Casey on Piers Morgan

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I believe when asked before he was on the defense team he said she was guilty. When questioned about it after he joined he either said he never said or could not recall. How convenient. Selective memory comes in handy for him.

And, he was also the one who suggested to her to take a plea, does anyone remember that???? If he really thought she wasn't guilty, why in Gods name would he do that? I'm supposed to believe its because he thought she would be found guilty anyway?
Caylee died on Sunday night, imo. There was a reason for that. It was Father's Day, no coincidence here, folks. It is way past time for the bio dad to come forth. Days are ticking away. There is a Civil Suit that could be filed. hmmmmm. It is usually one year from the verdict. Pretty obvious no one in the Anthony Clan care to sue her so let's have the bio dad do it.

There is one fear that narcissist have and that is taking away money...ok, two fears, the other being physical harm. The shutter at the thought of somebody hurting their (beautiful *ugh*) bodies. That really gets them going.
Piers Morgan ‏@piersmorgan

Just to clarify things re my exclusive Casey Anthony interview, she was paid the following sum: $zero #CNN

Tweeted a while ago ..

Mods, please remove if his tweets are not allowed!

What about her attorney? He receives her mail and cashes her checks for her. I noticed new PICS of Caylee. Somebody offered them up...and I bet somebody got licensing fees for them. Let's hear the truth. Dr Phil also said the same thing..."The Anthonys are receiving no compensation (three interviews). Instead we are giving money to their Foundation"...:banghead:
I just finished a book "Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us" by Robert D. Hare, PhD, which is a perfect description of her. The book is so worth reading in my opinion and is readily available. Anyone else read it? Your opinion?
First want to say thank you for those that could watch and not break the tvs they were watching on so they could continue updating and thank you to those that gave a bit of comic relief in these comments. Right as I was about to break into tears someone made me laugh.

I followed this trial on another site last yr and since left them due to thing that were said and allowed to remain posted while other things got deleted. Bunch of favoritism BS mixed with a bunch of siding with CA. Grrr

What was the reasoning behind coming out right now? So close to the anniversary of Caylee's death. I'm glad she is catching on to how most feel about her, I hope it sinks in real deep too. For me she is less the dirt on the bottom of my shoe and that is being very generous to how I really feel. I do hope she travels to other countries maybe she will break their laws and end up in prison somewhere else.
Nothing came from that interview other then what little respect I had for PM is gone now. I tried my hardest to go to his page and write him but I can not bring myself to doing it. I knew before this interview when her mouth is open she lies and that CM makes her seem like the girl next door who was hiding behind years of abuse.
CM must really think we are all some dumb dumbs to think most of us believe that she did not kill Caylee because she said so without being told what to say by a lawyer. She didn't have a lawyer when she was talking to the police and saying those very same words.
Lord I'm getting fired up and must take a break. I knew I should have saved this for after kids were in bed tonight to read. Since hubby is on his way home I think I just might need a small drink to help calm me down after he gets home.
I'm still pizzed about the puppy she told us all about and how much she loves it...pfttt! I was worried about it when she mentioned it and I am more than worried now...

...Hard for me to go a day w/o thinking about the poor thing and what he had to endure just living/staying with her. I also can't help but think how she treated the Yorkies when she lived at Hopespring. Of course, they had to endure cindy which was no picnic either. As long as the dog could give her attention and not require anything from her, he could exist. Other than that, I shudder at the thought.
I just finished a book "Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us" by Robert D. Hare, PhD, which is a perfect description of her. The book is so worth reading in my opinion and is readily available. Anyone else read it? Your opinion?

I may have to download that. Thank you.
Once you come in close contact with a Malignant Narcissistic Psychopath, your world, as you know it, will exist no longer. This is what is known as true evil. I wish I could explain it but it is something that is very difficult to do. I expect the book will help.
snippet from :

MASON: But she's read Grisham books she likes. And she particularly likes books dealing with international travel.


MORGAN: I think the "Hunger Games" is about -- it is about -- kids killing each other.

MASON: Yes, yes.

MORGAN: Weird subject matter.

MASON: Apparently has taken on like the "Harry Potter" stuff, I guess. She's very interested in photography. Her -- she works out a lot. Her favorite shows, "I Love Lucy," "The Three Stooges." Old movies. Particularly ones in black and white. Travel. Those types of things that she some day would like to be able to do. And she will be able to do.

"The Three Stooges" :floorlaugh: ... she must be watching :

... or ...

I look at that picture of the Anthonys and I see pure evil. I wonder if they dare go out in the daytime---you know, like vampires.

I didn't watch Piers Morgan. Never do. Bores me to death. I actually watched a rerun of "Little House on the Prairie," at nine. Glad I missed FCA. CNN's ratings are at their lowest point ever. I don't wonder why. Actually I never watch any show on CNN.
Here's what still gets me:
1. Believe what I say NOT what you saw with your own eye's.
2. Get over the verdict. But Mason and company can't get over the verdict for lying.
3. She's never pulled the wool over CM's eye's. He's either a lier or stupid, probably both IMO.

I know I have a lot more but I keep forgetting what I want to say. LOL. Nothing new for me!

So here's the thing. Let her keep running her mouth and she wont have any excuses for taking the 5th during the civil trials.
I can't believe after all this time and all the coaching she must have had, she still has no idea how to even pretend to care about Caylee!
We need to get in touch with Roy Kronk and have him find that puppy.


the poor dog. She probably felt threatened by it. Maybe the poor little pooch was getting more attention that she was! We all know what happens when FCA isn't the center of attention! Isn't animal abuse a violation of her probation? Maybe we should contact "Sherlock Bones" a dog detective!
We have a Sherlock Bones in my neighborhood. What a blessing! I'll never forget when I moved there and people at the dog park told me all about his services. I was laughing at the name. How cute is that?
What in the he!! is that suppose to mean "when the time comes" she will tell her story. She had her chance in court. I don't want to hear what she has to say now. It's too late. Honestly I don't give a dang what happens to her, thing of the worst and that will suit me just fine.
JustDeanna ‏@deanna824

@piersmorgan Was CM also paid $zero?
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bob kealing bob kealing ‏@bobkealing

Piers says no $$“@piersmorgan: Just to clarify things re my exclusive Casey Anthony interview, she was paid the following sum: $zero #CNN”

Are we to assume that CNN gave CM and FCMA FREE airtime. How's that work? Sponsors ...please step up.
I notice he says FCA was not paid. What about CM (who handles her money)?
Wait - Wait!! We may have experienced a miracle last night!!! What FCA told Morgan is that Caylee is (was) her greatest accomplishment.

Now I ask you - was not the birth of Caylee FCA's greatest accomplishment? Was that finally one item of truth out of that lying mouth?

Too bad she killed her greatest accomplishment....she forgot to mention that.

Probably meant greatest accomplishment because she got away with murder and became a legend in her own mine aka worlds most hated woman. Without Caylee this wouldnt have happened.,
I could think of alot of other things I would be doing if I was stuck in my house all day.
Online classes would be top on my list if I had the day to fill. Not reading Hunger Games as the highlight of my day along with cleaning and watching t.v. That is what she did when Little Caylee was here, although she did get to go out all night and party then. I just can't believe anything CM says because he just said recently they are not trying to sell KC. Hogwash that is exactly what he is trying to do. Maybe they want to settle financially with ZG so she needs money. She doesn't want it to go to trial and have to be under oath to tell the truth. All the weight gain junk was leading up to this interview I think. sad sad sad what scam artists. Too bad Pierce Morgan got sucked in.
Even in hiding, FCA manages to emerge every few months. She hates not having the she throws out some meaningless words and picks up money for doing it.

Can somebody please explain why she had gotten away with not working during her probation? There was no reason to keep her in hiding. She did/doesn't need protection. OJ walked around for years and no one shot him. Florida Judicial System leaves a lot to be desired. They pick up Zimmerman's wife for lying. Cindy lied repeatedly about her finances, etc in a court of law and the State did nothing....disgusting. No wonder this family believes they are untouchable!

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