Casey at Colonial High

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Did anyone notice that casey has 12 friends and she is in the Top Friends list of 0 of her friends in my Not very popular.

It also says that the last update was 369 days ago. It could be she signed up for it and forgot about it. It doesn't seem like much recent information. The pic isn't even recent, look how long her hair is.
If Cindy was so wrapped up in her daughter's grades that she came to school to argue about the grades what would hurt her more than for Casey to QUIT SCHOOL. If Cindy was wrapped up in little Caylee (and it is obvious that she was crazy about her) what would hurt her more than to REMOVE Caylee from her life.
I would be willing to bet that Cindy was also one to harp about not being easy. What better way to rebel than to hang out in clubs dirty dancing. Very telling. It seems to be all about Casey VS Cindy but Caylee paid the price for all of it. Maybe she wants to be a lawyer because Cindy is angry with the legal system. Cindy doesn't like hispanic people. Look at how many of the boyfriends are hispanic. It's like an evil game with Casey.

wow, imagine f--king up your own life just to spite your parents!

teens, if you are reading this - there's a lesson here - don't f--k up your own life out of spite for ANYONE.
Crazy or not, she seems like a bright person. I can see her in a physics class.

When she's not posting faux gangsta stuff on myspace, she sounds quite intelligent. Good vocobulary, generally good grammar. I can believe it. Of course, it's also possible that Cindy pushed her into classes she wasn't quite up to.
I thought from the start that KC was an educated and intelligent person. Intelligence does not guarantee common sense or empathy. She also seems to be hyperaware of her intelligence therefore she feels superior to others. She is intelligent to the point of disassociating from any emotion she should be experiencing in this situation. Since she is no longer in school or in a job her only validation comes from being able to attract men. Not a big accomplishment.
now more is making sense to me. my mother was VERY controlling and strict when i was younger. i had a midnight curfew at 19. it wasnt until i moved out and told her that i would never tell her where i lived that she relaxed. and then i went crazy. anyone from highschool would tell you the same thing as casey's teacher, i was quiet, shy and did not have many friends. now i am the exact opposite. i just have the feeling that CA did not let up on her. i too wanted to drop out of highschool in my senior year and just get my GED and go to college. maybe this was casey's plan too, but just got caught up in partying too much?
still doesnt make up for possibly killing your child though...

i was the same way. instead of dropping out of school though, I just tried to get into a college halfway across the country! you could have just done that, Casey, like everyone else does to party and get away from controlling parents.
I thought from the start that KC was an educated and intelligent person. Intelligence does not guarantee common sense or empathy. She also seems to be hyperaware of her intelligence therefore she feels superior to others. She is intelligent to the point of disassociating from any emotion she should be experiencing in this situation. Since she is no longer in school or in a job her only validation comes from being able to attract men. Not a big accomplishment.

Well said! You my friend with almost the same name sound very intelligent! I'm lucky if I can type a sentence without having to retype it ten times and it's still wrong! lol
I guess we have different sources of information.:)

I'm a homeschooler, and our community has discussions re this topic fairly often (as we get unfairly criticized for many of the same reasons!)

Anyway, as far as I've been told, the term "helicopter parent" was coined by the college community to refer to the parents who can't cut the strings once their kid is away from home. Sometimes they even contact the professors via telephone or email to check up on assignments and/or to argue grades on behalf of their offspring. There was a very good article about it recently in either Newsweek or Time (can't remember which one because I read way too many articles, but I will try to find out). Colleges are really getting fed up with these parents. They are basically people who are so obsessed with their children's success that they can't bear to risk the children failing because for them it would be a personal failure.

[Excuse this part for being OT, but this topic drives me crazy because a lot of people compare homeschoolers to hoverers. My whole reason for homeschooling is to provide my child the ability to live her education as opposed to being confined to a classroom eight hours per day and reading about life in textbooks, not because I'm some kind of control freak who can't bear to let my kid out of my sight because I don't think she can handle things on her own.]

At any rate, that's one of the reasons I don't see CA as a helicopter. An enabler, yes...but I don't see a helicopter calling the police on her child, because that would put the dirty laundry out for public viewing. Of course, Caylee's existence must have complicated the mother-daughter dynamic to begin with, and perhaps at some point CA gave up her dreams for KC and pinned them all on Caylee...who knows, right?

Interesting to hear your experiences, and take on CA.

I'm the parent of two fairly recent college grads. IMO helicoptering starts early (unfortunately in some cases kindergarten), and reaches it's peak in high school/first two years of college. I think most parents of HS juniors and seniors have seen the helicopter parents in action, and it's very, very annoying. Helicopter parents are somewhat effective in high school because of the community connection. Many teachers just don't want to deal with them, so they back down and appease.

College is different. Most of the extremely helicoptered have a tough time in college. Mummy can't help, and thank heaven professors are taking a tough line with the little snowflakes. Many head home after their first semester.

I see CA as a classic helicopter parent. (And I think she called the police in a panic. Notice since then how she's taken the side of KC and steadfastly defends her???)

Didn't do homeschool, can't comment on that.
I was just thinking the same thing. Especially Greta.

I suspect for the same reason that you don't see many friends, neighbords and none of Cindy's coworkers being quoted. I'm not sure what that reason is, but I just think it's all related.
I have a difficult time picturing Casey in a physics class. I'm not saying she wasn't in one, but I can't picture it.

Her personality seems to have changed in the years since high school.
I beg to differ, by the way she speaks (though all lies) she sounds like an intelligent individual. I am not defending her in any way cause lord knows I despise her.
To me this is totally believable. Casey seems very smart to me although I think her common sense/street smarts lacks obviously. I can see her being a good student and a perfectionist. It's obvious that she does not like to be "wrong"..that was evident in the interview with LE especially when they asked about her Universal name badge. The detective was saying but you don't have one...and she said YES I DO blah blah blah..she definitely doesn't like being corrected. Thanks for posting.
Physics is suppose to be one the hardest classes, so I wonder if this is the one that kept Casey from graduating and that is why Cindy wanted to talk to the teacher about grades. I don't really think it's wrong for a parent to be involved even through High School since they can go to jail if the kid drops out before age 18. I don't see how a teacher knows someone is controlling just from one student among many in one class unless teachers were comparing parents or something.
Well said! You my friend with almost the same name sound very intelligent! I'm lucky if I can type a sentence without having to retype it ten times and it's still wrong! lol

Thanks Samijeansg for starting this thread. It is very helpful to have KC's background to help understand how her past has lead to this very awful situation.

I find your posts to be very well written. I noticed your name after I came up with mine but decided to keep it. I hope you don't mind.

Oh, I also noticed that in the site KC described her mood as thoughtful. I think that she is definitely "in her head" too often.
I don't see how a teacher knows someone is controlling just from one student among many in one class unless teachers were comparing parents or something.

You've never worked in a school then! LOL. I work in an elementary school - and believe hear about parents. The "good" ones and the "bad" ones stand out and the teachers do talk amongst themselves.
Physics is suppose to be one the hardest classes, so I wonder if this is the one that kept Casey from graduating and that is why Cindy wanted to talk to the teacher about grades. I don't really think it's wrong for a parent to be involved even through High School since they can go to jail if the kid drops out before age 18. I don't see how a teacher knows someone is controlling just from one student among many in one class unless teachers were comparing parents or something.

Most high schools don't just leave a student in a class they aren't prepared to take. That goes double for honors, AP, IB and other challenging classes. I would be stunned if it turned out she was working as hard as she could and no one reached out to either help her or move her to an easier class.

It's easy to see a controlling parent. The classic example: The kid gets a D...deserves it, and Mom wants it changed because Junior "wants" to go to a private college. Never mind Junior that cuts class about 50% of the time and hasn't cracked a book since the class started.

That's far different from a supportive parent who occasionally calls with a concern. The supportive parent is asking for information and sometimes advice, not favors.
I don't really think it's wrong for a parent to be involved even through High School since they can go to jail if the kid drops out before age 18. I don't see how a teacher knows someone is controlling just from one student among many in one class unless teachers were comparing parents or something.

Spend just one month as a teacher and you're entire opinion will change.......
Physics is suppose to be one the hardest classes, so I wonder if this is the one that kept Casey from graduating and that is why Cindy wanted to talk to the teacher about grades. I don't really think it's wrong for a parent to be involved even through High School since they can go to jail if the kid drops out before age 18. I don't see how a teacher knows someone is controlling just from one student among many in one class unless teachers were comparing parents or something.

I'm going to see if I can get the answer to this question for you. I'm sure if she failed out of her class she would remember that.

I guess she knew she (Cindy) was very controlling by her actions and how she acted towards her. Maybe it was how she talked to her, and how she carried herself? I will try to find out too why she thought that.

Sammi, I don't have any problem at all that we share the same name, in fact I think it's kind of cool! :) Thank you for the nice compliment!
She has recently updated this because I know that One Republic is a new band. The song Apologize is their most recent single release. They had Stop and Stare as their first single and now this one is the current single. Even if she bought the cd it's still a new album.
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