Casey's Diary Entry for June 21st & Missing Pages #2

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I tend to doubt that Cindy would keep the journal if she found it and thought it incriminating, and would instead destroy it if she thought LE would ever search the home and find it. Cindy would need a heckuva reason for keeping the journal rather than destroying it, and then writing that '03 to throw off an investigator just in case they had a reason to search the home in the future.

Instead, I believe KC wrote that '03 for some yet unknown reason. And again, I doubt it would be to throw off an investigation. I don't see her as thinking that far ahead, that the diary might be found and might be used to incriminate her. Why '03 and not '07 or '02?

Instead of a year, what other things could the '03 signify? A month perhaps, such as the month of March when the chloroform searches took place. :waitasec:

JWG, I posted on the previous page how someone pointed out it could mean number of days since she "hadn't seen her daughter"... We all know how detailed KC is with weird numbers etc... but then I said it contradicts Caylee being murdered on the 16th, which I believe she was.
If, (as has been opined above) this was a stocking stuffer of Christmas 04 and it was written around New Years '05 - that would put us right in the timing of Caylee's birth in Aug '05? (IIRC). I remember getting new journals as a pre-teen and teen and I would usually write in them right away, and then forget about them soon after that. This would make sense to me that she was writing the ghost writing soon after getting pregnant with Caylee (doubtful that she even knew it at the time - since she still didn't know @ Uncle Rick's wedding) and she was discussing her latest 'achievements' with ther decisions about the 2 guys mentioned in the ghost writing, as her first entry. I do think that what we are seeing in the ghost writing is the beginning of Caylee's little life (as far as KC's world goes) and the ending of Caylee's life (in KC's world). No remorse for this little child - just brand new beginnings for her (with both entries).

Respectfully Quoted wenwe :cool2:

I like your theory about it being a stocking stuffer. Something that Cindy was aware of and knew had been given to Casey to write in during the time she had Caylee. Or Cindy knew Casey had been writing in there since Caylee. I had never had too much of an opinion regarding this subject until now.

Now, I think the page about not having regrets is from June 21st 2008. A WSers said they could see Casey sitting at Tony's apartment and writing that and so can I. That is exactly where she would write it, in her new world with her new friends after having made her decision to kill Caylee. It had been five days, almost a week(!)and Casey was "just a little bit worried" but feeling good. So good, in fact, she went to get a tattoo to express the joy of her new life.

The ghost writing shows me that this journal was used for a while before June 21st because she speaks of other boyfriends. Obviously, pages were torn out and I do believe this is a notebook from the time Caylee was born to the few days after her death. I think this notebook was with Casey at Tony's and was one of the things brought back by Lee. In Lee's statement(s)to LE he says that on July 15th he was speaking to Casey in while in her room. That Casey was sitting on the bed, that Cindy after overhearing Casey state that Caylee had been kidnapped-came into the room and (paraphrased)"punched/put her fist into the bed and said, 'why didn't you tell us this 31 days ago? we could have been looking for her.' Which makes me think the bed was cleared off in a normal manner. The pictures taken by LE show a bed no one would be sitting on because of all the stuff. I think it was some of the stuff Lee brought back and was "dumped" on Casey's bed.

I do think the '03 looks different than the "seize the day" part. That part looks just like Casey wrote it upon receiving the notebook and began to write in it(but those pages are ripped out). I think Cindy did tamper with the notebook, she put the '03 there to show it was a old notebook(?). I'm not stuck on knowing what Cindy was thinking, except to say it is possible she over thinks things and is less clever than she may believe. I think Casey was the one who ripped out the previous pages at Tony's, as you said because she was starting a new chapter. Cindy saw the notebook and didn't "dare?" rip out pages(lots of fingerprints?)but grabbed a red pen and put the date(it IS the date of when Casey GOT the diary, Cindy tells herself-and if she couldn't remember exactly what year and put '03 when it was '04-well that is not important because Casey didn't kill Caylee anyway)on the page above what Casey had written in red.

Ghost writing in Casey's journal

that this isn't the best for me.
My I'm
but it's best right now
xxxxxxxxxxx and its something for me for now.
I feel a lot better about my decision now that
Kenneth and I worked things out

Marcus has been nothing short of perfect
the past few days. He's known just how to
cheer me up. He is definitely a great guy
and potential boyfriend material. I'm glad
that I am getting

IMO, the ghost writing was done Christmas '04. Not trying to sleuth a non-poi, but, IMO, Kenneth is very possibly Caylee's father (or so kc thought). I'm thinking she decided against abortion and then worked things out with him, which made her feel better about her decision. Maybe things didn't end up working out, hence her decision to hide her pregnancy.
Ok, so this diary was there and available to Cindy unknown to anyone else until LE photographed it in Dec 08, right? If Cindy felt there was any hint of incriminating evidence written in it there is no way LE would have ever seen it. If she did want to hang on to it for whatever reason she could have put it in a bank safety deposit box, given it to someone to hold on to. But to just leave it in Casey's room? That doesn't sound like the Cindy we have all grown to "love"
I agree that the '03 on the diary and CA's 3 in her written statement look similar. I wouldn't put it past CA to have written it to thwart almost makes menlaugh to think about CA's statement that she read through all ICA's journals to find info but found nothing.....yet this journal entry was ominous even before Caylee's fate was discovered. Yet another "red flag" CA failed to see.........or yet another lie on CA's part????
I tend to doubt that Cindy would keep the journal if she found it and thought it incriminating, and would instead destroy it if she thought LE would ever search the home and find it. Cindy would need a heckuva reason for keeping the journal rather than destroying it, and then writing that '03 to throw off an investigator just in case they had a reason to search the home in the future.

Instead, I believe KC wrote that '03 for some yet unknown reason. And again, I doubt it would be to throw off an investigation. I don't see her as thinking that far ahead, that the diary might be found and might be used to incriminate her. Why '03 and not '07 or '02?

Instead of a year, what other things could the '03 signify? A month perhaps, such as the month of March when the chloroform searches took place. :waitasec:

I found this interview on the Today show from July 21, 2008
@ 2:40 Kerry Sanders states that Cindy has gone over and over Casey's journal and has found nothing. Sanders also states that officials are looking into also.
I do find it perplexing that Cindy supposedly has this journal back then and doesn't do anything with it or try to manipulate her findings to cover for her daughter. mo

Actually none of this makes any sense to me now that I've had time to think about it. There are some missing pieces to this puzzle...:waitasec:

In JUNE and early July '08...CA was doing everything in her power to find Casey. Sending Lee to scope bars for her, posting MySpace msgs, calling "Zanny's" fake phone number and other friends, etc... I don't believe for one minute that she didn't go through every drawer in Casey's room looking for hints, particularly that diary. She knew Casey liked to write and journal. I think she did find it during that 31 days.

I could understand that THE entry might not make much sense to her or appear to be incriminating BEFORE July 16th. However, once she smelled the decomp in the Pontiac, brought Casey home, made three 911 calls and had cops at her house 24/7.....well, at some point during the following few days, she was bound to have thought about that entry and it suddenly had to make sense.

So, basically what I am saying is - Cindy had some time between July 16th and Dec. 11 to destroy that diary and LE would have never known. Why she didn't do that is beyond me. Actually, I am shocked it was still there when LE searched right after the discovery of Caylee's remains. This is the same woman that took pride in giving LE the wrong hairbrush for DNA sampling. Why would she leave this diary where it could easily be found? Why not destroy it between 7/16/08 and 12/11/08?

The only thing that could make sense is that CA didn't find it. I just find that hard to believe. Considering how frantic she was during that time, I just don't buy that she didn't rip that house apart, particulary Casey's room, looking for clues.
I meant for my post to say it makes "me laugh" not it makes "menlaugh" well maybe it does, but it makes me laugh - and I couldn't get it to let me edit my post......oopsie.....:waitasec:
Actually none of this makes any sense to me now that I've had time to think about it. There are some missing pieces to this puzzle...:waitasec:

In JUNE and early July '08...CA was doing everything in her power to find Casey. Sending Lee to scope bars for her, posting MySpace msgs, calling "Zanny's" fake phone number and other friends, etc... I don't believe for one minute that she didn't go through every drawer in Casey's room looking for hints, particularly that diary. She knew Casey liked to write and journal. I think she did find it during that 31 days.

I could understand that THE entry might not make much sense to her or appear to be incriminating BEFORE July 16th. However, once she smelled the decomp in the Pontiac, brought Casey home, made three 911 calls and had cops at her house 24/7.....well, at some point during the following few days, she was bound to have thought about that entry and it suddenly had to make sense.

So, basically what I am saying is - Cindy had some time between July 16th and Dec. 11 to destroy that diary and LE would have never known. Why she didn't do that is beyond me. Actually, I am shocked it was still there when LE searched right after the discovery of Caylee's remains. This is the same woman that took pride in giving LE the wrong hairbrush for DNA sampling. Why would she leave this diary where it could easily be found? Why not destroy it between 7/16/08 and 12/11/08?

The only thing that could make sense is that CA didn't find it. I just find that hard to believe. Considering how frantic she was during that time, I just don't buy that she didn't rip that house apart, particulary Casey's room, looking for clues.

Maybe she did not put the 03 there. Maybe KC did when she was out on bond. They say sometimes a killer will keep something that reminds them and makes them feel good about what they've done. That would certainly fit. She could have put the 03 there just in case LE ever searched. I think CA would have burned those papers in the barbeque. Which, by-the-way, is probably where the other pages went.

Also if there was a written image on the back of the supposed cover page it was not the original cover page. There were sheets before or how else would that impression have shown up on the 03 page??? jmo
Actually none of this makes any sense to me now that I've had time to think about it. There are some missing pieces to this puzzle...:waitasec:

In JUNE and early July '08...CA was doing everything in her power to find Casey. Sending Lee to scope bars for her, posting MySpace msgs, calling "Zanny's" fake phone number and other friends, etc... I don't believe for one minute that she didn't go through every drawer in Casey's room looking for hints, particularly that diary. She knew Casey liked to write and journal. I think she did find it during that 31 days.

I could understand that THE entry might not make much sense to her or appear to be incriminating BEFORE July 16th. However, once she smelled the decomp in the Pontiac, brought Casey home, made three 911 calls and had cops at her house 24/7.....well, at some point during the following few days, she was bound to have thought about that entry and it suddenly had to make sense.

So, basically what I am saying is - Cindy had some time between July 16th and Dec. 11 to destroy that diary and LE would have never known. Why she didn't do that is beyond me. Actually, I am shocked it was still there when LE searched right after the discovery of Caylee's remains. This is the same woman that took pride in giving LE the wrong hairbrush for DNA sampling. Why would she leave this diary where it could easily be found? Why not destroy it between 7/16/08 and 12/11/08?

The only thing that could make sense is that CA didn't find it. I just find that hard to believe. Considering how frantic she was during that time, I just don't buy that she didn't rip that house apart, particulary Casey's room, looking for clues.

...what you say about CA finding the journal with that 31 days is very very interesting (as usual Beach :blowkiss:)

IF......ICA wrote the '03 entry on the journal......perhaps THAT is why CA did not hide it from LE...perhaps it fooled CA....:shush:

or....... perhaps the same arrogance in CA that wanted to give LE the dog's toothbrush, felt LE would not pay attention to the journal with '03 on it, - which explains why she kept it.
Actually none of this makes any sense to me now that I've had time to think about it. There are some missing pieces to this puzzle...:waitasec:

The only thing that could make sense is that CA didn't find it. I just find that hard to believe. Considering how frantic she was during that time, I just don't buy that she didn't rip that house apart, particulary Casey's room, looking for clues.


Great point. Why wouldn't Cindy find it?????
Perhaps because KC had it with her?
Perhaps it was brought back by Lee in the bag retrieved from Tony's apt?
Perhaps Cindy got it before KC?

Perhaps Zanny wrote in the diary not KC?

Lot's to consider. As Cindy seems to suffer from verbal diarrhea....her comments about nothing relevant in the diary could be more telling.
Maybe she did not put the 03 there. Maybe KC did when she was out on bond. They say sometimes a killer will keep something that reminds them and makes them feel good about what they've done. That would certainly fit. She could have put the 03 there just in case LE ever searched. I think CA would have burned those papers in the barbeque. Which, by-the-way, is probably where the other pages went.

Also if there was a written image on the back of the supposed cover page it was not the original cover page. There were sheets before or how else would that impression have shown up on the 03 page??? jmo

re BBM:

Could you elaborate Lambchop? I think what you are saying is the impression on the '03 page does not match the writing on the back side of the first page following it? Indicating that there were prior pages removed? (I am assuming the '03 was written on the inside cover of the journal - maybe that is where I am wrong?)

Great point. Why wouldn't cindy find it?????
Perhaps because kc had it with her?
Perhaps it was brought back by lee in the bag retrieved from tony's apt?
Perhaps cindy got it before kc?

Perhaps zanny wrote in the diary not kc?

Lot's to consider. as cindy seems to suffer from verbal diarrhea....her comments about nothing relevant in the diary could be more telling.

bbm: Ita.
Maybe she did not put the 03 there. Maybe KC did when she was out on bond. They say sometimes a killer will keep something that reminds them and makes them feel good about what they've done. That would certainly fit. She could have put the 03 there just in case LE ever searched. I think CA would have burned those papers in the barbeque. Which, by-the-way, is probably where the other pages went.

Also if there was a written image on the back of the supposed cover page it was not the original cover page. There were sheets before or how else would that impression have shown up on the 03 page??? jmo


This makes sense, LambChop.

And, either as Sots suggested, the diary wasn't at the home during the time we have been assuming it was OR...and hang with me would be typical of CA to not destroy it because she knew Casey would be coming home and be irate that it was missing. God knows, if you're CA, ya never do anything to PO the princess.
re BBM:

Could you elaborate Lambchop? I think what you are saying is the impression on the '03 page does not match the writing on the back side of the first page following it? Indicating that there were prior pages removed? (I am assuming the '03 was written on the inside cover of the journal - maybe that is where I am wrong?)

Okay, let me see if I can explain. When you write on page 1 and leave an impression (which we always do) it shows up on page 2 and/or page 4 as a reverse text when you view it from a photograph. So page 2 had the 03 on it so it was not the cover (I think) it was just a page. Because nothing was on the back of the "cover page" it had to be page 4 or more. KC had written in the journal prior to that "cover page". In the report they translated what was written. I mean how many pages could she have written before the 03 page when the book was not released until 2004??????
PotatoHead on THM suggested this was journal #3 in a series, right around the same time I was going to post the same thing here. Beat me to the punch. :doh:

The Carpe Diem page appears to be the first page in the journal based on evidence photographs we have seen, so having the first page marked in that fashion sorta makes sense.

Then it appears that one or more pages were removed between that page and the June 21 page. The FBI found indented writing on the Carpe Diem page from those missing pages. This writing read:

together and
our relationship has now taken
a different course, however, not
hing has changed. Of course
I like him, I'm just scared
that this isn't the best for me.
my I'm
but it's best right now
XXXXXXX and it's
something for me for now. I feel
a lot better about my decision
now that Kenneth and I worked
things out
Marcus has been nothing
short of perfect the past few
days. He's known just how to
cheer me up. He is definitely
a great guy and potential
boyfriend material. I'm glad
that I am getting
Because it was written on pages torn between the Carpe Diem entry and the June 21 entry, I would presume that it was written later than the Carpe Diem entry but before the June 21 entry. Given what was written on the removed pages, does it put June 21 into a more clear context?
-I have no regrets, just a bit worried. I just want for every-thing to work out okay. I completely trust my own judgement & know that I made the right decision. I just hope that the end justifies the means. I just want to know what the future will hold for me. I guess I will soon see.

-This is the happiest that I have been in a very long time. I hope that my happiness will continue to grow.

-I've made new friends that I really like. I've surrounded myself with good people.

-I am finally happy, let's just hope that it doesn't change.
Could KC be describing her feelings towards breaking up with someone? :waitasec:
BTW... One Marcus is Colonial HS class or 2004 (KC's class) and two Kenneths in class of 2003.
Yeah, but I still don't understand why she felt the need to indicate "'03".....Why write a year before she even could have had possession of the diary?? :waitasec:

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