Casey's Diary Entry for June 21st & Missing Pages #1

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And of course it could just be that its SO OLD as in 6 years old that its just come away from the spine !

:p just saying ;) :) lol
the more i look at it, the more i wonder if its a glue strip.

i hate glued bindings. why? because i like things to lie perfectly flat.
its how i systematically ruin every paperback that crosses my flattening the spine with the side of my thumb nail every page. this weakens the binding on regular books, as well as leave weird little nail polish streaks on random pages in my books.

when i buy a journal, the first thing i do is open it up and pull the facing (blank) page away from the lined page, breaking that glue, so it will spread flat from the spine, NOT with that stupid inch-wide fold like it would if I left that first-page-glue intact.

so every first page of a journal i own looks crappy and ragged.
this usually causes me to rip out that page.

im really starting to think thats what the deal is with that book.
although, it doesnt really prove or disprove if its 03 or 08.
The journal page entry w which the State chose to fuel the media frenzy and further inflame the public this time is simply **advertiser censored* date (any date beyond the 15th will do... :rolleyes:) during the month of **advertiser censored* June (nevermind it appears to be the June five years prior...). Every year has a June, and most diaries from any given year will also likely include this month... Are we to believe there were five years of pages removed...? :rolleyes:

Never have I seen a worse case of the State trying, quite so obviously and vigorously, to use a rabid media to demonize a defendant. The bottom line is people who want KC stoned to death for the worst imaginable heinous coldblooded killing are determined, irrespective of fact, to interpret each new piece of info and shred of evidence in the most grotesque, gruesome, grisly and sinister light possible, projecting onto it every conceivable evil connotation. A lynchmob and witchhunt all rolled into one. I'll defer judgment until trial when we hear from an ink expert w test results. No one can any longer lend a voice of reason to "Caylee" threads anyway, so great is the thirst for blood. JMO


I agree with you a 100%
If Casey started the diary in 03 and didn't keep it up she may have found it in a drawer and decided to write down her thoughts after Caylee was murdered. I can see her tearing out the pages that she started in 03 if that was the case. That is what I would do. I wonder where LE found it in her room?

I would like to know what was written after she wrote the one page about "doing the right thing." By reading what was written after that page it should be easy to tell what year it was. I hope the diary is sent to a lab so they can check the writing and the ink and when the diary was sold in stores.
I think at this stage it's purely speculative to say when exactly this entry was written but I think that it is provocative enough of a find to include as evidence and test. Again, there is no definitive date on the page the entry was written so we can't say looking at it right now, yes, this was written in June 2008, but what is evident is that the date '03 is not on the same page, so it just cannot be proven this was written in 2003 either. In my opinion, just by looking at this photograph it is just as challenging to prove the entry is several years old as it is to prove it was written last year. But ink dating analysis would be intriguing for sure!

On another note, it's pretty pathetic that all Baez can say in defense is that it couldn't have been written in 2008 because there is an '03 on the title page of the diary. He shouldn't have even addressed it. Her defense team needs to know when not to open their mouths, imo.

I agree to both points. The images they released have no definitive evidence of when it was written. But no investigator could ignore something this potentially suggestive.
& yes Baez often has a problem of talking when it would be better if he kept his mouth shut. He is so not ready for prime time.
From looking at the page more close up, I believe "Sieze the day" and "Every Day is a New beggining" were written with different pens. The color is a bit more pink in "Carpe Diem Sieze the day " etc. I can post pictures if anyone would like
I agree with you a 100%

Originally Posted by kiki the parrot View Post
The journal page entry w which the State chose to fuel the media frenzy and further inflame the public this time is simply **advertiser censored* date (any date beyond the 15th will do... ) during the month of **advertiser censored* June (nevermind it appears to be the June five years prior...). Every year has a June, and most diaries from any given year will also likely include this month... Are we to believe there were five years of pages removed...?

Never have I seen a worse case of the State trying, quite so obviously and vigorously, to use a rabid media to demonize a defendant. The bottom line is people who want KC stoned to death for the worst imaginable heinous coldblooded killing are determined, irrespective of fact, to interpret each new piece of info and shred of evidence in the most grotesque, gruesome, grisly and sinister light possible, projecting onto it every conceivable evil connotation. A lynchmob and witchhunt all rolled into one. I'll defer judgment until trial when we hear from an ink expert w test results. No one can any longer lend a voice of reason to "Caylee" threads anyway, so great is the thirst for blood. JMO

Well you have to give the prosectution their dues, its working isnt it ?

Seriously peoples do you not think that just *possibly* there are quite a few red herrings .....Quite a few little photos that have NO Bearing to Caylees death At all ?

But heck it sure makes it LOOK that way doesnt it

Personaly I believe that looking outside the square is a good place to be
I've been scouring the Laurel Burch notebooks/journals and they are oh-so-close, but not the same. I'm thinking it is a knockoff? The photo insert on KC's is not lined up properly. In other words, in a higher end (ie, more expensive) journal, I would think (hope) that they would do a better job of making the photo sleeve match up with the background graphics. Does that make any sense at all?

I think you're right it is probably a knock off but with all of the potential forensic evidence they can get from the journal they should be able to date it fairly accurately.

Well you have to give the prosectution their dues, its working isnt it ?

Seriously peoples do you not think that just *possibly* there are quite a few red herrings .....Quite a few little photos that have NO Bearing to Caylees death At all ?

But heck it sure makes it LOOK that way doesnt it

Personaly I believe that looking outside the square is a good place to be

If the diary was written in 2003, the diary will soon go the way of the Disney dress. If the journal page was written in 2008 (verified by the ink), Casey has as good as confessed. Putting in the wrong date will make her look even more aware of her guilt. LE has to check it out.

The photographs aren't to mislead or for drama. They are just pictures of what is (or might be) evidence. If something went to a lab, they have to list it and take pics.

This was only 500 pages of the 1,100. And there is more coming after the 1,100.

We've still got lots to go.

As for intentionally making the case look bad for Casey, how do you make duct tape over Caylee's mouth going up into her hair look good? Casey wrote the journal, dumped the body, drove around with a smelly car and neglected to mention Caylee's demise. LE has to document what they find and hand the info over to the defense. Which means it also goes to the press.

You may be totally correct with what you wrote. I can't dispute your reasoning but would like to give you a few other things to consider. I've already posted a lot on the points you raise, especially why, possibly, this page still exists. Indigo and others have pointed out the similarities between this writing and the Diary of Days. This could have been like a rough draft, the similarities are so striking. We therefore know these are the types of thoughts she was having around this time frame because of the digital diary. Such a huge secret for a 22 year old to have to keep; it's very possible she told the secret to her diary because she could trust no one else, as she mentioned in Diary of Days. Interesting name for the digital entry, as well, possibly giving a secret or subconscious hat tip to the diary entry as the inspiration.

I haven't heard the journal was in a box in her room. That could be persuasive. One of the reasons I hold out hope it was 2008 is because of it's alleged location in her bedside table. It could have gotten there many ways; CA cleaning out her car, etc.

The officer may have had instructions to seize any journals and that is quite likely, imo, but so far, this is the only journal page that was photographed and provided in discovery.

As I posted within the last few days, I've raised three daughters so far. I couldn't imagine them using the phrase 'ends justifies the means' in their journals. Of course, they are very unlike KC and it's quite possible KC did think like that as a jr. in HS. (If you go back and find that previous post you'll see I used it as an opportunity to mention my girls got academic scholarships and are in honors society. Kind of like I just did here. Gosh I love repeating that!!) :)

I totally cannot keep up with the threads here!
Lin, you make some good points . I can imagine a person who killed feeling she can't tell anyone this awful secret but still having an urge to let it out somehow and writing about it in a non-specific way in an old journal.

I don't see the fact that LE chose to photograph this as that significant. These words combined with June 21 are so provocative that, despite the '03 on the facing page, I'd think an investigator would not pass it up if there's any chance it might be from 2008.

if the documents say the journal was in the drawer, then I was mistaken . I'm afraid I had just repeated what I heard from someone else about it being in a box. I should have checked that in the documents . Sorry.

IMO questions like "would a high school junior have written something like this" and "would a high school junior have handwriting like this?" are too generalized to be significant at determining if an individual may have written something when she was 16. One would need to have other example's of that individual's writing at that age. There's a broad range of teenage writing style, handwriting, etc. I know teens that have neater writing than mine, and neater than Casey's here. And the concept of "the end justifying the means" is one I think many teenagers would have heard mentioned or discussed.

I looked back at the Diary of Days free verse collection of clichés/Desiderata-lite. I guess I will have to look for the posts that point out the similarities because I don't find them to be extremely striking. The Diary of Days has nothing I see that corresponds to the ends justifying the means.
They both include the idea of trusting oneself. but the journal entry seems ambivalent in that area. The poem doesn't have the nagging uncertainty of the journal entry, though one interpretation of "What is given can be taken away" from the DofD may be a similar idea to the journal's "I am finally happy, let's just hope that it doesn't change."

I did'n't mean at all to convey that I thought it impossible this is from 2008.
What we have been shown in this picture is not definitive one way or the other. But the fact that they did not release anything (like subsequent pages or report of ink analysis ) that would give greater weight to it being 2008 makes me a bit skeptical whether any such evidence exists. And I feel rather resentful of the media (both mainstream and non-mainstream) for their deceptive reporting of this as proof of her state of mind in 2008 .

Hey congrats on your daughters' academic success & scholarships! Are they National Merit Scholars? I had one of those scholarships and while it didn't pay for all my college tuition, it was at least a 4 year scholarship, something I didn't have to pay back, and it helped.
They would have to prove some dramatic event in her life around June 21st in any of the last five years other than in 2008.
The journal page entry w which the State chose to fuel the media frenzy and further inflame the public this time is simply **advertiser censored* date (any date beyond the 15th will do... ) during the month of **advertiser censored* June (nevermind it appears to be the June five years prior...). Every year has a June, and most diaries from any given year will also likely include this month... Are we to believe there were five years of pages removed...?

Never have I seen a worse case of the State trying, quite so obviously and vigorously, to use a rabid media to demonize a defendant. The bottom line is people who want KC stoned to death for the worst imaginable heinous coldblooded killing are determined, irrespective of fact, to interpret each new piece of info and shred of evidence in the most grotesque, gruesome, grisly and sinister light possible, projecting onto it every conceivable evil connotation. A lynchmob and witchhunt all rolled into one. I'll defer judgment until trial when we hear from an ink expert w test results. No one can any longer lend a voice of reason to "Caylee" threads anyway, so great is the thirst for blood. JMO

I just can't fault the SA here.

Never have *I* seen a case where the defendant does so little to help herself. Pretending to (and failing badly) to help the investigation, lying when the truth would sound better, failing to hire competent lead counsel, taking her family through the most horrific turmoil imaginable, showing inappropriate emotion, being the picture of narcissim, and dumping the body of her little girl not just like trash, but with trash.

The Sunshine laws certainly haven't helped her, but the defense and KC herself has done an abominable job with their counter PR. The way the media has been in a lather over this story, there would be no lack of opportunity to get KC's story out there. The problem? She doesn't have one! You know the rest of the defense team is in a frenzy right now, because they know their client is guilty as hell and KC is cooperating with them just as well as she cooperated with LE. They're likely desperate to get a non- NDI defense out there and KC is still all "I dropped her off with Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez, along with a laundry bag of her things, a pack of stickers, and the duct tape she had asked to borrow. She said she had a leaky pipe..."

It's laughable, and the evidence is all but tap-dancing to a song about her undeniable guilt. I've followed a lot of cases over the years, but never have I seen such a weak attempt at a counter-argument.

The SA was required to release all this to the defense, and the State of Florida was bound by law to release it. Where is the defense statement about the journal? Has there been one? I may have missed it. But neither you or I or Zanny know when that entry was written, and it's very possible LE does. And we can't accuse them of demonizing her unless it's known she's not a demon.

I see pages missing. I thought so before; the nice blowups of the ink helped. A journal can be one of those things you get for Christmas one year and put in a drawer until which time you think you need one. I think the stuff on the cover was written in '03--the misspelling, etc. I don't think the red pen means anything--I'm a bit nuts that way--if I started something way back with a red pen, I'd use a red pen again because it looks better. Even if no one else reads it.

I'm don't mean to put my own nuttiness on KC though. Lord knows she has enough of her own.
The journal page entry w which the State chose to fuel the media frenzy and further inflame the public this time is simply **advertiser censored* date (any date beyond the 15th will do... :rolleyes:) during the month of **advertiser censored* June (nevermind it appears to be the June five years prior...). Every year has a June, and most diaries from any given year will also likely include this month... Are we to believe there were five years of pages removed...? :rolleyes:

Never have I seen a worse case of the State trying, quite so obviously and vigorously, to use a rabid media to demonize a defendant. The bottom line is people who want KC stoned to death for the worst imaginable heinous coldblooded killing are determined, irrespective of fact, to interpret each new piece of info and shred of evidence in the most grotesque, gruesome, grisly and sinister light possible, projecting onto it every conceivable evil connotation. A lynchmob and witchhunt all rolled into one. I'll defer judgment until trial when we hear from an ink expert w test results. No one can any longer lend a voice of reason to "Caylee" threads anyway, so great is the thirst for blood. JMO

Kiki with all due respect your not making much a case for lack of objectivity on the part of LE ,the prosecution or the posters in this forum when you have continually demonstrated nothing short of shrill and utter denial regarding ANYTHING that indicates Casey's guilt.
Your own lack of objectivity is glaring.
Forensics may be able to lift writing indentaions on the '03 side of the page, especially since it is a hard cover side. Much like when you run the side of a pencil on a blank page to reveal the previous page's writing. I see something there!

I have no idea how forensics does this but I'm sure it will be tested on this!

If this has already been discussed in this thread I apologize, I just couldn't read all 41 pages!
Well you have to give the prosectution their dues, its working isnt it ?

Seriously peoples do you not think that just *possibly* there are quite a few red herrings .....Quite a few little photos that have NO Bearing to Caylees death At all ?

But heck it sure makes it LOOK that way doesnt it

Personaly I believe that looking outside the square is a good place to be

I think it's very likely that there are many evidentiary avenues that are pursued and then abandoned for whatever reasons. I highly doubt the SA chose this photo to release to inflame the public all the while certain it has no probative value.

Even it was their habit to do so, well, there's really no point now, is there? Kind of like 'mission accomplished' months ago. Long before this last FOIA release JB described his client as the most hated person in the US. I don't see the SA on tv regularly discussing the case and/or evidence, do you?
If the diary was written in 2003, the diary will soon go the way of the Disney dress. If the journal page was written in 2008 (verified by the ink), Casey has as good as confessed. Putting in the wrong date will make her look even more aware of her guilt. LE has to check it out.

The photographs aren't to mislead or for drama. They are just pictures of what is (or might be) evidence. If something went to a lab, they have to list it and take pics.

This was only 500 pages of the 1,100. And there is more coming after the 1,100.

We've still got lots to go.

As for intentionally making the case look bad for Casey, how do you make duct tape over Caylee's mouth going up into her hair look good? Casey wrote the journal, dumped the body, drove around with a smelly car and neglected to mention Caylee's demise. LE has to document what they find and hand the info over to the defense. Which means it also goes to the press.


I honestly do not know what to think about the journal. '03 in the left hand corner could mean anything. The fact that pages are torn out worries me a lot. This should not be submitted into evidence unless prosecution can PROVE when the entry was written. I've heard hand writing experts can determine if Casey was "older" on June 21 than the original '03 date on the left hand side. The trial could spend at least two weeks on experts about handwriting analysis, etc.

Not a good idea. Much more overwhelming evidence.
I honestly do not know what to think about the journal. '03 in the left hand corner could mean anything. The fact that pages are torn out worries me a lot. This should not be submitted into evidence unless prosecution can PROVE when the entry was written. I've heard hand writing experts can determine if Casey was "older" on June 21 than the original '03 date on the left hand side. The trial could spend at least two weeks on experts about handwriting analysis, etc.

Not a good idea. Much more overwhelming evidence.

I have viewed handwriting analysis with a fair degree of skepticism, even before the "Hitler Diaries" fiasco.

I have viewed handwriting analysis with a fair degree of skepticism, even before the "Hitler Diaries" fiasco.
So much for a "confession". Happiest she's ever been? All that is conjecture and means nothing. If I were LE I would let that one go. We have no idea what she was happy about.
Bumping again, here's another example, where you can see red ink underneath the June 21st page. Robyn623, thank you so much for blowing these photos up! :blowkiss:

maybe someone has said this but to me it looks like that little bit of red ink is from the scrap of a torn page BEFOFE the June 21st page. I am not seeing what you mean about it being underneath it. To me it looks like a few pages are torn out before that page. Not many.
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