Casey appeals her 4 Lying to LE convictions

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@MattMorganESQMatt Morgan

The hearing has been reassigned to be heard by Judge Munyon today at 3:30 pm. We will be requesting to take #CaseyAnthony depo in jail tom.

1 minute agovia Twitter for iPhone
:waitasec: YEP ... and Convicted Felon Casey Anthony is COSTING the State of Florida MORE MONEY than the "Election screw-up" with the "CHADS" -- remember that ?


Yup while the parents who have lied since day 1 take pictures of the media and license plate numbers even though they were not harassed. Only asked from a distance questions. No one threatened them. The entitlement of this family makes me want to :puke:

It would almost be good if the whole lot of them packed up and moved so that we never had to hear or see them again. The parents made Casey what she is and they are all in this together MOO. One of these days they will pay the piper.
ICA is going to bankrupt the state of Florida. UNBELIEVABLE

This is Casey's way of letting the state of Florida know that she's an Anthony, and they shouldn't have messed with her because they couldn't/wouldn't win ;)
@MattMorganESQMatt Morgan

The hearing has been reassigned to be heard by Judge Munyon today at 3:30 pm. We will be requesting to take #CaseyAnthony depo in jail tom.

1 minute agovia Twitter for iPhone

:great: Guess I better add MM to my twitter!
If you read in the questions for verified attorneys, you will see where AZLawyer posted a while back that she would probably do this to keep from having to be deposed by John Morgan. This is just a calculated move to fight having to give her deposition. AZL predicted this would happen close after the verdict came down and it was announced that the deposition date had been set.

a new judge on the ZG case, hearing this afternoon!! 3:30 I believe!!! Morgan wants depo tomorrow!
If you read in the questions for verified attorneys, you will see where AZLawyer posted a while back that she would probably do this to keep from having to be deposed by John Morgan. This is just a calculated move to fight having to give her deposition. AZL predicted this would happen close after the verdict came down and it was announced that the deposition date had been set.


I thought she could just plead the 5th and get the depo over with.
@MattMorganESQMatt Morgan

The hearing has been reassigned to be heard by Judge Munyon today at 3:30 pm. We will be requesting to take #CaseyAnthony depo in jail tom.

1 minute agovia Twitter for iPhone

:woohoo: :great:
If they depo her tomorrow it better be in the afternoon after I'm down at the beach...with my laptop!
ICA is going to bankrupt the state of Florida. UNBELIEVABLE

And there you have it. The good of the one is more important then the whole. No matter how sick and evil that one is.

But that is the basis of our system. It is better to let a 100 Casey's go free, than convict an innocence person.
I hope this afternoons hearing won't be all sidebar. I better get packing so I can watch!
As far as the State paying for it, in the Affidavit it states that KC is aware a lien may be placed on any current property or property she may own during this process, to cover the cost. So, KC can skip buying a house, and forget about that dreamy Bentley and drive the old clunker for the next year or two.

It is just ASTOUNDNG ... ABSOLUTELY UNBELIEVABLE ... "how far and how hard" this group of "defense attorneys" :loser: have -- and continue to "fight" for CFCA :loser:!

ABSOLUTELY UNREAL and ABSOLUTELY UNBELIEVABLE ! I can't recall ANYONE who has had a "defense team" go this far !

Thank you!

Okay, this is for an appeal to presented to the Court of Appeals. This will all just be written briefs called a Petition for Appeal, KC will never have to appear in Court for these. The State will file their response, also a written brief. Here it takes 6 months to 1 year before the Court of Appeals makes a decision (usually a denial), then it will be filed with the Supreme Court, same procedure. Now, there may be a time in between when the attorney may appear for a 3 Judge Panel review/oral argument (if they do this in Florida), but that will not be televised, KC will not be there, usually only takes a few minutes and usually results in another denial.

This will not delay the ZFG issue any further I don't think.

Off to read the other 2 documents.

This will not delay.....only FCA and her cast of attorney's will delay, delay, delay. They can tie this up for years and years.

I have to agree with the other posts, all of this is ultimately being put in place for future civil cases that could cost FCA precious future earnings. Funny how her check/felony charges could not be brought up in her murder trial but this, should she actually win the appeal, is supposed to be used, (I believe) in her future civil action suits against her.
I thought she could just plead the 5th and get the depo over with.

She can and she will. That will probably lead to a judgment in favor of ZFG.

Since ZFG is seeking a relatively small sum of $$, it is reasonable to conclude that there are other consequences to her testimony in this matter. Clearly the attorneys representing Casey Anthony do NOT want this deposition.
@MattMorganESQMatt Morgan

The hearing has been reassigned to be heard by Judge Munyon today at 3:30 pm. We will be requesting to take #CaseyAnthony depo in jail tom.

1 minute agovia Twitter for iPhone

Great! But she will just take the 5th because the filed a notice of appeal on the lying charges.
I heard Star Jones say on the Today Show that FCA could do that as long as there's a possibility that the Feds or anyone can file charges related to the criminal case.
How do I see these mombomb? It's bringing to main page and I'm not finding it via a search :(

I'm sure someone already answered this for you, but click criminal on the main page and then enter her name. You then need to scroll through the very long list of things that happened to get to them.

If you click civil and enter her name, the ZG case and the TES case come up.

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