Casey & Family Psychological Profile #7

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i can see where this might, possibly be of some aid during the sentencing phase, but i can't work out how it would be helpful at trial. maybe i'm wrong, and i may well be, but i thought your country and mine were the same in this regard: so long as you know right from wrong you can howl at the moon, talk to elvis and chew the carpet but you can't plead insanity.

You are absolutely right Eddeva - and the fact that she developed an elaborate after-the-fact cover-up indicates she had the faculties to know her actions were wrong.

Last year when Lenamon came out with his argument for removing the DP from the case, he wrote something to the effect that it was likely death had occurred due to an accidental overdose, IIRC, and that KC may have had mitigating factors such as PPD (which most people derided as being ridiculous since Caylee was nearly three when this happened, and KCcertainly wasn't depressed enough not to party like it was a new millennium).

He was not advocating her innocence of the crime but simply looking for mitigating factors that would remove the death penalty from the table. I don't see how he could have done so without tacitly agreeing that she might be guilty to begin with.
Does anyone have a copy of Lenamon's paper that he filed last fall? I looked on Nancy Grace's case files and I cant find it.

He wrote a paper where he laid out several defenses - post partum psychosis - death by accident followed by panic. They all admitted she committed the murder but relieved her of full responsibility for it.

I strongly suspect JB rejected all of them as they hinge on KC being guilty
I'm not being confrontational but I would love to see the link of the sugested theories TL came up with initially as I'm very intrigued by the psychiatric aspects of this case and how it seems to be comming up on occasion when dicussing the legal aspect of KC's plea or better yet non plea which is crazy in itself.
Does anyone have a copy of Lenamon's paper that he filed last fall? I looked on Nancy Grace's case files and I cant find it.

I didn't find the paper that TL wrote, but did find this Setinel article on it, linked below. I copied just a part of the article that I thought was interesting to the discussion here..

The 30-page packet highlights problems with some of the evidence and describes how aspects of Anthony's case do not fit the state criteria for the death penalty -- a sentence reserved for the worst of the worst homicides.

It touches on Anthony's erratic behavior after her daughter's birth that suggests signs of emotional or mental distress. The report ended with pictures of Anthony during happier times, as a child surrounded by her parents and her brother.

The report is not an admission of guilt. The idea is to explore whether facts in the case truly justify the death penalty if a suspect is convicted.

Lenamon's report addresses the sentence phase, when the jury hears evidence for and against imposing the ultimate penalty.,0,7406889.story
This afternoon I couldn't remember for sure if Terry had ever met face to face with KC. I did some searching and found that he did in October. Thought others might have been wondering the same, because of Terry's statements on NG, so posting this info:

Child Neglect Charge Dropped Against Casey Anthony
Aired October 21, 2008 - 20:00:00 ET

D`ONOFRIO: She does, Nancy. But I want to go back to her visitors. One of the visitors that she saw over the weekend is Lenamon, and Terry Lenamon is a very high-profile defense attorney in south Florida who`s very experienced with death penalty cases. He visited with her over the weekend
This is what Lenamon said on Nancy Grace ...

TERENCE LENAMON, FMR. ATTORNEY FOR CASEY ANTHONY, ARGUED AGAINST D.P. FOR TOT MOM: Well, I mean, I think you can look back on some of the conversations we had prior to this and you can just kind of take the next step and see that we had a difference in what I believed should have been the approach, which is I think mental health-related. And just looking at the public information that`s out there.

I didn't hear Lenamon say "not guilty by reason of insanity."

:bang: Not sure why article states that's what Lenamon stated. :waitasec:

Cuz they are the media and enjoy taking things out of context and printing it as fact LOL
Oh,that's right! I forgot about that. I bet KC would never agree to any of those scenarios.

And THAT is key here. JoseB can't get Casey to cop a plea to anything, to go with any kind of defense that she does not want to. I doubt this is JoseB's doing.. most likely it's Casey maintaining she did not commit this crime. Remember the letter to the judge a few short weeks ago about the DA being pissed because she won't cop to a crime she did not commit? It's all about Casey standing by her nanny story IMO.

One line in this news article notes that JAB is going to interview "...a DCF worker who investigated a previous child abuse case against Casey"...

Have we discussed this already? This is one fact I haven't seen before. And I've been carefully following this case for nearly a year now...
hi there, you can read the docs from that situation at the caylee daily website
Does anyone have a copy of Lenamon's paper that he filed last fall? I looked on Nancy Grace's case files and I cant find it.


"The State Attorney's Office would not confirm whether it had received the report, which is not a public record. Such reports are part of the process prosecutors go through to decide whether they will seek a death sentence or life in prison for a person charged with a capital crime.",0,7406889.story

One line in this news article notes that JAB is going to interview "...a DCF worker who investigated a previous child abuse case against Casey"...

Have we discussed this already? This is one fact I haven't seen before. And I've been carefully following this case for nearly a year now...

i took it as the previous charge of child abuse that was dropped ......previous meaning the only one.....once they thought caylee was no longer alive they dropped the charges....
YOU ARE CORRECT. That is why insanity is a hard case to prove. And most attorneys do not go in that direction unless they must.
I think maybe JB is really working for someone else and that is why Casey has no option but to hold on to him.
IT IS INSANE for anyone in her position to insist to keep this BOZO.
But again you are right and if you know right from wrong you can Howell at the moon but you cant plead insane.

1/2 of the chit she did is insane:
Who does not make a 911 call for 31 days?
Who goes to party when a kid is missing?
Who goes to get their nails and tattoos done?
Who lies, lies, lies?
Who insists on a clown for a lawyer?

Perhaps you should get involved in trying to help change some laws if this is that big an issue for you.

Because as it stands and rightfully so (IMO and I am mentally ill and have been "Insane") being stupid is not even close to being insane. Living a life having never been called out on or forced to face the consequenses of ones illegal or immoral acts is not insanity. Being selfish and having an obvious ability to shut ones feelings off after being involved in illegal or immoral acts is not insanity. Insanity is about not knowing what one is doing- having your brain work against you, not having a choice, being unable to reason or make sense of the world around you

Your list above? Are not the acts of an "insane" person, they are the acts of the oh SO common stupid criminal. MANY criminals are this stupid and make these kinds of choices. They too get themselves caught.. and most times convicted Often-times all by themselves! The evidence used to convict is left by none other than the stupid criminals themselves- their own LIES, mistakes, lack of planning and activities after the crime is what does them in. Why do you think the prison systems are so overcrowded? Have you never watched "Cops"?

Do you think Scott Peterson was "insane" when he killed and then lied about and covered up his wife and unborn childs murder? He was "partying" after his crime too- his lawyer was quite the clown, was even on TV talking major about him before he took him on as a client! He sat in court chatting and laughing in front of the jury. Ha, He's STILL lying and lying and lying and it's HOW many years later?! It's what criminals DO- they are conmen- some are darn good at it, some get better with practice, but some others (quite a bit of them), can't con anyone but their own enabling parents and end up spending their entire lives in and out of prison.

If Casey did this, if she murdered her child, she is going down (probably with evidence or information she herself left behind) and rightfully so!

Insanity is not so much hard to prove as it is rare. Only about 1% of the ones who do attempt to use it, succeed. It isn't a joke or something to be used lightly on someone like Casey Anthony who does not even have a history of mental health issues.
It certainly sounded as if he had the impression that Casey had some serious mental problems. An insanity plea is pretty sure to fail. That is, if what all the talking heads have suggested is accurate. An insanity plea is difficult to prove.
I too understand such a plea rarely works and honestly I can't see how it applies in this case. Sociopathic is more like it, imo.
Perhaps you should get involved in trying to help change some laws if this is that big an issue for you.

Because as it stands and rightfully so (IMO and I am mentally ill and have been "Insane") being stupid is not even close to being insane. Living a life having never been called out on or forced to face the consequences of ones illegal or immoral acts is not insanity. Being selfish and having an obvious ability to shut ones feelings off after being involved in illegal or immoral acts is not insanity. Insanity is about not knowing what one is doing- having your brain work against you, not having a choice, being unable to reason or make sense of the world around you

Your list above? Are not the acts of an "insane" person, they are the acts of the oh SO common stupid criminal. MANY criminals are this stupid and make these kinds of choices. They too get themselves caught.. and most times convicted Often-times all by themselves! The evidence used to convict is left by none other than the stupid criminals themselves- their own LIES, mistakes, lack of planning and activities after the crime is what does them in. Why do you think the prison systems are so overcrowded? Have you never watched "Cops"?

Do you think Scott Peterson was "insane" when he killed and then lied about and covered up his wife and unborn child's murder? He was "partying" after his crime too- his lawyer was quite the clown, was even on TV talking major about him before he took him on as a client! He sat in court chatting and laughing in front of the jury. Ha, He's STILL lying and lying and lying and it's HOW many years later?! It's what criminals DO- they are conmen- some are darn good at it, some get better with practice, but some others (quite a bit of them), can't con anyone but their own enabling parents and end up spending their entire lives in and out of prison.

If Casey did this, if she murdered her child, she is going down (probably with evidence or information she herself left behind) and rightfully so!

Insanity is not so much hard to prove as it is rare. Only about 1% of the ones who do attempt to use it, succeed. It isn't a joke or something to be used lightly on someone like Casey Anthony who does not even have a history of mental health issues.

You are absolutely right Stupid is not insane and Stupid is not necessarily the murderer either.
And if Casey did this I will voice my opinion after hearing what the trial will show us.

Going back to the reason he selected to withdraw from this case, is because in his opinion he did not see what JB is doing as the right direction to go.
Oh and about Scott Peterson: Hmmm Male with preg wife.
IMHO it is easier to believe that scenario.
Then a 22 year Old with baby, who has parents create a Heaven for a child to grow in.. I come flat on Motive. Of course to me that too falls under insane. A Mother harming her child...(while it has happened t is not natural)
I just don't get why JB can't see the writing on the wall...there is so much evidence against Casey, he is insane to not either talk plea deals w/ the state or invest in some sort of mitigating theory to help his client out. The "I didn't do it" defense is weak and he is doing his client no favors by sticking to that line of thought. I can't figure out if it is more JB or more Casey's decision not to budge, maybe a combination of the two ? I keep thinking JB's ego is the strongest force behind the "didn't do it" defense.
I just don't get why JB can't see the writing on the wall...there is so much evidence against Casey, he is insane to not either talk plea deals w/ the state or invest in some sort of mitigating theory to help his client out. The "I didn't do it" defense is weak and he is doing his client no favors by sticking to that line of thought. I can't figure out if it is more JB or more Casey's decision not to budge, maybe a combination of the two ? I keep thinking JB's ego is the strongest force behind the "didn't do it" defense.

I don't get it either. The closest I can figure it is like you say, "a combination of the two." Casey is refusing to budge. She's telling Jose she is innocent and will not budge as far as a plea or defense goes. Jose is then thinking that's okay with him as it keeps him in spotlight the longest amount of time possible, all the way through a trial, win or lose doesn't matter as long as his name is on the news every night.
Well, 1+1 does = 2. Is there such a thang as "Double Insanity"? I think they are both nuts.
I just don't get why JB can't see the writing on the wall...there is so much evidence against Casey, he is insane to not either talk plea deals w/ the state or invest in some sort of mitigating theory to help his client out. The "I didn't do it" defense is weak and he is doing his client no favors by sticking to that line of thought. I can't figure out if it is more JB or more Casey's decision not to budge, maybe a combination of the two ? I keep thinking JB's ego is the strongest force behind the "didn't do it" defense.

AND WHY aren't the Anthony's trying to step in?
I would hope they want to feel confident in her Lawyer.
HOW can they?
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