Casey's Diary Entry for June 21st & Missing Pages #1

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Man. I have searched the web for this thing and cannot find it anywhere...I have like 8 tabs open here.

same here...spent all day checking web sites. No luck! I have to go to Target tomorrow for some other stuff and there's Borders and B&N nearby...will check there too.

I have to say, judging by the photos that I've seen from her room, this doesn't look like something she would buy herself, I'm thinking it was a gift.

More than likely she stole from a store or purchased with one of Amy's checks. Has anyone checked through the Target tapes to see if perhaps she purchased it there? I'll go through them now. Maybe some luck ???
I started out thinking it was written in '03, kinda changed my mind, went back to '03 and round and round and round. So, last night I started looking through the documents and I can not find this journal mentioned anywhere as being taken into evidence. To me, this is the strongest proof that either the entry WAS written in '03 or at least not in June of this year. There is just no way LE would not have scooped that journal up and tucked it under their arm (figuratively, of course) if they thought they could prove she wrote it after she killed Caylee. If that had been written in '08 and they were able to prove it somehow, it would be, IMO, the most damning evidence to date. they took pictures of a lot of things that probably peaked their interest, but not everything was taken into evidence. I think this journal falls into that category. Now, if we find in the next release of documents that the journal is listed as having been taken, I will change my mind, but for now I think the journal is not considered evidence, meaning LE does not feel it has value in this case and that is why it is probably still at the house. At some point I would not be surprised to see Cindy holding it up in front of a camera saying - see, it says right here '03. I am sure the debate here and elsewhere will go on, and my opinion is just one of many!

Do you think it's possible it was taken into evidence earlier? Like months earlier than the December searches? Someone posted a link to a video noting 'notebooks' were taken in an earlier search.
I checked my Target day before yesterday and they didn't have this journal. I want to try the local Super Target, though, because sometimes they have different things than the regular Target.
Man. I have searched the web for this thing and cannot find it anywhere...I have like 8 tabs open here.

I have to say, judging by the photos that I've seen from her room, this doesn't look like something she would buy herself, I'm thinking it was a gift.

Hey, that made me wonder or theorize another unprovable possibility --- maybe she got it as a gift for Christmas 2002; planned to start it on new year's day '03 and that's why the inside cover is inscribed with that number. Then she either didn't or later removed pages to start anew. I just can't get around that page and no others have been released, at least so far.
same here...spent all day checking web sites. No luck! I have to go to Target tomorrow for some other stuff and there's Borders and B&N nearby...will check there too.

More than likely she stole from a store or purchased with one of Amy's checks. Has anyone checked through the Target tapes to see if perhaps she purchased it there? I'll go through them now. Maybe some luck ???

Wishing you tons of luck. In this and all things. :) Was there ever a list of items bought with bad checks?
This has always stuck in my mind, and now it's really ironic to me:

These are Casey and Iassen's IM's from 7/14/08.

ID actually, do that now :)
KC Nice, I will actually
ID While you do that i'm gonna make a sammich
KC I'm listening to “everyday is exactly the same” by nine inch nails. Haha
KC (4.03pm) Ohhh true. I just had mac and cheese. Haha
ID (4.04pm) I can slap heartbreak songs on you all night long babyyyyy. Its all I listen to now
KC Oh, you and me both. haha
ID Nothing like a little self mutilation and torture to start of the days.
KC Seriously. Hints why I torture myself with a morning workout. Get your sammich
KC I'll listen to that song
KC( 4.08pm) Holy crap that song is amazing!!!! I love disturbed :)
ID (4.09pm) Yuup. The whole albumn is amazing
KC Youre telling me!
ID One of my favorite bands
KC (4.10pm) One of mine too
ID I saw them a couple of months ago :)
KC (4.11pm) I know!!!!. Sevendust is my all-time fave

This song was also her Myspace song, but I don't know the dates for that. Maybe someone with her Myspace records can help with that one.

"Every Day Is Exactly The Same" lyrics:

[Every day is exactly the same
Every day is exactly the same
There is no love here and there is no pain
Every day is exactly the same

I can feel their eyes are watching
In case I lose myself again
Sometimes I think I'm happy here
Sometimes, yet I still pretend
I can't remember how this got started
But I can tell you exactly how it will end


I'm writing on a little piece of paper
I'm hoping someday you might find
Well I'll hide it behind something
They won't look behind

I'm still inside here
A little bit comes bleeding through
I wish this could have been any other way
But I just don't know, I don't know what else I can do


did anyone say this yet?

notice in her IM convo from 2008 she misspells "everyday" as one word, just like how she does in the front page of the diary.
Wishing you tons of luck. In this and all things. :) Was there ever a list of items bought with bad checks?

Yep, there were the actual receipts :)


  • Target 1760 Waterford Lakes-Terminal95-Transaction8514-08July08.doc
    220.5 KB · Views: 8
  • Target 1760 Waterford Lakes-Terminal78-Transaction9694-10July08.doc
    303.5 KB · Views: 5
  • Target 2032 Winter Park-Terminal78-Transaction3721-10July08.doc
    116 KB · Views: 6
HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM,,,,unless they can date the ink or determine that the notebook was not sold until after '03 we have ourselves another picadillo here........

I have found that diary entries can often read like the horoscope, applicable if you make them. I assume they will compare the entries before and after to see if they are relevant to current times or happenings in '03.
Hey, that made me wonder or theorize another unprovable possibility --- maybe she got it as a gift for Christmas 2002; planned to start it on new year's day '03 and that's why the inside cover is inscribed with that number. Then she either didn't or later removed pages to start anew. I just can't get around that page and no others have been released, at least so far.

Good theory. I can't get around no other pages being released, either, and I can't get around not being able to locate it online. It's driving me mad. SOMEONE had to make/publish it, right??:confused:
did anyone say this yet?

notice in her IM convo from 2008 she misspells "everyday" as one word, just like how she does in the front page of the diary.


Nice catch!
HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM,,,,unless they can date the ink or determine that the notebook was not sold until after '03 we have ourselves another picadillo here........

I have found that diary entries can often read like the horoscope, applicable if you make them. I assume they will compare the entries before and after to see if they are relevant to current times or happenings in '03.

True but as others pointed out, this is too similar to her Diary of Days, written not long after the allleged journal date, to likely be a coincidence.
I'm one of those people who will buy a journal, write in it for a couple of days, and then start using it for scratch paper for doodles or doing math or just jotting down grocery items or something. Then I tear those pages out because they detract from the aesthetics of the journal.

Then I usually put the journal on the bookshelf. The journals I currently have all look brand new, even though I've had them for a few years. A lot of my books look brand new because of how I store them.

ETA: I came here a couple days ago initially to say that '03 and '08 can look a lot alike, so don't despair if it looks like '03. But then I saw the picture and concluded, with disappointment, that it was written in '03.

I don't think Cindy wrote the '03 in there. I think she would have just burned or shredded the page if she was trying to cover up a confession. I also don't think Casey put the '03 in there to mislead anyone. I just honestly think it was written in '03.
More than likely she stole from a store or purchased with one of Amy's checks. Has anyone checked through the Target tapes to see if perhaps she purchased it there? I'll go through them now. Maybe some luck ???

Nope, no journal...but a lot of lingerie, beer and cherries!

I looked through so many google images of journals/diaries my eyes are throbbing :shocked2: I'm beginning to think she picked it up at a dollar store. Didn't she mention to Amy in a text that she had found a dollar store to shop at--that it was cheap? I imagine on no income she frequented those kinds of stores. It may also have been a gift. The art work looks very similar to that of Sally Huss or Laurel Burch. I have looked through all of their stuff and couldn't find the same print though. I have attached a link to Sally Huss below. The photo above is an example of Laurel Burch.
did anyone say this yet?

notice in her IM convo from 2008 she misspells "everyday" as one word, just like how she does in the front page of the diary.

:confused: that's not incorrect grammar/spelling... :waitasec:
Having searched a little for the journal (unsuccessfully, I might add :banghead:), I offer the following two observations:

  1. Most of the journals one can buy on the market today were published before June, 2003. Thus, if the journal publication date does turn out to be older than that date, we still cannot rule it out as being a recent purchase. If the publication date is later than that, then the evidentiary value increases greatly.
  2. I have yet to find a journal that has that photo slot on the front. So maybe it was sold by a specialty store like a Hallmark?
I can't get over the disconnect between the two (or more) sets of handwriting. The diary being a period of lucidity while the known recent examples are jumbled and crowded.
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