Casey's seizure? NEW INFORMATION 2011.09.08

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Yea - but to me it still wouldn't explain her bizarre behavior since Caylee vanished. Let's say she had taken illegal drugs and had a seizure and couldn't remember what happened. It doesn't seem normal to me to keep on partying - not if you love your daughter. She has been so tremendously cold and uncaring about Caylee since she disappeared. To me it is hard to imagine anything other than the fact that she is glad whatever happened did happen.


And even if she COULDN'T remember what happened... a halfway caring human being would be upset anytime someone asked where's Caylee?

Not Casey.... all she did was tell people some lie about where Caylee was & how everything was just fine.
Yea - but to me it still wouldn't explain her bizarre behavior since Caylee vanished. Let's say she had taken illegal drugs and had a seizure and couldn't remember what happened. It doesn't seem normal to me to keep on partying - not if you love your daughter. She has been so tremendously cold and uncaring about Caylee since she disappeared. To me it is hard to imagine anything other than the fact that she is glad whatever happened did happen.

I keep thinking along the lines that she's been addicted to something really bad like crack, meth and heroin is very popular these days. The stealing falls in line with the drug addiction theory. I can't remember where I read it on here but Cindy was saying something about how her behavior had changed within the last year and had stated something about the lying and stealing.
Actually this has crept into my mind, that she really doesn't know what happened or if what happened had anything to do with a seizure. If it's drug related rather than say Epileptic that would be a good reason in her mind to cover it up and lie.
Hi Strach. My son has done some pretty bizarre things before, during and after a seizure. He will swear that he did not do it.
One time he had a grand mal seizure in the shower. He pushed the glass shower door off the track and set it against the wall sometime during the seizure. he was all cut up from the bottom of the shower door slicing his feet.
In the morning he asked me if someone was working on his shower and why was the door off. He then proceeded to show me these mysterious gashes on his feet and did the dog scratch him during the night!
It took me a while to figure out what happened. He does not remember any of it and during his post ictal phase which is right after, he is argumentative and talks like he is drunk! After about one or two hours he is back to normal and does not beleive any of it happened.
This is the pattern of all of his seizures.

And even if she COULDN'T remember what happened... a halfway caring human being would be upset anytime someone asked where's Caylee?

Not Casey.... all she did was tell people some lie about where Caylee was & how everything was just fine.
I referenced this in another thread for another reason, but there was a report about a guy who had a seizure at the steering wheel. He crashed into a wall. Airbags went off they asked him if there was anyone with him and he said no. he was taken to the hospital and his car was taken to the tow yard.
the next day, the guys relatives phoned a missing person report on the mother. Turns out she was in the car at the time of the crash, she ended up lodged under the airbag on the passenger side, dead on impact.
No one noticed her, the driver forgot she was in the car and she was at the towyard still in the car some 30 hours later!
OT- Being the Mother of an epileptic child, my heart goes out to you. Your son as well. I hope he is doing well. :blowkiss:
OT- Being the Mother of an epileptic child, my heart goes out to you. Your son as well. I hope he is doing well. :blowkiss:
Thanks Strach. Other issues come along with epilepsy, so it can be challenging. He is almost 21 now, but he struggles.
I referenced this in another thread for another reason, but there was a report about a guy who had a seizure at the steering wheel. He crashed into a wall. Airbags went off they asked him if there was anyone with him and he said no. he was taken to the hospital and his car was taken to the tow yard.
the next day, the guys relatives phoned a missing person report on the mother. Turns out she was in the car at the time of the crash, she ended up lodged under the airbag on the passenger side, dead on impact.
No one noticed her, the driver forgot she was in the car and she was at the towyard still in the car some 30 hours later!

Interesting post, JBean. Thanks.

I'm not making light of seizures or the strange things that can occur when a person is struck with one.

Given we haven't heard this 'excuse' from her own family to help explain WHY they believe Casey's tale of the mysterious nanny & ONLY heard from one of her peers of this one trip to the hospital.... I just don't believe she has a medical history of unexplained seizures to explain her forgetfulness.

She's a liar, she's a thief.... we heard that from friends AND family. It's a fact... unless they're ALL lying about poor misunderstood Casey.

And I don't doubt she suffered from countless bouts of blackouts due to drinking while hanging out with her buddies.... although all signs point to Caylee vanishing in between the time she picked her up after Father's Day & BEFORE she met up with any of her friends. I don't think she even had a chance to get totally trashed before she 'lost' Caylee.
Interesting post, JBean. Thanks.

I'm not making light of seizures or the strange things that can occur when a person is struck with one.

Given we haven't heard this 'excuse' from her own family to help explain WHY they believe Casey's tale of the mysterious nanny & ONLY heard from one of her peers of this one trip to the hospital.... I just don't believe she has a medical history of unexplained seizures to explain her forgetfulness.

She's a liar, she's a thief.... we heard that from friends AND family. It's a fact... unless they're ALL lying about poor misunderstood Casey.

And I don't doubt she suffered from countless bouts of blackouts due to drinking while hanging out with her buddies.... although all signs point to Caylee vanishing in between the time she picked her up after Father's Day & BEFORE she met up with any of her friends. I don't think she even had a chance to get totally trashed before she 'lost' Caylee.
Oh I agree LI Mom. I think we would have heard plenty about her seizures if they were ongoing.
As an aside, the reason I mentioned the story in another thread about the lady under the airbag is because she was dead in the car in the towyard for 30 plus hours and no one noticed any smell or anything at all.
I keep thinking along the lines that she's been addicted to something really bad like crack, meth and heroin is very popular these days. The stealing falls in line with the drug addiction theory. I can't remember where I read it on here but Cindy was saying something about how her behavior had changed within the last year and had stated something about the lying and stealing.

I took Cindy's Myspace entry to say that lies and betrayal started not long after the birth, then many chances to change given, love is blind, then lies and betrayal again. Lies were probably going on even before pregnancy, but just not caught due to teenage things going on and not getting caught. If Zani was supposedly a friend back then, she was probably a name used to get out of being where she was supposed to be or spending the night.
Not sure if this is true or not....
I read somewhere that Casey only has a Driver's Permit
No Driver's License
Casey, could of had a seizure due to withdrawal from xanax. That is the
danger of this drug. My sister was addicted and I was told that seizures
was the danger of this drug.
So Jesse took Casey to the hospital a while back for a seizure.
Anyone know why? Was this the first one? Is she epileptic and if so, was her driver's licence restricted?
I'm not sure what the time limit on driving following seizure is there in FL but in CA, you are restricted from driving until you have been without a seizure for some time. Doctors can face fines if they do not report patients who have had a seizure. This law has been in place since a man ran over several people here about 20 years ago.

I don't know about Casey's seizure...if indeed she ever had one. A single seizure is not necessarily a seizure disorder.

I know here in Va, driving restrictions don't go into play until someone has been dx'd with epilepsy or seizure disorder (whatever the cause) If someone has an abnormal EEG, they are started on the appropriate anti-convulsive medication...after a certain period of time seizure-free (not sure of that time frame) they can drive with regular med titers drawn to check theraputic levels.
Here is a short list for example..

Conditions that can cause seizures include high fever; brain infections, such as AIDS, malaria, meningitis, rabies, tetanus, and viral encephalitis; hypoparathyroidism; high levels of sugar or sodium in the blood; low levels of sugar, calcium, magnesium, or sodium in the blood; kidney or liver failure; phenylketonuria; insufficient oxygen to the brain; damage to brain tissue, such as from a brain tumor, head injury, intracranial hemorrhage, or stroke; and illnesses such as eclampsia, hypertensive encephalopathy, or lupus.

Seizures can also be caused by abuse of alcohol, amphetamines, tranquilizers, or cocaine; a reaction to a prescription drug; or exposure to toxic substances, such as lead or strychnine. Seizures can be triggered by flashing lights, video games, repetitive sounds, lack of sleep, stress, cigarette smoking, or hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle.

Based on what we've seen from our "mother of the year" I'm surprised she didn't have seizures multiple times a day!

My guess...due to a combo of alcohol and "party pills" she's weighs what...105 pounds?! Doesn't take much!
Yea - but to me it still wouldn't explain her bizarre behavior since Caylee vanished. Let's say she had taken illegal drugs and had a seizure and couldn't remember what happened. It doesn't seem normal to me to keep on partying - not if you love your daughter. She has been so tremendously cold and uncaring about Caylee since she disappeared. To me it is hard to imagine anything other than the fact that she is glad whatever happened did happen.

That's what I don't understand! Okay, so if she called 911 after discovering a dead Caylee, and the reason for this accident is because she was high or passed out on drugs, what's worse...facing charges for negligent homicide or intentional homicide? And if she really did kill Caylee accidentally, you would think she would show SOME remorse...playing her dream role of reality star?! The fact that she has partied, lied, been uncooperative, and smug throughout all of this, is why I have absolutely no sympathy for her.

I would so love to be on the jury in this case...too bad I'm in PA! Although, she may need to come this far north in order to find a venue in which she can get an impartial jury! :mad:
I'm just wondering if any more was found out about these seizures? The line that the defendant's mother is the one that mentioned them in the report keeps nagging at me. If it were a small matter, why did grandma bring it up when talking about JG? Just bothers me and I wonder if we will start hearing more about this now from a defense perspective?
Wonder if that goes hand in hand with Kiomarie's statement that Casey would say something to her then the very next day claim she had no memory of the convo ever happening. Psychotic fuges or drug related?
I can't speak to Casey's reported seizure directly since we do not have very much information to go on with it. However, I can share my own experiences and what I have learned in my research to understand myself. I had my first seizure when I was 34 and was out of town in the middle of a classroom at a business conference for financial specialists. I had never had a seizures, blackouts, etc. At the time I was on prescription Xanax for anxiety (due to too many deep reasons to go into here) and forgotten my prescription for this trip. Since I had no history of seizures all physicians involved decided it was caused by Xanax withdrawal. I was also told not to worry, as 30% of people who have a seizure never have another one. (I have also read this statistic in many other reputable medical sources.) However in my case the seizures started back up again about a year later and at that point were constant and a small brain tumor was discovered. I had many dangerous seizures before my the right combination of meds were found to control them, and I plan to have the tumor removed next year (long story-govt. red tape involved). Though I have no memory of my seizures themselves, nor of the minute or two before they happen, and I am usually "out of it" and don't remember the strange things I do right after a seizure, but after about 15 minutes I come back around. I have never been violent to anyone during these times - in fact I am incapable of harming anyone intentionally, though it is possible that since I have very violent grand mal seizures I could accidentally harm someone who tried to hold me down if I am thrashing too hard. So far that has not been the case. Anyway, I apologize for making this post so long. The seizure aspect of this case is just a little sensitive to me because I honestly believe that Casey falls into that first group I mentioned of the 30% who never have another seizure and very likely could have had it due to a Xanax withdrawal. If her seizure had been taken very seriously, they would have held her in the hospital for days and had numerous neurological tests ran on her, as they did with me once my second seizure proved Xanax withdrawal were not my problem. And while I have some memory loss, it is minimal and has not erased ANY of the traumatic events of my life. Only superficial ones such as movies I've seen - and those memory losses are likely caused by the concussions I have suffered during some of the seizures that have occurred after falling onto ceramic tile and concrete floors while originally standing. To be clear, I do not think Casey's seizure has any bearing on this case whatsoever, except perhaps in a superficial way if her medical records for that hospital visits confirmed drug use (which still does not defend anything she has done in connection to Caylee IMO). Should I move this to the rant thread? :D I'll be glad to since this is a sensitive subject for me, and therefore a VERY LONG POST! Please just PM me if you feel I need to move or delete it. Thanks!
There was a case.. this lady was on Oprah I believe, to talk about it. She lost her son because the husband was giving the baby a bath, and had a seizure.. the baby drowned. I don't remember what happened with the husband. Very tragic.
BTW, I live in NC and when the DMV found out about my first seizure, my doctor signed a form saying I had not had another one, so my driving privileges were not suspended. Once I started having them on a regular basis (and one WHILE driving) I voluntarily stopped driving until I was eventually put a combination of meds that have kept me seizure free for almost 9 months. If I continued to have seizures, my license would be suspended (if the dmv found out) until I had been seizure free for 6 months and my doctor would sign a release stating so.
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