Casey Calls 911 On Protesters

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Does it matter that Casey called and LIED AGAIN to 911? Does it matter that everytime George is around a protester he has a deadly weapon available to him? Doies it matter that this family is only concerned about protecting Casey and not looking for Caylee? Now that TES is gone, is ANYONE but LE and a few freelance volunteers are looking for trhis poor child. Does it matter that Cindy insults anyone who IS doing something to find Caylee? Protesters wouldn't be upset if it wasn't for this family's actions and lies. This family has broken the law multipole times with no repercussions so why can't the protesters? Did Lee not have a concealed weapon in a residence where someone was on house arrest. In most communities that alone would revoke the bond. Does it matter that George tries to claim public property as his own? Does it matter that he cdnsistently tells people who are not on his property to get off his property? Does it matter that the vehicles carrying Casey can exceed the speed limit with no repercussions? Does it matter that this family has done EVERYTHING in it's power to obstruct any justice in this case?

No, the only thing that matters is that people are protesting. Give me a break. Remove Casey and you remove the protesters. I doubt ANY safe hosue would even take her. She's a menace.

Nope. None of that matters to me. ANY illegal activity is wrong, IMO. Doesn't matter if I like the people doing the illegality or not. ANYONE who is caught in criminal activity should be arrested. Two wrongs have never made a right, and they never will. BTW, I have never said or even implied that the only thing that matters is that people are protesting.....those are your words.....and they aren't even close to reflecting what I've said. The only thing that matters to me is the legality or lack thereof.
Dispatcher #2: Is this a protester or resident?
Casey: It's- the protesters.
Dispatcher #2: No I'm saying, who are you?
Casey: I'm- the resident.

In my opinon, when asked "who are you?" I answer with a name. Not "I'm----the resident". Dispatch didn't ask Which she was they asked Who she was. That is how I am hearing the conversation.

Right, she was given a choice. Was she a protestor or was she a resident. And she answered resident. "Who" in that sentence was basically the dispatcher asking "which." She was not asked at that particular time to state her name.
911 operator..."...stay on the line with me"

Casey..."I ABSOLUTELY will"

Yeah, I was set to enjoy a bite of a nice salad right when I heard that. Had to put my fork down.

I'm just tired of her already. I really hope this all comes to a head very soon. I don't want to see her comfortably ignoring that Caylee is gone anymore.

I have been lurking here since this case started and this is my first post so bear with me I am a newbie, I am not a supporter of Casey and I believe her and Lee are as guilty as sin. But with that being said I do feel sorry for the grandparents, they are prisoners in their home, and people throwing rocks and banging on the doors is just ridiculous, and not doing any good in the search for Caylee. Casey has a right for a bond and these people should all go home and let the due process of the law work as it was intended to do.If I were in their position I would probably already be in jail for knocking one of these people out, these protesters must not have jobs or anything better to do. I think the "lynch mob" mentility is wrong, also the poor neighbors what a life of hell for them also. IMO :bang:

I have been lurking here since this case started and this is my first post so bear with me I am a newbie, I am not a supporter of Casey and I believe her and Lee are as guilty as sin. But with that being said I do feel sorry for the grandparents, they are prisoners in their home, and people throwing rocks and banging on the doors is just ridiculous, and not doing any good in the search for Caylee. Casey has a right for a bond and these people should all go home and let the due process of the law work as it was intended to do.If I were in their position I would probably already be in jail for knocking one of these people out, these protesters must not have jobs or anything better to do. I think the "lynch mob" mentility is wrong, also the poor neighbors what a life of hell for them also. IMO :bang:

Hi and welcome!

I agree with a lot of your post, but the A's should have stayed in the house as CA was instructed to do in the first 911 call. They have to stop engaging these wackos.

Sorry to have to disagree with your very first post! ;)
More proof of a sociopath. I believe if Casey had one ounce of love or regard for her parent's safety she'd end this ridiculous charade and tell the truth. She's willing to allow her parents to be battered and possibly even killed by some lunatic who is angry for one reason...She won't speak the TRUTH!

She doesnt even need to tell the truth, she just needs to say "Mom and Dad, I cant stand what is happening to you by me being here, I am taking myself off the bond and going back to jail until we get this sorted out." (ok she does need to tell the truth but at the very least she can remove herself from the home so her perants are safe!)

She doesnt give a good g'damn about CA&GA, in fact, she is ENJOYING their pain and laughing at them, you can hear the impatience and irritation in her voice when she snaps at them when they ask her if she has called the police and she says "I already have!".
What I found odd is CA's call is short and sweet..and I know they asked KC to stay on the line but she elaborates so much. Instead of answering yes or no questions she states part of the question back and then her drives me CRAZY. Example...

Question-what did you have for breakfast?
Answer- For breakfast this morning I had eggs, toast and yogurt.

People that answer ?'s like that drive me insane.
Its on her 3rd digit, probably cause she lost weight and it was to loose for her ring finger??

I can definitely tell that CA has lost weight bigtime. I pay attention to crap like that and noticed a while ago she was losing. IMO of course.
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