Casey's Tiffany Ring & Bracelet...Where are They?

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My vote.....she hocked it to pay her phone bill.....

True, it needed to get paid!

Maybe she needed just a little more money in addition to the cash she stole from AH-The bracelet and ring themselves would not raise enough money on pawn to pay a cell phone bill. Pawn is typically about one quarter of the value, IIRC, and the pawn stores use the cheapest values, such as what they could sell it for on E-Bay, to determine what they will pay.

ETA-To be clear, pawn would not pay for Casey's cell phone bill-Seems hers typically ran in the hundreds, from docs and conversation I remember.
Where could KC's jewelry be? Why was CA asking about it and is it significant to the case.

IMO, Casey pawned the jewelry so she could have pocket-money or to pay some bills based solely on her lack of employment. Cindy was trying to pull some pieces together regarding Jeff, etc., etc. The jewelry or lack thereof is not even going to be part of this case.
IMO, Casey pawned the jewelry so she could have pocket-money or to pay some bills based solely on her lack of employment. Cindy was trying to pull some pieces together regarding Jeff, etc., etc. The jewelry or lack thereof is not even going to be part of this case.

UNLESS.... LE did find it at the site, after all. Oh perchance to dream...
How can there be a ring when there is no Jeff? I think during the time KC was supposed to be with Jeff H. she told Ca he gave her a ring.

There has to be a Jeff, there's a ring and if there's a ring...there has to be a Jeff. There has to be a Zanny.....there's a dog that belongs to Zanny so if there's a dog, there has to be a Zanny.
From the looks of that ring she probably got a $40-$50 bucks and that would be a stretch. Years ago I pawned a heavy gold chain that we paid about $1000 for and got $75.
I say it's pawned, it corroded when she attempted chemistry (chloroform), or she soiled it some other way.

I'm not sure if I think she pawned it, mainly because she had plenty of money at the time...she was stealing it from AH IIRC.
I doubt that she would have damaged the ring in an attempt to make chloroform. Chloroform is very volatile, so if she spilled any on her hands it would've evaporated before having enough time to do any damage to her jewlery. I know this because I've gotten chloroform on my hands (spilled it on myself while working in the lab) and none of my jewlery was damaged. In fact, I've spilled all kinds of stuff on myself (it happens...glassware breaks and you deal with spills all the time in lab work) and none of my jewlery has ever been damaged as a result. I've ruined plenty of clothes....but never my jewlery. :)
I would say that, however, I can't help but think that KC was wearing gloves when she did that deed because when using chloroform, one must wear gloves or risk getting burned. I think she may have used some latex gloves that perhaps CA had (like nurses use). JMO

Not trying to be picky or anything...just wanted to let you know that chloroform does not burn when it contacts your skin. If you get in on your skin (and leave it for a long period of time) it can cause irritation, redness, and some dryness/flaking. If it's washed of shortly after contact there typically isn't any damage to the skin. In fact, since it's a volatile compound, you actually get a cold sensation as it evaporates from your skin.
Thanks Krisy and welcome to WS! I seriously doubt that KC had a true ring from Tiffany's. This style has been done by many knockoff companies so what she had was probably not nearly as expensive. If in fact it were the true "Elsa" designer ring - that is probably what the family would call it as it is engraved on the items. I saw where there were a lot of comments about these items being gold, does anyone know if the pieces she was wearing are gold, silver, or maybe just gold filled?
I think this ring is a definite clue to something. I just can't imagine, if my child were missing, my mom asking me about some ring. What's the importance? I don't know. Maybe it was CA's "if there is a ring, there is a Jeff" thing. I think that ring holds a clue, though.
It is possible that since she liked CSI, she saw the same episode I did where the perp had shot the victim and the blood drops were so microscopic one had become embedded in the links of the watch band. Impossible to clean very well... giving them positive DNA results.

Maybe when she moved and/or bagged Caylee, some leakage occurred (the paper towels) and she decided to just toss the ring.
I've witnessed my father angrily toss his wedding band out a moving car window after my parents divorce.

Wouldn't it be something if because it was a heart, she left it with Caylee and LE hasn't publicly released that information. :couch:
Given that KC continuously stole from her parents, making both cash and credit card purchases, I can see CA asking her daughter where she got certain items - like the ring set, the hair straightener, etc. to see if she had actually purchased them herself (CA). I'm sure it was easier for KC to say somebody "gave" them to her than admit she bought them with someone else's money.

Also, we have no idea if, in addition to the money, KC helped herself to merchandise in stores, particularly if they were items KC did not want to show up on a receipt, and may have needed an explanation to cover.

I remember when my daughter was little and she came home with little things she said a friend had given her, or items of clothing that had been "traded". I didn't care what the explanation was, they went right back to the owner. It was harder when she was older though. I was always having to inventory items as well, because she gave her own things away all the time. I didn't mind that so much, unless she had received them as a gift. Just saying I can see why CA was so curious about certain things KC may have had and have given her mother a long, involved explanation about to cover up their real origin.
if you find my wedding ring let me know :)

this is interesting info, thank you guys, I didn't know you could find this kind of stuff.

We have one that will tell you WHAT kind of metal you are hovering over. It will go down to 2 feet and so far it has been right on the money.
Could LE have found it around Caylee's remains and didn't tell anyone?
Not in a public report, but showed it to CA? and she asked KC about it???
So am I understanding correctly, in the photos just released one of which was published in the Globe, KC is wearing this ring and a matching bracelet, photos evidently taken not too long before the murder, and while in jail in August CA asks KC where the ring is and KC hasnt seen it in ages?

so now I gotta go through the photos we know were taken after caylee was gone and see if she is wearing them?
Given that KC continuously stole from her parents, making both cash and credit card purchases, I can see CA asking her daughter where she got certain items - like the ring set, the hair straightener, etc. to see if she had actually purchased them herself (CA). I'm sure it was easier for KC to say somebody "gave" them to her than admit she bought them with someone else's money.

Also, we have no idea if, in addition to the money, KC helped herself to merchandise in stores, particularly if they were items KC did not want to show up on a receipt, and may have needed an explanation to cover.

I remember when my daughter was little and she came home with little things she said a friend had given her, or items of clothing that had been "traded". I didn't care what the explanation was, they went right back to the owner. It was harder when she was older though. I was always having to inventory items as well, because she gave her own things away all the time. I didn't mind that so much, unless she had received them as a gift. Just saying I can see why CA was so curious about certain things KC may have had and have given her mother a long, involved explanation about to cover up their real origin.


Many moon's ago when I was six years old, and in 1st Grade, a boy in my class gave me a beautiful ring when we were walking home from school. He asked if I would be his girlfriend.

My mom almost passed out when I showed it to her when I got home. She said that it was a wedding ring and called his mother right away. His mom was relieved, as she had put it in her jewelry box the night before and it was missing that next day! His mother made him apologize to both my mom and me. :innocent:
Could LE have found it around Caylee's remains and didn't tell anyone?
Not in a public report, but showed it to CA? and she asked KC about it???

Maybe, but they didn't find the body until December. The photos with the ring and "big trouble" shirt were taken before Caylee went missing and the converstation between CA/KC about the ring happened in July (I think).
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