Casey & Family Psychological Profile #3

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I think people are born with personality disorders. Their brains are 'wired' this way from birth.

Childhood circumstances, like physical abuse or neglect by parents, can shape how a person with a personality disorder 'acts out', but no amount of good parenting can change the fact that the disorder is there.

They say that somewhere around 3% of all people are sociopaths, and it doesn't vary by culture. You find them all over the world. What that tells me is there is an evolutionary reason for their existence in our species. I suspect that the survival of our species has many times depended on the existence of a sociopath during desperate times. They were willing to do ANYTHING to survive, and they didn't feel bad about it either.

In non-desperate times, we lock them up.

and thanks for explaining this to me.
Psychopath is the older term for sociopath, which is now displaced by antisocial personality disorder. They are all terms for the same thing. Some use "psychopath" to mean a more severe form of the disorder.

Most current theories opine that it's genetics AND upbringing.

Yes, they are all pathological liars.

the mind is so interesting........what makes them tick so to speak.......thanks
the mind is so interesting........what makes them tick so to speak.......thanks

Yes, it is! :)

It's generally opined that sociopaths are born wired differently. Brutal or the opposite, excessively permissive parents can make the traits worse. In any case, they can't feel much attachment or concern for anyone but themselves. It's supposed to be about a smaller prefrontal cortex and differently-working mirror neurons. :blowkiss:
I have been told that one is not born with narcissistic personality disorder....told to me by some psychiatrists who specialize with children.

I did not distinguish pathological narcissism from the simple personality disorder when I asked the question.
There is nothing the parents could do to 'help' KC, as personality disorders aren't treatable, especially antisocial personality disorder.

Dealing with one of these people in any kind of normal, rational way is just not possible. They lie continuously, and have no reaction to being caught in a lie - they just make up more lies to try to explain it away. The way KC behaved with the detectives during her interrogation - that's the way she IS, all the time.

The best thing they could have done is taken custody of Caylee and forced KC out on her own.

It appears to me that they simply hadn't yet accepted how sick their daughter was. They still haven't accepted it.

I have heard this too. Personality Disorders are next to impossible to treat. I once worked with a young woman with this diagnosis, and let me tell you, it was hell. There was still stuff the family could have done (in fairness, perhaps they did) - family therapy, psychiatric assessment and support, family support groups. KC's illness resulted in the family developing a dysfunctional pattern of denial for their survival. With intervention some of the decisions they made could have been different - like you say perhaps allowing KC to adopt out Caylee or adopt her themselves.

Carry on:

[ame=""]Casey & Family Psychological Profile #4[/ame]
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