Casey on Piers Morgan

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I'm sure a future baby of hers doesn't want her to risk it either.

I pray that she never conceives again, even if she didn't "risk" killing it, it would be one messed up child being raised by her. Can you imagine a child that was raised solely by an adult? *shivers* Society isn't ready for a 2.0 version.

I hate to say this or even think it, but I can guarantee she will get pregnant again. Think about how selfish that is? That poor child being born to the most hated woman in America. She won't be able to take the poor child anywhere without glares and snide remarks. What are the odds of FCA finding a nice guy who really wants to marry her and support her because we all know she'll never work a regular job? Probably slim to none. No normal Man would want to take that risk.

You would think she would be taking this time to get an education so she can support herself one day but instead she is watching "I love Lucy" and "the 3 Stooges"... :banghead: She's an idiot!
Interesting she throws that out. Having another child. How typical. We know she can do that :banghead: Anything else on her bucket list? Getting an education etc etc. Of course not. We know what she is :banghead:
I'm sure a future baby of hers doesn't want her to risk it either.

I pray that she never conceives again, even if she didn't "risk" killing it, it would be one messed up child being raised by her. Can you imagine a child that was raised solely by an adult? *shivers* Society isn't ready for a 2.0 version.

Yes and if there is a genetic component :banghead:
I hate to say this or even think it, but I can guarantee she will get pregnant again. Think about how selfish that is? That poor child being born to the most hated woman in America. She won't be able to take the poor child anywhere without glares and snide remarks. What are the odds of FCA finding a nice guy who really wants to marry her and support her because we all know she'll never work a regular job? Probably slim to none. No normal Man would want to take that risk.

You would think she would be taking this time to get an education so she can support herself one day but instead she is watching "I love Lucy" and "the 3 Stooges"... :banghead: She's an idiot!

I don't think that we have to worry about her having another kid being she didn't want the one that she had.
I think that she tells Mason that she watches I Love Lucy and The Three Stooges so that he feels that they can relate in someway being they're programs from his era, you know, common ground. I'm still ROFLMOA that Mason thought that The Hunger Games was something like Harry Potter...sweet and innocent ***chuckles***. Wonder how he feels now knowing it's about children killing children. Doesn't surprise me about her...she was a child mentally that killed a child in MOO. It's kinda along the lines of the movies that she and Tony rented on Caylee's last day on earth that consisted of kidnapping, putting a person in the trunk of a car and duct tape. Nope...Casey hasn't changed much since the onset. Like I said, she is who she is. I agree, I too think that Casey is an idiot and I think that Mason is an old fool. Of course she's playing nice with Mason, he's helping her with her money. If you recall awhile back he told the world that she's was receiving letters of support along with money, I think that he said thousands of dollars, if I recall correctly. He's her funnel for her money.
My understanding is that PM is who brought up having another child, not Casey. The media keeps playing this angle to stir the pot, get ppl watching and a talking. guess it worked.

As far as JB not having a soul - maybe it's GA that doesn't have a soul. Just saying.

I hate to say this or even think it, but I can guarantee she will get pregnant again. Think about how selfish that is? That poor child being born to the most hated woman in America. She won't be able to take the poor child anywhere without glares and snide remarks. What are the odds of FCA finding a nice guy who really wants to marry her and support her because we all know she'll never work a regular job? Probably slim to none. No normal Man would want to take that risk.

You would think she would be taking this time to get an education so she can support herself one day but instead she is watching "I love Lucy" and "the 3 Stooges"... :banghead: She's an idiot!

I worry about her getting pregnant again too.

I fear she will kill again when she becomes jealous of her own child and she is not always the center of attention.

I feel Casey Anthony is still very dangerous.

I don't think that we have to worry about her having another kid being she didn't want the one that she had.
I think that she tells Mason that she watches I Love Lucy and The Three Stooges so that he feels that they can relate in someway being they're programs from his era, you know, common ground. I'm still ROFLMOA that Mason thought that The Hunger Games was something like Harry Potter...sweet and innocent ***chuckles***. Wonder how he feels now knowing it's about children killing children. Doesn't surprise me about her...she was a child mentally that killed a child in MOO. It's kinda along the lines of the movies that she and Tony rented on Caylee's last day on earth that consisted of kidnapping, putting a person in the trunk of a car and duct tape. Nope...Casey hasn't changed much since the onset. Like I said, she is who she is. I agree, I too think that Casey is an idiot and I think that Mason is an old fool. Of course she's playing nice with Mason, he's helping her with her money. If you recall awhile back he told the world that she's was receiving letters of support along with money, I think that he said thousands of dollars, if I recall correctly. He's her funnel for her money.

hopefully those in line with lawsuits and the IRS come a knockin......along with the State of Flordia......recoup----
Interesting Baez dropped her like a hot potato. He has years ahead career wise. Mason still hanging in. Has made his $ What does he care how he goes out.
My understanding is that PM is who brought up having another child, not Casey. The media keeps playing this angle to stir the pot, get ppl watching and a talking. guess it worked.

As far as JB not having a soul - maybe it's GA that doesn't have a soul. Just saying.


yeah, there are lots of folks out there stiring the pot for sure!
My understanding is that PM is who brought up having another child, not Casey. The media keeps playing this angle to stir the pot, get ppl watching and a talking. guess it worked.

As far as JB not having a soul - maybe it's GA that doesn't have a soul. Just saying.


Or none of them have a moral compass...

Cheney Mason wouldnt have answered that question for her if he didnt want to stir the pot I think.
I worry about her getting pregnant again too.

I fear she will kill again when she becomes jealous of her own child and she is not always the center of attention.

I feel Casey Anthony is still very dangerous.


Oh, I think that child would be the most well protected child in the United States if Casey stays here. She may want a do over. She may actually believe she should "prove" she can be what she says she is.
My understanding is that PM is who brought up having another child, not Casey. The media keeps playing this angle to stir the pot, get ppl watching and a talking. guess it worked.

As far as JB not having a soul - maybe it's GA that doesn't have a soul. Just saying.


PM may have asked but she answered. Would it matter who brought it up? She didn't have to answer if she didn't want to. Wait a minute...Mason answered it if I recall correctly. Yeppers. He answered it on her behalf. If I recall correctly... Casey and Mason wanted the phone interview. PM didn't go after the interview they went to him, so it's safe to say that they provided the pot to be stirred... and if they didn't want it to be stirred they wouldn't have provided the (in-greedy-ends/ingredients) wouldn't you agree?
Oh, I think that child would be the most well protected child in the United States if Casey stays here. She may want a do over. She may actually believe she should "prove" she can be what she says she is.
Not if CPS takes it from her, which is what I think ought to happen should she give birth!
I worry about her getting pregnant again too.

I fear she will kill again when she becomes jealous of her own child and she is not always the center of attention.

I feel Casey Anthony is still very dangerous.


Casey Anthony belongs in jail,period.
It was also reported that the 'proceeds" from the interview the A's gave on Dr. Phil was split with FCA! Also, Caylees photos payed for some of the defense costs. So were to believe this garbage that there not doing this for profit, they are ALWAYS doing it for profit from day one.
I never heard that about the proceeds being split. Is there a link to that? TIA
There is no way that DCF would not get involved if Casey ever chooses to have another child. DCF found her responsible for Caylee's death. They will take the child! They will make Casey jump through hoop after hoop after hoop to get the child back. I don't think Casey would dedicate her time or put in any effort to get the child back as she is way too lazy and self centered to even try. My only fear is that DCF would give the child to Cindy and George. I don't think any child should ever be given to this family ever again.
Interesting Baez dropped her like a hot potato. He has years ahead career wise. Mason still hanging in. Has made his $ What does he care how he goes out.
I've been thinking...why on earth would CM still be talking for CA? I think there was a deal made at one time...probably when he joined the team. Perhaps in lieu of payment? There is NO OTHER reason (IMO) for him to still stick with this pariah other than the dream of future gain. He probably thinks he has to recoup lost revenue somehow. He just had to blab about all the money he lost taking on the case. You're right, he has nothing to lose. But, oh, how wrong he is to think it's a given. That money won't be coming anytime soon. IMPO
PM may have asked but she answered. Would it matter who brought it up? She didn't have to answer if she didn't want to. Wait a minute...Mason answered it if I recall correctly. Yeppers. He answered it on her behalf. If I recall correctly... Casey and Mason wanted the phone interview. PM didn't go after the interview they went to him, so it's safe to say that they provided the pot to be stirred... and if they didn't want it to be stirred they wouldn't have provided the (in-greedy-ends/ingredients) wouldn't you agree?
...and I'm sure there was a script to follow. This was planned to a T, IMO.
That is so's true, if she actually pressed charges against him and they turned out to be proven false, she would be back in deep trouble, even if she goes that route now and continues this story. A very good point made here and definitely the final last bit of proof that her story was a lie. Wonder if this will be in the movie???

If I was GA, I would sue her for wrongful death and take away ALL her future earnings. Now THAT would be Karma!
Another poster somewhere waaaaaaaaaay upthread said it perfectly....

31 days - did not report her child "missing"
3 years - did not report her child "drowned"

But buddy, let somebody call her fat.......

She is such a narcissictic sociopath it makes me sick.

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