Casey Anthony's Time-line Is Shrinking - UPDATE 8/10/08

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I find it strange when Cindy tells the story of her and Caylee swimming, she goes further in explaining about the ladder. Yet, she leaves out anything else about that evening. Like what they did after swimming. Was Caylee exhausted? After all, she had a busy day for a little one~ visiting the nursing home and swimming. I remember when my DD was little she was always tired after swimming.

BTW, Patty G you are doing a great job on this timeline! :)
Also, about GA's cell. My DH turns his phone off when he is at work so I don't think there's really a red flag there. What is strange is why Casey didn't actually call their work numbers.
PattyG -- I appreciate your posts, greatly; however, they are so long that I don't read the whole thing . . .
Someone asked me for my timeline and I forgot who it was, so I am bumping this up in hopes the member catches it.

I have to go back and read it myself after reading the 400 page document and with all the new information we have received over the last two weeks.
Awesome Patty G! :)
My own TL is similar & I've said from day one my own hinky~meter was up as far as *who* was verified as last person to physically *see* this sweet angel.... [wish i knew how to add that lil' applauding smiley guy 4 u ;)
Someone asked me for my timeline and I forgot who it was, so I am bumping this up in hopes the member catches it.

I have to go back and read it myself after reading the 400 page document and with all the new information we have received over the last two weeks.

Hi Patty,
Having just read your timeline, I was thinking about June 15th. This has always
been an important date to me also. In the 400 pages we learn that after visiting
the nursing home, Cindy and Caylee went back to her Mother's house for dinner
before leaving later that evening. Now, I have no idea how far Mt.Dora is from
the Anthony's home, but this would may mean they got home later that evening.

Personally, I'm doubtful of George's story of June 16th. It was just too much detail.

We do know for sure that Caylee was in the back yard at one time and also in
the trunk at one time. Since the discovery of the chloroform I've become confused
how it fits into the story.

I do have faith that you will figure this all out for us!! LOL
I still hear Casey's words "She is close to home".

Pretty standard for Mothers to put the body close to home.

Yet CA wants us to look in PR or Texas. Which isn't close to home at all!

Thanks for the time line!
Did I hear on Greta that neighbors heard the Anthonys arguing the night of Father's Day? Loud fighting . . .
Loud fighting on father's day.
One thing I havent' seen on these threads (tho I can't keep up) is the father question. And the agency of Caylee. Caylee was at an age where she would be interested in who her father is. After being stimulated by a "father's day" event, she'd come home and be asking Casey, Cindy, George to explain about her father. She was probably relentless, like a two year old, full of "why" and "what was he like?" and "did he love me" and suchlike things.
The story Cindy gives, that the father died in a car accident when Caylee was one year old, and that she didn't remember his name, is the kind of a story that you would give a toddler. (Certainly not a story that you give the police!)
If Casey wanted to maintain a peaceful fiction about the father of Caylee, she must have been angry about Cindy stimulating Caylee's interest in her father by that father's day trip.
And who knows what Cindy told Caylee about her father, say in the car on the way home. Maybe Caylee got a little information, a lie or the truth, and then came home and repeated it to Casey, who was mad that this information had been passed to Caylee.

Of course, there are hints of even more nefarious fatherhood within the family... if the truth came out on that night, of something of that nature, plenty of emotions would be raw and possibly violent.

Eventually after some go around, George decides to open the trunk of the car and spots the gas cans. No where did I hear George say: "Casey, I just reported the gas cans stolen 4 hours ago to the police!"

During the OTR interview when George is speaking about the gas cans, he says Casey said: (I need to get the exact quote) something about a break-in to the shed. At that point Cindy chimes in during the OTR interview and says "I called Casey and told her about the gas cans being stolen."

My thoughts: So on the same day, June 24th, when George finds the shed is broken into and calls the police, then calls Cindy, Cindy then calls Casey to tell her about the gas cans and then Casey shows up at the house four hours later with the gas cans in the trunk .... hummmmmmmmmm

But George looks surprised during the OTR interview when Cindy makes the statement: "I called Casey and told her."

Eventually George wins and he opens the trunk and there are the gas cans. George doesn't notify police that his daughter had the gas cans and let's just drop the robbery report because it was "all in the family".

Nope, he lets the robbery report stay active, until it shows up through OCSD and then the media hits on it. It had to be two weeks before George comes out and says" I know who did it and that's the extent of it".
My question: Why didn't George just say, my daughter Casey took the gas cans.?


This part of the timeline doesn't make much sense to me. Particularly since the times come from GA.
How about if Casey came home, George asked her about the gas cans, and she pretends not to know. Then George asks to get into her trunk, imagining he'll find them there. She won't let him.
So George calls the police and gives them a report, Casey listening in. He's doing this in order to pressure Casey to tell. He's pretty mad about her absences and no longer will take this strange pointless lying. After the report and probably a lot more runaround, she finally opens the trunk, and voila, there are the cans.
the 17th is incorrect as far as phone calls. (call timeline)
the 18th is the next flurry of calls (after the 2 flurries on 16th)
June 16, with the first call at 3:03pm to her father's cell phone and the last of the six made to her mom's cell phone at 4:24. During that time she also tried her mother at work and called her ex-fiancé, Jesse Grund.
The next day, June 17, neighbors told investigators that Casey borrowed a shovel from them. Then, on June 18, there was another spike in calls to her parents, six in 45 minutes during the early part of the afternoon. According to the leaked records, three calls were made to her parent's home phone, two to her mom's cell phone and one to her dad's cell phone, all between 12:33pm and 1:11pm.

The 17th is the day she was in the airport wooded area though and we know she made one call to someone.
Some of the searches took place near the airport. Albritton said the area is significant because the missing toddler's mother, Casey Anthony, made unexplained cell phone calls to a person in a somewhat remote area near the airport around the time her daughter went missing
I'm assuming it was Casey calling someone from a remote area and not her calling someone in the remote area. Because why else would they search there.
Another supporting the 17th as the day she was in the wooded area by airport.
6/17 casey in woods near airport few minutes, cell pings etc.
They put it at a few minutes. The other link says she made calls, so she made a calls to a person from that area on the for a few minutes on the 17th.

So yep, they didn't leak 17th's calls like the rest, and they've not revealed that person, have they? That's interesting.We have names of others she called out there, even a Kyle we don't know who he is. I bet the 17th was Tony the cop, jmo.

edit to add: somewhere in my head I keep thinking I heard Mark F say she made one call on the 17th and it was Amy. I can't verify that so will leave it as unknown name. If indeed Amy was never the single call that day--then I go with only name they wouldn't want to toss out, another policeman. jmo
6/15/2008 - Cindy and Caylee take a swim in the pool, come out, take the ladder away.
My question: Where was Casey and George when Cindy and Caylee went in the pool?

Isn't this the day the neighbors heard the huge argument? What time was this? Who did they hear? Casey, Cindy AND George?

I have a feeling that Casey and Caylee took off on this day--after the argument. The stories of George & Cindy placing Caylee in her room for hours and hours on the morning 16th makes no sense. I have a 3 year old daughter, and this just isn't realistic.

Also, something is hinky with the gas can story. I can't really put a finger on it, but the whole thing is strange.
PATTY G I agree that someone needs to dig up that entire yard ie the pillars. I have been saying this since Casey said Caylees close. I wish someone would tell the authorities. I dont have esp or anything, I just keep having this extreme feeling shes in THEIR BACKYARD!!!! I dont care how much the LE looked, she could be under those pillars!
what if as part of kc's plans on the 18th when she backed her car into the garage and borrowed the shovel she was going to bury caylee in the backyard to frame her parents for her murder so they would be locked up and she would then get the house.
What a great thread to discover when you're way, way behind. Great input from everyone. Made me thunk more thunks. (and get a bit madder - if that is possible at this point?)

A few thoughts:

* need far more data on the evening of the 15th
* phone calls - even if Cindy's phone (specifically) was on vibrate while at work on the 16th, she could still receive texts. She's stated that she did receive texts from Casey between June 16 - July 15, so one could wonder if aside from the 'flurry of calls that went unanswered' on the 16th, if there were also text msgs sent/rec'ed during that time. So aside from the calls, were texts sent, received and answered or ignored during that same span of time on the 16th?
* More TBD when I can cacth up.

Loud fighting on father's day.
One thing I havent' seen on these threads (tho I can't keep up) is the father question. And the agency of Caylee. Caylee was at an age where she would be interested in who her father is. After being stimulated by a "father's day" event, she'd come home and be asking Casey, Cindy, George to explain about her father. She was probably relentless, like a two year old, full of "why" and "what was he like?" and "did he love me" and suchlike things.
The story Cindy gives, that the father died in a car accident when Caylee was one year old, and that she didn't remember his name, is the kind of a story that you would give a toddler. (Certainly not a story that you give the police!)
If Casey wanted to maintain a peaceful fiction about the father of Caylee, she must have been angry about Cindy stimulating Caylee's interest in her father by that father's day trip.
And who knows what Cindy told Caylee about her father, say in the car on the way home. Maybe Caylee got a little information, a lie or the truth, and then came home and repeated it to Casey, who was mad that this information had been passed to Caylee.

Of course, there are hints of even more nefarious fatherhood within the family... if the truth came out on that night, of something of that nature, plenty of emotions would be raw and possibly violent.

2 is a little young to be asking such questions. I don't think she would even have the verbal skills to communicate things like that yet, or the complex thought process for it - they are in the present, and still babbling and repeating things. there's no "what about yesterday" and "what about the future" for 2 year olds - it's all what is happening at that very moment. I have 2 nephews, 6 and 3, and the 6 year old didn't start asking "complicated" questions until he was at least 4, and didn't really grasp the concept of a timeline for things until 3 1/2 maybe.
Patty G ~

Great job on the timeline - I always enjoy your postings. I think the 15th is suspect also because of the attempt by the Anthony's to make it seem normal. No mention of the fight, and in some interview I recall CA stating she tucked Caylee and Casey into bed that night, which I thought was a really odd statement.

I think there was a bad fight that night and she took off with Caylee. If she slept at TonE's, where was Caylee. I think the next day, her parents were ignoring her calls to avoid her wrath, which we all know she can spew.

GA's story about seeing them on the 16th came later, which I thought it seemed rehearsed and untrue, as did his story about the 24th.

I'm so sure of how all these pieces fit together...
Reading the timeline again, could Caylee have been chloroformed and put in the trunk on the 15th when CA went to TonE's? Whenever CA found out that Caylee had expired in the trunk, could she have decided to wait to bring her back and bury her in the yard on the 16th after GA went to work. The phone calls could have been to try to find out the parent's location? Maybe she tried to bury her but couldn't physically do it, thus the hits in the yard and the dirt in the trunk when she returned her to the trunk, so then maybe she did travel out by the airport and dump her body somewhere?

LE really feels she is in that area, and we all know they are privy to much more info than us, not only the pings, but the text messages from the phone, computer forensics, etc. Maybe they found information that strongly leads them there?
Decided to add the most recent event for GEORGE!,0,4836790.story

September 6, 2008
Investigators remove evidence from George Anthony's car

2:45 a.m. Investigators traveled to the Anthony home and removed evidence from a vehicle owned by Anthony's father, George Anthony. Deputies were seen removing the contents of the spare-wheel well and taking at least one item as evidence.

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