Casey Turning Herself In on NEW Charges

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I appreciate the posting of the news article; but again, just because an LEO said it, doesn't make it fact. No one understands when I argue this point -- but when the case goes to trial and you see just what JB disputes and how I'm right, then you'll understand.

I'm not arguing this point anymore -- it's frustrating trying to debate people who are stubborn. :furious:

I have no interest in your little argument I just wanted to point something out about this post..

You say "when the case goes to trial and you see just what JB disputes and how I'm right, then you'll understand"

And then you say "it's frustrating trying to debate people who are stubborn"

There is no debate when you are sure you are right.. there is bullying, trying to force people to believe what you believe, trying to make people believe that you are the only one that knows the truth.

The coversation you were having with others here in this thread had nothing to do with debate.
Just because I say that I'm a millionaire writing to you from a deserted island in the Bahamas doesn't mean it's true. You ask any lawyer or any law student that posts on this board -- it means NOTHING until it's admitted as evidence.

I don't disagree, but I don't take what the media tells me as divine word. If I was an investigator in this case, I would also leak things that might scare my POI's in to talking or slipping up. There are TOO MANY VARIABLES to just take what you read in a newspaper or online as fact. Especially online.

I say this with the utmost respect: I am a lawyer - not defense, could never do that - but I would take any leak very seriously, not to mention a statement issued by LE at a press conference. It certainly does mean something before it is admitted into evidence. That's why we have discovery rules. You have to find out what the other side has and prepare like mad based on what they've got. If it did not mean anything until admitted into evidence, how do you think defense lawyers would prepare for trial? It would be like walking into court blind. Also, I want any information there is as soon as possible. Which means if I can get it through a leak or a hearsay statement, I'm going to look at that very, very carefully and try to find out how I can refute it, if it's bad for my client. Finally, besides saying that a suspect is not a suspect, because they want to keep that person from hiring a lawyer or hiding evidence, I cannot remember any instances of LE disseminating fale info through leaks. I'm sure it has happened, but I can't see that kind of thing happening often because while defense attorneys are notorious for this kind of thing, and seem to get away with it (think Geragos at SP trial) for LE to do so would cast grave doubts on their veracity at time of trial. Would not be a good thing to do. So yes, these leaks and press conferences mean ALOT.
Is she Catholic? Anyone know if she was raised in the Catholic church? Or is it just recently that she found God anyway. Just curious.

From news sources I read that GA and CA attended Sunday services a few weeks ago, KC did not attend. One was a Baptist Church and the other some other Protestant denomincation. No they are not Catholic.
IMO she looks a little tired, she couldn't hide the baggage under the eyes.

I think her face changes with every pic. She is a chameleon! LOL

O/T - Just got to say that your avatar is so very precious!
A lot of us read Casey's expressions differently. I see a blank, uncaring, light is on but no one is home expression. This is one stone faced, emotionless monster, IMO!
She sure is!:furious:
I say this with the utmost respect: I am a lawyer - not defense, could never do that - but I would take any leak very seriously, not to mention a statement issued by LE at a press conference. It certainly does mean something before it is admitted into evidence. That's why we have discovery rules. You have to find out what the other side has and prepare like mad based on what they've got. If it did not mean anything until admitted into evidence, how do you think defense lawyers would prepare for trial? It would be like walking into court blind. Also, I want any information there is as soon as possible. Which means if I can get it through a leak or a hearsay statement, I'm going to look at that very, very carefully and try to find out how I can refute it, if it's bad for my client. Finally, besides saying that a suspect is not a suspect, because they want to keep that person from hiring a lawyer or hiding evidence, I cannot remember any instances of LE disseminating fale info through leaks. I'm sure it has happened, but I can't see that kind of thing happening often because while defense attorneys are notorious for this kind of thing, and seem to get away with it (think Geragos at SP trial) for LE to do so would cast grave doubts on their veracity at time of trial. Would not be a good thing to do. So yes, these leaks and press conferences mean ALOT.

My 4yo son walked by as I was looking at the slide show pics of Casey's arrest and said "Mommy that's you." I said no its not and he, very seriously keeps saying yes that was you, and that was you in the car. :eek:EERIEEEE!!!!
I can understand a small resemblence but my own child swears it is me and thinks I am lying to him. I think I will dye my hair blonde or never leave the house again. Thank goodness I live nowhere near Florida.
actually, it's your second 'gentle reminder'.

not picking on you, but no one is debating their beliefs here, we're talking about casey's image and how she's royally screwing it up while trying to make herself look better.

i'm not catholic by any means, i have no organized religion, and even i wouldn't wear a rosary. i still find it disrespectful, and it's because i respect how other people feel about it.

that's nothing wrong with discussing the motives behind her choices.

IMO, your 'gentle reminders' will incite more of an outcry than the rest of us discussing her while still respecting others' opinions about the same subject. mods will save the day if something gets out of hand.

This thread is about Casey's new charges and not what she is wearing and whether or not it is offensive to Catholics. There are pages and pages of that to wade through here already. I don't mind people discussing it; that is there choice but either a thread should be created for the rosary beads or it should be discussed in the rant thread. I'm not the only one that has been trying to convey this.
I have no interest in your little argument I just wanted to point something out about this post..

You say "when the case goes to trial and you see just what JB disputes and how I'm right, then you'll understand"

And then you say "it's frustrating trying to debate people who are stubborn"

There is no debate when you are sure you are right.. there is bullying, trying to force people to believe what you believe, trying to make people believe that you are the only one that knows the truth.

The coversation you were having with others here in this thread had nothing to do with debate.

Hear, hear!! :clap:
My 4yo son walked by as I was looking at the slide show pics of Casey's arrest and said "Mommy that's you." I said no its not and he, very seriously keeps saying yes that was you, and that was you in the car. :eek:EERIEEEE!!!!
I can understand a small resemblence but my own child swears it is me and thinks I am lying to him. I think I will dye my hair blonde or never leave the house again. Thank goodness I live nowhere near Florida.

Ouch! Tell him "but mommy is so much prettier inside and out!" Give him a big hug n kiss and then proceed to the bathroom for a little blond dye makeover. :blowkiss:
Aww I'm sorry, I didn't mean any offense to you. I like you!

That's ok. I don't take it personally. I think that if my kid were missing, I would forego the tight jeans and live in my sweatpants, pregnant or not. But then again if one of my kids were missing, I would not be able to get out of bed except to search.

BTW: I like you too. I think you are one tough cookie.
I have no interest in your little argument I just wanted to point something out about this post..

You say "when the case goes to trial and you see just what JB disputes and how I'm right, then you'll understand"

And then you say "it's frustrating trying to debate people who are stubborn"

There is no debate when you are sure you are right.. there is bullying, trying to force people to believe what you believe, trying to make people believe that you are the only one that knows the truth.

The coversation you were having with others here in this thread had nothing to do with debate.


How right you are, OneLostGrl!

This is a forum where all possibilities are discussed. We all add our thoughts on what information we are given/told/read. It is not a courtroom.

Also just want to say that I enjoy your posts!
I love the video clip of Jose Baez claiming that Casey is the victim of law enforcement! He will do anything to make Casey look like the victim ... before this is over, he'll have Chloroformy, the dancing chloroform rag out front doing cartwheels talking about how chloroform is healthy and fun for all ages.
This thread is about Casey's new charges and not what she is wearing and whether or not it is offensive to Catholics. There are pages and pages of that to wade through here already. I don't mind people discussing it; that is there choice but either a thread should be created for the rosary beads or it should be discussed in the rant thread. I'm not the only one that has been trying to convey this.
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