Casey hooking/escort service/or what?

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Being a skeptic by nature I did just that this morning... that is the other part of the reason I have no problem saying without a doubt that THE ONE picture is absolutely KC... I measured & compared the earlobes, forehead, eyes, hairline, part, widows peak, jawline, divots and yes (blech) even the lips.... against known pictures of KC...

My first degree is in art and I did a lot of drawing and studying human anatomy, etc. [People in my family are also forensic artists (do sketches for rape victims, crime victims, create skull models and facial reconstruction of cadavers.] My drawing teacher was a real nazi about artists knowing the human body (especially the head and face). While makeup can make noses appear thinner, cover moles, make lips appear bigger, etc., there is an area that really does not change too much which is the triangular area encompassing the outer edges of your two eyes to the bottom of your nose. Comparing known pictures of Casey with the photo of the girl with the "lollipop" I would say the picture is of Casey! In my professional opinion, it is a picture of Casey wearing heavy makeup (and colored contacts).

PS. I never saw the second posted picture. I only saw the one with the "lollipop".
I just personally don't see where anyone would pay for that. Hey, if I was whoring and got paid, I sure wouldn't drive a Pontiac around.

Especially one as old as hers.
It's only a crime when she is covering for crime. So yes, in her case she is committing one. I'd love to know what's in CA medicine bottles.

Today I'd like to have about 3 of each whatever they are LOL
Comparing to the third-to-last image on this post, I am pretty certain the *advertiser censored* picture in question is not KC. The nose shape and hairline are not the same. The *advertiser censored* picture is not a photoshop attempt to make it look like KC - it just isn't her.

Fusian lounge had of their 'entities' is Fusian Models.
*advertiser censored* pic: I don't think it is her... speaking as a photographer, I can spy contacts a mile away and sometimes it is not hard at all to spy true eye color behind cheap colored contacts because the flash causes the pupil to narrow, showing the real eye color in the "pupil" part of the contact: that person looks to be wearing blue hazed contacts over brown eyes. Casey does not have brown eyes... (and her eye color is beautiful without contacts... I can't see why she would put contacts on in the first place)

*advertiser censored* pic: I don't think it is her... speaking as a photographer, I can spy contacts a mile away and sometimes it is not hard at all to spy true eye color behind cheap colored contacts because the flash causes the pupil to narrow, showing the real eye color in the "pupil" part of the contact: that person looks to be wearing blue hazed contacts over brown eyes. Casey does not have brown eyes... (and her eye color is beautiful without contacts... I can't see why she would put contacts on in the first place)


I have to agree with you...Casey (and her mom) have 'wonky' eyebrows and this 'model' doesn't. Although I guess they could be made up, her eyebrows trail off in an odd shape. Hard to explain...but noticeably absent.
The part of sex was bussiness like and she got up and left after makes me wonder if she did this a business and all so called bf's got it for free. She had so many bf's and sometimes 2 at one time, but parents didn't know about them. Maybe she just blew her money on toys, trinkets and stuff. Those clubs look expensive, drinks would be high takes money to party very night unless she sponged off everyone she knew.........IMO

I once read about a woman that got her PHD by doing this work and while she had to study a lot she still fit in a john into her schedule so that she can pay for her education.
It is easy money if you can sell your body? and she did have plenty of time.
she must have been a cheep date and did not need to much money, only enough to party.
Can someone kindly point me in the right direction to the forum that has all the pictures of what might be Casey in "questionable" pictures?

I have read to go to the SM forum, but I don't know what that is.

I appreciate it! :confused:

One of KC's Google searches on March 13 was "bust down". From the urban dictionary:

Someone, usually a female, who will have sex with anyone.

"I'm on the west side of Chicago lookin' for a bust-down" Cam'ron

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