Casey's Diary Entry for June 21st & Missing Pages #2

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WELCOME!!!! and you're right, she does use the same decorative type writing in her jailhouse cookie letters.

I do hope they put some kind of handwriting expert on the stand to show some kind of relevance.!!
Nice find!

The relevance is that Casey is emotionally, intellectually, and mentally still 13 years old.

And I'm being generous.
Respectfully snipped
O/T (Apologize in advance)
Arrested development. Happens to people that spend a lot of their live in jail too. I would think KC displays this because of her psychological problems, and never having to grow up since CA did everything for her.

I stated a long time ago after we first saw this so-called diary of Casey's that it wasn't her handwriting. I stand by that. We have all seen Casey's writing in her jail letters now and no way, IMO, that Casey wrote that.

So then who wrote it? I think Cindy did. Why? I cannot begin to understand why or know the reason why she would do such a thing.

This is just my own opinion.

ETA: I also do think that the entries were written after Caylee was killed regardless of the date written in.
I stated a long time ago after we first saw this so-called diary of Casey's that it wasn't her handwriting. I stand by that. We have all seen Casey's writing in her jail letters now and no way, IMO, that Casey wrote that.

So then who wrote it? I think Cindy did. Why? I cannot begin to understand why or know the reason why she would do such a thing.

This is just my own opinion.

ETA: I also do think that the entries were written after Caylee was killed regardless of the date written in.

Just to clarify, you believe CA wrote the year, the motto, or the content of the diary page? Or all three?
I stated a long time ago after we first saw this so-called diary of Casey's that it wasn't her handwriting. I stand by that. We have all seen Casey's writing in her jail letters now and no way, IMO, that Casey wrote that.

So then who wrote it? I think Cindy did. Why? I cannot begin to understand why or know the reason why she would do such a thing.

This is just my own opinion.

ETA: I also do think that the entries were written after Caylee was killed regardless of the date written in.

I am confused by this. What reason would Cindy have for forging a diary entry? No, that was Casey, and she tried to change her handwriting in those letters so it wouldn't match the diary entry. Only Casey would be stupid enough to write a diary entry like that. Cindy has spent far too much time trying to cover her Casey. Forging a diary entry just doesn't fit with her campaign for Casey's innocence.

Look at this first page..COOKIE is written the same way as the diary. I do believe someone tore out the first pages, and I also believe, it was CA who put that '03 date on the previous page, to cover for her felonious child.

Everything that is written in that diary pertains to Caylee's demise, IMO...I truly hope the State had the handwritting analysed along with aging of the ink...I honestly believe ICA put her thoughts down after Caylee's death. She made the right decision???

I have no regrets, just a bit worried. I just want for everything to work out okay.

I completely trust my own judgement & know that I made the right decision. I just hope that the end justifies the means.

I just want to know what the future will hold for me. I guess I will soon see -- This is the happiest that I have been in a very long time.

I hope that my happiness will continue to grow -- I've made new friends that I really like. I've surrounded myself with good people -- I am finally happy. Let's just hope that it doesn't change.

IMO, this goes to consciouness of guilt. She knows she'll have to account for Caylee but in her mind, she did the right thing, for her...she doesn't know what the future holds, she knows she'll get arrested does that end justify her means...

ICA is a maligant narcisis and this was all for her to rationalize what she did to Caylee...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I am confused by this. What reason would Cindy have for forging a diary entry? No, that was Casey, and she tried to change her handwriting in those letters so it wouldn't match the diary entry. Only Casey would be stupid enough to write a diary entry like that. Cindy has spent far too much time trying to cover her Casey. Forging a diary entry just doesn't fit with her campaign for Casey's innocence.

Aedrys, not the entry, just the '03 on the opposite page. I too believe CA found it, could have put that '03 to cover for ICA...

Did ICA rip out the previous pages since the journal was half used? Then used it to put down her thoughts about Caylee's demise and her judgement in doing the right thing? I believe that's what happened here...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Aedrys, not the entry, just the '03 on the opposite page. I too believe CA found it, could have put that '03 to cover for ICA...

Did ICA rip out the previous pages since the journal was half used? Then used it to put down her thoughts about Caylee's demise and her judgement in doing the right thing? I believe that's what happened here...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

Oh okay. Well that makes sense then. Tear out the pages and write '03 to make that entry look older. But why not tear out that entry as well? Why leave it and forge a date? That has stumped me for a long time. But maybe she didn't have time to rip out that page? Maybe she had to turn it in as it was, so there was only time to forge the year? It could be like you say, livelaughluv. Still stumps me.

And how stupid of CA anyway. Technology can easily tell the age of ink today. If she did that, that has to be one of the dumbest things she has done this entire case.
Has the prosecution retrieved the book from Brad Conway? Last I heard, he had it in safe keeping, and the police weren't interested in it.

I hope they did test the ink! But we've seen no reports showing they have :(
Aedrys, not the entry, just the '03 on the opposite page. I too believe CA found it, could have put that '03 to cover for ICA...

Did ICA rip out the previous pages since the journal was half used? Then used it to put down her thoughts about Caylee's demise and her judgement in doing the right thing? I believe that's what happened here...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

But it looks to be the same pen...unless she kept the same pen by the diary?
Has the prosecution retrieved the book from Brad Conway? Last I heard, he had it in safe keeping, and the police weren't interested in it.

I hope they did test the ink! But we've seen no reports showing they have :(

I know we saw because of a doc dump. I thought for sure they got that book because I remember a big to do about it. But you're right, no reports of testing the ink has been released. Shoot, if they didn't get it, surely it's "lost" now, especially since Conway isn't the Anthony's attorney anymore.
Hello.. haven't read the whole thread, so forgive me if this has already been mentioned. Maybe KC had an abortion back in '03 & that is what the diary entry is about? TBH I lean more to it being written in '08, but it's just an idea. What do you guys & gals think?
Why do people think this was written in 2008? Does it really make sense that she would fill in a diary at home while popping in and out to steal groceries and petrol? I know it would be juicy if she really did, but I think the date is pretty clear. Sorry guys, but disagree that this diary has any relevance to the case. Looks like the SA doesn't think it does either.
Why do people think this was written in 2008? Does it really make sense that she would fill in a diary at home while popping in and out to steal groceries and petrol? I know it would be juicy if she really did, but I think the date is pretty clear. Sorry guys, but disagree that this diary has any relevance to the case. Looks like the SA doesn't think it does either.

I think the reason is that the wording of the entry goes along so well with what was going on with KC at the time (providing you believe she is the one that murdered Caylee). Although I'm one of the people who leans toward it being written in '08, I'll be the first to admit I could definitely be wrong. That's why I still try to come up with ideas about what she could have been referring to back in '03.
Well it SOUNDS like it does, but it could relate to almost anything....the breaking up of a friendship, for instance, or is 2003 around the time she DIDN'T graduate? It's OK we can agree to disagree on this one .. :)
Hello.. haven't read the whole thread, so forgive me if this has already been mentioned. Maybe KC had an abortion back in '03 & that is what the diary entry is about? TBH I lean more to it being written in '08, but it's just an idea. What do you guys & gals think?

it certainly fits doesn't it?.................
Well it SOUNDS like it does, but it could relate to almost anything....the breaking up of a friendship, for instance, or is 2003 around the time she DIDN'T graduate? It's OK we can agree to disagree on this one .. :)

You're exactly right, it could be anything. And, I wouldn't go so far as to say we totally disagree. I lean towards it being penned in '08, but I'm not completely sure. KWIM? I'm pretty open-minded about things. ;)

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