Casey & Family Psychological Profile #8

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I still would like to know what KC meant in the first jail visit with the parents, when she said to Cindy, "Don't worry I haven't said anything?:confused:

KC spoke those words after telling her parents she had been talking with the jail's psychiatrist. IIRC
Boldened by me: I so totally agree with you. I've said it from the beginning. The Anthony's act like a family who has been AWARE & hiding a BIG secret, most often being Incest. Like it or is very possible. Part of what makes these types of abuse victims so damaged is being forced to lead a double life. Reality vs. Appearances. In drastic cases it even has the ability to form BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder- much like Scitzophrenea only the "personalities" all know about on another and the victim never has black-outs or loses time) and scitzo-affective disorders. I come from just this type of upbringing. The reality of being sexually abused by a parent first, then a sibling after is almost unbearable and hard to make peace with. Then to have to live a lie daily for YEARS....we'll it will make you crazy. Like it or not. That is what we are all talking about her folks. Cindy & George's behaviours and denials are what has made KC a monster. My personal verdict is that she is insane. The reason I believe would take a mother being insane to do to Caylee what has been done to her. Maybe KC truely WAS raised not to know right from wrong. If her role models acted in these ways, how can we expect any different from her? JMHO
I really am torn between those that say Casey is a sociopath and was born this way and other's that say that there may be a parental connection. I guess we don't usually see the parent's of most murderer's up close and personal like we have here, but this is the first time I have witnessed such abnormal parent's linked to such an abnormal, and murderous, child. There was Scott P.'s parents, but aside from that I can't think of any others.

I really hesitate to think of Casey as insane. Insane, IMO, means not knowing what you're doing and if it's right or wrong, ie; a person w/ psychosis. Casey knows exactly what she's doing which IMO makes her more dangerous than an insane person.
The more I read and look back into this family, the more I see direct connections between Casey and her upbringing, mostly Cindy. I don't want to beat a dead horse, but Cindy's behavior at the wedding (telling her family that an obviously pregnant Casey, wasn't pregnant) is very similar to Casey's behavior when she lied to LE about what was so clearly just that, a lie. She didn't flinch, she didn't come out with the truth when called on her blatant lies, reminds me of Cindy when Rick tried to tell her that Casey really did look pregnant. I can't blame Cindy for Caylee's death, that's Casey's doing. I do have trouble not blaming Cindy for the way she parented Casey, and all she has done since Caylee's death to cover up the truth.

I agree! Look how Cindy has lied (imho) straight faced the last 12 months...with her ever changing excuses/stories....I do not hold Cindy responsible for Caylee's death either, but imo KC learned deceit from the master. :mad:
Maybe. But, there is also a theory that sociopaths are born that way. Which explains the occasional Little Rhoda Penmark popping up in a good, loving family.

I think it's likely that KC was born a sociopath, and the bad upbringing exacerbated it. I've seen good people come out of worse backgrounds than KC's.

BTW-- Sociopaths do not necessarily become criminals. Sociopaths cannot be taught to feel, but they can be taught that crime = punishment. THAT'S the lesson that KC never learned.

Bolded by me, I also theorize other A's did not learn this Lesson either!
Quote: Where did you get that profile of my family? And, my mother's family?

NO, Brini! That's my husband's family!! Doesn't make me think of the A's, though!
My take is, "Don't worry. I didn't say anything to LE that would incriminate me."

Or maybe, "Don't worry. I didn't say anything to LE that would incriminate you." (ie. Cindy)
What I can't figure out is where Cindy's "problems" came from...Shirley and Rick, they seem to be good, honest, people. Where's the connection ? I know we don't have enough info, maybe we will one day.

I agree with you, Truth, and I don't mean to cast aspersions on Shirley or her husband, but the truth is we know very little about SP and nothing about her husband, nor do we have a clue as to what they were like as younger people and parents. (What I do know about Shirley I like very much.) Rick seems to have his feet firmly planted in reality, but like many others here, I don't think CA and GA are ever oblivious to reality (i.e. "in denial"). They know the truth, they just choose not to tell it whenever it suits them to lie.

What they don't seem to grasp is that lies are an insult to people's intelligence, and when people are repeatedly insulted, people tend to get touchy about it. You could even say it makes people cranky. LOL

Pretty impressive isn't it. Cindy mentioned paying Caylee's medical bills but never spoke of Casey's. If Casey was getting only a yearly physical while living under the A roof, it would have been a strange coincidence for that to not have overlapped with her rapid weight gain.
Even if Cindy believed it was weight gain. :eek: Wouldn't you question the metabolic disorder or pathology that might be occurring to cause rapid weight gain to only one body region in someone you loved?????
I live in fear my teenaged son will get someone pregnant. We've talked about responsible sexual behavior and respecting your own and partners body since he was 13. If intercourse can produce a child, it can also produce an STD. What kind of RN is Cindy to have an excuse to not have a dialogue with or a clue about her own daughter???
I could understand a parent omitting that education out of shame or fear. Most people don't talk nonchalantly about genitals by name and sexual health with ease, but RN's are trained to. Cindy has no excuse. She's lucky it wasn't ovarian cancer. I mean really, what Mother would let that go??? You touch your childs abdomen and it's tight as a drum...totally normal:mad:

Nope, Nope, Nope. In this day and time (I am a nurse, 20 years) I did and still do talk to my young adult, single kids. Repeatedly! So much so, that their eyes automatically roll, if anything near the subject is brought up. Shame on CA especially as a nurse.
The absolute absence of the father in for this child is for me, one of the most glaring dysfunctions of this whole family. After all this time, not one clue of who this guy is/was. No one has emerged, no one has figured out who Casey dated 9 months before the baby was born. No man has admitted anything, not even one who may think he is the father and at least come out as a voice for Caylee. Nothing. He has to be dead.

Everyone has a father, why not Caylee? Why hide him, even if he is dead? Why deprive the paternal side of the family? Denial of pregnancy, denial of fatherhood, denial of thievery, denial of fraud, denial of murder.

The only reasonable explaination of the absence of the biological father in my opinion is.....maybe Casey was drugged and gang raped, this could explain why she told her mother she couldn't be pregnant because she had to have sex first. MAYBE she has no memory of the sexual encounter. That would explain the father's absence, if he was a rapist, maybe even a date rapist.
A lot of people don't have fathers.

This is true but a young single Mother still living at home with her parents needs child support and if he was/is dead Caylee would have qualified for his Social Security as a dependant. The A's at the time were near "broke" to hear tell and the money from the Father would have sure helped. There is/was something not right about any of this "Father" business.
The absolute absence of the father in for this child is for me, one of the most glaring dysfunctions of this whole family. After all this time, not one clue of who this guy is/was. No one has emerged, no one has figured out who Casey dated 9 months before the baby was born. No man has admitted anything, not even one who may think he is the father and at least come out as a voice for Caylee. Nothing. He has to be dead.

Everyone has a father, why not Caylee? Why hide him, even if he is dead? Why deprive the paternal side of the family? Denial of pregnancy, denial of fatherhood, denial of thievery, denial of fraud, denial of murder.

enboldened by me: Why indeed!? Truely ask yourself that/ those question(s).
Is it really even likely that he would be dead within the time frame allowed? Jesse's paternity test when Caylee was 6 mos (Test can not be done until then, would have been Dec or Jan of 2006) - July 2008. A two year span, not to mention he's supposidly been buried for awhile & he was supposed to be a young person without illness or fraility. Short of murder or a car crash, there is no other reason for him to be dead. Besides, LE KNOWS the paternity of Caylee, and at least while Caylee was unaccounted for they WOULD have been interested in trying to find him, just to see if he had any knowledge or info about her whereabouts. Why wasn't there a sketch, a description, a clue as to his identity through-out the search last year? Really???
I'd bet on the fact that KC's DP-qualified attorney,AL, is going to pick apart what went on in the A family. Anything and everything will be fair game, in the attempt to spare KC the death penalty.

I'm sure they'll try to do that, but if we here at WS are representative of the population, a bunch of those jurrors will be mentally snorting and thinking, "I should have had it that good with my parents."
I'd bet on the fact that KC's DP-qualified attorney,AL, is going to pick apart what went on in the A family. Anything and everything will be fair game, in the attempt to spare KC the death penalty.
I will say up front that I do not support the DP, just a general disclaimer.

But your post made me think of something and so I want to pose the question. is the DP almost a 'distraction" to a murder trial? What I mean is, because a life is at stake, do the gloves come off and as you say anything and everything really are fair game? How different would it be if there was not DP on the table in terms of bringing the family dynamics into the courtroom?
or would it really be the same?
enboldened by me: Why indeed!? Truely ask yourself that/ those question(s).
Is it really even likely that he would be dead within the time frame allowed? Jesse's paternity test when Caylee was 6 mos (Test can not be done until then, would have been Dec or Jan of 2006) - July 2008. A two year span, not to mention he's supposidly been buried for awhile & he was supposed to be a young person without illness or fraility. Short of murder or a car crash, there is no other reason for him to be dead. Besides, LE KNOWS the paternity of Caylee, and at least while Caylee was unaccounted for they WOULD have been interested in trying to find him, just to see if he had any knowledge or info about her whereabouts. Why wasn't there a sketch, a description, a clue as to his identity through-out the search last year? Really???

LE knows the paternity? Do we know this for sure? I never heard this? IMO...this would shed alot of light on this whole crazy A dysfunction.
I will say up front that I do not support the DP, just a general disclaimer.

But your post made me think of something and so I want to pose the question. is the DP almost a 'distraction" to a murder trial? What I mean is, because a life is at stake, do the gloves come off and as you say anything and everything really are fair game? How different would it be if there was not DP on the table in terms of bringing the family dynamics into the courtroom?
or would it really be the same?

I think it would be the same. I think the SA want a conviction either way and the Defense is going to use whatever to introduce reasonable doubt, no matter what the cost and who it hurts.
As far as the incest theory, this was a 20 year old woman, right? All she had to do to get away from family abuse/incest was to get a job and move out.

Instead she pretended to have a job and stayed with the family, bringing her own child into it.

This is why I have problems with the incest theory. Though, who knows. This whole thing is too bizzare.
The only reasonable explaination of the absence of the biological father in my opinion is.....maybe Casey was drugged and gang raped, this could explain why she told her mother she couldn't be pregnant because she had to have sex first. MAYBE she has no memory of the sexual encounter. That would explain the father's absence, if he was a rapist, maybe even a date rapist.

Or maybe the guy was married then and still is. It could be as simple as that.
Does anyone have a psychiatric theory about Casey's mental state, the first time she was arrested wearing the blue hoody? It was her first perp walk through the Police station, grinning and swinging her hips without a care in the world.
I remember thinking she was acting very strangely back then but I didn't have any baseline Casey to compare it to. Now I've had a gut full of the gal and still go back to that moment in awe.
She waltzed through the station with pride, back erect, like she was auditioning for a movie role. In light of what we know now....I really see her as completely insane in that clip.
Not to say she was criminally insane because she isn't and wasn't period! Criminally insane people don't need to cover their tracks and hide the way KC did. Or lie.

I need more than 'sociopath' I guess, to explain such deviant and twisted behavior. MDmom?

I agree with you.....but, the time she was arrested in the night, when they went to the house, and they show her walking out of the house,....that scene of her sent shivers down my back.....she truly looked bizarre, scary.....:eek:
The absolute absence of the father in for this child is for me, one of the most glaring dysfunctions of this whole family. After all this time, not one clue of who this guy is/was. No one has emerged, no one has figured out who Casey dated 9 months before the baby was born. No man has admitted anything, not even one who may think he is the father and at least come out as a voice for Caylee. Nothing. He has to be dead.

Everyone has a father, why not Caylee? Why hide him, even if he is dead? Why deprive the paternal side of the family? Denial of pregnancy, denial of fatherhood, denial of thievery, denial of fraud, denial of murder.
I don't think Cindy wanted to share this baby with anyone and that is part of the family dysfunction. Cindy was in control of most things and being the sole grandmother (and possibly the sole mother in many ways), kept things easier to manipulate.
I think we know that KC had enough sexual partners to leave a big question as to the father and they possibly capitalized on that.
I think if the deceased young man is not the father, then it makes perfect sense to not name someone because the control over Caylee was simplified. But of course the only one that had more control was KC and that was most likely the beginning of the end for this family dynamic and caylee herself.
jmho of course.
I have a question about denying the pregnancy. we know that the Anthony's denied pregnancy to the outside world, but do we know if they denied it between themselves? Keeping the dates open to question would help to keep ma father out of the picture.

Paternity is a bit OT, but it does relate to the family dynamics so hopefully we can keep it along that vein.
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