Casey's "Emotional Breakdown" per the docs

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hold the phone ... i just saw this ...

ok i'm only letting you away with that coz it's so damn funny

You did set yourself up there, Pixie. And laughter is good medicine. Ergo - picking on you is good for your flu.

My first thought was that Casey was just conning Annie into getting some xanax or other medication. Maybe a few, just for sympathy. But, to tell Annie that she felt "crazy" was odd, and then to immediately get over it. Who knows. I do think that Casey has symptoms of mental illness from things that have been reported by friends. Unusually high energy, constant talking, not sleeping much, never wanting to be alone, irritable, easily upset,stealing, lying, sexual promiscuity, and possibly even psychosis at time with the accusing others of things they never even did. The reported jealousy of Cindy was abnormal and more than just being spiteful IMO. Some people can have mostly mania and there is another bipolar disorder that shows up as only mania that is manageable. I forgot the name of it, but read that it's thought to be inherited. One generation might have full blown bipolar and the next generation will have the mild form, and so on.

Annie kinda concerns me. Why did she go over Casey's (sleeping over and everything) when she was out on bail? Kinda strange if ya ask me.
I knew a girl once who KC reminds me a little bit of --- the cutesy lovey friendly BFF friendship and then, the lies and stealing!

If KC had gone postal crazy immediately I would think she were just like this girl (who would have).... meaning, not a sociopath but definitely narcissistic/histrionic...but she didn't. so I think the breakdown was fake and the pregnancy was fake. for attention. and when she got it she was all, oh, nevermind, I am fine now.

I think she definitly has "anti-social" traits. And she likes to make things up for attention. I don't believe a word that comes out of her mouth.. or her mothers.
Annie kinda concerns me. Why did she go over Casey's (sleeping over and everything) when she was out on bail? Kinda strange if ya ask me.
I thought so too, not the best time for a slumber party...
The above is my post in totality. And it's going based off my own experiences with familial interactions with bi-polar sufferers. Yes there were cycles, but the manic episodes lasted much longer than the depressive stages. Perhaps this is just a difference as we certainly can't say every sufferer goes through the exact same up/down cycle consistently. One thing that was obvious to everyone was that they really and truly couldn't help what they were doing on their own. This was all before being diagnosed and properly treated.

Considering the theories of Casey rarely being held responsible for her actions, I do believe there is more of a disconnect than most people who suffer from bi-polar disorder might feel. Part of any persons feeling guilty or having remorse might simply be because they were taught you should have either or both given a situation. As has been said before it seems that Casey was never held responsible for her actions and therefore brought us to where we are today.

Early intervention is key, otherwise these disorders only grow worse and manifest into something that no one knows what to do with. There were signs all along the way that this girl needed help.

I didn't mean to offend you, I don't want to get off on the wrong foot. But I do believe there is more than just psychopathy going on here.

No, no, you didn't offend me.. and who cares if you did LOL- you have a right to your opinion, I'm just very vocal! :blowkiss:

ETA- ITA that there is much more than "psychopathy" going on here.
Annie kinda concerns me. Why did she go over Casey's (sleeping over and everything) when she was out on bail? Kinda strange if ya ask me.

if i were annie, i'd go over in the hope of finding out wth had really happened.
maybe thats why we never seem to get her interview. maybe she gleaned something, after all she's known casey forever.

or maybe it's just the fever talking :waitasec:

You did set yourself up there, Pixie. And laughter is good medicine. Ergo - picking on you is good for your flu.


maybe so, but the force is strong with me ...


yes, that's right, I'M YODA!
OLG, (in case you look back here) i'm not bipolar but like everyone else i do get depressed from time to time. thinking about it, i tend to keep phone calls short and only make them when necessary and dont spend much time on the computer when i'm, for whatever reason, low.
would i be right or wrong in thinking that if casey were bipolar, even though she texts like she's on a mission, were she at the depressive point in her cycle we'd see her cell and computer activity drop like a brick?
wouldn't she just .. not feel like she could be bothered?
would a bipolar in a depressive phase keep texting, calling, playing on myspace and clubing?

bipolar depressions are rough. it's like can't get out of bed depression from my understanding. I don't believe anyone felt KC was like that ever....
i know this isn't a popular opinion on this thread, but it's mine and i'm sticking to it.
i don't think there is anything mentally wrong w/ casey aside from the sodding obvious - sociopathy, stupidity, and the ever present 'LOOK AT MEEEEE!!!!!!!' disorder she clearly suffers from!
casey anthony murdered her child and it didn't cause her to have a breakdown.
casey anthony drove around w/ the stench of her own baby's body decomposing in the trunk of her car, breathing it in and out, and it didn't cause her to have a breakdown.
casey anthony was in a house surrounded by people 24/7 screaming 'baby killer', hot for her blood and it didn't cause her to have a breakdown.
casey anthony was indicted for killing her own little girl, arrested and jailed and it didn't cause her to have a breakdown.
i don't believe for a nanosecond that a miscarriage would cause her to have a breakdown. i'm very aware of the effects of a miscarriage as i suffered several of them, including twins and even i, w/ all the emotions she lacks, didn't have a breakdown, nor did i feel compelled to murder a tiny child b/c i had suffered a miscarriage.
the upside of being a sociopath and therefore w/o any depth of emotion is that this also includes depression. they don't get depressed, they get the blues... then 8 or 9 minutes pass and they think of something else and cheer up. that's why being imprisoned, as so many have noticed, has had little to zero effect on miss bubbly personality 2009, let alone a breakdown.
i don't even believe she had a miscarriage never mind a breakdown.
i believe she said she had a miscarriage for attention and i believe she claimed to have a breakdown for attention.
this creature accused her own father and brother of indulging in incestuious behaviour towards her ... for attention (nothing more than the aforementioned 'LOOK AT MEEEEE!!!!!!! disorder)
in perspective - a miscarriage and a mild breakdown are pretty small fish as lies for attention go in caseyland.

incidentally i'm not one of those posters who believe she's bipolar either. bipolars seem to me to be very deep, creative, sensitive and intelligent people.
hardly a description of casey.

i really don't want to argue w/ anyone (i've got the flu so if you bash me you're picking on a defenceless 5ft woman!) i just posted to get it off my last nerve, err i mean chest.

I've said it before but it bears repeating. KC does not and will not "break down". she Breaks other people down. she had three long time veteran LE officers exasperated and at wits end from trying to break her down.
if i were annie, i'd go over in the hope of finding out wth had really happened.
maybe thats why we never seem to get her interview. maybe she gleaned something, after all she's known casey forever.

or maybe it's just the fever talking :waitasec:

maybe so, but the force is strong with me ...


yes, that's right, I'M YODA!

my guess is that Annie is the girl who always had KC up on the "can do no wrong" pedestal. People like KC tend to have one or two weaker friends that almost worship the ground they walk on. There is a clear hierarchy to the relationship.
Looks like this was all recorded :)

Investigators arranged to videotape Casey Anthony's reaction in jail when she learned that a child's remains were found near her family's home, a source told WESH 2 News exclusively on Thursday.

Anthony doubled over twice and appeared to hyperventilate, according to the source who has seen the tape.

Investigators say the tape shows Anthony's consciousness of guilt, because it was days before the remains were identified as her daughter Caylee.

WESH 2 News reporter Bob Kealing reported Thursday that Casey Anthony was purposefully taken to a jail nurse's station in December and seated where she could see breaking news coverage on TV about the child's remains. A video camera documented her reaction, a source said.

It was more than a week before the remains were identified as Caylee, who was reported missing last July.

Casey Anthony is charged with first-degree murder in connection with Caylee's death. She is in Orange County Jail on no bond awaiting trial later this year.
I don't think her reaction indicates anything. I mean how many three year old little girls bodies were missing at that time. She's surely smart enough to assume it was caylee's body.

I just want to add on the whole miscarriage thing: I bet she never went to the doctors prenatally for casey, and she probably never saw a doctor if she was pregnant and lost a second baby. So it isn't going to make one iota of difference now. it's too late for her to claim post partum, because there's no proof of her pregnancy, unless it's on that stick they found, and she aint never going to admit it, if that was her test.
I don't think her reaction indicates anything. I mean how many three year old little girls bodies were missing at that time. She's surely smart enough to assume it was caylee's body.

that's true, but when it was reported that caylee's body may have been found during (i think) LP's search, she didn't bat an eyelid. like most people, i think she wasn't worried b/c she knew it wasn't caylee coz she knew that was not where she'd left her.
her reaction indicates that this find was different - it was where she'd left her.
A couple witnesses interviewed mentioned that Casey said she thought she might need to be committed and she was going crazy and having an emtional breakdown in 2007.

No one seemed to take KC at face value once they realized that she was a habitual liar. I think this dovetailed off her "miscarriage"

Without turning into a crazy bashing thread, do any of you think there is any merit to KC's claims of losing it? or was this another attnetion seeking device? Do her claims tie into anything substantial we have revealed about her life at that time? Did this lead into possible murder of her daughter?

I am sorry I do not have the link to the 2 interviews that this was mentioned in. Perhaps someone could help me out with that?

I do believe that KC has multiple emotional/psychological disorders. Whether they rise to the level of mental illness is for the experts to decide.

Let me say that I find her particular "affect" in light of the circumstances, to be the most puzzling and abnormal I think I've ever seen. She is a hate provoking individual. Nothing about her compels compassion or sympathy or understanding, rather she evokes real hatred with her pretentious attitude and misuse of language.

I think she has psychological disorders that may well rise to the level of mental illness. Bi-polar disorder could explain her intense fear and impulsive desire to be in an institution, the "feeling crazy" that is common among many who have it. Also common is the "leave it alone" phase, when a bandaid is applied to the emotional wound. Until, that is, the next wound is inflicted.

Her father implied that his sister suffers from depression and he worried that "something was wrong" with KC. I read that in one of his interviews. KC's compulsive lying, her petty thievery, her affectations, her alleged promiscuity, all suggest serious deep rooted mental anguish. Often, people with severe bi-polar, especially if they're cycling rapidly, feel crazy one minute and like a super star the next.

I don't know....I think for a young girl to have done something like this for no apparent reason, with no evident warning to anyone...she is sicker than we can appreciate. We see the hateful little b*tch who did an unspeakable thing to her beautiful child. We cannot comprehend how or why. I bet she cannot understand she denies completely and thoroughly. She made up a tale for the rest to accept or not and it seems as though she's going to stick to it.

I wonder, if someone had taken her seriously, this would have happened. What a shame for Caylee no one did.
I don't believe Casey Anthony had a miscarriage. I think this was just another one of her histrionic attention-seeking lies which she chose to deploy at a party. I recall Amy H. (who, like Casey's other friends expressed serious doubt about whether she had actually miscarried) saying that Casey ran away from the party crying and people had to go look for her. This was, IMO a classic show-stopping lie engineered to garner immediate sympathy and paint another (the alleged father) in a negative light. How exciting!

Casey lied about her dad's "stroke;" she lied about her child's "abduction;" she lied about Jesse G.'s "paternity;" she lied about her "job;" she lied about her use of "other resources" to locate her "missing" daughter; she lied about her "nanny's" "car accident" and "injuries," she lied about Caylee and the "nanny's" adventures at Sea World; she lied about Cindy preparing to sign the A home over to her; she lied about her "planning certificate from Valencia," she lied about the "squirrel plastered to" her car; she lied about and fabricated the content of her final "phone call" from her murdered daughter; she even lied about being pregnant with Caylee. Casey's a liar. I also think she lied about her brother "touching her" and her father "abusing" her. Because-- Casey's a liar.

I'm also inclined to believe her purported "crazy" feelings and burgeoning "emotional breakdown" were probably more of the same attention-seeking histrionics. Or even debased escapist fantasies. It seems to me that when Casey's not lying, she's twisting and exaggerating circumstances to depict herself in the way she wishes to be viewed. Monday she's fragile and troubled and should probably just be institutionalized! and then Tuesday she doesn't want to talk about that anymore and has a new card to play.

If she wanted to be institutionalized, she should have checked herself into an institution. IMO Casey behaves the way she behaves because it works for her and it makes sense to her. It's finally stopped working for her, but I think her completely egocentric and impulse-driven outlook will probably always make sense to her. So it's good she's probably going to spend the rest of her life behind bars.
I don't believe Casey Anthony had a miscarriage. I think this was just another one of her histrionic attention-seeking lies which she chose to deploy at a party. I recall Amy H. (who, like Casey's other friends expressed serious doubt about whether she had actually miscarried) saying that Casey ran away from the party crying and people had to go look for her. This was, IMO a classic show-stopping lie engineered to garner immediate sympathy and paint another (the alleged father) in a negative light. How exciting!

Casey lied about her dad's "stroke;" she lied about her child's "abduction;" she lied about Jesse G.'s "paternity;" she lied about her "job;" she lied about her use of "other resources" to locate her "missing" daughter; she lied about her "nanny's" "car accident" and "injuries," she lied about Caylee and the "nanny's" adventures at Sea World; she lied about Cindy preparing to sign the A home over to her; she lied about her "planning certificate from Valencia," she lied about the "squirrel plastered to" her car; she lied about and fabricated the content of her final "phone call" from her murdered daughter; she even lied about being pregnant with Caylee. Casey's a liar. I also think she lied about her brother "touching her" and her father "abusing" her. Because-- Casey's a liar.

I'm also inclined to believe her purported "crazy" feelings and burgeoning "emotional breakdown" were probably more of the same attention-seeking histrionics. Or even debased escapist fantasies. It seems to me that when Casey's not lying, she's twisting and exaggerating circumstances to depict herself in the way she wishes to be viewed. Monday she's fragile and troubled and should probably just be institutionalized! and then Tuesday she doesn't want to talk about that anymore and has a new card to play.

If she wanted to be institutionalized, she should have checked herself into an institution. IMO Casey behaves the way she behaves because it works for her and it makes sense to her. It's finally stopped working for her, but I think her completely egocentric and impulse-driven outlook will probably always make sense to her. So it's good she's probably going to spend the rest of her life behind bars.

Amen, sistah!
bipolar depressions are rough. it's like can't get out of bed depression from my understanding. I don't believe anyone felt KC was like that ever....

I agree.. in my experience that's what my depressions have always been- as I described last night, "hubbed up in my bed".
We discussed the supposed miscarriage months ago. I thought it might be the basis of a post-partum depression insanity defense. Most everyone here shot that idea down.
We discussed the supposed miscarriage months ago. I thought it might be the basis of a post-partum depression insanity defense. Most everyone here shot that idea down.
The problem is Caylee was never a wanted pregnancy, Casey got away with "hiding" it for 7 months!:doh: And I don't think PPD would last for almost 3 years, besides we saw Casey wasn't depressed when she was partying!
Annie kinda concerns me. Why did she go over Casey's (sleeping over and everything) when she was out on bail? Kinda strange if ya ask me.

Yes, me too...especially since they were no longer BFF. Has me wondering. :confused:
i know this isn't a popular opinion on this thread, but it's mine and i'm sticking to it.
i don't think there is anything mentally wrong w/ casey aside from the sodding obvious - sociopathy, stupidity, and the ever present 'LOOK AT MEEEEE!!!!!!!' disorder she clearly suffers from!
casey anthony murdered her child and it didn't cause her to have a breakdown.
casey anthony drove around w/ the stench of her own baby's body decomposing in the trunk of her car, breathing it in and out, and it didn't cause her to have a breakdown.
casey anthony was in a house surrounded by people 24/7 screaming 'baby killer', hot for her blood and it didn't cause her to have a breakdown.
casey anthony was indicted for killing her own little girl, arrested and jailed and it didn't cause her to have a breakdown.
i don't believe for a nanosecond that a miscarriage would cause her to have a breakdown. i'm very aware of the effects of a miscarriage as i suffered several of them, including twins and even i, w/ all the emotions she lacks, didn't have a breakdown, nor did i feel compelled to murder a tiny child b/c i had suffered a miscarriage.
the upside of being a sociopath and therefore w/o any depth of emotion is that this also includes depression. they don't get depressed, they get the blues... then 8 or 9 minutes pass and they think of something else and cheer up. that's why being imprisoned, as so many have noticed, has had little to zero effect on miss bubbly personality 2009, let alone a breakdown.
i don't even believe she had a miscarriage never mind a breakdown.
i believe she said she had a miscarriage for attention and i believe she claimed to have a breakdown for attention.
this creature accused her own father and brother of indulging in incestuious behaviour towards her ... for attention (nothing more than the aforementioned 'LOOK AT MEEEEE!!!!!!! disorder)
in perspective - a miscarriage and a mild breakdown are pretty small fish as lies for attention go in caseyland.

incidentally i'm not one of those posters who believe she's bipolar either. bipolars seem to me to be very deep, creative, sensitive and intelligent people.
hardly a description of casey.

i really don't want to argue w/ anyone (i've got the flu so if you bash me you're picking on a defenceless 5ft woman!) i just posted to get it off my last nerve, err i mean chest.

Yeah, what she said!

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