Casey on Piers Morgan

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I've been looking for it (no luck yet)...'cause I think EVERYONE should remember. Wish I tweeted.

This one?

Come think of it. The scamming Anthonys have been feeding off CNN since 2008. They were on Larry King alot. He paid for them to come to the studio, limos, hotel, etc. Cindy most likely suggested the idea for FCA to pick up some cash. Piers has taken Larry King's spot on CNN. Gads, I hate that channel.
She obviously doesn't know what obviously means.

Just like she literally doesn't know what literally means! It used to drive me crazy. She'd say things like "I've always wanted to help LE but my hands were literally tied". Hey Casey, that's "figuratively", not "literally". :)
Anyone wonder if she's staying with her brother?... As if he doesn't have enough issues!
Caylee was an accidental pregnancy. And then her grandparents raised her. Nothing I can see that Casey "accomplished" in the creation or raising of such a precious little angel. Sorry, miss get NO credit for Caylee's wonderfulness. It happened despite you, not because of you.

Cindy said Caylee was the best mistake Casey ever did.

Cheny Mason is trying to get Casey money so he doesn't have to keep supporting her. He's claimed all along how Casey needed to be in hiding to be safe.

Casey will never be "safe" no matter where she is. She will always have to go to ground. She will spend the rest of her days looking over her shoulder and running from place to place to hide.

She will never really have much to call her own.

She will never lead what we consider a normal life.

Casey is still being taken care of just as she was under Cindy's rule.

Casey can only changes locations. All the rest remains the same.

It's still about Caylee.
Accomplishment? She gave birth to Caylee.That's about it, IMO. According to Cindy, she had very little to do with Caylee's upbringing.

Wasn't it determined from Caylee's autopsy that her head was the shape of a baby that wasn't held much after birth? I'm not sure if this is fact but flipped when I read it. Accomplishment?? She got laid and then gave birth, you're right, that's the extent of her participation!!
Just read about Todd Maculosa's plane which he sold crashed and killed a family of six. It was said to be the same plane that transported Casey Anthony from jail to her hiding place.

WTH? Does every single thing associated with her have a bad ending?
More of my rambling musings:

"Piers Morgan WORLD EXCLUSIVE: I just spoke to Casey Anthony. An extraordinary conversation."

A very bad choice of wording if you ask me.
1. Extraordinary is a mother who wakes up every day and loves her child and protects her child.
2. Extraordinary is someone who cuts off their arm that's stuck in a boulder to save their own life.
3. Extraordinary are parents who take care of a special needs children every day with love and respect.
3. Extraordinary is those of us who don't fall for the lies of CFCA or anyone in her groupie surroundings.
CFCA is not even normal much less extraordinary. In my opinion she's nothing but evil and that is why she runs free today. Just one of the devils brides.
Wait - Wait!! We may have experienced a miracle last night!!! What FCA told Morgan is that Caylee is (was) her greatest accomplishment.

Now I ask you - was not the birth of Caylee FCA's greatest accomplishment? Was that finally one item of truth out of that lying mouth?

Too bad she killed her greatest accomplishment....she forgot to mention that.

Very good!
Oh, FGS!! She has to address the weight gain rumors!!! THAT is what she is choosing to focus on in that short interview!!!!


that's what I was scrolling down here to say. I am not watching it or looking for transcripts or anything because I do not care one iota about offender anthony.

however I lol'd at this thread; this chick takes the cake, she really does (pun intended)

call her a sociopath, a narcissist, a BABY KILLER and she just goes about life as usual but whooaaa call her fat?? WELLTHEN! she sets her [censored] on fire getting to the phone to tell CM to SORT. IT. OUT.

it's like she will spend her whole life trying to understand how people act and she just doesnt see how she is getting it wrong.
Just like she literally doesn't know what literally means! It used to drive me crazy. She'd say things like "I've always wanted to help LE but my hands were literally tied". Hey Casey, that's "figuratively", not "literally". :)

LOL Yes. Her whole fam damily does that trying to appear "smart". They never get it right. It really is quite comical.
I had found a twitter account of Cindys, not sure if its really her but if it is, she's a nasty, mean...b anyway I sent a tweet "If you believe your daughter, than you don't believe your husband, so why are you still there?" Obviously I got no response but she's in a pickle along with her daughter too as far as the public goes...not everyone feels sorry for her, I don't. She is either supporting a killer or supporting a child molester or both, what exactly does that say about her?
She calls getting pregnant and giving birth an accomplishment? She was nineteen and had unprotected sex. WTH?

For the record, who helped her with this accomplishment? She sure isn't going to convince me that she did this she told cindy.
Oh BTW...I'm just waiting for FCA to get some surgery so she can walk the streets again. CM probably decided to see where the public lies before he has to find the funds to pay for it because he won't do that unless he absolutely has to.
She calls getting pregnant and giving birth an accomplishment? She was nineteen and had unprotected sex. WTH?

For the record, who helped her with this accomplishment? She sure isn't going to convince me that she did this she told cindy.

Every mammal on earth can do it, most against their will (thinking of the squirrels in my yard). Being a good Mommy is something entirely different!
I just read the transcript. I love how CM was supposedly just about to reveal his theory about how Caylee "disappeared" and obviously "died" but wasn't "killed"...and then Morgan says "hold that thought," goes to commercial, and then comes back with a totally different question.

that's what I was scrolling down here to say. I am not watching it or looking for transcripts or anything because I do not care one iota about offender anthony.

however I lol'd at this thread; this chick takes the cake, she really does (pun intended)

call her a sociopath, a narcissist, a BABY KILLER and she just goes about life as usual but whooaaa call her fat?? WELLTHEN! she sets her [censored] on fire getting to the phone to tell CM to SORT. IT. OUT.

it's like she will spend her whole life trying to understand how people act and she just doesnt see how she is getting it wrong.

You forgot thief and a *advertiser censored*.
Well I must say, I'm thankful that her biggest "media appearance" to date is this pitiful. Upon release from jail I feared she'd make the talk show rounds, get celebrity makeovers, hang out with D list reality "stars", be spun as "innocent", or at least become famous for being infamous. As much as she wants that, she's just not bright, not motivated, and not resourceful enough to do much more than clean her house and order take-out food. Sometimes life is fair.

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