Casey offered more than $1mil to tell story

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I just read that too on WESH. Disguisting! Pay her 1 million to lie?????
I am even more disguisted at the defense fund. Anyone who contributes to that needs help.
Well, I guess I had the wrong idea of working hard all my life, saving $$ in a retirement fund. KC's way is ever so much simpler, if one is cold-blooded enough!

This is beyond disgusting. I think I may have to take a break from new on this case. I get more and more sick to my stomach over it each day.
"I can tell you just for interview areas alone they can range from $50,000 to $350,000. We've even had an offer come from an overseas company that specializes in pay per view and those offers can exceed $1 million," Jose Baez Law Firm spokesman Todd Black said.

Black said they're listening to all offers but for now not accepting anything.

"We've made it clear to everyone that their inquiry will be put in to a file and we don't know whether that file will ever have to be opened," Black said.

Much of it, Black said, depends on how extensive Casey Anthony's defense will have to be.

He said they're building a Web site for Casey Anthony’s defense fund and assembling a team of defense experts.
No wonder she's high fiving. geesh
I really hate the message this sounds young people. REALLY.
This really angers me.
And, what defense fund? Doesn't KC get an atty appointed by the court if she cannot afford one? So why a defense fund and a high profile/high price attorney? Grrrrrrrrrr

This may tip some of those protesters over the edge. I heard on the news this morning that the entire feeling in their neighborhood is hostile on all fronts.
All I can say at this moment is, I think I am going to be sick!!

Good grief, just when I think it can't possibly get any more ridiculous. Yuck!
She will always be looking over her shoulder.
There are many angry people out there.
Casey wouldn't be receiving all those offers if there wasn't a huge market (us) for information about the case. Face it, when things get to a point that people are stealing the Anthonys trash..... :rolleyes:

People who offer $1.5 mil for book rights aren't stupid, they know what sells.
What is the world coming too? I would not pay this lunatic one damn dime unless she tells LE where Caylee is? This is not about the A's (no wonder no one is working) or psycho KC. this is about a 2 year old who never had the chance to turn 3.

I think I will protest this story and get someone in the media to speak up about this. Like OJ- it will get pulled!
I'm hoping LE and the Judge put the hammer down on little miss happy bucks before she collects. Is there or not a law in FL that one can NOT collect funds from a crime they committed? I've seen this discussed but never knew if it was confirmed.

If she can't collect, then expect charges soon before the money changes hands.

So they are high fiving each other for blood money?

How about a high five to bring Caylee back????? A baby is buried and rotting and they're happy about it?

Very bad message being sent out, yes.
All I can do now is shake my head. We already heard her "story". What a waste of a million dollars. A complete waste.
I really don't know why I am even shocked after reading that. I don't know why I get shocked by these CRAZY people every day. 1.5 million dollars and they are "thinking about it" and defense fund. I think I am going to go outside and take a breather after this one. BBL.
Oh my goodness I think I will be sick.

I was just reading a blog about a little girl with brain cancer. She died and her mom has been blogging about how hard it has been. How everything reminds her of her little girl. How hard it was for the funeral home to take the body. I cannot help but cry when I read a new blog. Then you have a mother who can kill her baby and disgard her like trash and not blink an eye. Anyways they are now raising money for childhood brain cancer research and St. Judes...Hmmmm, no one is offering them a million dollars for their story and they would put the money to good use.

WHF is wrong with this world????

God Bless you Caylee did not deserve this. May you dance with the angels. :(
Casey wouldn't be receiving all those offers if there wasn't a huge market (us) for information about the case. Face it, when things get to a point that people are stealing the Anthonys trash..... :rolleyes:

People who offer $1.5 mil for book rights aren't stupid, they know what sells.

Yeah, but most of us are looking for justice...not interested in putting money into Casey's pockets or defense fund. Those making these offers, might want to reconsider. Quickly.

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