Casey to be given new name & moved to secret location. Where is Casey?

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I'm torn between wishing the media would stop talking about her because it feeds her ego.......and wanting the media to keep talking about her because it's making her stay hidden, and that's gotta be killing her after spending the last 3 years in jail.

I don't think being out of sight will bother her for another few weeks... she will be busy reading all about herself all over the Internet.

Seriously, I bet that's what she's doing even as I type this. She has a lot of pictures of herself to inspect, and admire. Complete websites and endless commentary and videos devoted entirely to her favorite subject: herself.

She has a lot of Internet catching up to do.
Not sure if it's true or not, but the KC tracking website on Facebook says she was confirmed to be seen staying at CM house in his gated community Alaqua Lakes @ Lake Mary Fla. Supposedly there is security out front. Surprise, surprise.

Hiding in plain sight. That makes a lot more sense than flying her out to California- to do what?
I don't think ....She has a lot of pictures of herself to inspect and admire....

which pix would those be? all the ones i've see (after the clubbing ones) are NOT flattering at all... all the jailhouse /court pix are horrible... but she might be replaying her jailhouse videos and relishing in them...saying to herself: "I'm such a good liar!"
Casey is not going to be a millionaire many times over. Stop with that. The only way that will happen is if people embrace her and watch all the stuff she is on and participate in it. If everyone writes to sponsors, turns off the tv etc (you all know the drills) then she won't make a dime. No one is wasting their money on her unless there is big $$ in it for them. If the people put a stop to it, complain to the powers that be then she will disappear. She may get one deal but if it is treated right by the people in the country that will be it. As long as people are all interested in her and looking at her every move then yes, agents are going to think there is big demand for her. WE ARE THE BIG CAUSE OF HER GETTING SO MUCH ATTENTION. <Mod Snip>
Not sure if it's true or not, but the KC tracking website on Facebook says she was confirmed to be seen staying at CM house in his gated community Alaqua Lakes @ Lake Mary Fla. Supposedly there is security out front. Surprise, surprise.

Security to keep her in, or to keep others out, do you suppose? lol, she probably doesn't like being shut in.
which pix would those be? all the ones i've see (after the clubbing ones) are NOT flattering at all... all the jailhouse /court pix are horrible... but she might be replaying her jailhouse videos and relishing in them...saying to herself: "I'm such a good liar!"
I'm thinking about two months of jury trial. She might just turn down the volume on the computer, turn up the volume on the stereo, and WATCH her own performance in court.

Then she can read all about herself all over the Internet. Then there are all the t.v. shows that devoted endless hours of programming about her. It just goes on and on.

It could be months before she comes up for air. :crazy:
Security to keep her in, or to keep others out, do you suppose? lol, she probably doesn't like being shut in.

Wondering if she was seen through a window or outside walking around.
Maybe at the pool? Or playing golf?
I thought if you had a felony conviction you could NOT change your name? Does anyone know?
I thought if you had a felony conviction you could NOT change your name? Does anyone know?

You can change your name but NOT your soc security my understanding...
Not sure if it's true or not, but the KC tracking website on Facebook says she was confirmed to be seen staying at CM house in his gated community Alaqua Lakes @ Lake Mary Fla. Supposedly there is security out front. Surprise, surprise.

Well CM did dye his hair light brown last week lol. Trying to impress someone CM?:innocent:
You can change your name but NOT your soc security my understanding...

If you legally change your name, then the new name is attached to the old social security number so that they will match. It is a government entity, so there is probably a bundle of paperwork attached, but it is legally now your name and it is also legally still your SSN, so they would need to match up. In government there is usually a way to get around there is likely some method to allow issuing of a replacement number, too, if someone really wanted to do so. Benefits attached to the old number might not transfer, but then some people might not care about that either.

I think she will never be accepted in any neighborhood or even be able to nonchalantly go for a walk in public or eat out at a restaurant. She is hated every bit as much/more around the the world as a child molester is hated and no one wants to have one of them next door or sit down at a restaurant knowingly at the next table from them. I still very firmly believe that CM and JB and the rest of the DT got way more than they expected. I think they were thinking she would be found guilty but not get the DP. They had not been prepared to have her get out of jail and did not know what to do with her now. I think they believe she is guilty but cannot admit it now. CM and JB look to be in shock and disgusted now they are stuck with her now.

But I do wonder how easy it may be eventually for KC to blend in somewhere. (rethinking my above statement about "never") Think about this: If Vandersloot got out of prison today and you ran across him on a crowded street, say in NYC, would you recognize him? Scarry thought?

As for the immediate future, I think eventually she will get tired of hiding and venture out. Somebody will see her and sell her whereabouts to the highest bidder.
You know? It may actually be really fun to watch unfold? Cheney Mason and Jose Baez keeping Casey under lock and key... waiting for this massive pay day that is never going to come... and when it is not what they expected... then what? They are stuck with Casey Anthony? :floorlaugh:

I believe that Cheney Mason and Jose Baez have put themselves in a very dangerous situation. Have you ever heard of lawyers taking in their own clients? Saying that they are now her family? Just because Casey was aquitted of murder does not make her any less dangerous than she was when she actually commited her crime. It may actually make her even more dangerous.

If they honestly think they are going to get Casey this huge payday and then send her out on her own... they are only kidding themselves. Even if Casey does get some kind of money out of this... she will be broke in a year. They have made it nearly impossible for her to go back to her own family... who, imo, should be the ones stuck with her. But no, she will come back to her new family expecting... just like she did with her old family... for them to take care of her, coddle her, give her ALL the attention (even over their own family), and if she doesn't get what she wants... watch out!

I give it three months and this new little family life of Mason's will be in shambles!,,20511179,00.html

FYI people John Wayne Airport is less than 3 miles from my home. And even closer to my law firm. FCA was 3 miles away from me at one point. That my friends sends SHIVERS up my spine. That's terrifying a known murderer was that close to my home. It creeps the HELL out of me.
I don't buy CAA would ever have anything to do with the likes of Casey. NO way no how.

I don't see her as an A-List draw, that's for sure. :loser:

No me either..but I do believe B and FCA would go there trying to solicit a deal

I wouldn't doubt it if CA and JB tried to get a deal with CAA. But I also don't buy CAA ever getting involved with Casey. I know people who work in the entertainment industry and CAA is pretty careful with who they get involved with. Their main focus is money and Casey won't be a long term bankable commodity, I can't see CAA or any of the people they represent getting involved with Casey. Several actors and actresses paid attention during the trial and spoke out against Casey. Also the entertainment and publishing industry in this bad economy are careful about they are investing in.

Casey would be seen as a bad investment because too many Americans believe that she is guilty and even though she was acquitted the evidence that state had will never die and also Casey has a long history of lying and stealing and some of those incidents were never brought up in trial but LE records and interviews list those events. CAA and similar agencies do employ investigators and one of their investigators could probably find out a lot of things that the public doesn't know. Several of Casey's friends and relatives were never interviewed by police and I can see PI tracking down a lot of those people and finding out other details about Casey's bad behavior.
You know? It may actually be really fun to watch unfold? Cheney Mason and Jose Baez keeping Casey under lock and key... waiting for this massive pay day that is never going to come... and when it is not what they expected... then what? They are stuck with Casey Anthony? :floorlaugh:

I believe that Cheney Mason and Jose Baez have put themselves in a very dangerous situation. Have you ever heard of lawyers taking in their own clients? Saying that they are now her family? Just because Casey was aquitted of murder does not make her any less dangerous than she was when she actually commited her crime. It may actually make her even more dangerous.

If they honestly think they are going to get Casey this huge payday and then send her out on her own... they are only kidding themselves. Even if Casey does get some kind of money out of this... she will be broke in a year. They have made it nearly impossible for her to go back to her own family... who, imo, should be the ones stuck with her. But no, she will come back to her new family expecting... just like she did with her old family... for them to take care of her, coddle her, give her ALL the attention (even over their own family), and if she doesn't get what she wants... watch out!

I give it three months and this new little family life of Mason's will be in shambles!

I have a feeling family troubles will happen too. I can see Baez and Mason's wives getting tired of Casey continuing to have presence in their husbands' lives. Also if they don't bring in money I can see Mason telling Casey to get a job.
I have a feeling family troubles will happen too. I can see Baez and Mason's wives getting tired of Casey continuing to have presence in their husbands' lives. Also if they don't bring in money I can see Mason telling Casey to get a job.
I came across an article that said Mrs. Cheney was being shunned in certain Orlando social circles because of Mr. Cheney's defense of CFCA. If this is true, I'm sure she wants to be distanced from this trial as soon as possible.
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