Casey's Diary Entry for June 21st & Missing Pages #2

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I dunno, I may be one of those skeptical ones, but I can't shake the feeling that the diary page was written on June 21, 2008, not 2003.

This is the diary:


These are a couple of snips from the letters written by KC to Robyn Adams which were released in the recent December 17 discovery:

Page 1:

Page 24:

Notice the way she adds the heavy dots to "decorate" her writing. I kinda think that if she had written the diary in 2003, she might have outgrown her childish writing by 2010 (or 2009, based on when the letters were written). If she had written the diary in 2008, the difference in years is only two years rather than the seven (or six) it would have been if the diary was written in 2003.

I realize it is possible for her to have legitimately written that particular writing style in 2003 and again in 2009/2010. I guess I am going to have to stay flexible on this one. But my gut just tells me it was written in 2008. However, my gut has been wrong before.... :)

ETA: I certainly hope the investigators tested the ink to see if they could date it... or even the book itself.
I dunno, I may be one of those skeptical ones, but I can't shake the feeling that the diary page was written on June 21, 2008, not 2003.

This is the diary:


These are a couple of snips from the letters written by KC to Robyn Adams which were released in the recent December 17 discovery:

Page 1:

Page 24:

Notice the way she adds the heavy dots to "decorate" her writing. I kinda think that if she had written the diary in 2003, she might have outgrown her childish writing by 2010 (or 2009, based on when the letters were written). If she had written the diary in 2008, the difference in years is only two years rather than the seven (or six) it would have been if the diary was written in 2003.

I realize it is possible for her to have legitimately written that particular writing style in 2003 and again in 2009/2010. I guess I am going to have to stay flexible on this one. But my gut just tells me it was written in 2008. However, my gut has been wrong before.... :)

ETA: I certainly hope the investigators tested the ink to see if they could date it... or even the book itself.


I was going to point out that in most of the letters ICA has written while incarcerated, she tends to PRINT rather than use Cursive (hand writing). I am a few years older than ICA and they were still teaching Cursive writing to us in Elementary school but I honestly NEVER got a good handle on it and almost NEVER use it, unless im writing my cleaning lady a fancy Christmas check! I much prefer to print in plain old letters and it's much faster for me. I find that folks like my mother's age and my grandmothers Age tend to use writing as that is what they were really forced to learn and write with. In fact, now a days, most kids dont even know what a Pen or Pencil is... Typing is far more affective... Veering off course here.

What I guess I'm trying to say is that the Diary entry marked June 21 doesn't seem like ICA to me. The left side of the page does for sure with all the girly swirlies. Casey is Definitely a doodler. I think like many folks, ICA got herself a new journal and started it and even possibly used it for a while and then forgot about it. It wouldnt surprise me if the first page on the left IS infact from 03. Arrested Development and all, ICA doesnt really seem like she matured since high school. So it's not a stretch to me that she is STILL writing with this goofy girly hand doodles MANY years later. And Red ink is Red ink is Red ink. Specially from where I'm sitting trying to look at these pics online and with no specialized analysis programs at my disposal. (not that I'm at all an expert). So really I can't speak for anything other than the Cursive. Do we have ANY other letters that WE KNOW ICA has WRITTEN in cursive? Everything I recall has been printed.

Oh.. I forgot to mention

I find the right hand June 21st Journal entry to be EXTREMELY and SUSPICIOUSLY Vague. There is soooo little that is tangible and concrete. When a person writes a diary entry, isn't it supposed to be personal.. This seems almost.. intentionally vague.
Why do people think this was written in 2008? Does it really make sense that she would fill in a diary at home while popping in and out to steal groceries and petrol? I know it would be juicy if she really did, but I think the date is pretty clear. Sorry guys, but disagree that this diary has any relevance to the case. Looks like the SA doesn't think it does either.

You know, I never thought of this. You make a lot of sense. thank you.
I think it was written '08 because of a few things:

1. The '03 is only on the LEFT HAND page. That one might have been written in '03. It does kind of match with the RIGHT HAND page, but as you'll see, I don't think they go together.
2. The tone. I don't know about you, but the RIGHT HAND page doesn't sound like something I would have written in my junior year of high school. Maybe when I graduated and was going off to college - but Casey never graduated, never went off to college. What in the world would have her being so introspective in high school when she didn't graduate and wasn't heading off to college at all? There was nothing big going on around that time of her life, that we know of, that would cause the kind of writing on the RIGHT HAND page. But Killing Caylee, and getting a new, Caylee free life - that would cause to her write what is on the RIGHT HAND page.
3. Tone again - The LEFT HAND page is definitely high school, or at least something a girl would write upon getting a new diary. Notice how many pages are missing between the LEFT HAND page and the RIGHT HAND page. I'm thinking she had this diary since '03, kept a pink pen with it, and only wrote in it sparingly. Five years is a long time to have one diary unless you don't write much in it. Casey doesn't strike me as the kind of girl who writes novel length diaries. I'm not totally sure about this one, but I'm giving the fact that '03 is in the corner the benefit of the doubt.
4. It looks to me like she got rid of the middle of the diary in case her mother ever found it. I'm sure she wrote about her sexcapades and stuff like that. Can't have mom stumbling on that and finding out her innocent little girl isn't innocent at all. The first and last page were vague enough that she thought it could be applied to anything, so she left them there - plus, if she did write that RIGHT HAND page in '08, she definitely was not going to get rid of it.
5. The timing. The RIGHT HAND page date is June 21 - that would be what, five or six days after Caylee's death, around the time she dumped Caylee for good, right? That would be the perfect time for her to be thinking she got away with what she did and contemplating, without the distraction of Caylee's body, for the first time about life without Caylee. It fits perfectly in the timeline of what happened to Caylee. That can't be a coincidence.
6. Timing again - why on earth would she write an entry like that in the summer of '03? I can see maybe writing something like that because of stuff happening during the school year, but it seems odd and out of place to write something like that when school is out for the summer. And it doesn't make sense that she'd meet a new group of people just weeks after school let out. It's not like she went to camp or anything like that that we know of.

To me, the RIGHT HAND page screams '08, after Caylee was dead and dumped. The LEFT HAND page could be from '03, or it could be from '08 - that one I'm not so sure about. But I'm certain about the RIGHT HAND page.
Well it SOUNDS like it does, but it could relate to almost anything....the breaking up of a friendship, for instance, or is 2003 around the time she DIDN'T graduate? It's OK we can agree to disagree on this one .. :)

iirc, she was supposed to Graduate in 2004

IF it was written on June 21 2003..she wrote it when school was already closed for the summer between her Junior and Senior year.
Also the righthand side of the page the writing appears to be convincing herself that she did the right thing. What could be so earth-shattering that she needed to comfort herself with that writing? This tone in her message speaks lifestyle changes. I made a decision that others may not agree with but I'm okay with it, type of affirmation. Just too weird for a 17 year old.

And if this were written in 2008 it was only a few months that KC started writing to her pal, Cookie, in jail and not a couple of years so it is possible it was written in 2008. Just can't prove it. jmo
I think it was written '08 because of a few things:

1. The '03 is only on the LEFT HAND page. That one might have been written in '03. It does kind of match with the RIGHT HAND page, but as you'll see, I don't think they go together.
2. The tone. I don't know about you, but the RIGHT HAND page doesn't sound like something I would have written in my junior year of high school. Maybe when I graduated and was going off to college - but Casey never graduated, never went off to college. What in the world would have her being so introspective in high school when she didn't graduate and wasn't heading off to college at all? There was nothing big going on around that time of her life, that we know of, that would cause the kind of writing on the RIGHT HAND page. But Killing Caylee, and getting a new, Caylee free life - that would cause to her write what is on the RIGHT HAND page.
3. Tone again - The LEFT HAND page is definitely high school, or at least something a girl would write upon getting a new diary. Notice how many pages are missing between the LEFT HAND page and the RIGHT HAND page. I'm thinking she had this diary since '03, kept a pink pen with it, and only wrote in it sparingly. Five years is a long time to have one diary unless you don't write much in it. Casey doesn't strike me as the kind of girl who writes novel length diaries. I'm not totally sure about this one, but I'm giving the fact that '03 is in the corner the benefit of the doubt.
4. It looks to me like she got rid of the middle of the diary in case her mother ever found it. I'm sure she wrote about her sexcapades and stuff like that. Can't have mom stumbling on that and finding out her innocent little girl isn't innocent at all. The first and last page were vague enough that she thought it could be applied to anything, so she left them there - plus, if she did write that RIGHT HAND page in '08, she definitely was not going to get rid of it.
5. The timing. The RIGHT HAND page date is June 21 - that would be what, five or six days after Caylee's death, around the time she dumped Caylee for good, right? That would be the perfect time for her to be thinking she got away with what she did and contemplating, without the distraction of Caylee's body, for the first time about life without Caylee. It fits perfectly in the timeline of what happened to Caylee. That can't be a coincidence.
6. Timing again - why on earth would she write an entry like that in the summer of '03? I can see maybe writing something like that because of stuff happening during the school year, but it seems odd and out of place to write something like that when school is out for the summer. And it doesn't make sense that she'd meet a new group of people just weeks after school let out. It's not like she went to camp or anything like that that we know of.

To me, the RIGHT HAND page screams '08, after Caylee was dead and dumped. The LEFT HAND page could be from '03, or it could be from '08 - that one I'm not so sure about. But I'm certain about the RIGHT HAND page.

Y'know, I haven't paid a whole lot of attention to this one because of all the other evidence popping up all over the place.

BUT, I do agree with you, and to me it seems logical that she, being a sociopath, would be incredibly excited and happy she was finally free of Caylee and was getting on with her "exciting" life. She was busting to tell someone - we know she constantly blabs about everything - but she couldn't tell anyone. She knew she couldn't tell anyone, because apparently society thinks what she did was a bad thing.

But ICA was over the moon with happiness at her freedom - she had to tell "someone" - why not dear diary??? IMO And I think she was non-specific on purpose - lots of snoops in her house y'know - can't be too descriptive with her own jolly little secret...
According to Hinky, Casey spent the entire day of June 21 at TonE's apartment:

"21/22 – KC is at TL’s apartment all weekend. MKi asks where Caylee is and KC tells her she is at the beach. KC adds 23 photos of her at Fusion to her myspace page.

21 – 9:30 am Anthony home leaves voicemail on KC’s cell.
9:30 am KC calls voicemail.
10:23 am KC calls TL, 20 minute conversation.
10:56 am Anthony home leaves voicemail on KC’s cell.
10:56 am KC calls voicemail.
11:11 am KC calls Anthony home, 1 minute duration.
12:40 pm KC calls AH, 7 minute duration.
4:52 pm Anthony home leaves voicemail on KC’s cell.
4:52 pm KC calls voicemail.
4:53 pm KC calls AH, 2 minute duration.
4:57 pm KC calls Anthony home, 4 minute duration.
5:01 pm KC calls AH, 4 minute duration.
8:19 pm KC calls Anthony home, 1 minute duration.
8:57 pm KC calls TL, 1 minute duration.
10:15 pm TL calls KC, 6 minute duration.
11:32 pm JG calls KC, 3 minute duration.

From ping map produced by Websleuths here for KC’s cell phone activity on 06/21/08, KC appears to have spent the entire day at TL’s apartment."

I find it hard to believe that Casey wrote this drivel in her diary while she was at TonE's place and then returned the diary to the Anthony house, where it could be found by Cindy.
I can see her sitting at Tony's a few days after she killed Caylee thinking it was a good thing and wanting to share it, but couldn't. She tears out pages before her new life in case Tony finds it so he won't know how childish and slutty she has been.
I wonder if this is the only page in it ? Any entries after the 21st ?
Then when Lee picks up her stuff Tony has it all packed up with her other stuff and brings it home where Cindy puts it in her room ?
It could have been in the car when G&C cleaned it out ?
According to Hinky, Casey spent the entire day of June 21 at TonE's apartment:

"21/22 – KC is at TL’s apartment all weekend. MKi asks where Caylee is and KC tells her she is at the beach. KC adds 23 photos of her at Fusion to her myspace page.

21 – 9:30 am Anthony home leaves voicemail on KC’s cell.
9:30 am KC calls voicemail.
10:23 am KC calls TL, 20 minute conversation.
10:56 am Anthony home leaves voicemail on KC’s cell.
10:56 am KC calls voicemail.
11:11 am KC calls Anthony home, 1 minute duration.
12:40 pm KC calls AH, 7 minute duration.
4:52 pm Anthony home leaves voicemail on KC’s cell.
4:52 pm KC calls voicemail.
4:53 pm KC calls AH, 2 minute duration.
4:57 pm KC calls Anthony home, 4 minute duration.
5:01 pm KC calls AH, 4 minute duration.
8:19 pm KC calls Anthony home, 1 minute duration.
8:57 pm KC calls TL, 1 minute duration.
10:15 pm TL calls KC, 6 minute duration.
11:32 pm JG calls KC, 3 minute duration.

From ping map produced by Websleuths here for KC’s cell phone activity on 06/21/08, KC appears to have spent the entire day at TL’s apartment."

I find it hard to believe that Casey wrote this drivel in her diary while she was at TonE's place and then returned the diary to the Anthony house, where it could be found by Cindy.

I don't. She had time to be on the phone that many times AND uploaded twenty three pictures. That one page wouldn't take long to write. I can totally see her writing it at Tony's. She'd be far more comfortable and introspective there, away from her mother and at someplace where she thinks she's already starting a new life. And I agree with what chakti said about how it got back to the Anthony home:

I can see her sitting at Tony's a few days after she killed Caylee thinking it was a good thing and wanting to share it, but couldn't. She tears out pages before her new life in case Tony finds it so he won't know how childish and slutty she has been.
I wonder if this is the only page in it ? Any entries after the 21st ?
Then when Lee picks up her stuff Tony has it all packed up with her other stuff and brings it home where Cindy puts it in her room ?
It could have been in the car when G&C cleaned it out ?

Besides, she had a chunk of time between 11:11 and 12:40, and 12:40 and 4:52. That leaves a lot of time to write if she wanted to. You know, if Tony wasn't home and she wasn't doing other things...
I just went back and counted how many words were on that page.
Like 105 including all her I's .
We all write that much here in a matter of seconds.
I don't. She had time to be on the phone that many times AND uploaded twenty three pictures. That one page wouldn't take long to write. I can totally see her writing it at Tony's. She'd be far more comfortable and introspective there, away from her mother and at someplace where she thinks she's already starting a new life. And I agree with what chakti said about how it got back to the Anthony home:

Besides, she had a chunk of time between 11:11 and 12:40, and 12:40 and 4:52. That leaves a lot of time to write if she wanted to. You know, if Tony wasn't home and she wasn't doing other things...

I agree! Remember the account of CA dumping kc's bag out at home? Could easily have been in there -- or in the car. I don't see how it's so hard to believe she may have written in her diary while at Tony's. Tony recalled a time he woke in the middle of the night to kc watching a video of Caylee and crying. Yes, it is feasable she wrote a page or two in her diary.

Her handwriting would have changed between the age of 17 and 24, IMO.
OK .. so why did she put '03 in the top corner then?

But doesn't it seem strange that the 03 is on there at all when the opposite page just has June 21. And if it was a diary why tear out the pages. Unless they were also dated December of '04, March 17, '07. This would clearly point away from 2003. This page is something very powerful in her life indicated by what she is saying. Almost a rite of passage in a way. jmo
When I kept a diary I would only put the year in when it changed and put in the date only for daily entries, so she updated it the same way I used to. On the tearing out pages, I also did that a lot, like if I updated a page and messed it up I might tear the page out and start again, I would also tear out pages if I had written something I didn't like, just as a form of general editing.

Are there any entries that we know of after this page?
According to Hinky, Casey spent the entire day of June 21 at TonE's apartment:

"21/22 – KC is at TL’s apartment all weekend. MKi asks where Caylee is and KC tells her she is at the beach. KC adds 23 photos of her at Fusion to her myspace page.

21 – 9:30 am Anthony home leaves voicemail on KC’s cell.
9:30 am KC calls voicemail.
10:23 am KC calls TL, 20 minute conversation.
10:56 am Anthony home leaves voicemail on KC’s cell.
10:56 am KC calls voicemail.
11:11 am KC calls Anthony home, 1 minute duration.
12:40 pm KC calls AH, 7 minute duration.
4:52 pm Anthony home leaves voicemail on KC’s cell.
4:52 pm KC calls voicemail.
4:53 pm KC calls AH, 2 minute duration.
4:57 pm KC calls Anthony home, 4 minute duration.
5:01 pm KC calls AH, 4 minute duration.
8:19 pm KC calls Anthony home, 1 minute duration.
8:57 pm KC calls TL, 1 minute duration.
10:15 pm TL calls KC, 6 minute duration.
11:32 pm JG calls KC, 3 minute duration.

From ping map produced by Websleuths here for KC’s cell phone activity on 06/21/08, KC appears to have spent the entire day at TL’s apartment."

I find it hard to believe that Casey wrote this drivel in her diary while she was at TonE's place and then returned the diary to the Anthony house, where it could be found by Cindy.

Yah, me too - but you trust ICA to write an exact date? Really? Any idea what she was doing on the evening of the 20th? I think she needed to write down her little happy secret....

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