Casey to be given new name & moved to secret location. Where is Casey?

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I thought if you had a felony conviction you could NOT change your name? Does anyone know?

I think you are right. I changed mine back to my maiden name and they put me through he77. they did about 3 background checks of every kind.
I came across an article that said Mrs. Cheney was being shunned in certain Orlando social circles because of Mr. Cheney's defense of CFCA. If this is true, I'm sure she wants to be distanced from this trial as soon as possible.

I wouldn't be surprised if Mrs. Cheney was being shunned in some circles. I bet she probably hates losing points with fellow trophy wives.
I came across an article that said Mrs. Cheney was being shunned in certain Orlando social circles because of Mr. Cheney's defense of CFCA. If this is true, I'm sure she wants to be distanced from this trial as soon as possible.

Could be the makings of a reality show.
I wouldn't doubt it if CA and JB tried to get a deal with CAA. But I also don't buy CAA ever getting involved with Casey. I know people who work in the entertainment industry and CAA is pretty careful with who they get involved with. Their main focus is money and Casey won't be a long term bankable commodity, I can't see CAA or any of the people they represent getting involved with Casey. Several actors and actresses paid attention during the trial and spoke out against Casey. Also the entertainment and publishing industry in this bad economy are careful about they are investing in.

Casey would be seen as a bad investment because too many Americans believe that she is guilty and even though she was acquitted the evidence that state had will never die and also Casey has a long history of lying and stealing and some of those incidents were never brought up in trial but LE records and interviews list those events. CAA and similar agencies do employ investigators and one of their investigators could probably find out a lot of things that the public doesn't know. Several of Casey's friends and relatives were never interviewed by police and I can see PI tracking down a lot of those people and finding out other details about Casey's bad behavior.

I agree Jenna ..Reece Witherspoon..Steven Spielburg...none of them will want their name in the same sentence as hers for any reason..
The pay-per-view interview makes sense to me. None of the major networks want anything to do with her. There was the one guy who supposedly offered $1 million. But I always wondered who would air the interview he paid $1 million for. Pay per view makes sense. I hope NOBODY watches and he loses money.
The pay-per-view interview makes sense to me. None of the major networks want anything to do with her. There was the one guy who supposedly offered $1 million. But I always wondered who would air the interview he paid $1 million for. Pay per view makes sense. I hope NOBODY watches and he loses money.

If it's the guy I'm thinking of, he stated during an interview that he'd market his interview overseas. :crazy:
The pay-per-view interview makes sense to me. None of the major networks want anything to do with her. There was the one guy who supposedly offered $1 million. But I always wondered who would air the interview he paid $1 million for. Pay per view makes sense. I hope NOBODY watches and he loses money.
BBM - Al Taylor said he would make the interview available for free to U.S. networks. Also, I don't think it is a matter of the major networks not wanting anything to do with her. They don't want the backlash from viewers regarding the issue of paying/compensating CFCA. :twocents:
Unfortunately though I bet she is hidden in some luxurious suite somewhere.. oh ... can't bear the thought. She is probably lounging around with people waiting on her hand and foot.... what a life that must be in comparison to her jail cell. She is probably enjoying being hidden like a big celebrity.. for now anyway.

Not too sure about that. Any famous person of standing would not want to be associated/mingle with her because of public backlash. She is like a contagious disease/pariah and will only attract low life/nut cases and they generally can not keep their mouth shut and will talk to the highest bidder. The DT has a big problem IMO.
I wouldn't doubt it if CA and JB tried to get a deal with CAA. But I also don't buy CAA ever getting involved with Casey. I know people who work in the entertainment industry and CAA is pretty careful with who they get involved with. Their main focus is money and Casey won't be a long term bankable commodity, I can't see CAA or any of the people they represent getting involved with Casey. Several actors and actresses paid attention during the trial and spoke out against Casey. Also the entertainment and publishing industry in this bad economy are careful about they are investing in.

Casey would be seen as a bad investment because too many Americans believe that she is guilty and even though she was acquitted the evidence that state had will never die and also Casey has a long history of lying and stealing and some of those incidents were never brought up in trial but LE records and interviews list those events. CAA and similar agencies do employ investigators and one of their investigators could probably find out a lot of things that the public doesn't know. Several of Casey's friends and relatives were never interviewed by police and I can see PI tracking down a lot of those people and finding out other details about Casey's bad behavior.

That is kind of what I think too. She is one sure fire way to ruin a reputation. Sometimes money is just not worth it. As I have said before no one likes a child killer so why would anyone in their right mind want to market that???
Especially a lying child killer with no talent or attributes. I just can't see it!!!!
Todd Macaluso, who at one point had been a member of Casey's defense team.

Helloooo... IRS.... :D

Macaluso reportedly had given her $70,000.
NBC also says the IRS has placed a tax lien against Anthony, and that one of her moneymaking plans might be a pay-per-view TV interview.

Anthony was ridiculed by hecklers as she walked free this weekend. We can only imagine the uproar if she charges foir a television sit-down

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That is kind of what I think too. She is one sure fire way to ruin a reputation. Sometimes money is just not worth it. As I have said before no one likes a child killer so why would anyone in their right mind want to market that???
Especially a lying child killer with no talent or attributes. I just can't see it!!!!

I just wonder what she thinks she has to offer?
Todd Macaluso, who at one point had been a member of Casey's defense team.

Helloooo... IRS.... :D

Macaluso reportedly had given her $70,000.
NBC also says the IRS has placed a tax lien against Anthony, and that one of her moneymaking plans might be a pay-per-view TV interview.

Anthony was ridiculed by hecklers as she walked free this weekend. We can only imagine the uproar if she charges foir a television sit-down

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The IRS is tenacious when owing taxes. Their penalties and interest on top of taxes owed are brutal. Been there. Much worse than any credit card company.:great:
Yep. There's no way for JB/CM to control who snaps the first pictures of KC unless she's with them. It's so obvious where she is. Have there been any news choppers circling over CM's house? If not, I bet KC is bummed. :dramaqueen:

It's a wonder she hasn't climbed out on the roof of where ever she is and painted a big red X or the words "here I am" so the helicopters will know where to circle.
The IRS is tenacious when owing taxes. Their penalties and interest on top of taxes owed are brutal. Been there. Much worse than any credit card company.:great:

I knew a lady that only owed $7,000 from a less than stellar restaurant. She kept dodging for about 3 years. They came to put her in jail! She was there for a few days until she got an attorney. She freaked out, but she had never intended to pay it. She said she thought she was a small fish in a big pond, and did not have the money. It all got worked out via a bankruptcy for everything else she owed, payments on the taxes and attorney fees. That was for only $7,000.
That is kind of what I think too. She is one sure fire way to ruin a reputation. Sometimes money is just not worth it. As I have said before no one likes a child killer so why would anyone in their right mind want to market that???
Especially a lying child killer with no talent or attributes. I just can't see it!!!!

I think most agencies, publishers, studios, networks and others within the entertainment wouldn't want to market Casey because they feel that her child was possibly murdered by her. I think many people think she is guilty and there are some that really don't what to believe but they still don't believe that she is necessarily innocent. I have thought about the possibility that Caylee's death was an accident but other things don't make sense such as George hiding the body and the other shady things happened before June 16, 2008 such as Casey lying about a having a job for two years, stealing from friends and family. Casey will always a muddy reputation and I don't see people in the entertainment and publishing industries jumping to sign her for deals.

I have to admit that in the past two weeks I have gotten some laughs from some of the people who think Casey is going to become rich off this and have deals. I lived in Los Angeles for a few years and I got to know people who worked in the entertainment industry and I'm still in touch with a few and I also know people who work in the publishing industry. I have learned a lot of things that many people don't know about both industries. Both industries are pretty careful for the most part about who they choose to represent, employ or buy story rights from. The publishing industry rejects a lot of non-fiction manuscripts because often not all of the content can be verified to be be true.

On another message board I post on, I got into argument with a woman who said that Casey could sell books because some people have an interest in her. I had to laugh at that, yes Casey has supporters or people interested in her but that those "some people" won't be enough for most publishers to want to invest in her. The Florida Sunshine law doc dumps and recorded LE interviews show that Casey has a shady background and the state did have some strong evidence against Casey and also the defense presented by Baez has holes in it that were never explained. I basically told that dumb woman about what I know about the publishing and entertainment industries and how court transcripts, LE interviews and other records will hurt Casey and this woman didn't respond to me.

I read about Trident Media having some interest in Casey and if they choose to get involved with her it will be a flop for different reasons. They will lose money and I can't see them recouping publishing costs and also they will be the laughing stock of the publishing industry if they give to deal to a proven liar like Casey.
By the same token, why does anyone and seemingly everyone need to know where she is?
Because I fear for my safety and the safety of my family. A dangerous sociopath has been released upon society. I'm not happy that she has the freedom to move about freely in my state! (And she's getting much better accomodations than I could ever afford- rewarded for being a murderer!) :furious:plus I want to tell her in person just exactly what I think of her!!!:behindbar:behindbar:behindbar
Joran Van der sloot was enabled to move around the world as he pleased.
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