Casey to serve one year probation #2

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I think everyone needs to face it. She is not going to get a job unless she works for Jose. Hasn't he forked over enough money? Who would want her as a non-employee? Universal?

ETA: Hey, she could be a nanny! LOL.
..i wonder if this decision will have any effect on the florida bar inquiry into baez..??

..judgeP, in his (denied) Order, didn't hold back on his opinion of baez and his NON-ethical behaviour as an attorney,even pointing out to him the section on ethics for him to read up on!

..the Court of Appeals made note that they too-----were well aware of the 'ethics game' being played by "her attorneys".

..the ball is now in the court of the florida bar, as they investigate baez for--- that very ( tried to sneak around probation )--ethics complaint.

( now use your common sense members of the florida bar ---it was clear to judgeP, it was clear to the 5th District Court-----your turn.)

BBM - I read the Court of Appeals decision and didn't see the comment I bolded above. Am I missing something?
BBM: I agree ... I do not believe that Jose expected CFCA to be found "not guilty" and "free". I believe Jose expected that she would be found "guilty" and remain in jail for a number of years ... of course, the appeals would be pending out there for a while, but the verdict would probably have never be overturned.

SO ... with CFCA behind bars, than Jose would have been "FREE" of Miss Anthony and "pursue" his making $ money $ all for himself.

BUT ... the UNEXPECTED "Not Guilty Verdict" CHANGED everything ... and Jose, and the DT, are STUCK WITH HER ! When the REALITY of what happened finally hit Jose -- that CFCA was free and she would be looking to him and the DT for $ money $, a place to stay -- he had to come up with another plan. Jose had "high hopes" that he and his client would get "book deals" and "media deals" and "celebrity status" ... and I do NOT think that these BIG DEALS have come through -- or at least if they have, the money was not what they expected. I think JB and the DT have also realized now that their "client" is NOT MARKETABLE -- like they thought she would be ! Oh ... the Irony !

Jose tells LIES and MISTRUTHS ... so NO TELLING what he "promised" or told her ... And now Jose is STUCK with CFCA and having to deal with her Probation Issue ... he did NOT expect this as he had "other plans".

Jose has spent over 3 years now with CFCA and he KNOWS the REAL CASEY ANTHONY ! He KNOWS what she is capable of ! Jose "PUTS ON" a good act for the media about his "client" ... it's ALL a show !

Also, the hearing is Thursday for the State's Investigative Costs, which JB and DT will have to deal with. Of course they will continue to "whine" and declare their client "indigent" ... they will play their usual "games" ... And IF - a BIG IF there is a money deal in the works or that has been paid, they will NEVER tell the State about it. I sure hope the State does not buy their BS this time.

The last thing Jose and CFCA wanted was this Probation ... JB knows what it means ... one slip and back in the slammer for his client ... JB knows she is "uncontrollable" ...

MOO ... CFCA and Jose are "sneaky" ... and I expect they will continue to be as "sneaky" as they can about this probation ... so I hope the Probation Officer does NOT fall for the "felon's" bs ...


The Thanks button wasn't enough. You nailed it all in this post.
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WOFL-Channel 35’s Holly Bristow reported that the defense team has worked out a deal where she will report for probation secretly.

“She will not have to walk into a place where everybody will know her. Her address will not be publicized,” Bristow reported. “So we likely will not know where she is living right now or where will be living in the future while she does serve this probation.” long as she gets a job where she is completely anonymous. What workplace (other than one of her attorneys' offices) would she not be recognized??
Well, let's see what jobs we can cross off for her, so far:

Shot Girl
Event Planner
Baby Sitter/Day Care
Bank Teller

Anyone care to add on???
I'd add any job where she would be handling money of any kind to your list.

I almost think the job possibility list would be much shorter if we tried to list the jobs she could be trusted to do. Something like, maybe picking up litter or mowing lawns in the parks? How about emptying trash bins in public places? Oo! How about a job of cleaning public restrooms?
I'd add any job where she would be handling money of any kind to your list.

I almost think the job possibility list would be much shorter if we tried to list the jobs she could be trusted to do. Something like, maybe picking up litter or mowing lawns in the parks? How about emptying trash bins in public places? Oo! How about a job of cleaning public restrooms?


I am waiting for her Conditions of Probation,

which already include "No Contact with Amy H."

to also include "No Contact with Trash Bags."

(we know who you are....we saw what you did...kind of thing)

Well, let's see what jobs we can cross off for her, so far:

Shot Girl
Event Planner
Baby Sitter/Day Care
Bank Teller

Anyone care to add on???

Life Coach
Truth Teller
Psychic Mom

She could be a telemarketer, teter totter or a receptionist for the "liars club."
with all spite and schadenfreude aside, the best possible thing they could do for her is do rule number (was it 12?): halfway house.

if she is NOT a sociopath that would be the best chance for her to improve her life, be responsible, and be productive. THAT is what she needs to set her "foundation".

cause let's face it. she's gonna spend the year holed up in her happy house's basement, eating taco bell til it's falling out of her as....well anyways, googling herself and watching the soaps. she's not gonna reoffend this year, they wont let her. one of the lawyers will put her on the payroll for minimum wage to sort papers or something for her "job" and this is going to teach her absolutely nothing.

this kind of thing is why I said in some ways I feel sorry for her, she never had a chance with CA covering for her and she still wont now with her lawyers covering for her to make themselves look good, not realising that FCA simply not getting a chance to do right or wrong is not WINNING and is not PRODUCTIVE.

disclaimer: I believe she IS a sociopath, and she will do things like steal from whomever her babysitter is and such....which then they wont want to rat her out because it makes them look they'll continue to propagate this monster.

It appears that Casey never had to respect bounderies ,never HAD any bounderies and learned how to play one parent against the other.
We often hear that children,even teenagers actually want bounderies ,although they may fight against them.
I think you're right.If there's any hope for Casey at all,she needs to start from square one and learn a new way to live,one with rules ,expectations,no excuses and consequences. Even jail didn't completely meet these qualifications. Casey was protected from herself in protective custody.

Bottom line,though,it's probably too late .I too ,think she is a sociopath.

WOFL-Channel 35’s Holly Bristow reported that the defense team has worked out a deal where she will report for probation secretly.

“She will not have to walk into a place where everybody will know her. Her address will not be publicized,” Bristow reported. “So we likely will not know where she is living right now or where will be living in the future while she does serve this probation.”

Anytime I see that Casey's defense team has made a "deal" I become suspicious. Their deals always operate in the grey areas and manipulate rules, regs and laws to benefit only Casey. She was already dealt a winning hand by the Pinellas Twelve and yet she must request special arrangements be provided for her probationary period? When will it ever be time for the state of Florida to be able to call dealer's choice?

I don't care what place she walks into, I don't care where she lives, I don't care if everybody knows her. She was the one who started all of her own problems and it irks me that my state must twist and massage so many of our laws to make sure she doesn't get a bad deal. FGoodnessS, let her at least serve probation under the same rules that thousands of others have already done. This is disgusting. moo, moo, moo!
Does the average probationer get these special considerations? Do they keep the location of violent criminals secret after release? I thought nowadays the public was supposed to be made aware of where they were so they could take what steps they felt necessary to ensure their own safety...? There must be plenty of released criminals who have to look over their shoulder in case their victims or their relatives spot them!
RH said that the address of criminals on probation in Fla was a matter of public record. But obviously not for FCA!
I remember shortly after the trial, we were turning over magazine covers at our local supermarkets and drug stores. And for the last month, I've done the check for the last month and have been delighted to see absolutely nothing about FCA! Not a bleep - just a big fat nothing!

So Jose, what's jiggling in your pockets? Same thing?
Does the average probationer get these special considerations? Do they keep the location of violent criminals secret after release? I thought nowadays the public was supposed to be made aware of where they were so they could take what steps they felt necessary to ensure their own safety...? There must be plenty of released criminals who have to look over their shoulder in case their victims or their relatives spot them!
RH said that the address of criminals on probation in Fla was a matter of public record. But obviously not for FCA!

The average probationer usually isn't voted 'the most hated person in america'.

The average probationer usually doesn't have a trial watched by millions.

The average probationer usually doesn't have every single movement tracked (or attempted to be tracked) by media.

That's just 3 off the top of my head why she would get these special conditions over an 'average probationer'.
I remember shortly after the trial, we were turning over magazine covers at our local supermarkets and drug stores. And for the last month, I've done the check for the last month and have been delighted to see absolutely nothing about FCA! Not a bleep - just a big fat nothing!

So Jose, what's jiggling in your pockets? Same thing?

:twocents: :great:
Does the average probationer get these special considerations? Do they keep the location of violent criminals secret after release? I thought nowadays the public was supposed to be made aware of where they were so they could take what steps they felt necessary to ensure their own safety...? There must be plenty of released criminals who have to look over their shoulder in case their victims or their relatives spot them!
RH said that the address of criminals on probation in Fla was a matter of public record. But obviously not for FCA!

Casey is not considered a violent criminal. While I agree with you that she deserves no special considerations, I think there is a difference between Casey and a criminal who has to look over his shoulder for relatives of his victim. The criminal knows who is after him. Casey doesn't, everyone hates her, from school children to old grannies. Being the most hated person in America has to make a person live in fear...I hope.
I remember shortly after the trial, we were turning over magazine covers at our local supermarkets and drug stores. And for the last month, I've done the check for the last month and have been delighted to see absolutely nothing about FCA! Not a bleep - just a big fat nothing!

So Jose, what's jiggling in your pockets? Same thing?

I was thumbing through a People magazine at the Dr's yesterday and on July 25th there was one small article tucked away inside, no photo on the cover.... it was a "what's next for FCA" article. Oh how the mighty have fallen! :crazy:
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