Cause of Death - Charles and Braden Powell **Warning-Graphic Thread**

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My guess is the injuries were inflicted to incapacitate the children so they couldn't try to escape the fire (however small chance of that was). This appears to be a very well planned murder-suicide and JP didn't want to leave anything to chance.
OMG, I just read the news. I'm in shock. As if what Josh did to his sons wasn't bad enough already.

I'm in tears. That the boys did not die from the injuries their father inflicted on them is just heartbreaking.

Oh dear God, why?

I now have zero doubt Josh was a monster. A living demon interested only in how much pain he could inflict on others.
I'm wondering how he corralled both boys to be able to do what he did. I would think that if the one that was hit second saw his brother being hit, he would run. I just can't wrap my mind around all this.

He may have started the fire already, so too afraid to run. One boy had 2 wounds, perhaps meaning trying to stop dad from harming the 1st.
He may have started the fire already, so too afraid to run. One boy had 2 wounds, perhaps meaning trying to stop dad from harming the 1st.

That fire spread very fast because he used gasoline so I really doubt he started the fire first. He would have passed out from carbon monoxide poisoning.
But even if he called them in one by one, the first one had to scream, which would have brought in the second. He had to be a monster to do all this. I guess desperation can do things to a person, but sometime, somewhere, somehow if a person is sane, they would wake up and say, "WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING"? Apparently he didn't and apparently the insanity just took over.
I posted on the first thread and now my post is gone. I would have thought they would be merged with this one??

I just can't believe this. As if things couldn't get any worse???

What a sick individual - to use a hatchet on his own children. It's beyond disgusting. He didn't care if those children suffered. It's almost as if he wanted them to suffer!

May Josh Powell rot in hell. I hope I'm allowed to say that here. He's the lowest of the low the doesn't even deserve to be called human.
But even if he called them in one by one, the first one had to scream, which would have brought in the second. He had to be a monster to do all this. I guess desperation can do things to a person, but sometime, somewhere, somehow if a person is sane, they would wake up and say, "WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING"? Apparently he didn't and apparently the insanity just took over.

This was not insanity; these were cold, calculated and evil acts of murder.
I'm wondering how he corralled both boys to be able to do what he did. I would think that if the one that was hit second saw his brother being hit, he would run. I just can't wrap my mind around all this.

On GMA they said he corralled them in a room behind the garage where the gas cans had been readied. He then lit the flames and attacked them. If that is the case how did they end up in the center of the house? See story at second link which contradicts the GMA report. :waitasec:
Yes, clearly very calculated to the last little detail, such as telling people to turn utilities off. Although why in the world he was worried about utilities is beyond my understanding, but maybe he was obsessed with utility bills while alive and couldn't let go?
How do you hatchet a child in the throat? I assume you hold them down. I assume the other ran or reacted, hence the two blows.

In the accounting I read it said 'neck'. I assumed it was the back of the neck and not the throat. Is there a report out there that says specifically 'throat'. It really doesn't matter whichever is horrendous. Beyond what I can imagine. He was pure evil. jmo
I'm having a difficult time with the timeline and details !?

1 - This was a Sunday. Do government case workers usually work on the weekends? They don't in my state.

2 - Is it SOP for 'supervised visitation' to occur at the home of the parent who is being supervised? Is this a discretionary call on behalf of the case worker/judge ? If so, why was this allowed?

3 - If the kids were attacked with a hatchet first and then the house suddenly 'erupted into a ball of flames', wouldn't they have died of burns/trauma instead of smoke inhalation?

4- I understand cause/effect of gas and a match but rarely does a house explode in the blink of an eye (like it does in the movies.)

I'm just having a hard time with the information that's been reported thus far and would like to know more about the case worker and the EXACT details of his/her story.

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