Casey has the entire world in the palm of her hands.

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Oh, she's going to get LOTS of attention when she is in prison, in general population!! She will see suffering like she has never known before. Child killers are hated there!
Oh, she's going to get LOTS of attention when she is in prison, in general population!! She will see suffering like she has never known before. Child killers are hated there!
Yes! Some well deserved attention too...
Plus, Casey will gain much education in prison. KARMA 101!
Personally, I think the whole family has the world in the palm of their hands.
My sister is a compulsive liar, I've grow accustomed to ignoring obvious lies. My mother is a hard-core enabler, I've grown accustomed to ignoring...well, her. So, I've understood that whole situation more than I'd like to.

My relatives (yea I have a great family :rolleyes:) are the most money-hungry opportunistic, sick people I have ever seen....until this case came out.

I truely feel when this goes to trial, it will be the most innane lie after lie, after excuse, after excuse, and I sincerely hope LE's case is rock solid before it gets there.

Until then, I really hope karma comes around quickly for these people.
I firmly believe that what goes around comes around....I hope the justice system slaps her in the face with a swift death penalty when she is convicted. She has not only proven that she is selfish and a cold-blooded killer, destroyed her parents and family she is costing the state of Florida a fortune. if they don't give her the death penalty, she should actually have to WORK for the rest of her life...

(thanks for letting me get a rant in....i feel better now).

Right now they are living in there own little sick world- the casey show- they are all feeding off of each other, sorta like a pack of dogs. They live for the interaction with the protesters outside- it gives them more power. Gives them more attention. They sit around the TV set night after night watching what is going on, they can't stop themselves- they justify every action they do or don't do.

The ONLY way Casey will ever see the inside of a jail on murder charges is if they find the body.

People like Casey always manage to find a way out- to the amazement of others, but it always happens. Casey is very smart, very smart............don't let her fool you.

I totally agree!! I paid close attn. to GA as he walked towards the protestor he had the confrontation with.Compare his demeanor with the first confrontation he had with the reporter.He was not angry. IMO, it was all an act.

Then CA casually walks outside (chewing gum) to maintain that tacky yellow tape. Disgusting!!She is asking for an attack from one of the protestors.

I agree that Casey will never see the inside of a jail as a result of murder charges. The A's will have the funds to build a huge defense team. If the body is found, the defense will claim someone else killed Caylee.

It's going to take someone stepping forward with a bomb shell/evidence that she killed Caylee.
LE will prove this case. I'm certain they have more evidence than we can imagine. Any jury in their right mind will convict Casey and she WILL pay for this crime.
LE will prove this case. I'm certain they have more evidence than we can imagine. Any jury in their right mind will convict Casey and she WILL pay for this crime.

I really hope you're right and I'm wrong.
I swear Casey is smiling when being escorted to and from lawyers. I think she is loving it, which is sick as heck. I'd be a bawling MESS all of the time.
What message are we telling everyone out there? That if you kill your child accidentally or on purpose, don't tell anyone about it for 31 days because you too can become a "star". Everyone played into her hands...........starting with her family. Let's not upset Casey because if we do she won't tell us where Caylee is. Well how is that working for us? She still is telling lies, but now she's getting pats on her back from her family for them. It started with her family and is continuing with the media. Here is a psychopath who is holding the world by their *&^*s and we'll give her money for doing it too.

Somewhere in the middle of all of this are the people who really care about Caylee and about giving her a peaceful resting place and most importantly justice.

Speechless. Absolutely speechless.

I agree with you absolutely on everything. don't forget that there is another lesson to be learned - that if you kill someone, you can make a LOT OF $$$ telling your "story".

IMO, there's a special place in hell reserved for people who make those kind of offers to murderers and other felons.
I agree with your post EXCEPT that is it not an average family. My family would have likely killed or attempted to kill me to find a missing granddaugher if I was withholding evidence. Actually, my mom would only have to give her "death stare" to get me (and most people) to crack! After I had not told I would not have family bailing me out of jail! Heck no. They would not have given me money to make calls either. Most families are not like this!

This is well put. And, why the heck did they bail her out of jail when she has not given up the information as to where Caylee is. :eek: Nuts, this is just more of the same with this family caudling Casey. Let her sit in jail until she spills the beans. But, NO, they bail her out. How dumb is that?
LE will prove this case. I'm certain they have more evidence than we can imagine. Any jury in their right mind will convict Casey and she WILL pay for this crime.

My sentiments exactly. There is so much we don't know yet. Give her a bit more rope and she will hang herself, or, LE will do it for her. She is going down! No doubt in my mind.:clap:
What goes around comes around and it is going to come around and she won't know what hit her.

Justice For Caylee!!
I swear Casey is smiling when being escorted to and from lawyers.

and we all know jurors LOVE people who smile and laugh while their kids decompose in a swamp somewhere. :rolleyes: she is so SCREWED when it comes to that jury! I don't think there's any way the defense can redeem her in front of them. and who would they present as witnesses in her defense? there's no way they can put a pathological liar on the stand - she will get destroyed, and so will her family. and who else would step forward for her? IMO, no one! :)
The saddest part to me is that the title of her story will be "The CASEY Anthony Story"
Casey does not have ME in the palms of her hands. 31 days...and she wanted to wait longer. GRRRR. :furious:
Since this case began I have heard of two other cases recently of people who killed their children. One was the woman who went around with her child in the trunk for two weeks(sound familiar) The other I just read of today is a man who 29 mo. old son is missing and he refuse's to talk. (sound familiar)

I have been so concerned in the past few years that with all these men murdering their wives and still walking the streets more and more will think they can do the same thing.

I am now worried that children are going to start disappearing the same way.

Something needs to be done about this. LE needs to be held accountable.

I am disgusted! Just plain disgusted!
Kimmy, I agree.
And, I sometimes think the media and all the attenteon, should just go away. Then she wont be the celebrity she thinks she is anymore.
In the meantime, we can just only keep praying what goes around will come around for Casey and justice will be served soon!
Since this case began I have heard of two other cases recently of people who killed their children. One was the woman who went around with her child in the trunk for two weeks(sound familiar) The other I just read of today is a man who 29 mo. old son is missing and he refuse's to talk. (sound familiar)

I have been so concerned in the past few years that with all these men murdering their wives and still walking the streets more and more will think they can do the same thing.

I am now worried that children are going to start disappearing the same way.

Something needs to be done about this. LE needs to be held accountable.

I am disgusted! Just plain disgusted!

It is awful! The laws need to be changed somehow. They need to find a way to penalize them if they don't talk instead of them being able to hide behind a lawyer.
She has been working on that for months! She really thinks she is so smart and everyone is buying what she says. I guess she has been getting away with it all her life, so she figures why not now?

The whole family has been. And the more this goes on, the more I am thinking there could be something to this all being a big scam by the Anthony Family. That Caylee is really somewhere safe and sound and if and when they feel a need to, the will produce her. In the meantime they (and Casey ) are willing to do whatever it takes to pull this scam off. Including small stints in jail. They are getting the payoff with money for the video licensing and the book deal(s). Someone mentioned, (somewhere, I can't recall the thread) wondering if they are Irish Travelers and the more I think about it, maybe they are.

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