Casey's Defense cost taxpayers over $100,000

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I am wondering what kind of a defense a working mom that writes a hot check at the grocery store because she has no food in the house would have paid on her behalf
If it was an African American fellow living in the projects accused of the same crime as Casey Anthony ..would he be able to have his own defense att. instead of overworked court ordered ones?

id be willing to be what little $ i have in my pocket that the working mom/hot check/food, and the aa fellow in projects/accusation of same crime, no would not be able to get their own attny and have state pay it...nope they get whatever over worked state attny THEY assign them...why that ( female hygiene product) got treated like a princess, picks her attny, makes $200k off photos of her daugher SHE killed, but yet indignant? dont give me the pretty white female syndrome, she is not even pretty imo. maybe there is a white woman w/ a hot body syndrome??..all she really has going for her...
In all, more than $100,000 has been paid, another $25,000 in defense expenses are still pending and the state is refusing to pay $11,000.

The paid costs include:

$12,289 for mental health expert witnesses
$45,008 in investigative invoices
$8,507 for out-of-state travel
$7,695 in deposition transcripts
$70 in freight and postage

The state is refusing to pay $4,704 for deposition transcripts and $1,560 for a mitigation specialist, among other costs.

Read more:

Add that to the cost of the trial and this was a million dollar case. It was 350K just to sequester juries, the costs of investigation being preliminarily stated in the $300-400Krange. This does not include the costs for lodging for everyone for jury selection. Interesting that 12K was spent for mental health experts. Yet none testified. Only the grief counselor.

It looks like R. Bolin's bill has been rejected.

So, I take it this $100,000 is over and above the original amount (200,000) that was given to FICA for the pics and what not (the amount she owes in back taxes). So, that would make her defense at over $300,000 (90,000 taken by JB for his attorney fees). But, at this point the state has picked up the defense's tab of 125,000 (okay, some is still pending).

Or am I confused (again)?


You are not confused. A lot is still pending. Vouchers still have to be filled out and submitted, iirc one bug expert said his alone would be $40,000+. I don't see any of the experts vouchers showing yet (other than some of the mental health experts that were never on the stand), nor the attorney vouchers. There is much more to come.
im sure some of that $200k of that blood pic $ went for a's cruise, tattoos,ect...if not then yes that blood money should cover that legal tab quite nicely! so......what gives?
I just heard it was over 200k to keep the jurors sequestered. I'm wondering how much it will be for the investigation. I'm thinking for the search it had to be over 300k and then the 8 days the CSI unit spent on their hands and knees to find Caylee so she could have a proper burial. Even though they cremated her George and Cindy and Lee at least know she is dead and they can begin to heal.
I am wondering what kind of a defense a working mom that writes a hot check at the grocery store because she has no food in the house would have paid on her behalf
If it was an African American fellow living in the projects accused of the same crime as Casey Anthony ..would he be able to have his own defense att. instead of overworked court ordered ones?

I don't know if you remember Brian Nickols but his defense has spent somewhere around 1.5 million and they hadn't even picked a jury yet. He committed a different crime than Casey but he is African American, it was a high profile case also. In 2008 Nicklos was convicted of 54 counts, after a whooping 1.8 million was spent on his defense. He is spending multiple life sentences with no chance of parole.
oh wow, orlando sentinel reports the defense is now reporting a little over $147,000 in legal bill// way to go guys get a child killer off, and now nickle and dime the good folks of florida to cover expenses...
re: Casey's Defense cost taxpayers over $100,000

UNICEF appeals for donations to provide critical relief – $10 can feed a child for 10 days

A lot of money that would have gone a long way to help children that really need help.
But you put a Sociopath and Media hound together and what they decided to do re: the defense plan, no one nor anything outside of their universe of two mattered.
I just heard it was over 200k to keep the jurors sequestered. I'm wondering how much it will be for the investigation. I'm thinking for the search it had to be over 300k and then the 8 days the CSI unit spent on their hands and knees to find Caylee so she could have a proper burial. Even though they cremated her George and Cindy and Lee at least know she is dead and they can begin to heal.

I think the following article is a much more realistic estimate of the cost. Many of the defense's costs had already been billed and paid plus the $200,000 spent on the attorneys and other expenses from Caylee's photos. The jury sequestering came in under this projection, but the rest sounds realistic.

The total cost is projected at $4.5 million. That is much less expensive than the $9 million for the OJ trial, but if I were a Florida taxpayer, I won't be happy that an unfortunate accident cost so much.
Actually a 100 grand is cheap for a death penalty case. No one wants someone to go without good representation, I am surprised the 100k is all it is.

But, that's only since she was determined indigent, right? JB was paid close to $200,000 from the photo money I thought so that would push the cost way up there.
I did not know that people declared indigent by the courts were allowed to pick their own lawyers on the states dime. I thought that they were assigned attorneys already on staff at the public defender's office (people already working for a salary, thus incurring no extra cost to taxpayers.) I think it is sick that the state is paying JB and CM anything.
I did not know that people declared indigent by the courts were allowed to pick their own lawyers on the states dime. I thought that they were assigned attorneys already on staff at the public defender's office (people already working for a salary, thus incurring no extra cost to taxpayers.) I think it is sick that the state is paying JB and CM anything.

This is exactly what we were talking about yesterday. If she could not afford a lawyer, I thought the courts appointed one for her. IMO, if JB chose to represent her then it should have been at his own expense not ours. I may have to protest some place over this, if I can find out who to protest with. There are plenty of folks who cannot afford a lawyer and get one appointed, they certainly don't get to choose one they want.
If this was an accident as claimed, then why are we Florida Tax Payers paying for a Investigator? The DT hired what's his name, who called all the searchers (myself and family included) to find out if we searched on Suburban. IIRC they were trying too find out if there was water there and if someone could have moved Caylee.

Since the DT knew this was a pool accident, then IMO there was no need to use a Investigator and IMO JAC paid frivolous bills submitted by the DT. JMO
Since KC was found "not guilty", I would hope she would not have to shoulder any of the cost of the trial. It was OSCO that put her in jail, the SA that tried the case, and she didn't ask for any of it. Maybe, if they decide to bill her for the cost of the trial, she should turn around and sue them.

My opinion only
Since KC was found "not guilty", I would hope she would not have to shoulder any of the cost of the trial. It was OSCO that put her in jail, the SA that tried the case, and she didn't ask for any of it. Maybe, if they decide to bill her for the cost of the trial, she should turn around and sue them.

My opinion only

She was found guilty of lying to LE, which is where a large part of the investigative costs went. I am going to jump to the conclusion that, had she tearfully told LE that Caylee accidentally drowned in the pool, the investigative costs to confirm that would have been much lower and no one would be seeking restitution. If the state had chosen to try her for a crime at that time, then it would have been on them.

We cannot reward people for lying and creating a circus that is a huge drain on the taxpayers. Brian Nichols is an even better example since there is absolutely no dispute that he killed those people and it is a LOT more money. WHY????

The only good thing is that no one is offering his attorneys or him a bucket of cash to come on TV and "share." I guess b/c they are PDs??? Not sure.
If this was an accident as claimed, then why are we Florida Tax Payers paying for a Investigator? The DT hired what's his name, who called all the searchers (myself and family included) to find out if we searched on Suburban. IIRC they were trying too find out if there was water there and if someone could have moved Caylee.

Since the DT knew this was a pool accident, then IMO there was no need to use a Investigator and IMO JAC paid frivolous bills submitted by the DT. JMO

JMO the DT came up with the drowning theory very recently. JMO I suspect Casey never said Caylee drowned.
JMO the DT came up with the drowning theory very recently. JMO I suspect Casey never said Caylee drowned.

IMO - the DT got the drowing theory from WS in the thread where we talked about the drowning. I still say if it were an accident, why the heck sit in jail for 3 years and go thru an expensive trial? What would they have done had they not had a <mod snip> jury? Appeal because it was an accident and she sat in jail for 3 years and told the truth when first arrested? It was no accident, if so she would not have come up with such a story about zanny and she would not have wanted to sit in jail all this time. MOO. I just don't think the tax payers should have to pay for her DT since she chose them. The taxpayors pay for public defenders not private attorneys. I still plan to complain as soon as I can figure out where.
She was found guilty of lying to LE, which is where a large part of the investigative costs went.

That's not correct.

The charges she was convicted of are:

1.) Count Four: The defendant told law enforcement that she was employed at Universal Studios during 2008, pursuant to the investigation of a missing persons report.

That took LE all of a few hours to debunk.

2.) Count Five: The defendant told law enforcement that she had left Caylee at an apartment complex with a babysitter.

Out of all the charges upon which the Defendant was convicted this probably is the one that cost the most to "investigate". In any event, by the time of Casey's bond hearing, Yuri Melich, was stating that he believed this to be a homicide case based upon the cadaver dogs triggering on Casey's car. This would indicate by this point that Law Enforcement believed that Caylee was dead and that her mother was involved or somehow had been in possession of Caylee's body. It is certainly clear that Law Enforcement didn't place much Credence in Casey's "Zanny" story by this point.

Indeed, it is clear from the interviews with Casey, including the one at Universal, that Law Enforcement did not believe the Zanny story. At Casey's original Arraignment it was clear that the Zanny story had been all but disproven (listen to the Judge's tone when he recounts the lies told by Casey).

Therefore, as much as you would want it to be, this lie did not cost Law Enforcement much to "investigate", rather the State it would appear - I say this tentatively given that they have not yet issued their claim for Special Costs - are trying to punish Casey by the backdoor for a crime which she was not convicted of by having her pay what were effectively the costs of investigating the homicide case.

3.) Count Six: The defendant told law enforcement that she informed two "employees" of Universal Studios, Jeff Hopkins and Juliet Lewis, at Universal, of the disappearance of Caylee.

Again, Law Enforcement knew right from the beginning this was not true. In one of the early day interviews, Law Enforcement clearly state that they have checked with Universal and no employees with the names given by Casey have worked at Universal Studios.

4.) Count Seven: The defendant told law enforcement that she had received a call and spoke to Caylee on July 15, 2008.

Probably, the second most expensive charge to "investigate" but this was easy to do by simply checking phone records and the story was quickly disproven.

In short, the homicide and interrelated child-abuse charges, which Casey Anthony was acquitted of, was where the "large part of the investigative costs went" not lying to Law Enforcement

I am going to jump to the conclusion that, had she tearfully told LE that Caylee accidentally drowned in the pool, the investigative costs to confirm that would have been much lower and no one would be seeking restitution. If the state had chosen to try her for a crime at that time, then it would have been on them.

We cannot reward people for lying and creating a circus that is a huge drain on the taxpayers. Brian Nichols is an even better example since there is absolutely no dispute that he killed those people and it is a LOT more money. WHY????

The only good thing is that no one is offering his attorneys or him a bucket of cash to come on TV and "share." I guess b/c they are PDs??? Not sure.

The rest of what you state has nothing to with why Casey Anthony should be required to pay an exorbitant sum due to her conviction of four misdemeanour offences.

And, whilst I am not going to go through your thread point by point, Casey Anthony has never been "rewarded", as you put it, for her lies. To the contrary, she was sentenced to four years in prison, the maximum sentence allowed by law for the charges she was convicted of.
I hope that any monies this horrible woman, DT, and family make off of blood money;
can be taken by the courts and used for some purpose.
None of us could afford such DT luxuries.
What a waste, a HUGE waste.
I feel bad for the people of Florida and their hard earned money was wasted.
Please don't raise their taxes now because of this.
Everyone in that county will be penalized to support her appeals??????
But, that's only since she was determined indigent, right? JB was paid close to $200,000 from the photo money I thought so that would push the cost way up there.

Still cheap for an overall defense package in a case such as this.

I did not know that people declared indigent by the courts were allowed to pick their own lawyers on the states dime. I thought that they were assigned attorneys already on staff at the public defender's office (people already working for a salary, thus incurring no extra cost to taxpayers.) I think it is sick that the state is paying JB and CM anything.

Anyone who can afford to pay for a lawyer or get one to agree to represent them for free, can be represented by that lawyer. In this case, Casey Anthony did both.

ABC paid her $200K for licensing pictures and video of Caylee, Macaluso $70K as a gratuity, others $5K. She paid Baez $90K approx and the other attorneys on her Defense team at the end were working Pro Bono. The rest of the funds went to investigative, expert and other costs prior to her being declared indigent.

She has a constitutional to be represented by an attorney of her choice, she simply has to agree terms/a fee with such attorney. The state has no right to interfere (the exception, I THINK, is where the attorney has a conflict or where their is gross incompetence, such as coming to court drunk).

Casey was only declared indigent for Costs, she never asked to have the court appoint counsel to represent her. This basically means that her investigative costs, expert fees, transcription costs, etc are paid for from Public Funds.
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