Casey's Life in Jail, Visitors; Phone Calls; Commissary etc.#3

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If all that food is for the past year, it doesn't actually seem like that much to me...?
If all that food is for the past year, it doesn't actually seem like that much to me...?

I think this is just the money for her snacks. Almost $200 a month seems like a lot to me.

Remember, she still gets her regular meals.
I think this is just the money for her snacks. Almost $200 a month seems like a lot to me.

Remember, she still gets her regular meals.

i agree, $200 a month is a lot, most people don't even get that. food on comissary is cheap to begin with, i think the problem is that casey doesn't know how to budget her money.
I think this is just the money for her snacks. Almost $200 a month seems like a lot to me.

Remember, she still gets her regular meals.

But think how bored she must be, the only thing to do to relieve the boredom is probably to eat...I really don't think that is that much extra food per day for someone who has nothing else to do and no reason to take care of their health.

Does anyone know how expensive the food in the commissary is compared to the average supermarket?

To be honest, if I was Casey I would probably eat and smoke myself to death - she has nothing else to live for, she ain't ever getting out.
But think how bored she must be, the only thing to do to relieve the boredom is probably to eat...I really don't think that is that much extra food per day for someone who has nothing else to do and no reason to take care of their health.

Does anyone know how expensive the food in the commissary is compared to the average supermarket?

To be honest, if I was Casey I would probably eat and smoke myself to death - she has nothing else to live for, she ain't ever getting out.

My son was in county jail and the food is awful but you do get 3 meals a day. He is 6 ft tall and only weighs 135 lbs (yes he is a bean pole). He lost 10 pounds in the first 2 weeks so I had to provide money in his account. he was able to eat pretty good with this amount of money. He tended to stay away from the snack stuff and purchase ramen noodles and other things that he could mix with those to make meals out of. They get pretty creative putting different things together to make meals out of. Of course, he did have to use part of the money to buy socks, underwear, a sweatshirt, toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant, batteries, etc. He traded for things that he could not afford. Coffee for a radio, ramen noodles for headphones, etc. His cell mate traded a book for a brand new pair of tennis shoes.

Her purchases are almost completely junk food and things that she needs to primp. Special expensive shampoo instead of the cheap (no name) brand, etc. Oddly enough I don't remember her looking like she lost any weight the first month or so. I guess with all of the bleeding hearts pouring money into her account she had plenty to eat from the first day.
But think how bored she must be, the only thing to do to relieve the boredom is probably to eat...I really don't think that is that much extra food per day for someone who has nothing else to do and no reason to take care of their health.

Does anyone know how expensive the food in the commissary is compared to the average supermarket?

To be honest, if I was Casey I would probably eat and smoke myself to death - she has nothing else to live for, she ain't ever getting out.

Yeah but she still thinks that she is getting out to resume her party girl, no need to work when you can just steal what you need or mooch off of everyone else, lifestyle. She needs someone to provide her with a healthy dose of reality but I don't think that anyone surrounding her has been completely honest with her about what kind of jam she is in. I am not sure that anyone has made it clear to her that it could go the other way and she could be taking the longest walk.
But think how bored she must be, the only thing to do to relieve the boredom is probably to eat...I really don't think that is that much extra food per day for someone who has nothing else to do and no reason to take care of their health.

Does anyone know how expensive the food in the commissary is compared to the average supermarket?

To be honest, if I was Casey I would probably eat and smoke myself to death - she has nothing else to live for, she ain't ever getting out.

Not that it matters,I'm just curious...can you still smoke in the cells? I thought that was banned a few years ago?
Not that it matters,I'm just curious...can you still smoke in the cells? I thought that was banned a few years ago?

Not in the County Jails, but yes in Prison (for now)
This soooo has to really be burning CA!

Not only does she still have to continue to give money to her lying, stealing daughter (gotta make it look like they are a loving family) but, she also has to pay for her daughter to be locked up by LE.

And we all know how much CA loves her money and hates LE.

IMO, she really believes that she deserves all this money she is now getting and she must resent Casey even more that she has to share it with her.

I think that it was GA who was regularly putting the $100 a month or whatever money he had into Casey's account until he ran out.

Now CA is controlling all the new found wealth and is getting back at Casey for her shunning CA at the hearings.

She is doling out the money yes but, in little bits and pieces (the money order was made out to CA) to get even with Casey.

And GA is having to earn his free ride by being her personal errand boy (we all know how much they love to have personal assistants)

Control, control, control

The sick family dynamics will never stop.

At some time I expect KC to sue her parents to recover all the $$$ they have received for video and photos. From what I have read KC was the one taking all the photos, so I suppose she could claim ownership of them, particularly since they were of HER child, not Cindy's.
At some time I expect KC to sue her parents to recover all the $$$ they have received for video and photos. From what I have read KC was the one taking all the photos, so I suppose she could claim ownership of them, particularly since they were of HER child, not Cindy's.

ZsaZsa, I would agree with that, but wouldn't KC have to be acquitted first? Or can she still sue up to the point she is convicted???
ZsaZsa, I would agree with that, but wouldn't KC have to be acquitted first? Or can she still sue up to the point she is convicted???

Dunno. I know she can't directly profit from her crime, such as writing a book but not sure about this. If it can be done I am sure she will :innocent:
Please post an alert above soda-spitting funny posts so we'll know to aim away from the laptop!!

When the state filed their recent motion for the defense to turn over evidence to support their claim that KC's innocent, they probably would have preferred just saying...

'The ONLY thing they have that has meat to it is KC'
:)clap: to SleuthTheTruth - posted by her in State Wants Evidence from KC's Defense Team Thread [ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - State Wants Evidence From Casey's Defense Team[/ame])

The statement could have been easily backed up, not with case law but...her commissary favs.
So they really charge each inmate $1.50 a day! What do inmates with no money in their accounts do?

Is there anywhere that tells what size, how many ounces, different things from the commissary are? How big the chip bags are, how big the cans of cheese?
I have NEVER seen anyone here make a comedy out of the "truly tragic crime/situation" that befell Caylee! In fact, it takes an intolerable toll on our senses to wade through the horrific details (that we have learned of to date- with more to come) of what happened to an innocent child who apparently was the only light in a house full of darkness!
It is perfectly natural that some of us find some karmic humor in KC's possible junk food induced skin issues!! We have been subject to KC's narcissitic ramblings while Caylee was left rotting around the corner from her. Where was the respect and concern that was due her baby-while KC was talking about Howard Stern and her bra size and JB "hitting it"? Apparently, while KC was making dinner and playing the sunglass game with RD-she forgot about WWJD!:furious:
Seriously, there are much bigger issues here than worrying about a momentary stop to see and comment on how ironically karma (God, the universe, insert your particular belief here) is working on one who cared only for her "la bella vita" and nothing for her little Sunshine!! The majority of threads here are devoted to serious sleuthing and many people have spent countless hours to make sure Caylee gets her justice and I'm very proud of them for their efforts!! :angel: You guys ROCK!!:blushing:

This is what is well said. Many people, most of us, just want to see Caylee get some justice. It's like it takes all of us to keep the mistruths and defense tactics from sneaking in as the truth. Now, get this, it's a stranger who did it. Justice for Caylee please.
My son was in county jail and the food is awful but you do get 3 meals a day. He is 6 ft tall and only weighs 135 lbs (yes he is a bean pole). He lost 10 pounds in the first 2 weeks so I had to provide money in his account. he was able to eat pretty good with this amount of money. He tended to stay away from the snack stuff and purchase ramen noodles and other things that he could mix with those to make meals out of. They get pretty creative putting different things together to make meals out of. Of course, he did have to use part of the money to buy socks, underwear, a sweatshirt, toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant, batteries, etc. He traded for things that he could not afford. Coffee for a radio, ramen noodles for headphones, etc. His cell mate traded a book for a brand new pair of tennis shoes.

Her purchases are almost completely junk food and things that she needs to primp. Special expensive shampoo instead of the cheap (no name) brand, etc. Oddly enough I don't remember her looking like she lost any weight the first month or so. I guess with all of the bleeding hearts pouring money into her account she had plenty to eat from the first day.

Agave, I hope your son is doing ok now.

With regards to Casey I guess I still don't see the big deal about her buying junk food - this is what her life has come down to, this is the only thing she is able to get any pleasure out pathetic is that? Let her indulge all she wants to, we have seen the effect that it has had on her appearance and that will be depressing her in itself, her appearance was super important to her. I know and understand that people are angry that she should get to enjoy yummy foods when Caylee won't have that opportunity again, but that's all she has and it's laughable - it's no bella vita for her and it won't ever be again, this is just the beginning of what is in store for Casey.
At some time I expect KC to sue her parents to recover all the $$$ they have received for video and photos. From what I have read KC was the one taking all the photos, so I suppose she could claim ownership of them, particularly since they were of HER child, not Cindy's.

With the exception of Caylee on her belly on the couch with her hand under her chin, CA took credit for that while talking with Yuri's supervisor over lunch. She was going on and on and that the pictures on the flyer was a picture that she had taken. As unbelieveable as it might sound the words came out of her mouth and onto a tape. That she was not aware of being recorded. KC I am sure is disappointed in the money drop. It will be gone in a week, but with this latest coverage I am sure strangers will start sending her money again at least that is what the A's are hoping for.
I have NEVER seen anyone here make a comedy out of the "truly tragic crime/situation" that befell Caylee! In fact, it takes an intolerable toll on our senses to wade through the horrific details (that we have learned of to date- with more to come) of what happened to an innocent child who apparently was the only light in a house full of darkness!
It is perfectly natural that some of us find some karmic humor in KC's possible junk food induced skin issues!! We have been subject to KC's narcissitic ramblings while Caylee was left rotting around the corner from her. Where was the respect and concern that was due her baby-while KC was talking about Howard Stern and her bra size and JB "hitting it"? Apparently, while KC was making dinner and playing the sunglass game with RD-she forgot about WWJD!:furious:
Seriously, there are much bigger issues here than worrying about a momentary stop to see and comment on how ironically karma (God, the universe, insert your particular belief here) is working on one who cared only for her "la bella vita" and nothing for her little Sunshine!! The majority of threads here are devoted to serious sleuthing and many people have spent countless hours to make sure Caylee gets her justice and I'm very proud of them for their efforts!! :angel: You guys ROCK!!:blushing:

Thank you, very well stated. I could care less about KC, she created the situation she is in. The only tragic thing I see is poor baby Caylee, what her mother did to her and the fact that the grandparents did not step in a protect this baby.

It is funny that KC has no chips for all the dip and I think KC thinks folks will just keep giving to her. She feels it is her right to spend that much money, I mean heck she did it before so why should she stop now just because she is in jail. I am also sure KC thinks this is only temporary for her and she will walk free soon.

The way I see it if folks don't like the thread, skip over it. I come here to read. I know there are a lot of folks here that do a great job at sluething and I find those folks pretty amazing.

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