Casey's Psych Evals unsealed

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Oh how even more convenient. The abuse from George stopped at eleven (according to Danziger's depo, in Weitz's it was twelve), but sporadically came back when she was 18. I guess that was to account for Caylee. Too bad DNA testing ruled that out, huh Casey?

Ugh! That guy! Abuse doesn't just "stop" - unless the perp moves, is sent to prison, or is otherwise removed from the victim. So FCA told the doc the abuse stopped at age 11 and then her father started molesting her again at 18? And he believed it? And then FCA insinuates that GA could have been molesting Caylee, and the good doc doesn't report George? REALLY? :banghead:,0,4079395.story

I'm not expecting too much more than we already know per Ashton's notes and what he revealed in his book.

fwiw, I tend to agree with JA when during his interview with Dr. Drew he opined, "I'm not sure your profession has come up with a test to diagnose what is wrong with her, because they [the tests] didn't reveal anything much and I know she isn't 'normal.'" <paraphrased>
Sorry for this question, but whatever happened to the DT's challenge to these being released? Was there any kind of hearing?
I've been on the road all day so haven't had time (yet) to read through the thread. TIA
But..... she told KioMarie Cruz (close friend and confidant) that there were 8 possible babydaddies in the month she got pregnant. I guess she reinvented herself as a victim again for the benefit of the Psychiatrists..


She learnt well from CA ....
You lead in isn't showing ZB but it was it's just like Christmas morning! And I think so too!
I've been out at an early morning client meeting and just thought I'd peek in before getting on my with my day and ZOWIE!!!

Karma is rumbling down that big ole hill!! Faster than we can keep up with it!

:skip: :skip: :skip: :skip: :skip: :skip: oh and pass it around!:cupcake: I'm dying here I'm laughing so hard!!! :lol:

My next assignment is due in 7 days and I am sooooo glad I finished it last night
There would be nooooo way I'd get any work done today/tonight :great:
It is very obvious from these depositions that the defense and Ms. Anthony was sending up a balloon with these professionals to see if it floated. It did. It was JB's opening statement in a nutshell (more or less) - - you know the same crapola that was floated in those jailhouse letters. They might as well have put 12 people in a room with a BSometer to see if they could ring the bell.
Oh wait....they did....
Sorry to keep jumping in with random stuff. I just read that Casey says her mother found emails from women to George from a dating site - and that George told Cindy that Casey must have set him up on a dating site because he didn't do it.

Now I'm wondering - since she was always telling people her parents were divorcing, her dad was moving out, etc. if she DID do that and then show Cindy so she could fuel their already fractured relationship and have Cindy kick George out. George was the only one to check up on Casey so of course she was always wanting him out of the picture.

And we are to believe she just got hacked and/or didn't know how to use a computer? :floorlaugh:
I was just thinking -- if the felon didn't fire JB she's going to now. From what I've read the Orlando Sentinel filed the motion to unseal these depos on 12/21, and they were released today - without a hearing! Which is pretty much unheard of based on past motions!

She's gotta be throwing some serious fistie bumps about now!!!



Mason must be :furious:
Wonder if he will withdraw his motion against Ashton or are we going to see HHJP :HHJP: slap a big ole :denied: on it
Then we can read and discuss at the same time! Unless you're on the West Coast cuz I'm not waiting til 8!

Someone refresh my memory..the SA wanted to be able to have their own expert examine her. Is that right? Or did he just rule that they could depose them?

Yes that's right..the SA wanted to have their own expert examine her..then the DT, with lightening speed, withdrew both of these Dr.'s from the witness list
Yes ... I truly believe that the pysch experts were being used as a patsy both to suggest KC is 'normal' as well as seed the accusations about GA in an effort to bring them into trial.

I think the experts were stuck between a rock and a hard place knowing from experience that they were being played and that KC was deflecting onto GA.

When the SA took up the challenge to depose them and hold them accountable to the truth I think they both got extremely nervous as well as the DT felt that this could backfire if the experts are challenged by SA on the stand.

KC in classic KC style blames everyone else, well Caylee was as a result of GA -- oh DNA does not support that -- well it was a date rape kinda thing I remember being drugged. Yeah right!!!

KC is a piece of work and these psych experts were obviously deeply troubled by what they saw and the DT knew it since they did that stunt at trial to threaten declaring KC incompetetent to testify.

Everyone knew what they were dealing with yet they still worked to set her free.

The fact that she is b****** crazy....evil personified...and was trying to rig the test is probably not lost on them. I mean if that expert really believed Casey was date raped and the strange reporting of abuse by George...well he needs a refund on his education if he believes that. Pfft.
Oh my GAWD, Baez. I swear he actually did this. He wanted the depositions to be sealed. Burdick asked why, and Baez said, "Because I just said so." Burdick asked if it was because they were confidential, and he answers, "and they should be sealed".

So then LDB asks him what the legal basis for that is, and responds, "That is my legal basis." No cases or anything legal to back him up, just because he said so. I love Ashton's response though: "Well, I think that is is an issue between you, the judge and the media."

What an EGO Baez has. It is because I say it is! And he actually made them stop and call the judge. Just wow. They had to go off the record.

Maybe it wasn't ego..maybe it was because Baez, as we have seen in the hearings, didn't know the legal answer and had to be schooled again by LDB, Jeff and the Judge..

P. 171

GOOD DOCTOR: blah blah blah Casey is a perfectionist. She&#8217;s an illustrator. She&#8217;s a photographer. She noticed. She said my daughter went to bed with pajamas and she came back in George&#8217;s arms in a T-shirt and shorts that were too small. Now again - -

LDB: Did she notice the dead part, in addition?

I'm curious about the diploma too. Did the DT purposely put a false document in the info they sent the doctors? If she had a real diploma I have no doubt CA would have shown it by now. GA and CA both talked about how she was 1/2 credit shy.

She never graduated. In one of GA's first interviews with LE they ask him about that and he replies that they tried to get her interested in takin the GED course, but she never bothered to do it...
I so want to be LDB when I grow up .....
So if George stopped abusing Casey when she was 11, then why would she be worried that the DNA might show that he was Caylee's father?

P. 171

GOOD DOCTOR: blah blah blah Casey is a perfectionist. She’s an illustrator. She’s a photographer. She noticed. She said my daughter went to bed with pajamas and she came back in George’s arms in a T-shirt and shorts that were too small. Now again - -

LDB: Did she notice the dead part, in addition?


Just stop for a minute and ask yourselves....hmmmmm....myself? If my daddy came into my room holding my dead daughter.....would the first and only thing I noticed would be what she was wearing????

And then further ask yourself, "myself?" is this doctor really believing that I am telling him -- that the thing I noticed was what my dead daughter was wearing, and not actually the fact that my father was holding my DEAD daughter in his arms and he was wet only on his shirt?

Another funny part. Danziger voiced concerns about some of the things Casey told him and what he should do about it, and Ashton said it was information that they needed to know. He said, "We are equally concerned with unsupported allegations of criminal conduct being thrown around in this case". To which Baez responds, "Are you referring to the indictiment?" Burdick asks Baez if he wants to make an a objection, and I laughed out loud at Ashton's response: "No, that's just -- that's Jose being Jose and we're just going to ignore it." :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Perhaps Danzinger was also concerned because of inconsistencies...he had already performed the court ordered evaluation on OCA (the one Strickland asked for)and her story in that report differed...she told him in 2008 she had never been sexually abused.
Hey...the more the merrier in the Casey Circus. But she accused George of murder, basically. So........I say open the flood gates. Get them all back in court. Just think what that could mean. Grand jury testimony by Casey against George.....a media circus trial......George possibly charged with the death penalty.
What say you then, George Anthony? What say you then, Cindy Anthony? We all know you were willing to perjure youselves for your darling daughter, but when it is YOUR NECK ON THE LINE? Me thinks not. Some very dirty laundry would come out then, you can bank on it. And I don't mean dirty laundry within that deranged family. I am talking about dirty laundry as to who, what, when and how that lie of a defense came about.

It will never happen because the DA office has integrity. They have to have a basis of fact to charge GA. Casey was found guilty of lying, therefore any investigation or charges fall flat immediately.
So if George stopped abusing Casey when she was 11, then why would she be worried that the DNA might show that he was her father?

Don't 'cha know... he could have slipped something in her drink and raped her while she was blacked out. Duh!

/s :crazy:

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