried to get her to say where Caylee was.
She is the one who failed to ever say any of this new story to investigators after being arrested and being on trial. She failed to testify to any of this.
She is the one who partied for a month, taking gleeful photos, having a blast, while she drove around with a car that smelled like death.

It’s nonsense.

It’s also scary how easily people can fall for the lies of a personality disordered monster.

Imagine the gall, the nerves of steel, taking the detectives to Universal, knowing she did not work there but continuing this huge lie to the bitter end until she had to admit she did not work there. That was a jaw dropping event -- it tells you everything you need to know about this lying murdering thing. Yes, these days people fall for all kinds of crap they hear on podcasts- very gullible.
I only watched Part 1 so far, and only half watched it, at that (making dinner is so much more important!), but one thing I remember her being asked about was the Bella Vita tattoo. She had it covered up with some obnoxious symbol of some sort. She said the Bella Vita tattoo "that was my eff you to my family" and she had that raged look on her face, like when she did the "COME ON!!!!" fisties in the jail video. She was mad at her family. Why?? Dare I answer that? Yes. Because they had the GALL to put her in jail and question her. She was FURIOUS with her family. And still is. What a raving lunatic she is.
I only watched Part 1 so far, and only half watched it, at that (making dinner is so much more important!), but one thing I remember her being asked about was the Bella Vita tattoo. She had it covered up with some obnoxious symbol of some sort. She said the Bella Vita tattoo "that was my F-You to my family" and she had that raged look on her face, like when she did the "COME ON!!!!" fisties in the jail video. She was mad at her family. Why?? Dare I answer that? Yes. Because they had the GALL to put her in jail and question her. She was FURIOUS with her family. And still is. What a raving lunatic she is.
I only watched Part 1 so far, and only half watched it, at that (making dinner is so much more important!), but one thing I remember her being asked about was the Bella Vita tattoo. She had it covered up with some obnoxious symbol of some sort. She said the Bella Vita tattoo "that was my eff you to my family" and she had that raged look on her face, like when she did the "COME ON!!!!" fisties in the jail video. She was mad at her family. Why?? Dare I answer that? Yes. Because they had the GALL to put her in jail and question her. She was FURIOUS with her family. And still is. What a raving lunatic she is.

She should get down on the ground and her mother's butt- Cindy could have put her rotten daughter in jail for life if she would have testified truthfully!
I haven’t finished the documentary, but I am thinking about all of the holes that the defense poked into the states case. I can honestly see how she was found not guilty which also means she’s not innocent. I know, but I have annoying feeling in the pit of my stomach that George is involved somehow.
What holes? They made up a bunch of nonsensical stories and the jury wasn't interested in the actual facts. One of the jurors said Ashton was putting them to sleep with all that testimony about actual evidence. The jury couldn't be bothered to review any of it anyway before they rendered their verdict.
Newbie here. I just joined because this seems like the only place where I can share opinions without getting ripped to shreds by the CSA survivor community who are somehow experiencing sudden onset amnesia over the fact that Casey is a convicted pathological liar.

I watched the doc and there are so many holes in it.

Why did you take the police to Universal Studios and not the "cash bar" which you're all of a sudden now claiming, for the first time in this documentary, to have worked at that time?

If you had an income from this job, why did you steal money from your family and use their credit cards?

If you claim you had no memory of being SA by your dad until you recovered those blocked memories in prison, why are you claiming that you slept in your bedroom at the Anthony house with the door locked to make sure your dad couldn't get in? Either you knew already or you didn't. Which is it?

Why did you think Caylee was still alive 31 days later when earlier you claimed you held her cold unresponsive body in your arms?

Why did your ex bf Tony wake up one morning to find you crying while you watched a video of Caylee on your laptop if you thought she was alive and still OK?

Why was the only thing you cared about was talking to your ex bf Tony while the rest of the world were searching for your missing daughter? Why were you more obsessed with him than finding your own daughter? Is that why she's gone?

When you said that everything about your life before prison was all a lie, does that include the stories about you being a good mom? Was that all an act? Were you just faking your way through motherhood?

Why did the trunk of your car smell like death and why abandon it?

Why are you claiming in this documentary that you've never been able to sleep soundly when back in 2017 you said in an interview that you "sleep pretty good at night"?

Why did you claim that you told lies because that was how you were conditioned to behave and it came naturally to you and then turn around and claim that you only repeated the lies that George told you to tell others? I hardly doubt George was the one who came up with the lie about Zenaida living at the Sawgrass building in apartment 310 which is the same building where your friend Annie lived or the lie about Zenaida's mom living across the street from your boyfriend's apartment building. How would George even know any of those details? That all came from you, babe.


One thing I observed in this documentary is that Casey has "a tell" whenever she's lying about something. If you observe her face closely, you'll see it. She scrunches/contorts her nose and upper lip area in exaggerated ways whenever she's telling a story that is fabricated.

I honestly have no clue how those psychologists managed to miss Casey having a personality disorder. I guess she must've told some convincing lies and they believed her. I think she has borderline personality disorder. The fight on June 15th when Cindy confronted Casey about her stealing money and about taking custody of Caylee which eventually led to Cindy choking Casey, I think that was when Casey had a Mommy Dearest moment and then either suffocated or drowned her daughter the next day. She wanted to hurt her mother for loving Caylee more than her. Also Tony didn't want to have kids or be a parent and I think she was obsessed enough with him to get rid of her own child.

I believe that George likely has borderline personality as well (his pathological lying, stealing, gambling addiction, recklessness with money, suicide attempt, etc) and Casey grew up to become a carbon copy of her father. The part of the documentary where they talk about Caylee's body being wrapped in a blanket, put in a garbage bag and wrapped with duct tape and how George used to bury the family pets in that way, I think that was Casey again copying the behaviors of her father. Totally dysfunctional unhinged family. Caylee deserved better.

Edit: Another note I forgot to mention which proves that Casey is a copy of her father is that she has a pattern of dating men who are in law enforcement and she recently started gambling at underground poker games.
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That murdering wench can lie all day long and there will be people that will believe her but that does not change what she KNOWS SHE DID- Though she has no conscience and could care less what she did to her daughter, and ruining her parents lives, She does care what people think or she would not have done this streaming event. I have a hatred for her that I wish I didn't have- I want her to pay for her crime and it looks like that will never happen. Nevertheless she has to live with her evil monstrous self----Maybe some day karma will finally show up.
I always wish for a real life 'Dexter' to take care of her. I really really do!
I only watched Part 1 so far, and only half watched it, at that (making dinner is so much more important!), but one thing I remember her being asked about was the Bella Vita tattoo. She had it covered up with some obnoxious symbol of some sort. She said the Bella Vita tattoo "that was my eff you to my family" and she had that raged look on her face, like when she did the "COME ON!!!!" fisties in the jail video. She was mad at her family. Why?? Dare I answer that? Yes. Because they had the GALL to put her in jail and question her. She was FURIOUS with her family. And still is. What a raving lunatic she is.
The only time she showed TRUE emotion was anger at her family, particularly George. The other times you could tell she was trying to feign emotions by doing those weird exaggerated facial movements.
I honestly have no clue how those psychologists managed to miss Casey having a personality disorder. I guess she must've told some convincing lies and they believed her. I think she has borderline personality disorder.
I was reading Dr William Weitz's deposition and I found it interesting even if he clearly believes Casey and shows his bias at times. He mentions she wasn't diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder because she didn't have signs of conduct disorder (basically juvenile apd) before the age of 15.

If you look up antisocial personality disorder the criteria does say she has to have have conduct disorder before 15 to be diagnosed, but she absolutely fits everything else.

I did further research on Google and there are papers confirming that there are people with apd that did not have conduct disorder. They have late onset antisocial behavior. Which makes sense. If you think about it the whole 15 thing is arbitrary. Why wouldn't someone exhibiting antisocial behavior at 22 be considered antisocial even if they seemed normal at 15?

So it may be a combination of bad diagnostic criteria and nobody realizing she could still have it.
I finally figured out the WHY, y’all. It wasn’t because she wanted her Bella vita life. Or that she didn’t want to be a mom anymore because guess what.. she wasn’t a mom. And she was able to go party all she wanted. Why? Because George and Cindy were Caylee’s true parents. They provided her everything she could ever want or need. George and Cindy loved Caylee more than they loved Casey. From the moment little one was born, Casey was shoved to the side. Didn’t we hear that Cindy threatened many times to take away Casey’s parental rights? Even on one 911 call she told Casey they’d go to court. She killed Caylee to get back at her parents. She was jealous Caylee had the love she craved from G and C. What would hurt her parents the most? Caylee being gone where they couldn’t have her. She thought she’d get away with it until the car incident. George loved Caylee more than life itself.. hence when he tried to kill himself in that motel. She was and still is a selfish who only cares about what benefits her. She has no remorse. She doesn’t miss that little girl. She’s sad and crying because she will always be known as a baby killer who threw her dad under the bus.
I agree, this is the most plausible explanation.
The only time she showed TRUE emotion was anger at her family, particularly George. The other times you could tell she was trying to feign emotions by doing those weird exaggerated facial movements.

I think she lies about George and throws the blame at him because she was very jealous of the love that George and Cindy had for Caylee. JMHO
I was reading Dr William Weitz's deposition and I found it interesting even if he clearly believes Casey and shows his bias at times. He mentions she wasn't diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder because she didn't have signs of conduct disorder (basically juvenile apd) before the age of 15.

If you look up antisocial personality disorder the criteria does say she has to have have conduct disorder before 15 to be diagnosed, but she absolutely fits everything else.

I did further research on Google and there are papers confirming that there are people with apd that did not have conduct disorder. They have late onset antisocial behavior. Which makes sense. If you think about it the whole 15 thing is arbitrary. Why wouldn't someone exhibiting antisocial behavior at 22 be considered antisocial even if they seemed normal at 15?

So it may be a combination of bad diagnostic criteria and nobody realizing she could still have it.
But what if there were instances before age 15 where she did engage in misconduct, but it was never reported because her family clearly has been coddling, spoiling, and enabling her for most of her life. Maybe she did things her parents never reported because they didn't want her to get into trouble. Or maybe she did things before age 15 and never got caught because she acted innocent in front of her family. I guess we'll never know. I find female sociopaths are skilled at being sneakier than male sociopaths. They can get away with more things if they put on an innocent/angelic act or manipulating others through crying.

I see some of that in Casey's jail video calls. Cussing her mom out one minute and then the next minute acting all sweet and angelic with her dad.
I think she lies about George and throws the blame at him because she was very jealous of the love that George and Cindy had for Caylee. JMHO
I don't think it's that. Casey was acting sweet towards her dad in those jail calls. It wasn't until she found out that her dad was going to appear as a witness for the prosecution's side that she decided to get revenge against him for that. She's been pissed at him ever since.
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