Casey Interview Recordings Released Discussion

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Why are they being released? Is it also a "Sunshine Law', were the tapes requested? I just fret so much that it could compromise a future case! I DO want to hear, but not at the cost of justice. *chews nails and frets*
yeah, she sounds convincing at first, but then she's just so full of details and controlled, it does seem suspicious
She's something else...............

What bothers me is that she is so calm..She sounds like she practiced these lies, she sounds so eerie!!!! nothing in her voice sounds like she is hurting at all for Caylee.
I just started listening to the audio. He gave her a chance to take back her written statements and she said no its the truth.

The whole phone/Universal part of the conversation, wow. The lies come so easy.
I know they are going to release them around 3 because that when I HAVE TO go to an appointment,.. lmao!!!!! That would be just my luck!

Support group forming. My appointment is at 2:45. I have waited to go to this one for a month and I am in a complete MELTDOWN over leaving the computer.

Oh goodie, here comes the audio- :snail:
Hearing her voice and how she seems not upset whatsoever makes me sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew she wouldn't sound upset, but it just is so unreal to hear her make up these lies!!!

PLUS,.. how can she sit there and say that she was working and lost her phone at work when she was caught in her lies????? (by taking them to Universal and then they went into the conference room and started the recording,.) Or was the first audio (which I am listening to) done BEFORE she took them to Universal?

FYI when she was talking about not reporting it to the police and she was afraid that Caylee would be hurt,.. YOU'D THINK SHE WOULD BE UPSET, but she says it like she is talking about what she ate for lunch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :furious:
i'd like to hear these tapes too, just out of curiosity, but am i the only who doesn't think this is going to make much difference? i don't expect to hear anything different than what i already think/know of her. i don't think it will be very 'telling' or anything like that. not to mention, we all bring our own interpretations to what we see and hear, so what's telling to one person might be average to another.

it's interesting to have something new to dissect, but i don't think it's going to be this big 'boom' or anything.

Well I for one am curious to hear her answer "Uh-HUH - over and over to key questions and comments..
She sounds very nervous to me like her heart is racing and she sounds like she is trying to confuse them - I love that they left their radios on!
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