Casey's appeal on the 4 charges of lying to police

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I have to accept the decision but can't decide how good or bad it is because I was under the (apparently false) impression that the "test" for how many/separate or one lie was determined, is not by place or time that the lies were told, but by how many separate actions would/were required to disproved them and suss out the truth.

So I remain as baffled by this court's decision as always. I am nonplussed. Especially since it seems this appeal will most likely continue on to the state's higher court. More opportunity for delays and diversions. I resent the fact that more of my state's court time and money are being wasted on this murdering harlot.

More of the same. Casey's rights march on. :sigh:
She swore an oath under penalty of law to tell the truth in a murder trial.
Her lies were designed with one purpose, to get the murderer off.
I don't think it gets any more serious than that. She should have been charged. Otherwise what is the point?

Whoa! You can put away the club - did I say I was defeinding CA or implying it? I understand witnesses swear to tell the truth and I believe it's disengenuous to imply that all relatives testifying are telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth when a relative is facing a death sentence.
I'm not supporting the fact that they are lying but simply saying the courts ignore a w itness not being truthful, but I believe the standards are different with defendants. All IMO.
I can just see that ugly smirk on Cindy's face. Don't mess with the Anthony's........

Oh sure and we believe that cause the proof is out there in the "wonderful life" we see them all having....right???

IMO the concept don't mess with the Anthony's is just pure carp and laughable - CA has sentenced her famility to a lifetime of being hated by everyone who has ever heard of them. Oh sure - everything is just peachy in the Anthony world - turned out just the way CA wanted it to.
So, when, and if (I'll believe it when I see it) she takes the stand, she will have to tell the same story (bs) and give the same details from the criminal trial or risk perjury, right? And knowing she has to tell it the same, hopefully they will be prepared to catch her in a lie and get her on perjury there... Get her in a catch 22...

All jmo.
Get your rotten tomatoes ready..because I have to say this:

I have mixed feelings about the appeals court's ruling.

First off, let me say that I believe Casey told way more than four lies and I was surprised when there were only four charges brought. I believe that when a person lies once, it is their first lie. When they lie again--even if it is a repetition of the same lie--that's lie number two. And so on. Sure, I realize that what I believe and what the laws say are two different things, but laws must go hand in hand with common sense to be worthwhile laws. And a law should not even be on the books if it is not going to be enforced, i.e., perjury is illegal so any person committing perjury should be charged.

On one hand, I am pleased that Casey did not get all her lying convictions overturned because she has already gotten away with too much, but on the other hand I really would like to see an end to this whole sordid mess and had all the convictions been overturned we would be much closer to that end.

What I really want--and what I believe society really needs--is for Casey to be held accountable for something more serious than lying. She got away with murder and there is no getting around that. I do not think the lying convictions bothered Casey at all; she only appealed as a stall tactic to what does bother her--the thought of having to answer questions in a civil trial. The civil cases are not dependent upon the lying convictions. OJ was not convicted of anything, yet he was deemed responsible for the death of another human being in a civil trial. And Casey faces two civil suits (three if Tim Miller's is still active).

I want Casey questioned in court by attorneys who can make her squirm. Positive outcomes of the civil suits are important because this woman needs to finally take some responsibility for her actions. But even more important to me is the prospect of Casey being required to answer questions under oath. I hope that comes to pass.

And then she can disappear forever.
Anything that goes in FCA's favor just ticks me off! I don't care if what it is. I can't stand the fact that she continues to get away with murder and makes a mockery of our justice system. :furious: I received the text in the morning and it's taken me all day to come here. She does not deserve to have any freedom or any "wins"!

Lighting a candle for Caylee. RIP sweet Angel! :heartbeat:

from article:

"The other two, we still think it is scary that the police officers can question you for hours upon hours and make threats of the kind that they did in this case...."

gee mr greene, wanna know what I think is even scarier than that?

when you're bopping along one summer day in 2008 being a 2 year old baby, and your mother spends the afternoon googling how to kill you inbetween myspace and phone calls, then proceeds to murder you, then goes out with her boyfriend with your decaying body in the trunk of her car. then a couple years later, a jury of 12 "interesting people" lets her walk free because, well, they were confuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuused by everything but dessert.

THAT is really, infinitely more scary than being asked reasonable questions by police officers that YOU told that you wanted help to find your BABY that you already knew where she was.
From cm's comments, it looks like she will appeal the decision. I can't understand why he is continuing this. It appears to be a game for him. He screams about her rights and that people are angry and threatening her. Doesn't he realize that these silly appeals, for misdemeanors no less, are only dueling the feelings of disgust the public has for her? If he would just stop the games many people would ignore her.
You know, of all the people she crossed I think George will be the one to come back and bite her on the butt, he might be her father, but what she did to him during the trial and by killing his beloved granddaughter was one of those hurts that you would just be willing to live every moment for engineering a 'reckoning' .. Karma will hurt her, and however it comes around will be beneficial for George and clear his name. Wouldn't it be interesting to hear the FULL story from George one day.

Do you remember the look in her eyes when her father was crying on the stand? Her eyes said FU, I come first.
Anything that goes in FCA's favor just ticks me off! I don't care if what it is. I can't stand the fact that she continues to get away with murder and makes a mockery of our justice system. :furious: I received the text in the morning and it's taken me all day to come here. She does not deserve to have any freedom or any "wins"!

Lighting a candle for Caylee. RIP sweet Angel! :heartbeat:

Did you hear casey was living in a 5 million dollar house in California that belongs to an attorney? Shes going to dinner parties. It was on HLN Nancy Grace Youtube. She was living in the lap of luxury. Pools, meal,security guards. The whole nine yards.Who would invite this lunitic to a dinner party?
The baby killer needs to appeal any and all convictions. Make no mistake, she wants to change her name and walk away with a clean record.
Remember she was videoed taped walking around Ohio. It was BS. The whole thing was staged and she was paid 25 thousand dollars. The games continue.
I must be losing my aversion to all things Casey Anthony cos Im surprsingly upbeat about this. So she loses two mis-demeanour convictions and $2000 in fines. But she is still a convicted :liar: At best, she may gain another 6 months of pleading the 5th but doesn't she have 3 potential civil trials to come. Her Toxic level back to max as she's currently being compared with Jodi Arias. Heck she's even sharing her No 1 support site :notgood: with Arias. And thanks to AZ Lawyer and JWG :clap: we do know what she did that Summer.... :tears:

At this rate she'll be paying someone to interview her.......:floorlaugh:
Jose Baez explains ruling: For everyone wanting to understand why the appellate court reversed two of Judge Perry's convictions, I can explain. They disagreed with his interpretation of the law. Providing "false information" is not the same thing as a "false statement." Example: The police are questioning you about a missing person and you say "the Sky was Orange." That is a false statement, not false information.!/theofficialjosebaezpage
IMPO...Jose should slink back under that rock...but my question is, during the civil trials, which story is Casey supposed to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth about? What are Jeff and Linda going to be paying close attention to? She never spoke at her when MN says she better watch her words (my take on it), which words?
AZ, if you're around, what story must Casey stick to (she's told so many, lol)?
It's a very good thing!! Both the "handcuffed in custody in the car" incident and the Universal "in custody" appeals were denied -

And loosely - two of the Falsehoods were written and two were spoken and were pretty much the same thing so it did amount to double jeoprady - so considered duplicates.

So, the Appeals Court confirmed that FCA is a liar and lied about the details of Caylee's "disappearance".

And FCA can no longer use the 5th in the ZG case.

This is a very good day for Caylee supporters!! A very good day indeed!

And thank you LinTX for posting the ruling in the News thread.

Yup! The "she was in custody" and she should have been read her Miranda rights were DENIED

That was Cheney Mason's baby...he was the one who put forth the Miranda Violation motions...

Thanks ZsaZsa

" said Greene. "The other two, we still think it is scary that the police officers can question you for hours upon hours and make threats of the kind that they did in this case and that an appellate court finds that you do not have to be read your rights and you don't have to be in custody, it's, we are not willing to accept that as a final decision yet."

1) Did LE Question her for Hours upon Hours? How long was the Universal studios interview?
So when LE arrives to meet with you after your mother and you report your child missing/has been kidnapped that constitutes" questioning" for hours and hours?

2)"Make Threats of the kind"
What Kind of Threats his he talking about, specifically..?

Does LE saying that they were there to help find her missing child over and over and over again constitute a Threat?

Does telling her that all the information she gave them to help find her missing child were Lies constitute Threats?

Does confronting her with her on going Lies and telling her they must get passed them and they were there to help her because she wanted them to, constitute Threats?
From cm's comments, it looks like she will appeal the decision. I can't understand why he is continuing this. It appears to be a game for him. He screams about her rights and that people are angry and threatening her. Doesn't he realize that these silly appeals, for misdemeanors no less, are only dueling the feelings of disgust the public has for her? If he would just stop the games many people would ignore her.

The Miranda warning violation is Mason's baby. He was the one to file the motions about Miranda violations, he is the one who keeps it going.
Thanks ZsaZsa

" said Greene. "The other two, we still think it is scary that the police officers can question you for hours upon hours and make threats of the kind that they did in this case and that an appellate court finds that you do not have to be read your rights and you don't have to be in custody, it's, we are not willing to accept that as a final decision yet."

1) Did LE Question her for Hours upon Hours? How long was the Universal studios interview?
So when LE arrives to meet with you after your mother and you report your child missing/has been kidnapped that constitutes" questioning" for hours and hours?

2)"Make Threats of the kind"
What Kind of Threats his he talking about, specifically..?

Does LE saying that they were there to help find her missing child over and over and over again constitute a Threat?

Does telling her that all the information she gave them to help find her missing child were Lies constitute Threats?

Does confronting her with her on going Lies and telling her they must get passed them and they were there to help her because she wanted them to, constitute Threats?

IMO Mr Greene is typical of a lot of defense attorneys; they carry a big chip on their shoulder and defending murderers etc is their way of sticking it to the world. They all seem very warped in their perception of Police in
particular and anyone who believes victims are entitled to justice..
IMPO...Jose should slink back under that rock...but my question is, during the civil trials, which story is Casey supposed to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth about? What are Jeff and Linda going to be paying close attention to? She never spoke at her when MN says she better watch her words (my take on it), which words?
AZ, if you're around, what story must Casey stick to (she's told so many, lol)?

It will be interesting if they call Casey and then Cindy to the stand.
The Jury can play 'Spot the liar'..... :blushing:

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