Casey to be given new name & moved to secret location. Where is Casey?

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I am wondering if the Baez team is already sorry she got off. Without her parents help, they will be the one she is going to depend on. For a very long time. How will Baez handle this? How much longer will he and his team be involved in hiding her, helping her? I wonder if they even realize yet what a task is ahead of them. Unless there is someone else out there willing to help her, and she keeps refusing to see her parents, Baez and team WILL be her caretaker. Does he realize this yet?

It's like one witness said - she showed up and wouldn't leave. She knows no other way and she will certainly expect her new "family" to take care of her imo.
ITA Larry and
To listen to CM and DCS talk about KC you would think that they are trying to find her a home like a stray dog:wolf: or cat!:cat:
Mason told “In Session” that Casey Anthony is “as tough as they come and she’s very smart and she’s very alert — quick — and you get to like her.”
Liz Fryer said-
“Regardless of how she’s been portrayed, she’s a sweet person,” Lisabeth Fryer told Bob Kealing in an exclusive interview.
I liked Casey Anthony. I came to trust her,” Sims told HLN’s Joy Behar on Wednesday evening, though blogs have pounced on her hesitation when asked whether she would entrust Anthony to baby-sit her grandchildren.
Sooooo-KC's sweet, she's smart and you can trust her and like her if you get to know her!! Blechhhh!:sick:

It's amazing to see these professionals saying things like this. I thought Ms. Fryer was supposed to be the next legal superstar or something...she ought to think about her reputation before saying stupidly embarrassing things like that imo.
I agree. I would think she would head for Los Angeles, CA.

NEWSFLASH! She not wanted here either. Alyssa Milano said she'd NEVER be in a FCA movie. Hugh Hefner said NO Playboy cover for her..etc. The backlash is starting, slowly but surely.
Heck send her here to Calif. Just think about it. It could be the first time in history the Crips & Bloods can come together. I am sure they would love to watch her :)
I have to ask...Do you think CFCA's phscopathy and narcisium (please excuse my spelling) will allow her to keep her mug out of the media?
I have to ask...Do you think CFCA's phscopathy and narcisium (please excuse my spelling) will allow her to keep her mug out of the media?

No. Never.
Originally Posted by suzihawk
Maybe I missed it along the way, but how is all this hiding of the felon going to be funded? Us Floridians have been footing the bill for her housing and trial for the past three years. Is her dream team picking up the tab for changing her appearance, transferring and squirreling her away to a super secret location complete with body guards and handlers? I don't imagine that comes cheap. Most of them have been working pro-bono and I can't imagine them pooling their resources to indefinitely support her with all the additional costs for 'protection'. Unless they're counting on recuperating their investment when all the millions start rolling in for appearances, books, etc. That's quite a gamble considering all the lawsuits against her piling up and the real potential of John Q. Public no paying the bucks to hear what she has to say.

So who will be paying for her support when she leaves jail on Sunday?

cherchez l'argent

Exactly but who's money ... Geraldo ? .... what on earth has Baez been doing in NYC ? Anyone know ?
Now this is interesting - I don't recall George making this statement but good for him if he actually has....the not welcome at home statement - I did know about the petition signing...

Casey Anthony's father has made it clear that she is not welcome to come home when she gets out of jail on Sunday following her acquittal for the death of her daughter Caylee, sources close to the case told ABC News.

In another shot at his daughter, George Anthony is also encouraging people to sign a petition for Caylee's Law, which would make it a crime for parents to not report that their children are missing.

posted by NurseBeeme in Todays News a couple of minutes ago.
Spinning stories? The Anthonys? Surely you jest!!

The Anthonys are upstanding members of the community. In fact I heard they're looking to make a deal with know, the teflon company.

Can't get better advertisement than those wacky Anthonys.

Exactly but who's money ... Geraldo ? .... what on earth has Baez been doing in NYC ? Anyone know ?

Apparently the News yesterday reported he had a three hour semi-serious lunch (whatever that means) with Geraldo and an big Entertainment guru....but it must have been a quick flight because he was back yesterday visiting Missie late the afternoon...
Apparently the News yesterday reported he had a three hour semi-serious lunch (whatever that means) with Geraldo and an big Entertainment guru....but it must have been a quick flight because he was back yesterday visiting Missie late the afternoon...

Intersting and it is the most likely scenario since Geraldo is the one who came out for KC during the trial saying she was overcharged, etc. However, he did see there is no doubt she is somehow involved. But he felt the case would be overturned if there was a conviction. So it is looking like he might get the first interview with KC. Then again, would FOX want to go out on a limb for this interview, they might... never know. They could come out with something like she was found innocent and we stand by the constitution, yade yade yada and this is her right and as we would fight for anyone's right to speak, we will also fight for KC's - so tune in.
I have made up my mind not to watch the Geraldo Rivera show. However, today my DH was watching the morning news on Fox. Geraldo came on and starting saying how likeable ICA is, and that even the inmates in the jail clapped and reacted with happiness when she was acquitted.
He said, "All people know about her is the things some journalist have said, ect." Really? How about the pics of her partying, ect???
He said he had spent the day with JB yesterday, as lg reported above.
I truly got the feeling, JMHO, that JB was trying to "sell" GR on ICA. Why is that? It's kind-of like a guy telling his buddies about his new gf. "No, she is reallly nice, you will like her."
GR drinks JB's kool-aid. I think one day both of them will live to regret it. JMHO
As far as I'm concerned, she made her bed and now she can lay in it. She's a grown woman FGS. She shouldn't be treated any different than any other inmate that's released from jail. She wanted out, so now she can get out and deal with what she's caused.


I fully agree with you. Her parents have made her VERY dependent. She is used to others taking care of her. I just see her totally depending on the entire defense team to take care of her. Forever. I just think that Baez has bitten off much more than he expected. IMO too.
Now this is interesting - I don't recall George making this statement but good for him if he actually has....the not welcome at home statement - I did know about the petition signing...

posted by NurseBeeme in Todays News a couple of minutes ago.

On page two of the article it also says: published a story earlier today stating that sources said George Anthony did not want Casey Anthony to return to the family home when she is released from jail. George Anthony's lawyer Mark Lippman has denied that George Anthony made that statement. "George has not expressed his feelings one way or the other. At such a time when he is ready, he will express what he wants to say," Lippman said.
I almost missed the second page. But Lippman has denied Geo said it.
I hope George means it. I wonder if he is saying that just so protesters and media will stay away from his home after his release. Although George has always struck me as the most level headed of the bunch IMO
Heck send her here to Calif. Just think about it. It could be the first time in history the Crips & Bloods can come together. I am sure they would love to watch her :)
NOOOOOOO!!!:hand: California doesn't want her either!!! We've had enough crazies like OJ, Michael Jackson, and Scott Peterson!
The Marine- Mark H.? better run and hide and change his name!!!
Well, she never could keep her mug out of a camera lens. There are pics of her with different hairstyles and colors....

And I'm convinced there's someone out there who is perfectly willing to duct tape her mouth and throw her in a swamp somewhere.

Wouldnt that be a crock?
On page two of the article it also says: published a story earlier today stating that sources said George Anthony did not want Casey Anthony to return to the family home when she is released from jail. George Anthony's lawyer Mark Lippman has denied that George Anthony made that statement. "George has not expressed his feelings one way or the other. At such a time when he is ready, he will express what he wants to say," Lippman said.
I almost missed the second page. But Lippman has denied Geo said it.
Wasn't there something else GA allegedly said last week, or perhaps a couple of weeks ago, that was quickly retracted? Off hand I can't recall what it was but I thought it had to do with his belief in Casey's guilt or innocence.
What was the movie where kidnappers took the wife of a tycoon or wealthy business man:waitasec: and asked for a huge ransom and her husband wouldn't pay and the kidnappers got stuck with her? I think it starred Bette Midler and Danny DeVito?
Anyway-I'm hoping this scenario plays out with the DT and KC!! They spirit her away to some secluded place and try to make bank on her like she's the goose that laid the golden egg and -guess what? No one is interested or the money isn't what they had expected cause they have huge mounting bills and they are stuck with their goose who is getting angrier and more demanding by the minute!!:maddening:
I can imagine frantic calls to C&G from Jose!:floorlaugh:"Rosebud, Casey says she misses you and wants to come home!! Hello..Hello?:fence:
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