Casey Anthony's Cell Phone Records

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The Orlando news media (not sure which one) reported from the area near the airport, that was being searched. I remember this male reporter said LE had info on cell phone pings in this area on June 17th, which prompted the searches here. So far, I've not
seen any documented info released by LE. I read somewhere else, that LE is keeping this info private for now.
What bothers me is the fact that they don't list who the call was made to at 4:32.
It states that after the call to Cindy, she made a call 8 minutes later. But we see nothing about it. Just the call to her parents house at 6:32.
My interest is peaked about why they didn't release calls for the 17th. But my radar goes up for the call with-held at 4:32.

You know - that's the first I noticed that. Do you think it might be a typo and supposed to be 2 hours, 8 minutes to the next call? Because it is exactly that until the call to the Anthony home.
Being that I am from Michigan, and Detroit is having a huge Text Message Scandal with the Mayor...I am wondering if the phone company will have the text messages and released them to LE. The bill itself will only show the date/time/number, but in the case of Detroit, they were able to get the actual text messages from the carrier (skytel in this case).
Being that I am from Michigan, and Detroit is having a huge Text Message Scandal with the Mayor...I am wondering if the phone company will have the text messages and released them to LE. The bill itself will only show the date/time/number, but in the case of Detroit, they were able to get the actual text messages from the carrier (skytel in this case).

If they have a warrant, yes they can release the actual text messages.
If they have a warrant, yes they can release the actual text messages.

They can release them if they have them stored. Most carriers don't keep them very long. The reason Skytel had them for Detroit's mayor is because this was a gov't text messaging device and they had to keep those records for a longer period of time than private users.
You know - that's the first I noticed that. Do you think it might be a typo and supposed to be 2 hours, 8 minutes to the next call? Because it is exactly that until the call to the Anthony home.

I don't think it's a typo. I think it's a call they wanted to keep the lid on just like the calls on the 17th.
Are Casey's phone records available for viewing through this web site?
I know that we cannot public request these records but if NG & LP have a copy they are not exactly private either.
Can an admin from Websleuths ask NG or LP for a copy to post to the website?
They can release them if they have them stored. Most carriers don't keep them very long. The reason Skytel had them for Detroit's mayor is because this was a gov't text messaging device and they had to keep those records for a longer period of time than private users.

ATT would still have the text messages from June.
This article is old (6-18-2004)

AT&T Wireless spokesperson Mark Siegel said the company co-operates with law enforcement officials for investigations but refused to discuss its policies on storing text messages. The company's website said messages not immediately delivered are held for 72 hours for more delivery attempts - then deleted. How messages in the Bryant case would be available four months later isn't known; most likely they were retrieved from an archival storage system. "It's just a common practice," said Kagan, the telecoms analyst. "I don't know an instance where they delete them.

Heres the link to the full article
I don't think George saw KC and Caylee on the 16th. I think KC left with Caylee the night of the 15th after the fight. Monday morning, maybe Cindy closed down credit card and checking acct. access to KC. She may have also, during the fight, threatened to press charges against KC over the theft from the gps. Maybe KC was in a panic and angry at George and Cindy and took it out on Caylee.....
I don't think it's a typo. I think it's a call they wanted to keep the lid on just like the calls on the 17th.

I still have to respectfully disagree. I think it is supposed to read 2 hours, 8 minutes - not just 8 minutes. I believe that the original forum member who typed up the list of the calls made a typo. It has been passed around that way. Here is an excerpt from Greta's show where the original poster of this call log got their info. There is no mention of "missing calls" on the 16th. I think the original poster just made a typo when showing the time between calls.

WATTS: OK, Greta, and let me just back up a little bit for you just to set the stage a little bit. Don't forget, at 12:50, just before 1:00 PM, George claimed that he saw Casey and Caylee leave the house. Then George himself leaves the house at 2:30. Now let's jump ahead.

Casey's making phone calls on her cell phone. 3:03 PM, she calls her dad on his cell phone. 4:10, she calls her mom at work. 4:11, she calls her mom on her cell phone. 4:13, she calls her mom on her cell phone. 4:14, she calls her mom at work. 4:19, she calls Tony Lazzaro (ph). 4:21, she calls Jesse Grund (ph). 4:24, mom on her cell. 6:32, mom on home phone. 6:33, voice-mail. 7:06, mom home. And 7:20, she calls her friend, Amy.

Now, if you notice, Greta, these calls that are a minute apart -- if I call you and I don't -- I get your voice-mail and I hang up, that registers as a minute.
They can release them if they have them stored. Most carriers don't keep them very long. The reason Skytel had them for Detroit's mayor is because this was a gov't text messaging device and they had to keep those records for a longer period of time than private users.

Based on this, "Eyewitness News has learned that Casey Anthony had apparently asked her ex-fiancé Jesse Grund about Xanax while they were instant-messaging during the time they were engaged. Grund was asked the questions when he was hooked up to a polygraph by the FBI." it sounds like LE has the content of the instant messages and is acting on it.

Instant messaging is done on the computer, Text messaging is done on the cell phone
I found posts on the 24th and 25th. But there is nothing I know of posted on June 26th or 27th. I also find that time frame very intriguing. Especially if you can believe George that he saw the trunk on the 24th and it didn't smell. That likely means whatever made it stink was put in there after the 24th.[/QUOTE]

My sentiments exactly

Or it hadn't yet STARTED to smell that bad - something could've been there, why was she racing to keep him from seeing inside, if there weren't?
Whether she had an internet plan or not wouldn't her bill reflect charges for using the internet either in a plan charge or per kb? I would think that if she did in fact own a blackjack she would have used the internet on the phone.
Also I know that her phone records are not available through a public records request but since LP and NG have copies they really cannot be classified as private at this point. Is there a connection between an admin on this site and LP or NG that they would give a copy of the phone records to and then they could be posted? (Unless I've missed a post and the phone bill/records are already on this site.)

Not necessarily - my old Nokia E51 is Windows mobile, and even though I don't use it for calls, anymore(and have no active acct on it), I can use it for internet connection on any available wireless connection, like a laptop. I assume the BJ's the same way.
when did she call a taxi ?
(407) 282-3833

i did a reverse phone number on this and 2 things come up....a name which im not sure i should post because of privacy. its sounds like a foreign name, and its never been mentioned. the other is for a shutter company. the man must be the owner. nothing about a taxi listed.

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