Casey wearing a Rosary around neck

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The Anthony's are Baptist. They attended the same church as my co-worker in the Goldenrod/Lee Vista area. He knew them, but did not know KC and is not sure if she ever attended. He and his wife have been very involved in this particular church for many years. I'll ask him for more info tomorrow.

IMO, if KC is wearing a rosary, it is for appearances only. Perhaps Baez is Catholic and told her to wear it.
Haven't you ever noticed how many people "find" Jesus after they kill someone?? Susan Adkins (Manson Family), Carla Fay Tucker, and several others have found Jesus in prison...I never knew he was missing.

LOL! Yes, I've noticed. I'll bet she doesn't even know what the Act of Contrition is.
In the most recent booking, the video shows Casey arriving. You can see a string of black or dark beads around her neck. I thought it was dumb looking with her Find Caylee t-shirt. But when I watched the video, it appears to me pretty clear she is wearing a very conspicuous Rosary as a necklace.

Curious-- are they Catholic? Is it proper to wear a Rosary? I checked online about that and the general consensus is that yes, it is proper if you are wearing it with respect and devotion, but not as a fashion accessory.

What do you think Casey's reasons for wearing such a conspicuous Rosary are?
Is she devout? Is she praying for Caylee? Did she choose and wear one such as that for "image" improvement?

Oh No! If the Nuns who taught me in grade school find out she's wearing the Rosary, Casey's going to get her hinny paddled. We were always told it was a big time sin to use a rosary as a necklace. I'm all grown up and I'm still scared of those nuns!
No, the Anthony's are not Catholic, protesant to the best of my knowledge, but not practicing any faith until this happened with Caylee.

I am a practicing Catholic and have ONLY seen a "nun" wear a rosary, very rarely. Around your neck I don't think is acceptable to others who practice their faith, and honor Christ and what he did when died for us.

I find it dispicable for her to wear this as a fashion accessory, it is sacrilegus, IMO.

Wearing the rosary around her neck IMO is grossly irreverant of its hallowed, intended purpose, to pray the rosary, and reflect on the mysteries.

When I saw her photographed with the rosary on, I instantly felt how wearing it violates its purpose.

IF you want an outward sign to show you are a believer, how about a simple cross ?

IF it was a gift from the lady in N.J., be grateful for that gift, and carry it in your pocket, don't wear it around your neck. I do not approve at all.

SOMEONE needs to explain to that girl why it is not kewl to wear the rosary as a necklace, as it was never intended.

oops guess i am going to the bad place lol
i wear mine all the time around my neck. i spend a lot of time praying when i am unable to move or waiting in drs offices and such. of course i wear it under my clothes as its not there to proclaim my faith but as a reminder to myself.
i guess everyone has their own opinion of what is proper and shows faith.
not sure why casey wears hers but i hope she finds faith she will need it.
If God doesn't strik her down he owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.
Well, as a retired psych, I can tell you that IMHO she will never break down. NEVER. But that's just my opinion. She is no where close to breaking down. Lying is a way she has survived for years. It's in her genes, IMHO.

I'm a forensic psychologist. No doubt Casey is a sociopath. It will hard to break her, but it has happened before with other sociopaths. It just depends on if she hits rock bottom and sees admission of the truth as beneficial to her. At this point she thinks she's a "celebrity" so wearing the rosary may be more of a sympathy ploy right now than anything else.
It's to keep the scary ZGs of the world away. Kind of like garlic and vampires ;)
Actual rosary beads are IN STYLE ? OMG !!

I have never seen anyone wear them before. IMO she is wearing them to look "good." And, ain't nothing 'gonna make this gal look good IMO !

I agree. I was raised Catholic and the only two occasions for which I understood you are supposed to take out rosary beads, from watching my mother and grandmother with them, are a) when someone dies, you put the rosary beads in their hands in the casket and say a prayer with them for their peace in heaven; and b) whenever my grandmother was worried about someone that was sick or dying, she held rosary beads in her hands as she prayed - same with my mother. It's very much a solemn tradition, taken out when you really need to ask for God's help, usually when someone is dying or very ill, or after they have actually died. I know of no other use in my religion.

which makes Casey's wearing of them even more sickening, IMO...
Haven't you ever noticed how many people "find" Jesus after they kill someone?? Susan Adkins (Manson Family), Carla Fay Tucker, and several others have found Jesus in prison...I never knew he was missing.

ughhh don't even get me started on Susan Atkins. she is a fraud and has no regret for what she did, no empathy for Sharon Tate or Sharon Tate's family, IMO. she is still every bit devoted to Charles Manson as she was the day she killed for him. I really hope she suffers in her next life.
I'm a forensic psychologist. No doubt Casey is a sociopath. It will hard to break her, but it has happened before with other sociopaths. It just depends on if she hits rock bottom and sees admission of the truth as beneficial to her. At this point she thinks she's a "celebrity" so wearing the rosary may be more of a sympathy ploy right now than anything else.

While I agree with this I don't see her as being anywhere near rock bottom yet. I feel that she has always gotten away with things and in her mind she appears to believe, at this time, she has gotten away with this too. I am not sure if she is caring about sympathy at this point. I still see the rosary as a fashion statement.
LOL. I always tell everyone that even Psychologist don't always agree. I guess we could use Jung and Freud as perfect examples of that.
I am not actually disagreeing with you. I just think she is pure evil. I can't see her hitting bottom but I am willing to leave the door open to that sometime in the future. :)
My hubby teaches RCIA. Wearing of the rosary, under the clothing, is acceptable. Just never as ornamentation. Some people want to have the rosary close to their heart. Most importantly, the rosary should be treated with reverence.
Mine either. But I think she is so disrespectful and this is just one more example of it.

I agree with both of you. She would never NEVER define anything for me but she is disrespectful among a multitude of things. The image of her chewing gum with a rosary wrapped around her neck brings to mine her haughtiness while being interviewed by LE. It is like she is an untouchable in her mind and beyond reproach.
If God doesn't strik her down he owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.

LOL, true.

We know that she isn't Catholic and I'm not even sure she knows that this a rosary. My DD wanted to buy one when we visited a Mission and I had to explain to her that while she just thought it was a necklace, that it had prayerful significance to Catholics and wearing one would be disrespectful.

No doubt Casey's was sent to her by some "fan" but wearing it as an accessory just adds to her overall wacko image. Someone better not send her Yarmulke or she'll be wearing to as a beanie.
In the most recent booking, the video shows Casey arriving. You can see a string of black or dark beads around her neck. I thought it was dumb looking with her Find Caylee t-shirt. But when I watched the video, it appears to me pretty clear she is wearing a very conspicuous Rosary as a necklace.

Curious-- are they Catholic? Is it proper to wear a Rosary? I checked online about that and the general consensus is that yes, it is proper if you are wearing it with respect and devotion, but not as a fashion accessory.

What do you think Casey's reasons for wearing such a conspicuous Rosary are?
Is she devout? Is she praying for Caylee? Did she choose and wear one such as that for "image" improvement?

(if someone can, can you do a screen capture of the video shot showing on Orlando Sentinel right now and paste it here? I don't have the capability right now. It shows the Cross of the Rosary swinging out from Casey's chest.)

Maybe she's a Madonna fan.
Someone left it outside the house for her. Maybe it has a tiny little microphone in it and she is being listened to outside of the house as well ;)

Sorry, so many people say they read here I just have to contribute to their paranoia.
LOL, true.

We know that she isn't Catholic and I'm not even sure she knows that this a rosary. My DD wanted to buy one when we visited a Mission and I had to explain to her that while she just thought it was a necklace, that it had prayerful significance to Catholics and wearing one would be disrespectful.

No doubt Casey's was sent to her by some "fan" but wearing it as an accessory just adds to her overall wacko image. Someone better not send her Yarmulke or she'll be wearing to as a beanie.

It was dropped off by a fan. I was watching the webcam when it happened.

Here's the link to the article:

"Debbie Sanders and her husband came to the Anthony home from New Jersey to drop off rosary beads and an angel with Caylee's name on it. "
Ya know there is an old saying my very smart Dutch Nana would say, "thou that doth protest TOO much". Which means the more you say you didn't do something over and over and over, that means you DID and you ARE guilty. And Casey AND her family are "doth protesting too much" by wearing those shirts, yelling at media/protesters, wearing the rosary, and mainly lying and saying no I didn't, no she didn't do it.
Yes she did do it and her and her family knows it.
From what I understand the A family is Baptist, and the Baptist religion does not accept nor use/wear/adorn rosaries in ANY way. (someone can correct me if Im wrong) So either she never paid attention to her family's beliefs and just has no clue about religion and thinks by wearing them shes showing the public she has found God (duh Casey) or she thinks its a cool fashion accessory. Either way, just one more thing to show her lack of intelligence.

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