Casey's Ghost Writer Breaks His Silence ...

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Indentured Cat Servant
Mar 13, 2010
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OK. IMO we're gonna need a thread to talk about this. heads-up for kindle readers: the book is not indexed and there is no search function; bookmark/highlight as you go, so you can find things later

wow. read this book. support this author. IMO the publication date was set to coincide with CM's book, to counteract and piggyback on CM's version of events. good move

from the book: CM's decision to come aboard only as second chair was a calculated move. as first chair, JB would be blamed if she was convicted. CM as second chair still benefited from the acquittal because it was well known that his experience outweighed JB's. Scotland and New Zealand have a third category of verdict: Not Proven. which makes clear that the jury does not view an acquitted defendant as innocent. (I'm all in favor of adding that to our system but will it happen? not in our lifetime)

from the book: there was a non-disclosure agreement. but a contract which serves to further the commission of a crime (bankruptcy fraud) is not legally binding

from the book: IMO CM is big-time infatuated with her. he describes her: she's tiny. her tiny hands are smaller than his big ol' paws. she's demure. he likes her rack (his exact term)

can't read any more tonight, it's getting late/early. bummer ...

MOD ETA: link to book at Amazon:
I guess I need to back off my negativity on the reasons for this book and embrace the enthusiasm my fellow WS friends have shown as they are reporting on the contents of it.
If this is the way that FCA will finally meet her downfall, bring it on.

Let the bells of Christmas ring here in July as a remembrance of Little Caylee Marie.
I guess I need to back off my negativity on the reasons for this book and embrace the enthusiasm my fellow WS friends have shown as they are reporting on the contents of it.
If this is the way that FCA will finally meet her downfall, bring it on.

Let the bells of Christmas ring here in July as a remembrance of Little Caylee Marie.
(I haven't posted for a long time, but I see only Watcher9 has thoughts like me, lol, and I want to give Watcher some comfort that he/she is not the only one) Watcher9, you aren't the only one who is questioning all of this. Why on earth would Cheney Mason, a seasoned, years-old attorney who has probably seen it all, let this author Rick Namey (1) enter into an agreement to Ghost Write this book, audiotape Mason and CA talking to Namey, tell Namey all kinds of things (apparently, I will not buy this book), and THEN, just say, "Oh well, no harm/no foul, you don't want to finish this book Namey, because you think CA now is responsible for the death because of the foolproof suffocation search? No worries Namey, just run along, keep all of our tapes and all the information we gave you about CA, we aren't worried at all what you'll do with it. After all, I've only been trying to recoup my $1,000,000 I lost representing CA Pro Bono, but, if you publish all of this stuff without our consent, we're good with it."

Really???? The person "Blaiss" who runs that boycott page is usually all over twitter with her boycott stuff, which is fine, but I cannot TELL you how many times she has had wrong information, misinformation, will run with something that turns out to be completely untrue. Her heart is in the right place but she seems very gullible to me. Now, I see others here are thinking whatever this guy is writing is good, but does anyone here really think Mason would let this go on?

What is Mason is somehow behind all of this? I saw that Namey's book just sitting over on Amazon when this first came out, ZERO reviews. Then, Mason tries to sell his book, but it appears they did not even print it before the publication date because it said the other day "books will ship within next 1 to 2 months". I would say they did not get many presales, if any, so they weren't going to do a print run of several hundred/thousand books. Then, all of a sudden Boycott Casey is doing all of this marketing for this Namey, from which Mason is probably indirectly getting some benefit (well, I'm sure he wrote about the Constitution a lot, which isn't that interesting to me, and I read he put the full 30 page Motion to get rid of Strickland all 30 pages are in his book, lol. Then, we have Mason throwing Baez under the bus, saying Mason and CA knew NOTHING about the George molestation coming out in the Opening. Where is JB to have his say on this. Are they ALL in on this in a backwards kind of way? Does Mason know that NOTHING will ever come of anything given to the BAnkruptcy Trustee? I know I am often a conspiracy theorist, but I see Hinky written all over this stuff.

I give this a thumbs down. I will admit I am wrong if proven wrong, but, I'll just have to sit back and wait and see.
and furthermore, I saw people ask Namey why didn't he take it to the bankruptcy trustee himself, he said he did and they just brushed him off, which I don't doubt. But then I saw he said on the "Boycott CA page" that "he isn't making any money off of this book, he is just doing it so he will have some money for the legal fees in case Mason sues him." Well, I've heard that kind of thing said before. I just don't buy it. I'm not totally saying Mason and Namey are in on this together, but, in my wildest dreams, I cannot imagine Cheney Mason, know-it-all attorney flipping off the world, just sitting back and letting this guy keep the audio tapes, Casey wrote the forward for this guy's book, I read it on the Amazon PREVIEW THIS BOOK link for Namey's book, how the heck does that happen without CA's consent? I have many more thoughts on this running through my head but don't want to put them all down here at the moment. Doesn't anyone else think something does not sound right about this? Mason has been trying to get CA to get her story/interview out for some time so he can recoup his $$ he lost, or so he says he lost so much pro bono, I also think he wants to give CA $$ so he can get her out of his hair and on her own. The thing I can't get past is, Why on Earth would Mason just let this guy run along, take out tapes, go ahead, we don't care what you do with them, we had complete 1000% trust in you Namey to audiotape us and since you aren't going to do the book now, just take our words on tape with you, we're good with that.
Or am I just too conspiracy-laden, lol. You can tell me !!!! I can take it if everyone thinks I'm out of my mind, lol!!
I've been silently following this all from the get-go. No comments since every time I read here, it's another punch in the gut. I've finally broken down and have Namey's book on my Kindle. Very fascinating read, if I take it in small doses.

Thanks to all here for keeping up the good fight. It's about time the good guys won. Let's hope that happens here and Ms. CA is forced to face the debt she's gotten herself into.
ETA....I wrote this post earlier, but didn't post it because of the negativity.(I'm still positive tho):smile:... I don't doubt the bankruptcy information, I think that's very credible. It makes sense when you match it up with everything we already know, the way he describes what CM did and said is right on, etc... But, there are still a lot of questions.. And thx for the thread gramcracker...

I went back and forth on whether or not to buy it, so far I haven't... It's more of a time thing for me and since we've been getting such good updates I decided to use my time last night sending emails/faxes instead... From what I've read, it seems the bankruptcy chapter is basically the story anyway. My biggest concern, and I hope you and/or anyone else reading it can answer this, is there anything concrete against fca? Like did ChMason ever relate any statements from fca in a way that would show she was contributing to the book? Did they ever actually come out and say fca was part author? Did ChMason ever come out and say "we have to keep fca's participation between us because of the bankruptcy..." etc...

It worries me because everything I've seen so far is very careful and incredibly manipulative wording. Just read fca's Foreword and you see how manipulative they are... We see wording like, "the possibility of fca telling her story with you", and all the allegations begin with ChMason (ChMason did this or ChMason said that) not fca... Now I'd love to see ChMason go down, but first and for most I want fca to pay for what she's done... And I have NO DOUBT whatsoever that Namey's telling the truth about the fraud allegations- but, ChMason is a bully, a liar, and manipulative like no one else I've seen, and I'm worried that if it comes down to semantics and not solid, matter of fact evidence against her this could possibly end bad...

If investigated, ChMason will say it was HIS book, HIS contract with Namey, not fca's - he'll show the Foreword and say fca didn't even know what was going in the book - he'll deny any actual deal with Keith Ablow if there's nothing in writing, etc...

And I know the Trustees haven't been interested in the past and have put very little effort into any of the previous reports of fraud, but I'm hoping against hopes there's something solid, there just has to be... I always prepare myself for the worst with this case, and I REALLY don't want to post this because it's so negative, but since I've almost posted it 3 times I guess I need to post it... :facepalm: I gotta know what you guys think about this and if there's something in that book that they can't talk their way out of...

All jmo.
and furthermore, I saw people ask Namey why didn't he take it to the bankruptcy trustee himself, he said he did and they just brushed him off, which I don't doubt. But then I saw he said on the "Boycott CA page" that "he isn't making any money off of this book, he is just doing it so he will have some money for the legal fees in case Mason sues him." Well, I've heard that kind of thing said before. I just don't buy it. I'm not totally saying Mason and Namey are in on this together, but, in my wildest dreams, I cannot imagine Cheney Mason, know-it-all attorney flipping off the world, just sitting back and letting this guy keep the audio tapes, Casey wrote the forward for this guy's book, I read it on the Amazon PREVIEW THIS BOOK link for Namey's book, how the heck does that happen without CA's consent? I have many more thoughts on this running through my head but don't want to put them all down here at the moment. Doesn't anyone else think something does not sound right about this? Mason has been trying to get CA to get her story/interview out for some time so he can recoup his $$ he lost, or so he says he lost so much pro bono, I also think he wants to give CA $$ so he can get her out of his hair and on her own. The thing I can't get past is, Why on Earth would Mason just let this guy run along, take out tapes, go ahead, we don't care what you do with them, we had complete 1000% trust in you Namey to audiotape us and since you aren't going to do the book now, just take our words on tape with you, we're good with that.
Or am I just too conspiracy-laden, lol. You can tell me !!!! I can take it if everyone thinks I'm out of my mind, lol!!
I don't think you're out of your mind!.. Imo, it just all seems to good to be true and I don't want to get my hopes up. But, I do think his accounts sound right on. Everything he says related to the bk fraud sounds credible to me. It jives. But, I do have lots of questions too! Do we know if anyone has heard the tapes? Anyone at all that can say they're legit? I saw on the boycott fca Facebook page that someone was planning on meeting with Namey to hear them, and haven't heard anything since???

All jmo.
I am not disparaging your doubts one bit. I had them myself until l read the book, and I very well could be wrong. but IMO there is too much recounted that dovetails perfectly with events as they happened

IMO CM/CA thought Namey was just like them, and, after all, he worked on the book project for two years. it's not like it was a hit-and-run relationship. it wasn't only the foolproof suffocation search that turned things around. his misgivings had grown over time as more and more details came out re the long con that is the BK fraud. Namey began to fear that he was abetting a federal crime, and because of that he realized that their signed contract is/was both invalid and illegal and he therefore had the ability to walk away. he quotes statutes from the FL bar code which demonstrate that CM's actions call for him to lose his license to practice law. their contract, with a 50/50 split (CM/Namey), is reproduced in the book

much of the two years was spent proposing deals that fell through: Simon & Schuster had put out the word that they wanted nothing to do with books by or about CA and the other major publishers fell into line. the big publishing houses feared a backlash from the public, such as a boycott of all of their titles/authors. much effort was also spent deciding which book to go with, CA's or CM's. when their lengthy research and many spurned overtures indicated that CA was publishing poison they went with the CM book. Namey never spoke with CA in person or by phone/email/whatever. CM was canny about keeping her in the background. but, occasionally, CM would be on the phone with CA in Namey's presence and CM would relay questions and answers between them. I would think that some of those occasions are on tape (I'll have to read it again because I set a new speed record the first time)

I cannot see CM being a party to something that makes him look SO bad, and that reveals such slimy, unethical, illegal actions. it is not a favorable portrait, by any means

how can CM stop this? how can he force the tapes to be turned over to him? by civil suit? which requires depositions? on one hand, I think Namey is shaking in his boots that CM will sue him but OTOH, that would entail depositions so I don't see it happening. CM/CA voluntarily decided to hire this writer, who it now appears has them over a barrel. why hasn't CM come out blasting this book? because he knows that his grand scheme is on record? close the civil matters, discharge the BK and then "Morgan will never see one dime." CM has been totally silent, AFAIK. that, IMO, is what is hinky. I think his silence "tells" his participation and his predicament

I hope this helps. and I do understand your doubts/misgivings. all we can do is wait and see. but it would be nice if something similar to Al Capone's tax fraud which sent him to prison (cited by Namey) turns out to be their downfall. federal crime : federal time

I'm looking forward to hearing what other readers think, because perhaps my opinion is skewed/too hasty
I read both of your posts. I'm going to read them again, I didn't want to forget what i forgot to say the first time.

(1) Who came to Who, i.e., did Namey come to Blaiss of Boycott? if that is the case, Namey picked the perfect Target to do his/their bidding. If someone just happened to find Namey's book on Amazon and started conversing with him, read it and said "Hey, isn't this Bankruptcy Fraud of CA going on here" ...... if he wasn't the one to come forward on this, that would be another story.

(2) I did read they had a non-compete or non-disclosure contract signed that Namey -- and I guess someone has researched this next part: is saying is null and void if Mason's actions go into bankruptcy fraud. Remember when all of CA's Bankruptcy Attorneys faded into the night? last hearing, they were not listed, and Mason is now acting as her only Bankrupcty attorney? Did something about this book thing (I don't want to call it a scheme outright, I'm just putting my thoughts out here) scare the other CA bankruptcy attorneys off? Ferdawa, or something was one. I can't remember their names off hand, but they all quit/disappeared? correct? wonder why? I find it odd.

(3) If Mason wanted to, he knows every trick in the book, dirty or otherwise, he could shut this guy up if he wanted to, I'm sure there is a way, even an injunction or something, Mason would know how to do it if anyone would. I just don't see how Mason is sitting back doing nothing. Unless there is nothing in this book that is worrisome to Mason, nor is he worried that the Bankruptcy Court will do anything. Mason has been an atty. in FL for years and probably has connections deep into the bowels of Florida Jurisprudence, if he really wanted to or cared, he could find something to do to stop this guy, at least temporarily.
(4) All I could think of when I saw the Boycott folks over on twitter repeatedly linking this Namey's book is, Wow, this guy is getting some free marketing here, because he probably has not sold one book yet. He is probably pretty happy about this!

I don't want everyone to think I am trying to stop what Boycott and others are doing, I just have had a bad feeling about this since the word "Go." and I was watching things on twitter, Amazon and Facebook. I won't post anymore about it.

Oh, and I saw somewhere that someone heard on his guy's tape that Cheney said CA had a "nice rack", direct quote. I can just hear Mason and CA laughing their heads off thinking this guy is going to run with this, publish it, and think we are mad about it, when they can't stop laughing themselves. Mason has wanted to give the Big F.U. to the whole world for quite a while, I don't think he cares how he comes out looking in this when all is said and done.
I am not disparaging your doubts one bit. I had them myself until l read the book, and I very well could be wrong. but IMO there is too much recounted that dovetails perfectly with events as they happened

IMO CM/CA thought Namey was just like them, and, after all, he worked on the book project for two years. it's not like it was a hit-and-run relationship. it wasn't only the foolproof suffocation search that turned things around. his misgivings had grown over time as more and more details came out re the long con that is the BK fraud. Namey began to fear that he was abetting a federal crime, and because of that he realized that their signed contract is/was both invalid and illegal and he therefore had the ability to walk away. he quotes statutes from the FL bar code which demonstrate that CM's actions call for him to lose his license to practice law. their contract, with a 50/50 split (CM/Namey), is reproduced in the book

much of the two years was spent proposing deals that fell through: Simon & Schuster had put out the word that they wanted nothing to do with books by or about CA and the other major publishers fell into line. the big publishing houses feared a backlash from the public, such as a boycott of all of their titles/authors. much effort was also spent deciding which book to go with, CA's or CM's. when their lengthy research and many spurned overtures indicated that CA was publishing poison they went with the CM book. Namey never spoke with CA in person or by phone/email/whatever. CM was canny about keeping her in the background. but, occasionally, CM would be on the phone with CA in Namey's presence and CM would relay questions and answers between them. I would think that some of those occasions are on tape (I'll have to read it again because I set a new speed record the first time)

I cannot see CM being a party to something that makes him look SO bad, and that reveals such slimy, unethical, illegal actions. it is not a favorable portrait, by any means

how can CM stop this? how can he force the tapes to be turned over to him? by civil suit? which requires depositions? on one hand, I think Namey is shaking in his boots that CM will sue him but OTOH, that would entail depositions so I don't see it happening. CM/CA voluntarily decided to hire this writer, who it now appears has them over a barrel. why hasn't CM come out blasting this book? because he knows that his grand scheme is on record? close the civil matters, discharge the BK and then "Morgan will never see one dime." CM has been totally silent, AFAIK. that, IMO, is what is hinky. I think his silence "tells" his participation and his predicament

I hope this helps. and I do understand your doubts/misgivings. all we can do is wait and see. but it would be nice if something similar to Al Capone's tax fraud which sent him to prison (cited by Namey) turns out to be their downfall. federal crime : federal time

I'm looking forward to hearing what other readers think, because perhaps my opinion is skewed/too hasty


Yes! That's the thing, his accounts of everything fits perfect with everything we know... And my questions relate to what you said about CM being careful to keep fca in the background... I REALLY hope Namey got the question and answer session with fca on tape... It almost seems like Namey has more of a case against CM than he does fca? Am i wrong?.... I sooo want fca to pay for everything she's done, but here she is again hiding behind others and trying to slip through...

Thx so much for your post! :smile: Big help...

All jmo.
the book title is way long, so unless it's not cool I'm going to use "Casey's Ghost" in my excerpts. which IIRC will be somewhat out of order because the book skips forward and backward a bit

Casey's Ghost by Richard Namey/kindle location 623

My agent, who'd sold all of the books I'd ever published to their respective publishers, was an old friend named Robert Stricker. Stricker was retired and not even a little interested in coming out of retirement to represent a Casey Anthony book. He referred me to some editors at major publilshers. He told me I could directly establish contact with his blessing, and that he believed I might find interest in the book. Their names and publishing houses are not important to this narrative. They both passed on the project, but one of them referred me to a very traditional and totally credible New York agent named Judith Ehrlich. When I contacted Judith, she told me she was intrigued because, while she'd personally had no interest at all in the case and only a cursory knowledge of the circumstances, she did have a young assistant in her office who was totally addicted to the trial coverage and considered herself an expert. Unfortunately, the assistant firmly believed in Casey's guilt. Judith agreed to represent us, but her opinions and therefore her representation were tainted by the beliefs of her youthful assistant.

We didn't know it yet, but Judith's representation would be somewhat adversarial to the book we wanted to write. In August of 2011, just a month after the verdict, we signed a representation agreement on a book by Cheney after we learned that Judith's informal survey of the traditional New York City publishing community indicated that there was no interest at all in a book by Casey, but there might be a chance of publishing a book by Cheney ...

Casey's Ghost/kindle location 658

We had decided on a book by Cheney with the working title, Burden of Proof - Defending Casey Anthony. Working titles are subject to change. In my experience, while contractually it may be the author's choice, in practice, the ultimate decision is usually the publisher's. This title primarily reflected the vision of Judith Ehrlich. Judith is a strong and forceful personality. She was relentless in her insistence that our book resemble the work of Alan Dershowitz. Editing the proposal and the book in progress, she nit-picked every paragraph, sentence and word until it conformed to her view of Professor Dershowitz's highly objective and scholarly style.
Casey's Ghost by Richard Namey/kindle location 741

This book is being sold for the lowest price the distributor will allow for full distribution.

I probably could have made a lot more if I'd stayed the course with the other side.

Your purchase of this book will help me fight, if I need to.

Although, I may not need to, such is their aversion to allowing Casey Anthony to testify.

kindle location 759

This book contains information on how Casey Anthony and Cheney Mason plan to make millions from this tragedy. If you don't want that to happen, disseminating that information will probably be the best way.

In my opinion:

The bankruptcy court has a right to know if a fraud is being perpetrated. It appears to me that one has by concealing the value of Casey's story and the plans to make money on it.

The public has a right to know everything I know about this case.

The rights of the public and the courts to know the truth override any obligations I may have to suppress the truth.

I believe the book I was writing for Cheney Mason with input from Casey Anthony was an end run around Casey's ability to directly extract money from the case and was devised as a way to trick the creditors and the bankruptcy court - and to use me to help them.

I believe that Cheney Mason is harboring and supporting Casey Anthony with the expectation of deriving millions of dollars from the sale of her story, circumventing Florida bar rules specifically prohibiting such practices.

I quit writing the original book because I came to believe that I should not be forced to choose between telling lies or remaining silent.

The day after I was released as Cheney/Casey's ghostwriter, lawyers filed Casey's bankruptcy case.

I had advance knowledge that a bankruptcy strategy was in place, and I was told by Cheney Mason that the lawyers were under his direction. I knew exactly what that strategy was, why it was to be filed, and how it would play out.

I personally believe that my exit as the writer was the precipitating factor in the bankruptcy filing.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _

(kindle price is $5.99)
I got the book on my Kindle, but haven't gotten past 20% of it yet. I've pretty much skimmed most of what CM is quoted as saying. :happydance: I hope I have time to get to the gist pretty soon. Namey has spent a great deal of time justifying this publication, so I am skeptical at this point.

I'm also surprised that there hasn't been a law suit by CM, however, I have a feeling that one would bring out a new can of worms concerning the bankruptcy case. I've always felt it was very bogus.

Well, off to read so I can discuss.
I have only read small extracts of this book, but as cynical as I usually am I find myself believing this guy. SO FAR! Not that I have researched it much yet, but one thing stood out to me. His brother is an Attorney who works directly with Jeff Ashton -and I can't help thinking that he got warned off completing the Ghostbook by him. I don't even know who put that information out but it seems logical he would warn him - Look if they are committing bankruptcy fraud you might end up going to jail with them!
I got the book on my Kindle, but haven't gotten past 20% of it yet. I've pretty much skimmed most of what CM is quoted as saying. :happydance: I hope I have time to get to the gist pretty soon. Namey has spent a great deal of time justifying this publication, so I am skeptical at this point.

I'm also surprised that there hasn't been a law suit by CM, however, I have a feeling that one would bring out a new can of worms concerning the bankruptcy case. I've always felt it was very bogus.

Well, off to read so I can discuss.

Yes, he says he has taken sound legal advice about that (?his brother) and the fear of having Casey deposed would inhibit any
legal action by Mason....
Has anyone done a six degrees of separation between the author and Cheney? This book is being billed in a similar fashion to Fatal Vision which makes me a little skeptical. The focus of the book is the bankruptcy fraud and not Caylee's murder, correct? IDK-the way the author and Cheney hooked up is odd to me and I cant understand why Cheney and his client wouldn't choose a professional experienced author as a ghost.
OK-If CM had done any vetting on this guy, I cant imagine he would have hired someone whose family worked directly with JA. I am sorry I am being negative, but CM would have to be insane. Of course, that may be a real possibility but this seems like a punk of either the author or the general public. JMVHO.

I have only read small extracts of this book, but as cynical as I usually am I find myself believing this guy. SO FAR! Not that I have researched it much yet, but one thing stood out to me. His brother is an Attorney who works directly with Jeff Ashton -and I can't help thinking that he got warned off completing the Ghostbook by him. I don't even know who put that information out but it seems logical he would warn him - Look if they are committing bankruptcy fraud you might end up going to jail with them!
Thank you for opening this thread! I haven't finished the book yet but there are already some things that made me go :doh:

Cheney Mason decided that Casey did not kill Caylee based on some pictures of Casey and Caylee (we've all seen them) that where in Casey's room :laughing:. Shortly after first meeting Casey, Cheney and Jose went to the house on Hopespring Drive and Cindy and George let them go into Casey's bedroom and also into Caylee's bedroom. This is what Cheney says about that (according to this book of course):

"And then into the little room that was Caylee's, and all of her little baby books and stuff on the walls like this. And I sat and I looked at this, and I raised two daugthers. And I'm looking and I'm just kind of absorbing the aura, whatever the karma people say. I don't give a ****, I always do that at crime scenes, I always have. And I always get some kind of feeling for it. Nothing material, no big deal just an impression. And the impression I had was immediate. Casey loved this child. She was the center of her universe. Casey did not kill that little girl. And I told Jose as we walked outside, I said, I'm going to tell you something. I don't know if she told you anything to the contrary, because you have been on the case a year plus before me. I'm telling you that Cheney Mason says that Casey did not kill that little girl. Don't know that did happen, may never know, but I know that just as sure as hell as I'm sitting here - the woman who is in the pictures with that child, the little girl that is in those pictures with that child, and all that sort of stuff, she did not kill her."

I guess Cheney hasn't seen all the pictures of Josh Powell and his children? Or all the other parents that have lovely pictures of them and their children but still decide to kill them? And what's up with him saying that he always does that at crime scenes. Since when is Caylee's bedroom a crime scene? I thought she drowned? Oh wait, that story was invented at a later time. :doh:

Cheney also said that Casey lied about the existence of a nanny for 2 years. We all know that, at the recent deposition, Casey still insists that there really was a Zanny who had watched Caylee on one occasion. I guess lying under oath isn't that big of a deal.

BTW, is anyone else who read this book also disgusted with all the cursing done by Cheney Mason? Sounds really professional!
Has anyone done a six degrees of separation between the author and Cheney? This book is being billed in a similar fashion to Fatal Vision which makes me a little skeptical. The focus of the book is the bankruptcy fraud and not Caylee's murder, correct? IDK-the way the author and Cheney hooked up is odd to me and I cant understand why Cheney and his client wouldn't choose a professional experienced author as a ghost.

Maybe they did and no one would take the job?
OK-If CM had done any vetting on this guy, I cant imagine he would have hired someone whose family worked directly with JA. I am sorry I am being negative, but CM would have to be insane. Of course, that may be a real possibility but this seems like a punk of either the author or the general public. JMVHO.

He did some vetting, he was aware that Rick's son, who has a pop group, at one time took his band to Hopespring drive
to play an anti-Casey song. When Police were called they took off, but as Rick said, he is my son, but we are different people.
This is what he has posted on social media sites...
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