Casey to be given new name & moved to secret location. Where is Casey?

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I'm not sure if this has already been posted, but according to Geraldo, who met with JB Wednesday night, Casey will not be changing her name or appearance and will be whisked off to some secure "treatment" facility for who knows how long. Don't know who is paying for it, but I'm sure CM has that covered. (Geraldo also discusses the defamation lawsuit in this interview). Here is link to Geraldo interview on FNC:

Maybe she is going to go spend some quality time at Charlie Sheen's "Sober Valley Lodge." He needs a new goddess and she could get the R@R she deserves babysitting his little boys. Maybe Dr. Phil could visit her on occasion.
Just my thought.
Hee Hee. :great:
I'm not sure if this has already been posted, but according to Geraldo, who met with JB Wednesday night, Casey will not be changing her name or appearance and will be whisked off to some secure "treatment" facility for who knows how long. Don't know who is paying for it, but I'm sure CM has that covered. (Geraldo also discusses the defamation lawsuit in this interview). Here is link to Geraldo interview on FNC:

The way I see it Baez has politiced with some influential people. We heard how he had met with F. Lee Bailey on more than one occasion. We know he has been in contact with a lawyer from the entertainment industry. So I think there is an advancement for her story out there. That is where any money is coming from IMO.

But we are talking about Casey Anthony. A secure treatment facility? They are no match for the lies of Casey Anthony. She has been locked in a cage for 3 years 23 hours a day. I don't see her cooperating in this plan for very long if at all. She is going to want out, she is going to believe she is not ill, she is going to give this DT a world of personal grief.

Casey will be back in Orlando just part of one happy dysfunctional family before long trying to find new friends and new parties to attend. MOO
The way I see it Baez has politiced with some influential people. We heard how he had met with F. Lee Bailey on more than one occasion. We know he has been in contact with a lawyer from the entertainment industry. So I think there is an advancement for her story out there. That is where any money is coming from IMO.

But we are talking about Casey Anthony. A secure treatment facility? They are no match for the lies of Casey Anthony. She has been locked in a cage for 3 years 23 hours a day. I don't see her cooperating in this plan for very long if at all. She is going to want out, she is going to believe she is not ill, she is going to give this DT a world of personal grief.

Casey will be back in Orlando just part of one happy dysfunctional family before long trying to find new friends and new parties to attend. MOO

FCA was a small time user and abuser (and killer). She is about to enter the big time being used and abused. I hope she enjoys the fact that all she'll ever have is hangers-on using her for what they can get. Good luck with that!
Interesting article on Comcast's home page this AM:

Security experts: Casey Anthony needs a safe house
6 hours ago

ORLANDO, Fla. — Online and elsewhere, Casey Anthony has been vilified, and security experts say if her lawyers are smart, they'll arrange for her to be in a house protected by bodyguards for maybe weeks in case one of those who have threatened tries to make good on a death threat.

Anthony's legal team said Friday it received an emailed death threat with a doctored photo of the 25-year-old woman with a bullet hole through her forehead. The threat was forwarded to authorities.

One her attorneys, Cheney Mason, said Anthony is nervous about getting out of jail, and he isn't taking any chances: "We are all vigilant and I am armed."

This does have an AP byline - is one of those reporters the one going in from the AP?

I think the bolded and underlined scares me more - CM is packing? Oh my. Please don't let this get too ugly.
If she changes her name it should be something like...

Fibian Banks
Larceny Redrum
Melony Felony
"One her attorneys, Cheney Mason, said Anthony is nervous about getting out of jail, and he isn't taking any chances: "We are all vigilant and I am armed."

Cheney Mason is armed??! Now that is a picture I'd like to see!

...although does have Big Squirt water pistols on sale...
Interesting article on Comcast's home page this AM:

Security experts: Casey Anthony needs a safe house
6 hours ago

ORLANDO, Fla. — Online and elsewhere, Casey Anthony has been vilified, and security experts say if her lawyers are smart, they'll arrange for her to be in a house protected by bodyguards for maybe weeks in case one of those who have threatened tries to make good on a death threat.

Anthony's legal team said Friday it received an emailed death threat with a doctored photo of the 25-year-old woman with a bullet hole through her forehead. The threat was forwarded to authorities.

One her attorneys, Cheney Mason, said Anthony is nervous about getting out of jail, and he isn't taking any chances: "We are all vigilant and I am armed."

This does have an AP byline - is one of those reporters the one going in from the AP?

I think the bolded and underlined scares me more - CM is packing? Oh my. Please don't let this get too ugly.

Lord help us. Cheney's got a gun. Maybe he will end up taking care of bidness. Hope he locks himself in the house with her.
That is what I would like to know. I tried to start a thread with that question to see what everyone thought and what ideas they had but for some reason the mods didn't approve it. I still want to know what people think. It was said by "the old man defense attorney" that people are calling him with offers of farms, etc, places that she can stay in isolation plus people are sending him checks worth thousands of dollars to be cashed and give to Mother of the Year when she is released. Sickening. I despise Casey Anthony and I personally don't care what happens to her after she is released. If someone harms her I won't shed a tear. I will just hope that she suffered as much as little Caylee probably did. BABY KILLER.

That's most likely the way they will support her, continue to ask for donations from hard working people. The "It's not safe for Casey to be on the outside" and people are falling for it. I figure she made her bed. Little Miss I'm not gonna tell the truth about what really happened, wanted to be free, welcome to your new life FCA. She can always move from house to house between the 15 facebook supporters who follow the "Casey Anthony is Innocent" page. Me, personally, I prefer the "*advertiser censored** Casey Anthony page" along with 774,750 other people.
Interesting article on Comcast's home page this AM:

Security experts: Casey Anthony needs a safe house
6 hours ago

ORLANDO, Fla. — Online and elsewhere, Casey Anthony has been vilified, and security experts say if her lawyers are smart, they'll arrange for her to be in a house protected by bodyguards for maybe weeks in case one of those who have threatened tries to make good on a death threat.

Anthony's legal team said Friday it received an emailed death threat with a doctored photo of the 25-year-old woman with a bullet hole through her forehead. The threat was forwarded to authorities.

One her attorneys, Cheney Mason, said Anthony is nervous about getting out of jail, and he isn't taking any chances: "We are all vigilant and I am armed."

This does have an AP byline - is one of those reporters the one going in from the AP?

I think the bolded and underlined scares me more - CM is packing? Oh my. Please don't let this get too ugly.

Apparently this article was updated about 52 minutes ago and that sentence no longer least I can't find it. Maybe I've been online too much, lol.

Apparently this article was updated about 52 minutes ago and that sentence no longer least I can't find it. Maybe I've been online too much, lol.

Thankx! I just checked it too - the one reporter must have been contacted and told to take that out immediately. Now I'm even more glad I caught it. lol I happened across it on Comcast's home page.

Wonder if CM has a CWP - he has to to be able to carry.
I don't have any idea what Casey will be like when she comes out or what will happen to her, not even a guess. The last time we really heard her speak freely (well, she was on tape, but whatever) was almost 3 years, IIRC. So it is hard to know how she will present now. I still don't feel as though I know what happened to Caylee, even after all this time, whether it was something intentionally violent, something neglectful and ignorant, or something accidental that was handled in the worst possible way. There is nothing to show that Casey was ever violent, that I know of, prior to June 16th, but plenty to show that she was ignorant, dishonest and careless and cold. If she emerges with those traits intact, I imagine it won't be long before we hear of her again. But I don't think it will be as the result of a violent crime, IMO. (unless she is the victim).
Thankx! I just checked it too - the one reporter must have been contacted and told to take that out immediately. Now I'm even more glad I caught it. lol I happened across it on Comcast's home page.

Wonder if CM has a CWP - he has to to be able to carry.

I would think so, he is a cowboy afterall.:crazy:
Apparently this article was updated about 52 minutes ago and that sentence no longer least I can't find it. Maybe I've been online too much, lol.


They mustve taken it out because my hubby told me this AM he heard Cheney was packing on the radio. We have to turn the radio off here it is so bad, we get Casey updates like every 1/2 hr on news breaks:banghead:

I wonder how many people are going to be outside that jail tonight on a Casey leaves watch? It could get crazy and I bet CM will wish he never got involved with this.
Wheres Cindy NOW? These people exect everyone else to take care of ther probs and Casey is their problem.
GA keeps going back and forth issuing a statement whether shes allowed back into the house. Whats that about? Why cant he take a stand? Hes had 3 yrs to figure it out.
Im thinking they got together with JB and he told them telling jury about GA's private in her mouth was only way to save her and he went along with it. I will believe anything when it comes to these people. Im done defending the lot of them!
Its pretty bad when a young woman in OK gets attacked because of Casey, her ramifications sure go far and wide and affect alot of people.
I just realized something. If CM is "armed" and bodyguards are "armed"? Looks like SOMEONE is breaking the law! Because FELONS can't OWN or be around FIREARMS. There is a NO tolerance policy on that at all justice levels.
One thing we know for sure- she won't be babysitting Dorothy Clay Sims' grandkids... I don't think she'll be hidden from the media for long. She is too infamous now. Too many people with cellphones & tTwitter etc.
What's the betting CA has packed all her best clothes for her to embark on this exciting journey she is taking....:great:
Casey has been locked up for a long time. It won't take much for her to be happy in the short run. Think about it. They take her to a suite in a fancy hotel under an assumed name. She basks in long showers and baths and sleep in high threadcount sheets. Orders room service cockstails. She can get up on all that television she missed. She'll order pay per view movies by the dozen. They'll bring in a stylist for hair and clothing. She'll be able to surf the net and pass time in chatrooms because she can make up any persona she wants. I'm sure someone will help out with her pent up sexual energy. She will enjoy all of these things to the hilt. At least for awhile.

The pretense of putting her in a "treatment center" is BS. They will say that she has threats against her and it would be better to keep her protected and "bring in" professional help. She'll flirt and laugh and enjoy it all.


Casey is only 25 years old. She'll tire of being kept in a golden cage after awhile. Taxes and lawsuits will eat at her earnings. Her team can't stay with her forever as they have their own fortune to cash in on. They will drift away and Casey will surround herself with a new group of hangers on.

And in a few years, one of three things will happen.

..Someone will kill her

...She will fade from the publics memory and float through life remembering the good ole days of fame and fortune. Slipping down and down on the ladder of societal fringe. By default, she'll start surrounding herself with misfits and criminals. By the time she is 40, a tabloid photo of her will appear every once in awhile, mocking her appearance and circumstance. She will struggle to survive.

....She will somehow luck into a rich guy. Marry him and breed. It won't last of course, but she'll get enough in alimony and child support to keep her comfortable for the rest of her miserable life.

I'm hoping for number one or two myself...

Yep. This is Cheney's shining moment, walking ICA out of jail on his arm. Just like he envisioned.
I posted this on another thread. If Casey changes her name it will most likely be an Irish name ,IMO,unless she has a new love.Maybe today she loves all things French or Italian :crazy:

Thread: What questions are still unanswered?
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Caylee's name
In the past we've questioned how Caylee got her name. I'm reading a book set in Scotland and came across the word CEILIDH. It's pronounced KayLee.

ICA loves all things Irish so I looked it up .

Origin, Meaning, and Pronunciation of Ceilidh

This name is legitimate, and its meaning, language, spelling, and gender use have been double-checked for your naming pleasure! Please use this name liberally within its ethnic context.



And this:
Always ,just my opinion

A ceilidh is a party. Something Caylee will never see again...
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