Casey's PC Files!

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I didn't say she was bipolar or ADD. I certainly don't diagnose people and if I did, it wouldn't be based on what I read or saw on TV. Pressured speech shows up in a number of disorders. Most of us know at least one person who does this - the people who leave everyone around them with eyes glazed over.

A couple of her male friends also mentioned how much she talks. WW I think it was even said she annoyed other people with her constant yakking but not him.

I just thought it was interesting that she'd go into all these unnecessary details on something like a dating site profile. But then she does the same thing with her convoluted lies too.

Yeah! Compulsive liars are well known for their "detailed" lies. They think it makes the lie more convincing, but it's a dead giveaway to LE. :)
My only thought is that there was a neighbor mentioned with this name. Maybe in October it was an innocent look up info on a friend thing. Surely she hasn't planned this since last October. I think she used the name now because it would fit. You know it started with "Z" LOL This girl, I tell ya! I would love to hang with her for one day!:furious:

Yeah, isn't the neighbor who lent the shovel named "Eric?"

Is anybody but me getting lost in the cast of characters?
AND, if she WAS bipolar, she could not keep her cool over weeks, days, or maybe even hours at a time, under these conditions.

She'd have to be seeing a dr for medication adjustments.

And the friends would have noticed hypomanias and deep clinical depressions, over the years.

Please read my other reply, post 337. I never said she was bipolar. I said she sounded like she had pressured speech, which can be found with a number of disorders.

Maybe I should make this clear. I NEVER said she was bipolar. I'm surprised you all are so comfortable diagnosing anyone's potential mental or emotional or personality issues. I imagine she could keep a psychiatrist working pretty hard to do that in her case.

I thought it was interesting that habit, compulsion (no I'm not saying she's OCD either) or whatever to give more information than most people need or want would show up in what she wrote on a dating site.

Could be nothing more than what she does with her highly detailed lies except that several people have commented that she talked a lot, even to the point of annoying people.
Yeah! Compulsive liars are well known for their "detailed" lies. They think it makes the lie more convincing, but it's a dead giveaway to LE. :)

Sorry, Brini, we cross posted. I hope I'm making some sense here although I don't know if it would be of any significance.

I just finished watching the first police interview with Cindy and she does the same thing - talking on and on, jumping from one subject to the next. The poor police can hardly get a word in edgewise or keep the interview on topic.

The files contain all Internet Explorer (and the History.dat file is for Firefox) data and was created in June 12, 2008 ... the last time something was added to the file was 07/16/08 ... so the search for Zenaida took place sometime between these two dates. When the forensics guy pulled the data he changed the file path to start with the case number 08-069208 ... when he renamed the full path string they took away the information that was originally there that would indicate the actual date. So, they know when she searched ... we don't

Clear as mud?
Thanks for explaining. :)
Why is Casey not in jail yet? :confused:

If she lived in my country her sorry arse would be on remand right now! :behindbar

In awe at how much info you guys get before any kind of trial. :blowkiss:
This is extremely rare for us to have access to this kind of information. Florida passed a "Sunshine Law" which allows the media/public to access records filed in such cases. I have a feeling after this case, they are going to work very hard to modify the law.

Can we find a way to ship her across the pond?! She could take a "voyage" on the bottom of a cruiseship rather like a barnacle or something. LOL
Another thing that strikes me as odd.......Where is Annie now? The other nite here at WS the were talking with D**te' and he said that she doesn't live at Sawgrass any longer...... Has there been any post of interviews with her by LE?

Not an interview but something went down....Not sure if it is the same Annie, but....

"The documents released today also include a computer conversation with drug references between Anythony and two other people.

When someone wrote that "I can hit up my friend annie for some xanax,'' Anthony replied: "we'd be a good time"
How many people would you venture to guess have had their children missing, three months AFTER visiting missing children's websites? (that weren't the reason their kid "went missing"? :bang:
Yes, I found that curious. What are the chances? :confused:
This is extremely rare for us to have access to this kind of information. Florida passed a "Sunshine Law" which allows the media/public to access records filed in such cases. I have a feeling after this case, they are going to work very hard to modify the law.

Can we find a way to ship her across the pond?! She could take a "voyage" on the bottom of a cruiseship rather like a barnacle or something. LOL

HOORAY FOR THE SUNSHINE LAW! and SS, you know as well as I do, the other side of the pond doesn't want her either.:crazy:

The files contain all Internet Explorer (and the History.dat file is for Firefox) data and was created in June 12, 2008 ... the last time something was added to the file was 07/16/08 ... so the search for Zenaida took place sometime between these two dates. When the forensics guy pulled the data he changed the file path to start with the case number 08-069208 ... when he renamed the full path string they took away the information that was originally there that would indicate the actual date. So, they know when she searched ... we don't

Clear as mud?

I haven't read this whole thread (reading backwards actually) so forgive me if i'm reading your post wrong OHW. But from what I read of the computer forensics from the link on WFTV, concerning a Zenaida search exact wording is:

A keyword search for "Zenaida" revealed web pages indicating that a user searched the internet for the name on July 16th 08.

I read that as someone did a search for a Zenaida the day after Cindy called 911?
I did too but, wow...

And, just think this: The information they AREN'T releasing will be even MORE incriminating....yikes!!!

FL has the death penalty, right?

FL does have the death penalty, but I would prefer she get life in prison. This way she goes ino general population. Witht he death sentence she gets a private cell for 20 years. I much much prefer GP for evil KC.
Oh my goodness! I think I can finally post. You all don't know how frustrating it has been to read and not be able to respond! I have a response coming soon. I'm sure you're all anxiously awaiting it :)

I seriously doubt Casey had any idea what the Gorillaz poster meant. I think she likes the music and thought it was "cool". Maybe one of her boyfriends likes the band, therefor she's cool for getting into it. I think she's just a dumb girl, remember, we've all heard the simplest answer is usually the right one.

Either there was an accident, or Casey flat out killed her baby with no remorse and we are all chasing ghosts. I bet you when it all comes out it's simple, in the dark corners of our minds we read way more into all the codes and secrets.
Oh my goodness! I think I can finally post. You all don't know how frustrating it has been to read and not be able to respond! I have a response coming soon. I'm sure you're all anxiously awaiting it :)


Bring it on..and welcome to WS:)
Oh my goodness! I think I can finally post. You all don't know how frustrating it has been to read and not be able to respond! I have a response coming soon. I'm sure you're all anxiously awaiting it :)


oops, Welcome Debs!
No photographs, video, email, instant message chat or any other type of communication with a Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez was discovered on either computer," the computer forensics reads.

However, in a sexually suggestive instant-message chat May 3 between Casey Anthony a person identified as "nyitaliano3,'' Anthony mentions a person she calls "Zani."

"i'm playing phone tag with both Zani & my mom," Anthony wrote.

The documents released today also include a computer conversation with drug references between Anythony and two other people.

When someone wrote that "I can hit up my friend annie for some xanax,'' Anthony replied: "we'd be a good time"

"i'm playing phone tag with both Zani & my mom," Anthony wrote.

I was just reading this statement and it tells me that KC is trying to get some Zanax from her mom...????

I know you must think I am crazy (and maybe I
My own mom was a nurse and I used to get into her pills all the time when I was a teenager and she never knew it... this is what I would have told one of my friends at the time... hmmmm I wonder?
Honestly, I don't think Casey was really "into" this Anthony guy. First of all, he kept saying how she was disappearing. What we know of Casey, she wouldn't avoid a boy she likes! Secondly, she always used work and no babysitter as an excuse to why she couldn't meet up with him. She didn't use the "no babysitter" excuse with her other men.
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