Casey hooking/escort service/or what?

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They are not escort sites, they are just some pictures of her that some have figured meant she worked for an escort service!

No, there was a list as long as your arm of actual escort sites someone looked up on Casey's computer. I think there's a thead about it.
Don't you think her cell phone records would show that? Calls to "johns", etc? From whatg I've seen, all her calls were to friends/family.
Maybe she was doing it via the net...all of her emails, sent and recieved, myspace messages were deleted....everything prior to her arrest.
How did I miss the escort sites on her computer? Oh my...could some kind sould give me a link for that? TIA


On Nancy Grace tonight they posted on the screen some of the websites that were found on the computer. Here they are:

On Nancy Grace tonight they posted on the screen some of the websites that were found on the computer. Here they are:

Oh my! I better not look at any of those while at work...they might think I am looking for a new job. Thanks
I do believe she was doing something of the sorts. She was unaccounted for during a 2 year span that she had no job, but had everyone convinced that she was working. She went as far as to fabricate people, emails and events.

Brother Lee knows something. I'm convinced.

Yes, I believe this is where the other phone comes into play.

It wasn't until recently that we KNOW of her phone activity. She possibly backed out of the business when Tony came along so she could spend more time with him. It was pretty obvious that Amy felt a little weird about Casey following her around all day instead of working. She mentioned that.

Casey would get phone calls while with friends or Tony and would go outside to talk to whoever it was, then return to say it was her mother.

She gets up and leaves in the middle of the night to take Caylee home because Cindy called and told her to. Cindy said that wasn't true. Where did she take her? It couldn't have been because she wanted to humpty hump with Ricardo because he didn't know Caylee wasn't there til the next morning. He would have noticed sooner if so.

What did Casey do during the hours she was supposed to be working and where was Caylee staying while she was doing it? This is what I have been working toward finding out.
I agree. However, I think she was "associated" with the business. She could have been a "scout" or a "promoter!" even. Remember the cryptic sentence to LA about why she was at Universal? "I wasn't there for fun, but not for work either." She is way too full of herself to make men "pay" for her - so she could have been like the receptionist - lining up dates, recruiting new "dates" for the girls, letting "johns" know when the "girls" would be at certain clubs or hotels. That wouldn't pay very much at all and would also explain the computer searches as she was tired of not making any money and growing more desperate by the minute so why not? But that's just IMHO.

I disagree! It pays and it pays well, not as well as going out on calls but much more than a regular job would and ya get bonus's for certain amounts of calls the escorts complete per-night.
I have not spent much time with her phone records, but were there any periods of time that she WAS NOT on the phone long enough for.. uh, relations? (even if very brief encounters?)
I seem to recall hearing she was on the phone ALL THE TIME....

Precisely. I just took a shower and while soaping my hair I wondered: how can I do it and still text my buds??

Ain't happenin.

I have an income and I never have $400.00 cash in my purse. Isn't that what LA said in his interview? CA took the cash and the JC Penney card (that belonged to CA) after he retrieved the items from AL's apt.:confused::confused:

That was only a couple of hundred bucks. At any given time I can have cash on me, or nothing. It depends on what I'm doing.
Lots of folks discredit the escort angle by saying "She was stealing from people and that's where she got her money"

She did most of her stealing "after" Caylee was gone. In all of the testimony I don't remember any friends saying that she stole money from them prior to June.

She did use her parents cc's but she had to have had money coming in from somewhere. These folks thought she was working for the last two years. Why did they think that? Here family even thought that. It would seem to me if she had a job in the past few years that mom would have asked her a least once to buy diapers, ect. She was getting money from somewhere.

I believe she was using the chloroform for sex - it's pretty common among teens and 20-somethings. Here's what I wrote yesterday in All About Chloroform 2 thread:

People in their teens and twenties are using chloroform as a drug and also in sex acts. It is an incredibly dangerous practice because these kids are risking their lives everytime they do this, but it a trend that is growing. Many kids have already wound up dead due to this.

Here is a description by someone using it for both a high and sex:

Chloroform is also used in S&M practices. Here is a story from the BBC about someone who died doing this:

Pedophiles also use chloroform on their victims. Look up pedophile uses chloroform in Google and you will see this is also very common, shockingly so.

If you combine a xanax with too much alchohol you get a blackout, which would explain why someone might do something, look awake, but not actually be awake and not remember it the next day.

HA! are you serious? um, seriously. I am in my 20s. it is not "pretty common" - actually, it's not common at all. I have friends into very "fringe" sex practices as well, and I've never once heard of this.
So she searched websites about sex and a site about missing kids. hmmm can we conclude that she was entertaining the thought she wanted to get paid for sex and have her child missing?

I do believe she was doing something of the sorts. She was unaccounted for during a 2 year span that she had no job, but had everyone convinced that she was working. She went as far as to fabricate people, emails and events.

Brother Lee knows something. I'm convinced.

Yes, I believe this is where the other phone comes into play.

It wasn't until recently that we KNOW of her phone activity. She possibly backed out of the business when Tony came along so she could spend more time with him. It was pretty obvious that Amy felt a little weird about Casey following her around all day instead of working. She mentioned that.

Casey would get phone calls while with friends or Tony and would go outside to talk to whoever it was, then return to say it was her mother.

She gets up and leaves in the middle of the night to take Caylee home because Cindy called and told her to. Cindy said that wasn't true. Where did she take her? It couldn't have been because she wanted to humpty hump with Ricardo because he didn't know Caylee wasn't there til the next morning. He would have noticed sooner if so.
What did Casey do during the hours she was supposed to be working and where was Caylee staying while she was doing it? This is what I have been working toward finding out.

Excellent point!

I wonder if you will be shocked to learn that I agree with everything you've written here, especially about Lee knowing something.
Lots of folks discredit the escort angle by saying "She was stealing from people and that's where she got her money"

She did most of her stealing "after" Caylee was gone. In all of the testimony I don't remember any friends saying that she stole money from them prior to June.

She did use her parents cc's but she had to have had money coming in from somewhere. These folks thought she was working for the last two years. Why did they think that? Here family even thought that. It would seem to me if she had a job in the past few years that mom would have asked her a least once to buy diapers, ect. She was getting money from somewhere.


Her mother asked Amy is she knew where Casey works and then told Amy that she did not think she actually had a job. (check in the Amy section).

Her father also states that he doesn't believe that she held a job. (look in the George section)
I disagree! It pays and it pays well, not as well as going out on calls but much more than a regular job would and ya get bonus's for certain amounts of calls the escorts complete per-night.
It only pays well if you do the job WELL!! We have all seen that ole KC does things, well half-*advertiser censored**ed, for a better term. She could have been trying and not succeeding and the mgmt was telling her to get it together - thus the searches for other escort companies - to switch jobs? I think anything that KC does, she only does halway - that won't pay that much.
Lots of folks discredit the escort angle by saying "She was stealing from people and that's where she got her money"

She did most of her stealing "after" Caylee was gone. In all of the testimony I don't remember any friends saying that she stole money from them prior to June.

She did use her parents cc's but she had to have had money coming in from somewhere. These folks thought she was working for the last two years. Why did they think that? Here family even thought that. It would seem to me if she had a job in the past few years that mom would have asked her a least once to buy diapers, ect. She was getting money from somewhere.


Thank you thank you thank you.
I just can't get past the chloroform aspect. IF all she wanted was to knock Caylee out so that she could escort/party she could have bought xanax. Why do searches for chloroform?
I would never think to myself "Hey, I could use chloroform to cover something up?" Because like the poster above said chloroform is not that "common"
Excellent point!

I wonder if you will be shocked to learn that I agree with everything you've written here, especially about Lee knowing something.

LOL I am shocked. But we all really are on the same side. I don't forget that. :)

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