Casey's Defense cost taxpayers over $100,000

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Mar 6, 2009
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In all, more than $100,000 has been paid, another $25,000 in defense expenses are still pending and the state is refusing to pay $11,000.

The paid costs include:

$12,289 for mental health expert witnesses
$45,008 in investigative invoices
$8,507 for out-of-state travel
$7,695 in deposition transcripts
$70 in freight and postage

The state is refusing to pay $4,704 for deposition transcripts and $1,560 for a mitigation specialist, among other costs.

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Add that to the cost of the trial and this was a million dollar case. It was 350K just to sequester juries, the costs of investigation being preliminarily stated in the $300-400Krange. This does not include the costs for lodging for everyone for jury selection. Interesting that 12K was spent for mental health experts. Yet none testified. Only the grief counselor.

It looks like R. Bolin's bill has been rejected.
I do believe there are more expenses to be added. Still have not seen the attorney vouchers, other expert vouchers, what else?

I agree about the cost of the trial and then the cost of the investigation.

The complete total, if ever known, is going to be a whopper and is going to keep the flames burning high.

ETA: Why would R. Bolin submit a voucher? She is not an expert of anything, she is not an attorney, she was just there?
And the taxpayers will eventually pay all of it including the whopper amount spent by the State and Federal agencies
Great! another hard pill to swallow with my coffee this morning as I sit here unemployed... Sigh...
Actually a 100 grand is cheap for a death penalty case. No one wants someone to go without good representation, I am surprised the 100k is all it is.
But, how much income did the trial generate for the State of Florida? All the media and spectators, all the people that pilgrimage to Hope Springs Drive, etc. The money pumped into Orlando's economy has to be staggering. Orlando, a city with almost an 11% unemployment rate.

"While no one knows exactly how much money will be pumped into the local economy until the dust clears and the media circus has left town, experts said depending on the length of the trial and how much media attention it gets, the economic impact could tally in the millions."

"See stories below with details on how the trial is creating an economic uptick in Orlando, from restaurants hiring seasonal workers to a landowner expecting to make $30,000 renting land for parking for camera crews."

In all, more than $100,000 has been paid, another $25,000 in defense expenses are still pending and the state is refusing to pay $11,000.

The paid costs include:

$12,289 for mental health expert witnesses
$45,008 in investigative invoices
$8,507 for out-of-state travel
$7,695 in deposition transcripts
$70 in freight and postage

The state is refusing to pay $4,704 for deposition transcripts and $1,560 for a mitigation specialist, among other costs.

Read more:

Add that to the cost of the trial and this was a million dollar case. It was 350K just to sequester juries, the costs of investigation being preliminarily stated in the $300-400Krange. This does not include the costs for lodging for everyone for jury selection. Interesting that 12K was spent for mental health experts. Yet none testified. Only the grief counselor.

It looks like R. Bolin's bill has been rejected.
But, how much income did the trial generate for the State of Florida? All the media and spectators, all the people that pilgrimage to Hope Springs Drive, etc. The money pumped into Orlando's economy has to be staggering. Orlando, a city with almost an 11% unemployment rate.

"While no one knows exactly how much money will be pumped into the local economy until the dust clears and the media circus has left town, experts said depending on the length of the trial and how much media attention it gets, the economic impact could tally in the millions."

"See stories below with details on how the trial is creating an economic uptick in Orlando, from restaurants hiring seasonal workers to a landowner expecting to make $30,000 renting land for parking for camera crews."

Thanks rossva. Hope you won't take my statement personally, but this article makes me wanna :sick:.

Does it ever stop being about money and start being about justice for this little girl? :

Just heard this morning that Cindy and George are creating yet ANOTHER foundation focusing on grandparents' rights. And naturally, as the foundation's administrators, they're both planning on drawing a salary - surprise surprise! :eek:

I'd trust those two with my $$$, wouldn't you? :floorlaugh:
Thanks rossva. Hope you won't take my statement personally, but this article makes me wanna :sick:.

Does it ever stop being about money and start being about justice for this little girl?

Believe it: witnesses, attorneys, reporters, local businesses will try and squeeze as much $ as possible from this trial. Recall this?:

business startup Casey Tours LLC plans to offer tours in the Orlando area to show patrons many of the sights associated with the Casey Anthony trial. For just $25 per person, the tour will take curious customers to places like the Anthony home, Universal Studios, where Casey Anthony claimed to have worked when the disappearance of her daughter took place, the home of the fictitious Zanny the Nanny, the woods where the body was found and the courthouse.

If that isn’t enough, the tour will visit the XS Nightclub where tourgoers can get a drink in the bar where Anthony was claimed to be seen partying days after her daughter was last seen and the tour company is reporting that there will be a question and answer session with actual people involved in the case including one of Anthony’s ex-boyfriends.
Thanks rossva. Hope you won't take my statement personally, but this article makes me wanna :sick:.

Does it ever stop being about money and start being about justice for this little girl? :

Just heard this morning that Cindy and George are creating yet ANOTHER foundation focusing on grandparents' rights. And naturally, as the foundation's administrators, they're both planning on drawing a salary - surprise surprise! :eek:

I'd trust those two with my $$$, wouldn't you? :floorlaugh:

Yeah how bout that ? i keep checking for a thread to get started up on that.

I think it is total BULL !! They need to be boycotted too.
Maybe Florida's tax payers ought to jump on the wagon and sue Casey. Why not? IF what the defense says about it all being an accident and IF Casey hadn't lied and called 911 as soon as it happened. The outcome would/could have been different and there may not have even been a trial.
Bizarre to think that the State paid $100K for FICA's defense because she is/was declared indigent and yet FICA is being offered $1M+ for her first interview.

Another notorious person who profits from a bad act. I learned that lying about a child murder is not a crime, it is a profitable career choice.

Justice for Caylee?
Only $100K? That's not much for a case of this magnitude.
ok now does JB or anyone else on defense team want to send my dad in fl, somekind of compensation? he is 65 years old, just retired, but guess what, worked in 08,09,10 and part of 11 before he drew ssi. (so yes he did file taxes on those years) hes a 2 tour vietnam vet/ army..never been in trouble, decent law abiding citizen, .and THIS is what his taxes went for???? pisses me off even more...i hate them now...yes i am going to use that word, that is how strong i feel about it...i need a cigarette before i get myself banned...cooling off now.
I thought it would have been much more than that. 100k for a case like this isn't bad at all. I would have thought it could have run at least quarter mil and up to half mil.

I forgot all about that disgusting tour. Is there no shame?
Actually a 100 grand is cheap for a death penalty case. No one wants someone to go without good representation, I am surprised the 100k is all it is.

I agree! I was shocked when I first heard the $100,000 figure.
I am wondering what kind of a defense a working mom that writes a hot check at the grocery store because she has no food in the house would have paid on her behalf
If it was an African American fellow living in the projects accused of the same crime as Casey Anthony ..would he be able to have his own defense att. instead of overworked court ordered ones?
Bizarre to think that the State paid $100K for FICA's defense because she is/was declared indigent and yet FICA is being offered $1M+ for her first interview.

Another notorious person who profits from a bad act. I learned that lying about a child murder is not a crime, it is a profitable career choice.

Cyborg..I hope, as I am sure you do..that you are wrong
I hope that -womans femiine hygenie product- never makes a dime on Caylees death .
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